


  • 1 Understanding Large Language Models
  • 1 理解大型语言模型
    • This chapter covers
    • 本章内容
      • 1.1 What is an LLM?
      • 1.2 Applications of LLMs
      • 1.3 Stages of building and using LLMs
      • 1.4 Introducing the transformer architecture
      • 1.5 Utilizing large datasets
      • 1.6 A closer look at the GPT architecture
      • 1.7 Building a large language model
      • 1.8 Summary

1 Understanding Large Language Models

1 理解大型语言模型

This chapter covers

  • High-level explanations of the fundamental concepts behind large language models (LLMs)
  • Insights into the transformer architecture from which LLMs, such as the ones used on the ChatGPT platform, are derived
  • A plan for building an LLM from scratch


  • 高层次解释大型语言模型(LLMs)背后的基本概念
  • 对LLMs(如ChatGPT平台上使用的模型)的transformer架构的深入理解
  • 从零开始构建LLM的计划

Large language models (LLMs), such as those offered in OpenAI’s ChatGPT, are deep neural network models that have been developed over the past few years. They ushered in a new era for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Before the advent of large language models, traditional methods excelled at categorization tasks such as email spam classification and straightforward pattern recognition that could be captured with handcrafted rules or simpler models. However, they typically underperformed in language tasks that demanded complex understanding and generation abilities, such as parsing detailed instructions, conducting contextual analysis, or creating coherent and contextually appropriate original text. For example, previous generations of language models could not write an email from a list of keywords—a task that is trivial for contemporary LLMs.


LLMs have remarkable capabilities to understand, generate, and interpret human language. However, it’s important to clarify that when we say language models “understand,” we mean that they can process and generate text in ways that appear coherent and contextually relevant, not that they possess human-like consciousness or comprehension.


Enabled by advancements in deep learning, which is a subset of machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) focused on neural networks, LLMs are trained on vast quantities of text data. This allows LLMs to capture deeper contextual information and subtleties of human language compared to previous approaches. As a result, LLMs have significantly improved performance in a wide range of NLP tasks, including text translation, sentiment analysis, question answering, and many more.


Another important distinction between contemporary LLMs and earlier NLP models is that these earlier NLP models were typically designed for specific tasks, for example, text categorization, language translation and so forth. Whereas those earlier NLP models excelled in their narrow applications, LLMs demonstrate a broader proficiency across a wide range of NLP tasks.


The success behind LLMs can be attributed to the transformer architecture which underpins many LLMs, and the vast amounts of data LLMs are trained on, allowing them to capture a wide variety of linguistic nuances, contexts, and patterns that would be challenging to manually encode.


This shift towards implementing models based on the transformer architecture and using large training datasets to train LLMs has fundamentally transformed NLP, providing more capable tools for understanding and interacting with human language.


Beginning with this chapter, we set the foundation to accomplish the primary objective of this book: understanding LLMs by implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM based on the transformer architecture step by step in code.


1.1 What is an LLM?

An LLM, a large language model, is a neural network designed to understand, generate, and respond to human-like text. These models are deep neural networks trained on massive amounts of text data, sometimes encompassing large portions of the entire publicly available text on the internet.


The “large” in large language model refers to both the model’s size in terms of parameters and the immense dataset on which it’s trained. Models like this often have tens or even hundreds of billions of parameters, which are the adjustable weights in the network that are optimized during training to predict the next word in a sequence. Next-word prediction is sensible because it harnesses the inherent sequential nature of language to train models on understanding context, structure, and relationships within text. Yet, it is a very simple task and so it is surprising to many researchers that it can produce such capable models. We will discuss and implement the next-word training procedure in later chapters step by step.


LLMs utilize an architecture called the transformer (covered in more detail in section 1.4), which allows them to pay selective attention to different parts of the input when making predictions, making them especially adept at handling the nuances and complexities of human language.


