

Don’t panic (yet). Here are some troubleshooting steps to take when your computer fails to boot correctly.

不要惊慌(还)。 这是计算机无法正确启动时要采取的一些故障排除步骤。

By Whitson Gordon

通过 惠特森戈登

You sit down at your computer, push the power button just like you do every day, and…nothing happens. Maybe the computer doesn’t turn on at all, maybe it powers up but shuts right down, or maybe it blue screens. Whatever your issue, here are some troubleshooting steps to take when your computer won’t boot correctly.

就像每天一样,您坐在电脑旁,按下电源按钮,什么也没发生。 也许计算机根本无法开机,也许它开机但马上关机,或者它是蓝屏。 无论您遇到什么问题,都可以在计算机无法正常启动时采取一些故障排除步骤。

赋予更多权力 (Give ‘er More Power)

If your computer isn’t turning on at all — no fans are running, no lights are blinking, and nothing appears on screen — you probably have a power issue.


Unplug your computer and plug it directly into a wall outlet you know is working, rather than a power strip or battery backup that may be failing. Make sure the power switch on the back of your power supply is flipped on, and if the outlet is connected to a light switch, make sure that switch is turned on too.

拔下计算机插头,然后将其直接插入您知道可以正常工作的壁装电源插座,而不要插上可能出现故障的配电盘或备用电池。 确保电源背面的电源开关已打开,并且如果电源插座已连接至电灯开关,请确保电源开关也已打开。

If you’re using a laptop, make sure your charger is plugged in properly and to the correct port — if it charges via USB-C, only some of the USB ports may actually provide power. A failing power supply can often cause boot problems, even if the fans and lights do turn on. So if the troubleshooting steps in this guide fail you, it might be time to replace your power supply.

如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,请确保将充电器正确插入正确的端口中-如果通过USB-C充电,则实际上只有一部分USB端口可以提供电源。 即使风扇和指示灯确实打开,电源故障也常常会导致启动问题。 因此,如果本指南中的故障排除步骤使您失败,则可能是时候更换电源了。

检查显示器 (Check Your Monitor)

If the computer sounds like it’s turning on but you don’t see anything on the screen, the computer may be booting and the monitor just isn’t showing an image. Check to make sure your monitor is plugged in (again, try a wall outlet instead of a power strip), turned on, and set to the right input using the buttons on the side or bottom. You’ll also want to make sure the cable connecting your monitor to your PC hasn’t come loose.

如果计算机听起来像是在开机,但屏幕上看不到任何东西,则表明计算机可能正在启动,并且显示器 未显示图像 。 检查并确保显示器已插入电源(再次尝试使用壁装电源插座代替电源插座),并已打开电源,并使用侧面或底部的按钮将其设置为正确的输入。 您还需要确保将显示器连接到PC的电缆没有松动。

If you’re using a laptop, this may sound silly, but make sure the brightness is turned up. I’ve had multiple people ask me for help with a computer that won’t start, only to find the brightness was turned all the way down causing a black screen.

如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,这听起来可能很愚蠢,但是请确保将亮度调高。 我有多个人向我询问一台无法启动的计算机的帮助,结果却发现亮度一直被调低,导致黑屏。

If these fixes don’t help, try plugging your PC into another monitor if you have one — or even a TV — and see if Windows shows up there. If it does, your monitor may be dead, and you need to buy a new one.

如果这些修复方法无济于事,请尝试将PC插入另一台显示器(如果有一台显示器,甚至有一台电视),然后查看Windows是否在那里显示。 如果确实如此,则您的显示器可能已经坏了,您需要购买新的显示器。

听到提示音 (Listen for the Message at the Beep)

No, not on your answering machine. When your computer boots, it may make a beeping sound — usually a single beep means everything is A-okay. But if the computer is having trouble starting up, it may make a series of beeps (kind of like Morse code) that tell you what’s wrong.

