


Abstract 1

A computer is an electronic device that can receive a set of instructions, or program, and then carry out this program by performing calculations on numerical data or by compiling and correlating other forms of information . The types of computers are mainly inclusive of Microcomputer,?? Microcomputer,?? Mainframe?? Computer and Supercomputer,?? etc.?????? Microminiaturization, the effort to compress more circuit elements into smaller and smaller chip space is becoming the major trend in computer development. Besides, researchers are trying to develop more powerful and more advanced computers.


Abstract 2

Secondary memory has two features that can not be provided by RAM memory. First, while RAM memory may not be large enough to hold all of the data that a program needs, secondary storage can be arbitrarily large. Secondary storage is a fast accurate, inexpensive, high-capacity, nonvolatile extension of main memory. The least expensive of the secondary storage media is magnetic cassette. The most common microcomputer secondary storage medium is diskette or floppy disk. Data stored on hard disk can be accessed far more rapidly than data stored on diskette. And hard disk storage capacity is considerably large. An optical disk can hold 650 megabytes of data, the equivalent of hundreds of floppy disks. Moreover, an optical disk makes an immense amount of information available on a microcomputer. CD-ROM, WORM, Erasable Optical Disks are becoming popular because of large capacity and flexibility. U-disk is a new high tech product, which has attracted the world’s attention.

辅助存贮器有两个特征是随机存取内存不能提供的。首先,随机存取内存没有足够大的空间容纳一个程序的数据;其次,二级缓存的大小不定。二级缓存是主内存的一个快捷、廉价、高容量的长期的扩展。最便宜的二级存储介质是磁性卡式磁带. 微机最常见的二级存储介质是磁盘或软盘。存储到硬盘的数据访问起来比存储在软盘的数据快。因为硬盘存储容量是相当大的。一张光盘可容纳650兆字节的数据,相当于数百张磁盘的容量。此外,光盘极大地增加了微型机算计的信息容量。光盘驱动器,蠕虫,可擦写的光盘由于其容量大和灵活性变得大受

本文标签: 英语短文计算机专业计算机文章