Since LLMs are capable of generating text, LLMs are also often referred to as a form of generative artificial intelligence (AI), often abbreviated as generative AI or GenAI. As illustrated in Figure 1.1, AI encompasses the broader field of creating machines that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence, including understanding language, recognizing patterns, and making decisions, and includes subfields like machine learning and deep learning.


Figure 1.1 As this hierarchical depiction of the relationship between the different fields suggests, LLMs represent a specific application of deep learning techniques, leveraging their ability to process and generate human-like text. Deep learning is a specialized branch of machine learning that focuses on using multi-layer neural networks. And machine learning and deep learning are fields aimed at implementing algorithms that enable computers to learn from data and perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.

图1.1 这一层次关系的图示表明,LLMs代表了深度学习技术的一个特定应用,利用其处理和生成类似人类文本的能力。深度学习是机器学习的一个专门分支,专注于使用多层神经网络。而机器学习和深度学习领域旨在实现使计算机能够从数据中学习并执行通常需要人类智能的任务的算法。

The algorithms used to implement AI are the focus of the field of machine learning. Specifically, machine learning involves the development of algorithms that can learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data without being explicitly programmed. To illustrate this, imagine a spam filter as a practical application of machine learning. Instead of manually writing rules to identify spam emails, a machine learning algorithm is fed examples of emails labeled as spam and legitimate emails. By minimizing the error in its predictions on a training dataset, the model then learns to recognize patterns and characteristics indicative of spam, enabling it to classify new emails as either spam or legitimate.


As illustrated in Figure 1.1, deep learning is a subset of machine learning that focuses on utilizing neural networks with three or more layers (also called deep neural networks) to model complex patterns and abstractions in data. In contrast to deep learning, traditional machine learning requires manual feature extraction. This means that human experts need to identify and select the most relevant features for the model.

While the field of AI is nowadays dominated by machine learning and deep learning, it also includes other approaches, for example, using rule-based systems, genetic algorithms, expert systems, fuzzy logic, or symbolic reasoning.


Returning to the spam classification example, in traditional machine learning, human experts might manually extract features from email text such as the frequency of certain trigger words (“prize,” “win,” “free”), the number of exclamation marks, use of all uppercase words, or the presence of suspicious links. This dataset, created based on these expert-defined features, would then be used to train the model. In contrast to traditional machine learning, deep learning does not require manual feature extraction. This means that human experts do not need to identify and select the most relevant features for a deep learning model. (However, in both traditional machine learning and deep learning for spam classification, you still require the collection of labels, such as spam or non-spam, which need to be gathered either by an expert or users.)


The upcoming sections will cover some of the problems LLMs can solve today, the challenges that LLMs address, and the general LLM architecture, which we will implement in this book.


1.2 Applications of LLMs

Owing to their advanced capabilities to parse and understand unstructured text data, LLMs have a broad range of applications across various domains. Today, LLMs are employed for machine translation, generation of novel texts (see Figure 1.2), sentiment analysis, text summarization, and many other tasks. LLMs have recently been used for content creation, such as writing fiction, articles, and even computer code.


Figure 1.2 LLM interfaces enable natural language communication between users and AI systems. This screenshot shows ChatGPT writing a poem according to a user’s specifications.

图1.2 LLM界面使用户和AI系统之间的自然语言交流成为可能。此屏幕截图显示ChatGPT根据用户的规格编写诗歌。

LLMs can also power sophisticated chatbots and virtual assistants, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Google’s Gemini (formerly called Bard), which can answer user queries and augment traditional search engines such as Google Search or Microsoft Bing.

LLMs还可以驱动复杂的聊天机器人和虚拟助手,如OpenAI的ChatGPT或Google的Gemini(前称Bard),它们可以回答用户查询并增强传统搜索引擎如Google Search或Microsoft Bing的功能。

Moreover, LLMs may be used for effective knowledge retrieval from vast volumes of text in specialized areas such as medicine or law. This includes sifting through documents, summarizing lengthy passages, and answering technical questions.