不,不在您的答录机上。 当您的计算机启动时,它可能会发出哔哔声-通常只有一次哔哔声意味着一切正常。 但是,如果计算机无法启动,则可能会发出一系列蜂鸣声(类似于摩尔斯电码),告诉您出了什么问题。

Check the manual for your PC (or the PC’s motherboard, if you built it yourself) and figure out what the beeps mean. If you don’t have your manual, you can probably find it on the manufacturer’s website.

查看您的PC(或PC的主板 ,如果您自己制造)的手册,并弄清楚哔声的含义。 如果您没有手册,则可以在制造商的网站上找到它。

If your computer doesn’t beep at all, you might be out of luck — though some desktop PCs may have a header on the motherboard where you can install a cheap speaker, or might even have a digital display with a numerical code that corresponds to an error message.

如果您的计算机根本不发出哔哔声,则可能是您不走运-尽管某些台式机可能在主板上有一个接头,您可以在其中安装便宜的扬声器 ,甚至可能有一个数字显示屏,其数字代码对应于错误消息。

拔出不必要的USB设备 (Unplug Unnecessary USB Devices)

Before continuing, unplug anything superfluous from your computer — webcams, external hard drives, USB headsets. Try booting with just a keyboard and mouse (or even without a keyboard and mouse, if in dire straits) to see if one of your USB devices is causing a conflict.

在继续操作之前,请从计算机上拔下所有多余的东西-网络摄像头,外部硬盘驱动器,USB耳机。 尝试仅使用键盘和鼠标(或者如果不使用键盘和鼠标,如果处于困境)启动,以查看您的USB设备之一是否引起冲突。

In some circumstances, it may not even be the device itself, but the port on your computer. I’ve owned a PC that couldn’t get into Windows if something was plugged into the front USB port — once booted, the ports would work fine, but it needed to be empty during the boot process. The more variables you can eliminate, the better.

在某些情况下,它甚至可能不是设备本身,而是计算机上的端口。 我拥有一台PC,如果将某些东西插入前端USB端口,则无法进入Windows。一旦启动,这些端口就可以正常工作,但是在启动过程中需要清空。 您可以消除的变量越多越好。

重新安装内部硬件 (Reseat the Hardware Inside)

There’s a chance a component of your computer has come loose inside the case, especially if it was recently transported somewhere or if you were working inside of it.


If you’re comfortable opening your computer up, remove the side panel and make sure the components are properly seated in their respective sockets. That includes your RAM, graphics card, motherboard cables, and the CPU heatsink. Remove them completely, then plug them back in, ensuring they click in all the way.

如果您可以方便地打开计算机,请卸下侧面板并确保将组件正确固定在各自的插槽中。 其中包括您的RAM , 图形卡 ,主板电缆和CPU散热器。 完全将其卸下,然后重新插入,以确保它们完全卡入。

You might also try booting without certain hardware, like the graphics card or one of the RAM sticks, in case they’re faulty. (And if it doesn’t work with one RAM stick, try the other.)

您也可以尝试在没有某些硬件的情况下进行引导,例如图形卡或RAM棒之一,以防它们出现故障。 (如果一个RAM记忆棒不起作用,请尝试另一个。)

探索BIOS (Explore the BIOS)

If your computer turns on and you see the POST screen but can’t boot into Windows, certain settings may be causing a problem. For example, if you get an error stating that your computer can’t find a bootable operating system, it’s possible your BIOS is set to boot from the wrong drive. Or maybe your overclocking settings are causing the computer to blue screen immediately.

如果您的计算机已打开并且看到POST屏幕,但无法引导至Windows,则某些设置可能会引起问题。 例如,如果您收到一条错误消息,指出您的计算机找不到可引导的操作系统,则可能是BIOS设置为从错误的驱动器引导。 也许您的超频设置导致计算机立即蓝屏。

Enter your BIOS when the POST screen appears, usually by pressing Delete, F2, or some other key to enter setup. If you’ve tweaked any of these settings in the recent past, try changing them back. Make sure your Boot Order is set to the correct hard drive, your RAM is recognized, and that your CPU isn’t overheating (if it’s above 90 degrees Celsius in the BIOS, something is definitely wrong). You might also turn off the Fast Boot feature, in case a recent Windows Update is conflicting with it.

