

BB source:IEEE source:Transactions source:on source:Sustainable source:Energy

AA source:IEEE source:Transactions source:on source:Sustainable source:Energy

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy IEEE可持续能源汇刊

A joint publication of Industry Applications Society, Industrial Electronics Society, Instrumentation and Measurement Society, Power Electronics Society, Power & Energy Society, Photonics Society and the Society on Social Implications of Technology.

Publications O&P Manual [PDF 2.7MB]
出版物 O&P 手册[PDF 2.7MB]
Impact Factor: 8.8 影响因子: 8.8
Technical Co-sponsors: 技术协办单位:
IEEE Power Electronics Society, IEEE Industry Applications Society, IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

Scope: 范围:

The IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy is a journal aimed at disseminating results of research on sustainable energy systems that can be integrated into the power transmission and/or distribution grid. The journal publishes original research on design, implementation, grid-integration and control of sustainable energy technologies and systems. The Transactions also welcomes manuscripts on design, implementation and evaluation of power systems that are affected by sustainable energy systems and devices.
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy是一本旨在传播可持续能源系统研究成果的期刊,这些系统可以集成到输电和/或配电网中。该杂志发表有关可持续能源技术和系统的设计、实施、电网集成和控制的原创研究。《汇刊》还欢迎有关受可持续能源系统和设备影响的电力系统的设计、实施和评估的手稿。

Topics within the journal scope: 期刊范围内的主题:

Battery and storage 电池和存储
Combined heat and power 热电联产
Electricity from Biomass 生物质发电
Energy efficiency 能效
Fuel cells 燃料电池
Geothermal 地热的
Grid interaction of sustainable energy sources
Hydroelectricity 水电
Hydrogen technology 氢气技术
Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
Small hydro design and applications
Solar photovoltaics 太阳能光伏
Solar thermal electricity
Tidal and wave energy 潮汐能和波浪能
Wind turbine generators 风力发电机

Examples of topics out-of-scope: 超出范围的主题示例:

Microgrid design, optimization, operation and control – not involving renewable energy generation characteristics
微电网设计、优化、运行和控制 – 不涉及可再生能源发电特性
Virtual power plant design, optimization, control not involving renewable energy plants
Protection of renewable generation – except involving fault ride through
保护可再生能源发电 – 涉及故障穿越的除外
Design, optimization and control of power converters without consideration of network
Theory and principle of generation of power from stand-alone power generation, conversion or storage technologies without involving electric power network
Renewable energy development and feasibility study project not involving new modeling and methodology of design optimization
Sharing operating experience of sustainable and other community energy development projects without technical rigor and methodology
Dynamics and condition monitoring of wave/wind/tidal turbine mechanical components
Resource (wind, irradiance, tide, ocean current, etc.) assessment except forecasting for use in power grid operations.

Over-length Page Charges 超长页面费用

For papers submitted January 1, 2024 or later the over-length page charges are $250 per each page in excess of the first 12 published pages. For papers submitted January 1, 2023 – December 21, 2023 the over-length page charges are $200 per each page in excess of the first 10 published pages. Papers submitted prior to 2023 will have over-length page charges of $150 per page for anything in excess of the first 8 published pages.
对于 2024 年 1 月 1 日或之后提交的论文,超出前 12 页的每页 250 美元。对于 2023 年 1 月 1 日至 2023 年 12 月 21 日提交的论文,超过前 10 页的每页 200 美元。在 2023 年之前提交的论文将收取每页 150 美元的超长页面费用,超出前 8 页的任何内容。

本文标签: 可持续能源IEEEEnergySustainable