In short, LLMs are invaluable for automating almost any task that involves parsing and generating text. Their applications are virtually endless, and as we continue to innovate and explore new ways to use these models, it’s clear that LLMs have the potential to redefine our relationship with technology, making it more conversational, intuitive, and accessible.


In this book, we will focus on understanding how LLMs work from the ground up, coding an LLM that can generate texts. We will also learn about techniques that allow LLMs to carry out queries, ranging from answering questions to summarizing text, translating text into different languages, and more. In other words, in this book, we will learn how complex LLM assistants such as ChatGPT work by building one step by step.


1.3 Stages of building and using LLMs

Why should we build our own LLMs? Coding an LLM from the ground up is an excellent exercise to understand its mechanics and limitations. Also, it equips us with the required knowledge for pretraining or finetuning existing open-source LLM architectures to our own domain-specific datasets or tasks.


Research has shown that when it comes to modeling performance, custom-built LLMs—those tailored for specific tasks or domains—can outperform general-purpose LLMs, such as those provided by ChatGPT, which are designed for a wide array of applications. Examples of this include BloombergGPT, which is specialized for finance, and LLMs that are tailored for medical question answering (please see the Further Reading and References section in Appendix B for more details).


Using custom-built LLMs offers several advantages, particularly regarding data privacy. For instance, companies may prefer not to share sensitive data with third-party LLM providers like OpenAI due to confidentiality concerns. Additionally, developing custom LLMs enables deployment directly on customer devices, such as laptops and smartphones, which is something companies like Apple are currently exploring. This local implementation can significantly decrease latency and reduce server-related costs. Furthermore, custom LLMs grant developers complete autonomy, allowing them to control updates and modifications to the model as needed.


The general process of creating an LLM includes pretraining and finetuning. The term “pre” in “pretraining” refers to the initial phase where a model like an LLM is trained on a large, diverse dataset to develop a broad understanding of language. This pretrained model then serves as a foundational resource that can be further refined through finetuning, a process where the model is specifically trained on a narrower dataset that is more specific to particular tasks or domains. This two-stage training approach consisting of pretraining and finetuning is depicted in Figure 1.3.


As illustrated in Figure 1.3, the first step in creating an LLM is to train it on a large corpus of text data, sometimes referred to as raw text. Here, “raw” refers to the fact that this data is just regular text without any labeling information. (Filtering may be applied, such as removing formatting characters or documents in unknown languages.)


This first training stage of an LLM is also known as pretraining, creating an initial pretrained LLM, often called a base or foundation model. A typical example of such a model is the GPT-3 model (the precursor of the original model offered in ChatGPT). This model is capable of text completion, that is, finishing a half-written sentence provided by a user. It also has limited few-shot capabilities, which means it can learn to perform new tasks based on only a few examples instead of needing extensive training data. This is further illustrated in the next section, Introducing the transformer architecture.


After obtaining a pretrained LLM from training on large text datasets, where the LLM is trained to predict the next word in the text, we can further train the LLM on labeled data, also known as finetuning.


The two most popular categories of finetuning LLMs include instruction-finetuning and finetuning for classification tasks. In instruction-finetuning, the labeled dataset consists of instruction and answer pairs, such as a query to translate a text accompanied by the correctly translated text. In classification finetuning, the labeled dataset consists of texts and associated class labels, for example, emails associated with spam and non-spam labels.


In this book, we will cover both code implementations for pretraining and finetuning an LLM, and we will delve deeper into the specifics of instruction-finetuning and finetuning for classification later in this book after pretraining a base LLM.


Figure 1.3 Pretraining an LLM involves next-word prediction on large text datasets. A pretrained LLM can then be finetuned using a smaller labeled dataset.

图1.3 预训练LLM涉及在大型文本数据集上进行下一词预测。然后可以使用较小的标记数据集对预训练的LLM进行微调。

1.4 Introducing the transformer architecture

Most modern LLMs rely on the transformer architecture, which is a deep neural network architecture introduced in the 2017 paper Attention Is All You Need. To understand LLMs we briefly have to go over the original transformer, which was originally developed for machine translation, translating English texts to German and French. A simplified version of the transformer architecture is depicted in Figure 1.4.

