


I started my professional journey as a software developer around six years ago. I remember the struggle in my first couple of years. Everything from coding to process is new for me. I’ve been privileged to have a few mentors who made this journey easier. Yet, there were few lessons I learned the hard way.


Software development is a complex process that the name hardly justifies. There were many things that I learned about programming, process, and soft skills so far. I wish someone would’ve told me these things a few years back.


Now, I’ve become a senior programmer and work with many junior programmers around me. I see them making the same mistakes that I did. Sometimes, it is good to learn from your mistakes, but a little advice can save you the pain as well.


In this article, I want to share ten things from my experience so far with fellow programmers. I hope this can help them to become better programmers.

Let’s get started.



1. Do Not Rush To Coding

I remember when I started as a junior programmer, I start coding whenever a task was assigned. I do not give enough time to understand the problem. This causes me the trouble of rework, bugs, and last moment changes in my code.

My senior once told me to give enough time for problem analysis before rushing to code. Coding is merely a by-product of a good programmer. Their best quality is to analyze and find a solution.

If you give 70% of your time in problem analysis, then it will hardly take 30% to code it.

Never start coding until you are clear on the problem. Ask queries upfront and then open your editor.

1 不要急于编码


我的 Senior 曾经告诉我,在匆忙编写代码之前,要有足够的时间进行问题分析。编码只是一个好程序员的副产品。他们最好的品质是分析并找到解决方案。



2. Spoonfeeding Won’t Help

I was working on this legacy project as a fresher. It was quite overwhelming for someone having zero experience. The architecture was complex and so was the code.

Every time I was assigned some task, I tried for a while to find out a solution, and then reached out to my seniors within the team. One time, my senior told me during a teak break:

“Shubham, you are doing good. I know it’s difficult for a fresher to adjust in such a complex project. I want you to know we all are here to help you, but you need to deep dive into the problem. If every time we’ll help you, then it is spoonfeeding which won’t help you in the long run.”

That day I realized, I need to give my 200% before reaching out to others. I can’t win the battle if someone else is fighting for me.

2 用勺子喂也没用





3. Assumptions Are Dangerous

Assumptions are an unnecessary invitation to the bugs in any application. Do not assume anything on your own. I’ve made this mistake as a developer many times in my career.

Do not try to fill the gaps in your tasks with assumptions. Discuss it with your team. Ask questions to your BAs (business analysts), team members, and managers before committing to it.

“Without requirements or design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an empty text file.” — Louis Srygley

This is the most common reason in the software industry for defects. Better communication not only helps the team to deliver their best but also helps to avoid these defects.

3 假设是危险的





4. Code for People, Not Machines

Sometimes as a developer sitting in front of machines, we forget that we are coding for people. It is as important to write clean code as writing executable code.

Many developers can write complex code, but it makes a difference when you write readable code. It is important to understand that your code is legacy. Other developers are going to take it up in the future and look upon your work.

“Making your code readable is as important as making it executable.” — James O. Coplien

Give meaningful names to your variables and classes. Comments are important for your code. It should fulfill three purposes: what it does, why it exists, and how it is used.

4 编写可读性强的代码,而不是面向机器编程





5. Read Other Author’s Work

Software development is a continuous journey of learning and improving. You will eventually out-best your past self. Most developers focus on writing code, but reading other programmer’s code is what makes you wiser.

A developer writes code based on their past experiences. Their code is based on their logical ability. Reading other people’s code gives you the privilege to understand how they think. I’ve learned a lot from reading other developers’ code in my team.

It can improve your coding and helps to learn new things. That’s why many projects have policies of peer programming. As a developer, we should share our experiences with our fellow developers to grow ourselves.

5 阅读别人的代码





6. Back Your Code With Unit Testing

Unit testing is important for developers. It not only helps you to achieve code coverage but also saves from defects in the later stages. It is important to remove unnecessary lines of code without impacting the overall functionality.

As a developer, we should write test cases for every new module. It makes our application more robust. There are several unit testing frameworks out there.

You can discuss test scenarios with other team members to make sure about the code coverage. Many projects have some minimum allowed code coverage. Try to achieve as much as possible in your case.

6 写单元测试




7. Don’t Stop at a Single Solution

I’ve observed this quality of good programmers for finding multiple solutions to a problem. I usually stop thinking about a problem once I find a solution.

It might be possible that in some cases, there is no other possibility. But many times, we can find more than a single solution for the given problem. There are several benefits of doing so.

It helps us to think from some different perspectives to find an alternative solution. This improves our logical ability. Also, having multiple solutions gives us the privilege to choose the best among them.

7 不要停留在一个单一的解决方案




8. Refactor Your Old Code

I’ve learned this practice from one of my seniors. I once saw him making code changes to an already closed task. I asked him why he’s doing so, and he said:

“I’ve developed this habit of changing my old code when I don’t have enough on my plate. I analyze my past code. If refactoring possible, then I create a change request and update the code. It helps me to improve as a developer and also keeps the codebase up to date.”

As a practice, you should try to look out for possibilities in your codebase. It is not necessary that you have to change your own code, but anything you find in the solution that could be refactored.

8 重构你的代码




9. Don’t Stress Out at Once

There were times when I was constantly glaring at my screen till the time my eyes were about to fall off. Sometimes, it happens that after trying multiple things, we are nowhere close to the solution. That’s completely OK.

It happens to almost every developer. You need to understand when to walk away from the system. A small break can help you to think from a different perspective rather than reiterating with the same approach.

I’ve found solutions to many problems after taking a break. A fresh mind can help you to see things more clearly that were not visible earlier. Take a break instead of breaking the code.

9 适当放松一下,跳出格子




10. Roll Out Your Updates

As we have discussed, software development is a continuous journey of learning. It is a challenging career where new technologies and frameworks come every other year.

Programmers need to update themselves, just like their software, to stay relevant in the market.

Good programmers keep themselves updated by reading official docs, tech blogs, and news. Stay updated with current trends in your technical skills. It helps you to learn, grow and improve as a programmer.

Your ability to learn and adapt defines you as a programmer. You are as good as your code. If you are updated, so will your code be.

10 不断学习,提升水平





Final Thoughts

These are some of the lessons that I’ve learned in the last couple of years. It is important to understand that companies hire good engineers, not good coders.

As a junior programmer, you will eventually learn these things. Don’t hesitate to make mistakes. It helps you to improve and grow in your career. Keeping these things in mind will make the journey more fruitful.

Thanks for reading!





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