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In January 2020, the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) released a study on the impact of AI in the finance industry. Known as one of the most comprehensive global surveys in this domain, it comprised around 151 respondents from 33 countries, including incumbent financial institutions and FinTech firms. The study came up with the following findings:

2020 年 1月,剑桥替代金融中心(CCAF)发布了一项有关人工智能对金融业影响的研究。 作为该领域最全面的全球调查之一,它包含来自33个国家/地区的151位受访者,其中包括现有的金融机构和金融科技公司。 该研究得出以下发现:

At least 77% of the respondents believe that AI bears high importance to their organization in the next couple of years.


Almost 64% of the respondents intend to earn revenue through AI via client acquisition, customer service, risk management, process automation, and new products.


At the moment, AI is widely used in risk management, having an implementation rate of 56% among firms.


Traditionally, HFT firms and hedge funds were the primary AI practitioners in the finance sector, but lately, FinTech companies, insurance firms, banks, and regulators are also catching up.


In this industry, some of the AI uses include Robo-advisors, backtesting, model validation, portfolio composition and optimization, stress testing, algorithmic trading, and regulatory compliance. Let’s find out more about AI applications in finance.

在这个行业中,一些AI用途包括机器人顾问,回测,模型验证,投资组合构成和优化,压力测试,算法交易和法规遵从性。 让我们进一步了解金融中的AI应用程序。

1.风险管理 (1. Risk management)

AI and machine learning algorithms are gradually revolutionizing financial risk management. AI-driven solutions are providing insights on:

人工智能和机器学习算法正在逐步革新金融风险管理。 人工智能驱动的解决方案可提供以下方面的见解:

Determining the loan amount to a customer.


Generating warning alerts to traders regarding position risk.


Enhancing compliance and limiting model risk.


To understand why the respondents in the CCAF study listed risk management as their primary focus in the implementation of AI, consider the case of Baidu.


The most prominent search engine in China is Baidu. (since Google is banned there). In 2016, Baidu sought the assistance of ZestFinance — a US-based FinTech company specializing in AI products. Baidu’s objective was to provide small loan offers to retail customers who bought products from its platform.

中国最著名的搜索引擎是百度。 (因为Google在那里被禁止)。 2

本文标签: 人工智能金融业