大多数现代LLMs依赖于transformer架构,这是一种在2017年论文《Attention Is All You Need》中引入的深度神经网络架构。为了理解LLMs,我们简要回顾一下最初的transformer,它最初是为机器翻译开发的,将英文文本翻译成德文和法文。图1.4展示了transformer架构的简化版本。

Figure 1.4 A simplified depiction of the original transformer architecture, which is a deep learning model for language translation. The transformer consists of two parts, an encoder that processes the input text and produces an embedding representation (a numerical representation that captures many different factors in different dimensions) of the text that the decoder can use to generate the translated text one word at a time. Note that this figure shows the final stage of the translation process where the decoder has to generate only the final word (“Beispiel”), given the original input text (“This is an example”) and a partially translated sentence (“Das ist ein”), to complete the translation.

图1.4 原始transformer架构的简化描述,这是一种用于语言翻译的深度学习模型。transformer由两个部分组成,一个是处理输入文本并生成嵌入表示(一个在不同维度上捕捉许多不同因素的数值表示)的编码器,解码器可以用来一次生成一个单词的翻译文本。请注意,此图显示了翻译过程的最后阶段,解码器只需生成最后一个单词(“Beispiel”),给定原始输入文本(“This is an example”)和部分翻译的句子(“Das ist ein”),以完成翻译。

The transformer architecture depicted in Figure 1.4 consists of two submodules, an encoder and a decoder. The encoder module processes the input text and encodes it into a series of numerical representations or vectors that capture the contextual information of the input. Then, the decoder module takes these encoded vectors and generates the output text from them. In a translation task, for example, the encoder would encode the text from the source language into vectors, and the decoder would decode these vectors to generate text in the target language. Both the encoder and decoder consist of many layers connected by a so-called self-attention mechanism. You may have many questions regarding how the inputs are preprocessed and encoded. These will be addressed in a step-by-step implementation in the subsequent chapters.


A key component of transformers and LLMs is the self-attention mechanism (not shown), which allows the model to weigh the importance of different words or tokens in a sequence relative to each other. This mechanism enables the model to capture long-range dependencies and contextual relationships within the input data, enhancing its ability to generate coherent and contextually relevant output. However, due to its complexity, we will defer the explanation to chapter 3, where we will discuss and implement it step by step. Moreover, we will also discuss and implement the data preprocessing steps to create the model inputs in chapter 2, Working with Text Data.


Later variants of the transformer architecture, such as the so-called BERT (short for bidirectional encoder representations from transformers) and the various GPT models (short for generative pretrained transformers), built on this concept to adapt this architecture for different tasks. (References can be found in Appendix B.)


BERT, which is built upon the original transformer’s encoder submodule, differs in its training approach from GPT. While GPT is designed for generative tasks, BERT and its variants specialize in masked word prediction, where the model predicts masked or hidden words in a given sentence as illustrated in Figure 1.5. This unique training strategy equips BERT with strengths in text classification tasks, including sentiment prediction and document categorization. As an application of its capabilities, as of this writing, Twitter uses BERT to detect toxic content.


Figure 1.5 A visual representation of the transformer’s encoder and decoder submodules. On the left, the encoder segment exemplifies BERT-like LLMs, which focus on masked word prediction and are primarily used for tasks like text classification. On the right, the decoder segment showcases GPT-like LLMs, designed for generative tasks and producing coherent text sequences.

图1.5 transformer的编码器和解码器子模块的可视化表示。左侧的编码器部分示例了类似BERT的LLMs,它们专注于掩码词预测,主要用于文本分类等任务。右侧的解码器部分展示了类似GPT的LLMs,设计用于生成任务并生成连贯的文本序列。

GPT, on the other hand, focuses on the decoder portion of the original transformer architecture and is designed for tasks that require generating texts. This includes machine translation, text summarization, fiction writing, writing computer code, and more. We will discuss the GPT architecture in more detail in the remaining sections of this chapter and implement it from scratch in this book.


