

Why do you have a Band-Aid on your face?
你脸上为什么贴个 OK绷?
Band-Aid OK绷

It’s not a Band-Aid,it’s an acne patch.
那不是 OK绷,那是痘痘贴。

acne patch 痘痘贴

I have a big pimple here,
and i am hoping the patch will make it go away faster.

pimple 青春痘

Oh,I haven’t had acne problems since high school.

In high school,i had really bad acne.

What did you do about it?

I bought over-the-counter medicine at the pharmacy.
When that didn’t work, I saw a dermatologist regularly and took prescription drugs.

over-the-counter medicine 非处方药
dermatologist 皮肤科医生
prescription drugs 处方药

Did it help?

P22 电话留言
I’d like to talk to Mr.Chang.
He’s currently out of the office. out of the office 不在办公室
When will he be back? 什么时候回来呢?
In two days,on Friday. 两天后,星期五回来。
I see. 了解
Can I take a message? 需要替您留言吗?
Yes.Please let he know Jack called.
I would like to talk to him about the wind power project.
Please ask him to call me back. call someone back 回某人电话
Got it.I’ll ask him to call you back. 记下来了。我会请他回电。
Have a nice day.
Thanks,you too. 谢谢,也祝您愉快。

P23 酒店接驳服务
Hello,front desk, how can i help for you? 您好,这里是前台,有什么我可以协助的吗?
Does your hotel provide free shuttle service from the airport?
shuttle service 接驳车服务
Yes,we do. 有的。
Do they run on regular schedule, or do I have to book in advance?
regular schedule 定期时刻表
book in advance 提前预约
They are on schedule. 是按时刻表接送
The shuttles run every 30 minutes from 8 am to midnight.
That’s great. 太好了
Where is the shuttle pickup location? 接驳车接送地址在哪?
pickup location 接驳地址
It’s at C3 on level one of Terminal One.

P24 服兵役
I am going to the army. 我要去服兵役。
Yes,we hava mandatory basic training for four months.
mandatory basic training 强制基础训练
It used to be 11 months,but it’s been shortened for those born after 1993.
shorten 缩短
I bet those four months will fly by quickly. 我打赌那四个月一转眼就过了。
fly by 飞逝
I sure hope so.希望如此
Once it’s over,I’ll need to look for a job.
look 查阅;查找;看望;探望
look for 寻找;探索;渴望;盼望
I understand.我明白。
I’ll need to look for a job once i finsh my six-month exchange program this summer.
exchange program 交换项目
All the best in your job search! 祝你找工作一切顺利!
job search 找工作
You too!你也是

P25 服饰店
Excuse me.Do you have this sweater in M?–medium
Give me a minute. 等我一下
I’ll check our computer to see if we still have one in stock. 我来查电脑看看我们还有没有库存。
in stock 库存
That sweater comes in black and red. 那件毛衣有黑和红两色。
We only have the red one in M. 不过我们现在只有红色有M号的。
I prefer black. 我想要黑色的。
Let me check if our other locations have the black one in M.
other locations 其他分店
Our Smith Street store has the black one in M.
Would you like me to have them send it here?
It would take three days to get here.
That would be great. 那太好了。
Please fill out this form,and you can come pick it up after Friday.

P26 服务台
I need to buy a SIM card.
Is there a telecom store in this mall?
telecom store 电信行
Yes,there is,but it’s in Building B.
We’re in Building A。
How do I get to Building B?
You need to take the skybridge on the third floor to get to Building B.你得从三楼的天桥走到B栋。
skybridge 天桥
How do I get to the skybridge?
Walk straight ahead,and you will see a set of escalators.
Take the escalator to the second floor, and then another escalator to the third floor.
The skybridge is right beside the third floor escalators.
Walk across the skybridge and you will see a big supermarket.
The telecom store is two doors down from supermarket.
supermarket 超市
escalator 手扶梯
Got it. 我知道了

P27 服装规定
What are you wearing to the company year-end party?
Is there a dress code?
HR send an email this morning.
The dress code is semi-formal.
Sould I wear a tuxedo?
tuxedo 晚礼服
No,that would be overdressing. 不用,那太正式了。
A dark suit and a nice tie are enough. 深色西装配一条好看的领带就够了。
What are you wearing? 你会穿什么呢?
Most of my clothes are business casual. 我大部分的衣服都是商务便装。
I am planing to rent a cocktail dress.所以我打算租一件酒会小礼服。
business casual 商务便装
cocktail dress 酒会小礼服
Why don’t you just buy one?
I only plan to wear it once. 我只打算穿这一次。
I see.Have a nice weekend. 了解 周末愉快

P28 感冒和流感
Tim,you don’t look well today. 你今天脸色不太好
Are you OK?
I think I caught a cold. 我应该是感冒了。
I have a bad cough and I ache all over. 我咳嗽咳得很厉害而且全身疼痛。
Maybe it’s not a cold,maybe it’s the flu. 可能不是感冒哦,可能是流感。
A symptom of the flu is body aches. 流感的一个症状就是全身疼痛。
Mike,Pam,Chris all came down with the flu last week and are on sick leave.
flu 流感
symptom 症状
body ache 全身疼痛
Hmm,maybe you are right.
I think I am also running a fever. 我觉得我还有点发烧。
fever 发烧
Take a sick day. 请个病假吧。
Go see a doctor and get some medicine. 去看医生,拿点药。
OK.I will do that. 好的,就这么做。

本文标签: 口语笔记