

In 2001, the mineral industry of Cyprus was dominated by the production of stone, cement, copper, and refined petroleum products. Mineral production reached a peak in 1960, when minerals formed 58% of total exports; in 2001, they represented 5% of exports. The decline was attributed to depletion of minerals and unfavorable marketing conditions abroad.

Cyprus – mining

The place of mining in the GDP similarly declined from 16.7% in 1952 to 0.3% by 1994. In recent years, production of Cyprus’s historically important export minerals—asbestos, celestite, chromite, copper, and iron pyrite—has stopped. Cyprus was a significant source of the mineral pigments umber and yellow ochre, which, along with gypsum, were produced for export in 2001. Ownership and control of minerals and quarry materials were vested in the government, which may grant prospecting permits, mining leases, and quarrying licenses. Royalties on extracted mineral commodities ranged from 1% to 5%.

Cyprus Mining

Hydraulic cement, a leading export commodity, accounted for half of the country’s mining and quarrying production. Production figures for 2001 included: 1.37 million tons of cement (910,000 in 1997), 126,600 tons of stone (70,660 in 1996),9.3 million tons of sand and gravel (6 million in 1996), 850,936 tons of high-grade copper ore (0.60% Cu), 863,716 tons of low-grade copper ore (0.29% Cu), 250,000 tons of crude gypsum (181,546 in 1999), 7,800 tons of umber (9,169 in 1999, 4,604 in 1996), 1.78 million tons of marl (for cement production), and 1.5 million tons of crushed rock (Havara). Other mine and quarry products for 2001 were crushed aggregate, common clays, calcined gypsum, hydrated lime, marble, the mineral pigments ocher and terra verte, building stone, and sulfur.

Cyprus – Industry

Industries are numerous and small in scale, 95% of them employing fewer than 10 workers. Working owners make up a large part of the industrial labor force. Manufacturing, which accounts for about 10.6% of GDP, and employs 9.1% of the labor force, is dominated by small enterprises.

The manufacturing sector of industrial production has declined in absolute value over 10% from its peak in 1992, reflecting declines in the traditional leaders, textiles and food processing. Textiles, the leading manufacturing industry since 1974, has declined in output value about 50% since a peak reached in 1988, whereas food processing (food, beverages and cigarettes) has declined about 15% from a peak reached in 1992. The manufacture of non-metallic mineral products has also declined, about 7% from peak levels in 1994–95.

Growth has occurred among nontraditional manufactures in the areas of chemicals, petroleum, rubber and plastics, up over 25% in the decade. Other industrial sectors have increased strongly: mining and quarrying is up nearly 60% since 1990 and the production of electricity, gas, and water treatment, increased nearly 80%. According to CIA estimates, overall industrial production grew 2.2% in 1999 in the Greek Cypriot area, but was declined an estimated .3% in the Turkish area.

The leading products are textiles, shoes, cement mosaic tiles and cigarettes. Major plants include modern flour mills, tire-treading factories, knitting mills, preprocessing facilities, and a petroleum refinery. Furniture and carts are also manufactured. Nine industrial estates have been established. In both the Greek and Turkish areas of Cyprus, industry accounts for about 20% of GDP and employs about 22% of the labor force.

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本文标签: AnalysisDataCyprusindustryMineral