出现POST屏幕时,通常通过按Delete,F2或其他键进入设置程序来输入BIOS。 如果您最近对这些设置进行了调整,请尝试将其更改回。 确保将引导顺序设置为正确的硬盘驱动器,识别出RAM,并且您的CPU没有过热(如果BIOS中的温度高于90摄氏度,则肯定是错误的)。 如果最近的Windows Update与它发生冲突,您也可以关闭快速启动功能。

If all else fails, try resetting your BIOS settings across the board using the Load Optimized Defaults option. Just be sure to snap a few photos of your BIOS settings so you can set them back if that doesn’t work.

如果所有其他方法均失败,请尝试使用“加载优化的默认值”选项全面重置BIOS设置。 只需确保为您的BIOS设置拍摄几张照片,以便在无法使用时将其重新设置。

使用Live CD扫描病毒 (Scan for Viruses Using a Live CD)

It’s possible you have some nasty malware that’s preventing your computer from booting. But with a live environment like Hiren’s Boot CD, you can boot your computer from a CD or USB drive and scan your hard drive for malware without booting into Windows.

您可能有一些讨厌的恶意软件阻止了您的计算机启动。 但是,在像Hiren's Boot CD这样的实时环境中,您可以从CD或USB驱动器启动计算机,并扫描硬盘驱动器中的恶意软件,而无需启动Windows。

Download the ISO image from this page, and follow the instructions to “burn” it to a USB flash drive. Reboot your computer and access the Boot menu — usually by pressing F11, F12, or some other key defined at startup. Choose your USB drive from the boot menu, and it should boot into Hiren’s live environment.

从此页面下载ISO映像,然后按照说明将其“刻录”到USB闪存驱动器。 重新引导计算机并访问“引导”菜单-通常通过按F11,F12或其他在启动时定义的键来进行。 从启动菜单中选择您的USB驱动器,它将启动到Hiren的实时环境中。

From there, you can head into Utilities > Security and run a virus scan with ESET and a malware scan with Malwarebytes. If either program finds anything, it’ll let you know and attempt to fix it, which will hopefully allow you to boot into Windows once again.

从那里,您可以进入实用程序>安全性,并使用ESET运行病毒扫描和使用Malwarebytes运行恶意软件扫描。 如果任何一个程序找到了任何东西,它将让您知道并尝试对其进行修复,这将有望使您再次启动Windows。

启动进入安全模式 (Boot Into Safe Mode)

If you’re getting the Blue Screen of Death at startup, it could be a result of a bad application, driver issue, or other hardware quirk causing problems on boot. If you can, Google the stop code that appears and see if it gives you any insight into what’s wrong.

如果启动时出现“蓝屏死机”,则可能是由于应用程序错误,驱动程序问题或其他硬件异常导致启动问题所致。 如果可以的话,请谷歌显示出现的停止代码,看看它是否可以使您深入了解问题所在。

Chances are, though, you’ll have to boot into Safe Mode to fix the problem. This used to be an easy process in Windows 7, because all you had to do was press F8 as you booted up. It has become much trickier in later editions of Windows, but usually if you interrupt the boot process three times — say, by pressing the reset button as Windows tries to boot — it’ll take you to the Automatic Repair screen, where you can click Advanced Options.

但是,您有可能必须进入安全模式才能解决此问题。 在Windows 7中,这过去很容易,因为您要做的就是在启动时按F8键。 在更高版本的Windows中,它变得更加棘手,但是通常如果您中断启动过程三次(例如,在Windows尝试启动时按重置按钮),则会带您进入“自动修复”屏幕,您可以在其中单击高级选项。

Alternatively, you can create a Windows installation drive using a friend’s PC and boot from that directly, choosing your language and selecting Repair Your Computer when given the option. Either of these methods should eventually get you to the Choose an Option screen, where you can click Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings and reboot the computer. (If you don’t see the Startup Settings option, you may need to click “See More Recovery Options” along the bottom.)