GPT models, primarily designed and trained to perform text completion tasks, also show remarkable versatility in their capabilities. These models are adept at executing both zero-shot and few-shot learning tasks. Zero-shot learning refers to the ability to generalize to completely unseen tasks without any prior specific examples. On the other hand, few-shot learning involves learning from a minimal number of examples the user provides as input, as shown in Figure 1.6.


Figure 1.6 In addition to text completion, GPT-like LLMs can solve various tasks based on their inputs without needing retraining, finetuning, or task-specific model architecture changes. Sometimes, it is helpful to provide examples of the target within the input, which is known as a few-shot setting. However, GPT-like LLMs are also capable of carrying out tasks without a specific example, which is called zero-shot setting.

图1.6 除了文本完成外,类似GPT的LLMs可以根据其输入解决各种任务,而无需重新训练、微调或特定任务的模型架构更改。有时,提供目标示例在输入中是有帮助的,这称为少样本设置。然而,类似GPT的LLMs也能够在没有特定示例的情况下执行任务,这称为零样本设置。

1.5 Utilizing large datasets

The large training datasets for popular GPT- and BERT-like models represent diverse and comprehensive text corpora encompassing billions of words, which include a vast array of topics and natural and computer languages. To provide a concrete example, Table 1.1 summarizes the dataset used for pretraining GPT-3, which served as the base model for the first version of ChatGPT.


Table 1.1 The pretraining dataset of the popular GPT-3 LLM

表1.1 流行的GPT-3 LLM的预训练数据集

Dataset nameDataset descriptionNumber of tokensProportion in training data
CommonCrawl (filtered)Web crawl data410 billion60%
WebText2Web crawl data19 billion22%
Books1Internet-based book corpus12 billion8%
Books2Internet-based book corpus55 billion8%
WikipediaHigh-quality text3 billion3%


The main takeaway is that the scale and diversity of this training dataset allows these models to perform well on diverse tasks including language syntax, semantics, and context, and even some requiring general knowledge.



Table 1.1 displays the dataset used for GPT-3. The proportions column in the table sums up to 100% of the sampled data, adjusted for rounding errors. Although the subsets in the “Number of Tokens” column total 509 billion, the model was trained on only 300 billion tokens. The authors of the GPT-3 paper did not specify why the model was not trained on all 509 billion tokens.


For context, consider the size of the CommonCrawl dataset, which alone consists of 410 billion tokens and requires about 570 GB of storage. In comparison, later iterations of models like GPT-3, such as Meta’s LLaMA, have expanded their training scope to include additional data sources like Arxiv research papers (92 GB) and StackExchange’s code-related Q&As (78 GB).


The authors of the GPT-3 paper did not share the training dataset but a comparable dataset that is publicly available is Dolma: an Open Corpus of Three Trillion Tokens for LLM Pretraining Research by Soldaini et al. 2024 (https://arxiv/abs/2402.00159). However, the collection may contain copyrighted works, and the exact usage terms may depend on the intended use case and country.


The pretrained nature of these models makes them incredibly versatile for further finetuning on downstream tasks, which is why they are also known as base or foundation models. Pretraining LLMs requires access to significant resources and is very expensive. For example, the GPT-3 pretraining cost is estimated to be $4.6 million in terms of cloud computing credits.


The good news is that many pretrained LLMs, available as open-source models, can be used as general purpose tools to write, extract, and edit texts that were not part of the training data. Also, LLMs can be finetuned on specific tasks with relatively smaller datasets, reducing the computational resources needed and improving performance on the specific task.


In this book, we will implement the code for pretraining and use it to pretrain an LLM for educational purposes. All computations will be executable on consumer hardware. After implementing the pretraining code we will learn how to reuse openly available model weights and load them into the architecture we will implement, allowing us to skip the expensive pretraining stage when we finetune LLMs later in this book.


