


2019年 12月第一篇 (描述荷花lotus)

色彩鲜艳 feature bright color
绽放/闭合 bloom/close
花期长达二三个月 flowering period of up to two or three months
吸引来自各地的游客前往参观 attract tourists across the country to appreciate it
荷花具有多种功能 The lotus flower has multiple functions. (后面可以加that 然后阐述具体有什么功能)
既…又…还… 这种句子可以用 not only … but also …

例如 文中的翻译:既能绿化水面,又能美化庭院,还能净化水质、减少污染、改善环境。
Not only can it green water and beautify courtyards ,but it can also purify water,reduce pollution and improve environment.

迎骄阳而不惧,出淤泥而不染 not fear the strong sunshine and come out of the dirty mud unsoiled
象征 is regard as the symbol of …
纯洁 高雅 purity and elegance
比喻人的高尚品格 metaphor for a person’s noble character


The places where the lotus is in full bloom are also frequented by many photography enthusiasts.

湖泊和池塘 lake pool pond

2019年 12月第二篇 (描述牡丹peony)

形象高雅 elegant image
象征着和平与繁荣 symbolize peace and prosperity (繁荣:flourish prosper)
培育和种植 is cultivated and planted
千百年来 for thousands of years / over thousands of years
赞扬 sing the praises of …
朝代 dynasty (唐朝 : The Tang Dynasty )
皇室的 imperial / royal
国花 national flower
世纪 century
洛阳古城 the ancient of Luoyang
一直保持到… have maintained up to …
蜂拥而来 flock to …/ come in…/ pour in …
年度的 annual
九朝古都的历史 history of the ancient capital of nine dynasties

2019年 12月第三篇 (描述梅花plum blossom)

隆冬 dead of winter
绽放 blossom / flower
坚强 纯洁 高雅: toughness / purity / elegance
不畏艰难,砥砺前行 brave hardship and forge ahead
自古以来 since ancient times
家庭装饰 home decorations
获取灵感 get inspiration
无数地 countless
不朽的 immortal
将…定为 have designated … as …


人口众多 (a country) with a large population / have an enormous population / encompass a large population
地域辽阔 boast a vast territory
方言在发音上差异最大,在词汇和语法上差异较小 dialects vary greatly in pronunciation but slightly in vocabulary and grammar.
被认为… is/are considered as
一个组成部分 an integral of …
持续下降 undergo a continuous decrease
当地政府采取了一些措施 some local governments have taken measurements , such as …
开设课程 set up courses
当地的文化遗产 local culture heritage


差异 difference / distinction
在于 lie in …
由…组成 make up of
…,但… although +完整句子 , 完整句子
统一的 unified
在翻译中发挥了重要的作用可翻译为play an important role in… play a vital role in…
随着中国经济的快速发展和全球影响力的增强 with the rapid growth of China’s economy and the enhancement of global influence


由…组成 is composed of …
汉字 Chinese character
独特的表达方式 a unique expression
高度简练且形式固定 highly concise and fixed in form
表达深刻的含义 express deep meaning
简明的 brief
形象地 vividly
文学作品 literature
文学创作 literary creation
神话,传说和历史事件 myth,legend and historical event

本文标签: 英语笔记