或者,您可以使用朋友的PC 创建Windows安装驱动器 ,然后直接从该PC启动,选择您的语言,并在提供选项时选择“修复计算机”。 这两种方法最终都将带您进入“选择选项”屏幕,您可以在其中单击“ 疑难解答”>“高级选项”>“启动设置”,然后重新启动计算机。 (如果看不到“启动设置”选项,则可能需要单击底部的“查看更多恢复选项”。)

Your computer should then give you the option to boot into Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, or Safe Mode with Command Prompt. You can try any of these, though the most minimal Safe Mode is probably your best bet, unless you need to access the internet (in which case, choose Safe Mode with Networking). This will load Windows with only the most crucial drivers and services running.

然后,您的计算机应为您提供启动安全模式,带有网络的安全模式或带有命令提示符的安全模式的选项。 您可以尝试这些方法中的任何一种,尽管最低的安全模式可能是最好的选择,除非您需要访问Internet(在这种情况下,请选择带网络的安全模式)。 这将使Windows仅运行最关键的驱动程序和服务。

If you installed any new hardware recently, try uninstalling its drivers from Safe Mode. If you think a new application might be to blame, get rid of that too. BlueScreenView can help you look back through your most recent Blue Screens of Death to see the file that caused the problem, or any bug check strings and codes to Google.

如果最近安装了任何新硬件,请尝试从安全模式下卸载其驱动程序。 如果您认为应该归咎于一个新应用程序,那就也要摆脱它。 BlueScreenView可以帮助您回顾最近的“死亡蓝屏 ”,以查看引起问题的文件,或任何错误检查字符串和代码。

You might even try running System Restore to try and get your PC back to the last known working configuration. Reboot the PC normally to see if it fixed the problem. If not, you can enter Safe Mode again, or try moving on to one of the next troubleshooting steps in this guide.

您甚至可以尝试运行“ 系统还原”以尝试使您的PC恢复到最新的已知工作配置。 正常重启PC,看看它是否解决了问题。 否则,您可以再次进入安全模式,或尝试进入本指南中的下一故障排除步骤之一。

回滚有问题的Windows更新 (Roll Back a Problematic Windows Update)

If you recently installed a Windows Update — or you think Windows may have done so in the background without you realizing — it may have caused a conflict that rendered your computer inoperable. It’s annoying, but thankfully, Windows does offer the option to roll back to the previous version, even if you can’t get into Windows itself.

如果您最近安装了Windows Update,或者您认为Windows可能是在没有意识到的情况下在后台完成的,则可能引起了冲突,导致计算机无法正常运行。 这很烦人,但是值得庆幸的是,即使您无法进入Windows本身,Windows仍提供了回滚到以前版本的选项。

Head back to the Troubleshoot > Advanced Options menu using the instructions above, then choose Uninstall Updates. Try uninstalling the latest Quality Update, or — if you recently tried to upgrade to a new major version of Windows 10 — uninstall the latest Feature Update. If you’re lucky, this may get you back into Windows, at which point you can delay Windows updates until the kinks are worked out.

按照上述说明返回“ 疑难解答>高级选项”菜单,然后选择“卸载更新”。 尝试卸载最新的质量更新,或者-如果您最近尝试升级到Windows 10的新主版本,请卸载最新的功能更新。 如果幸运的话,这可能会使您重新进入Windows,这时您可以延迟Windows更新,直到解决问题为止。

检查硬盘是否损坏 (Check Your Hard Drive for Corruption)

It’s possible some data on the drive is corrupt, preventing Windows from booting properly. Thankfully, Microsoft has a few tools that can attempt to fix the problem.

驱动器上的某些数据可能已损坏,导致Windows无法正常启动。 值得庆幸的是,Microsoft有一些工具可以尝试解决此问题。

Head to the Troubleshoot > Advanced Options menu as described above and choose the Command Prompt. Type sfc /scannow and press Enter. Windows will check your drive for corruption and attempt to repair any problems.