1.6 A closer look at the GPT architecture

Previously in this chapter, we mentioned the terms GPT-like models, GPT-3, and ChatGPT. Let’s now take a closer look at the general GPT architecture. First, GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer and was originally introduced in the following paper:


  • Improving Language Understanding by Generative Pre-Training (2018) by Radford et al. from OpenAI, http://cdn.openai/research-covers/language-unsupervised/language_understanding_paper.pdf

  • 由OpenAI的Radford等人撰写的《通过生成预训练改进语言理解》(2018年),http://cdn.openai/research-covers/language-unsupervised/language_understanding_paper.pdf

GPT-3 is a scaled-up version of this model that has more parameters and was trained on a larger dataset. And the original model offered in ChatGPT was created by finetuning GPT-3 on a large instruction dataset using a method from OpenAI’s InstructGPT paper, which we will cover in more detail in chapter 7, Finetuning with Human Feedback to Follow Instructions. As we have seen earlier in Figure 1.6, these models are competent text completion models and can carry out other tasks such as spelling correction, classification, or language translation. This is actually very remarkable given that GPT models are pretrained on a relatively simple next-word prediction task, as illustrated in Figure 1.7.


Figure 1.7 In the next-word pretraining task for GPT models, the system learns to predict the upcoming word in a sentence by looking at the words that have come before it. This approach helps the model understand how words and phrases typically fit together in language, forming a foundation that can be applied to various other tasks.

图1.7 在GPT模型的下一词预训练任务中,系统通过查看之前出现的单词来学习预测句子中的下一个单词。这种方法帮助模型理解单词和短语在语言中通常如何组合在一起,形成可以应用于各种其他任务的基础。

The next-word prediction task is a form of self-supervised learning, which is a form of self-labeling. This means that we don’t need to collect labels for the training data explicitly but can leverage the structure of the data itself: we can use the next word in a sentence or document as the label that the model is supposed to predict. Since this next-word prediction task allows us to create labels “on the fly,” it is possible to leverage massive unlabeled text datasets to train LLMs as previously discussed in section 1.5, Utilizing large datasets.


Compared to the original transformer architecture we covered in section 1.4, the general GPT architecture is relatively simple. Essentially, it’s just the decoder part without the encoder as illustrated in Figure 1.8. Since decoder-style models like GPT generate text by predicting text one word at a time, they are considered a type of autoregressive model. Autoregressive models incorporate their previous outputs as inputs for future predictions. Consequently, in GPT, each new word is chosen based on the sequence that precedes it, which improves coherence of the resulting text.


Architectures such as GPT-3 are also significantly larger than the original transformer model. For instance, the original transformer repeated the encoder and decoder blocks six times. GPT-3 has 96 transformer layers and 175 billion parameters in total.


Figure 1.8 The GPT architecture employs only the decoder portion of the original transformer. It is designed for unidirectional, left-to-right processing, making it well-suited for text generation and next-word prediction tasks to generate text in iterative fashion one word at a time.

图1.8 GPT架构仅使用原始transformer的解码器部分。它设计用于单向的、从左到右的处理,使其非常适合文本生成和下一词预测任务,通过迭代方式一次生成一个单词。

GPT-3 was introduced in 2020, which, by the standards of deep learning and large language model (LLM) development, is considered a long time ago. However, more recent architectures, such as Meta’s LLaMA models, are still based on the same underlying concepts, introducing only minor modifications. Hence, understanding GPT remains as relevant as ever, and this book focuses on implementing the prominent architecture behind GPT while providing pointers to specific tweaks employed by alternative LLMs.


Lastly, it’s interesting to note that although the original transformer model, consisting of encoder and decoder blocks, was explicitly designed for language translation, GPT models—despite their larger yet simpler decoder-only architecture aimed at next-word prediction—are also capable of performing translation tasks. This capability was initially unexpected to researchers, as it emerged from a model primarily trained on a next-word prediction task, which is a task that did not specifically target translation.