如上所述,转到“ 疑难解答>高级选项”菜单,然后选择“命令提示符”。 输入sfc / scannow并按Enter。 Windows将检查驱动器是否损坏,并尝试修复任何问题。

You can also try the chkdsk C: /r command, which will do a broader search for file corruption and bad sectors. (If you have multiple drives, you may want to run wmic logicaldisk get volumename,name and replace the drive letter with the correct one from the resulting list.)

您也可以尝试使用chkdsk C:/ r命令,该命令将更广泛地搜索文件损坏和坏扇区。 (如果有多个驱动器,则可能要运行wmic logicaldisk以获取volumename,name并将驱动器号替换为结果列表中的正确驱动器号。)

修复损坏的Bootloader (Repair a Busted Bootloader)

Sometimes your Windows installation is fine, but the bootloader — the data that governs Windows’ boot process — is corrupted. This often happens if you clone your hard drive improperly, in which case you can try the cloning process again, making sure to clone the entire drive, not just the partition where Windows resides.

有时您的Windows安装很好,但是引导加载程序(控制Windows引导过程的数据)已损坏。 如果您不正确地克隆硬盘驱动器 ,通常会发生这种情况,在这种情况下,您可以再次尝试克隆过程,确保克隆整个驱动器,而不仅仅是克隆Windows所在的分区。

It can also happen if you try to dual-boot Linux or create new drive partitions and mess something up along the way. You’ll often get a message saying “Error loading operating system,” “Invalid partition table,” “FATA: No bootable medium found! System halted,” or something similar.

如果您尝试双重引导Linux或创建新的驱动器分区并在此过程中弄乱了某些东西,也会发生这种情况。 您经常会收到一条消息,提示“加载操作系统时出错”,“无效的分区表”,“ FATA:找不到可引导介质! 系统停止”或类似的内容。

If you have a good backup, you can try to repair the bootloader using Windows’ built-in tools, going to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options as described above, then choosing Startup Repair. I wouldn’t attempt these steps unless you have your files backed up, as messing with partitions can always risk the loss of data. You can also run the Command Prompt from this menu and try running one of the following commands:

如果备份良好,则可以尝试使用Windows内置工具修复引导加载程序,如上所述,依次转到“ 疑难解答”>“高级选项” ,然后选择“启动修复”。 除非您备份了文件,否则我不会尝试这些步骤,因为弄乱分区总是有可能丢失数据。 您也可以从此菜单运行命令提示符,然后尝试运行以下命令之一:

bootrec /fixmbrbootrec /fixbootbootrec /rebuildbcd

bootrec / fixmbrbootrec / fixbootbootrec / rebuildbcd

If that doesn’t work, repairing your bootloader may be more complicated due to newer EFI bootloaders — you can see instructions on doing so here — but it may be easier and faster to reinstall Windows from scratch and restore from your backup.

如果这不起作用,则由于更新的EFI引导加载程序,修复引导加载程序可能会更加复杂- 您可以在此处查看有关此操作的说明 -但从头开始重新安装Windows并从备份中还原可能更容易,更快。

在另一台PC上测试驱动器并祈祷 (Test the Drive in Another PC and Pray)

If all else fails and you don’t have a backup, take your hard drive out of your computer, connect it to a USB adapter, dock, or enclosure, and plug it into another known working PC. (Or, if you don’t have another PC, try booting from a Linux Live CD on your current machine.) As long as the drive is still working — a big “if” — you’ll at least be able to copy them onto an external drive for safekeeping before you reinstall Windows or send the PC in for repairs.

如果所有其他方法都失败了,并且您没有备份,请从计算机中取出硬盘驱动器,将其连接至USB 适配器 , 扩展坞或机箱 ,然后将其插入另一台可以正常运行的PC。 (或者,如果您没有其他PC,请尝试从当前计算机上的Linux Live CD引导 。)只要驱动器仍在工作-大“ if”-您至少可以复制它们重新安装Windows或将PC送修之前,请先将其保存到外部驱动器上以进行保管。

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.

最初发布在 https://www.pcmag

翻译自: https://medium/pcmag-access/what-to-do-when-your-computer-wont-start-cbafdd9da7b3

本文标签: 机时