The ability to perform tasks that the model wasn’t explicitly trained to perform is called an “emergent behavior.” This capability isn’t explicitly taught during training but emerges as a natural consequence of the model’s exposure to vast quantities of multilingual data in diverse contexts. The fact that GPT models can “learn” the translation patterns between languages and perform translation tasks even though they weren’t specifically trained for it demonstrates the benefits and capabilities of these large-scale, generative language models. We can perform diverse tasks without using diverse models for each.


1.7 Building a large language model

In this chapter, we laid the groundwork for understanding LLMs. In the remainder of this book, we will be coding one from scratch. We will take the fundamental idea behind GPT as a blueprint and tackle this in three stages, as outlined in Figure 1.9.


Figure 1.9 The stages of building LLMs covered in this book include implementing the LLM architecture and data preparation process, pretraining an LLM to create a foundation model, and finetuning the foundation model to become a personal assistant or text classifier.

图1.9 本书涵盖的构建LLMs的阶段包括实现LLM架构和数据准备过程,预训练一个LLM以创建基础模型,以及微调基础模型成为个人助手或文本分类器。

First, we will learn about the fundamental data preprocessing steps and code the attention mechanism that is at the heart of every LLM.


Next, in stage 2, we will learn how to code and pretrain a GPT-like LLM capable of generating new texts. And we will also go over the fundamentals of evaluating LLMs, which is essential for developing capable NLP systems.


Note that pretraining an LLM from scratch is a significant endeavor, demanding thousands to millions of dollars in computing costs for GPT-like models. Therefore, the focus of stage 2 is on implementing training for educational purposes using a small dataset. In addition, the book will also provide code examples for loading openly available model weights.


Finally, in stage 3, we will take a pretrained LLM and finetune it to follow instructions such as answering queries or classifying texts – the most common tasks in many real-world applications and research.


I hope you are looking forward to embarking on this exciting journey!


1.8 Summary

LLMs have transformed the field of natural language processing, which previously mostly relied on explicit rule-based systems and simpler statistical methods. The advent of LLMs introduced new deep learning-driven approaches that led to advancements in understanding, generating, and translating human language.


Modern LLMs are trained in two main steps.

  • First, they are pretrained on a large corpus of unlabeled text by using the prediction of the next word in a sentence as a “label.”
  • Then, they are finetuned on a smaller, labeled target dataset to follow instructions or perform classification tasks.


  • 首先,它们在大量未标记文本语料库上预训练,使用句子中下一个单词的预测作为“标签”。
  • 然后,它们在较小的标记目标数据集上微调,以遵循指令或执行分类任务。

LLMs are based on the transformer architecture. The key idea of the transformer architecture is an attention mechanism that gives the LLM selective access to the whole input sequence when generating the output text.


The original transformer architecture consists of an encoder for parsing text and a decoder for generating text.


LLMs for generating text and following instructions, such as GPT-3 and ChatGPT, only implement decoder modules, simplifying the architecture.


Large datasets consisting of billions of words are essential for pretraining LLMs. In this book, we will implement and train LLMs on small datasets for educational purposes but also see how we can load openly available model weights.


While the general pretraining task for GPT-like models is to predict the next word in a sentence, these LLMs exhibit “emergent” properties such as capabilities to classify, translate, or summarize texts.


Once an LLM is pretrained, the resulting foundation model can be finetuned more efficiently for various downstream tasks.


LLMs finetuned on custom datasets can outperform general LLMs on specific tasks.


Readers with a background in machine learning may note that labeling information is typically required for traditional machine learning models and deep neural networks trained via the conventional supervised learning paradigm. However, this is not the case for the pretraining stage of LLMs. In this phase, LLMs leverage self-supervised learning, where the model generates its own labels from the input data. This concept is covered later in this chapter.


GPT-3, The $4,600,000 Language Model, https://www.reddit/r/MachineLearning/comments/h0jwoz/d_gpt3_the_4600000_language_model/


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