

section 64 median

1. Discussions of impending water shortages are often couched in apocalyptic rhetoric, yet if the language(这一空是同义重复) is somewhat _____, the basic message is sound: water is indeed scarce and growing scarcer.

3. In the years prior to the Civil War, Philadelphia’s African American press encourage readers to be vaccinated against smallpox. This journalistic campaign was initially (i)_____, (这里是第一个空的意思)appealingattraction to readers sense of communal duty, and became even more (ii)_____ once the war started, as smallpox outbreaks began to occur on Philadelphia’s outskirts.


4. A hallmark of certain nineteenth-century mystery novels was the reform agenda of their authors, who ostensibly sought to expose economic injustice while depicting the seamy underside of urban life. In reality, however, these claims to a radical political agenda were often (i)_____ meant to give lurid thrillers the appearance of (ii)_____.这一点对应之前表面上的


5. So (i)_____ is the reputation of the country's police for corruption and other forms of (ii)_____ that it has become a kind of tradition that every newly appointed police chief pledges to (iii)_____ the force.


10. Beatified by the Catholic Church in 1765, Italian cleric Ludovico Sabbatini is _____ each year on the day of his death, June 11.


Venerate : to honor (an icon, a relic, etc.) with a ritual act of devotion

Christen 洗礼


section 65 median

1. The physical layout of the laboratory, although well adapted to the research being pursued when it was built, was not _____, making a thorough redesign necessary before a proposed new experimental program could be undertaken.


4. In our daily lives, we often (i)_____ our separate identities: you can have one identity at work and another online, for example. Such (ii)_____ (这里的界限正好对应上文的划分,however 产生了后面这个词)disappear in certain circumstances, however, resulting in a cross-pollination of our different selves.

6. Industry-sponsored scientific research on chemical safety often (i)_____. Media reports regularly imply that industry support of scientific work is alone sufficient to (ii)_____ that research. Even though the source of funding has been determined to be a less significant cause of bias than other factors, industry support suffices, in the minds of many people, to (iii)_____ the credibility of scientific work.



section 66 median

1.The cognitive flexibility of successful fictional detectives is often _____ by their cultural ambivalence: detectives’ intellectual acumen, it seems, exists in direct proportion to their uneasy place in society.



3. If the candidate wins the election now that rivals(竞争对手) within his own party have (i)_____ him in a campaign that was (ii)_____ without their help, he will be mightily indebted(感激) to these self-styled saviors.

5. Communal feeding is a remarkable behavioral aspect of this generally solitary animal. It is also a misunderstood behavior and one of the reasons is that Tasmanian devils have a bad reputation. Far from being a (i)____, communal devil feeding is (ii)_____ and purposeful, and is described as (iii)_____ behavior. The screaming and apparent fighting is an elaborate combination and variety of vocalizations and postures by which order is maintained. 这里是解释了ritualize

Acquired 不具体

7. It is not unusual for American eduction leaders to hold up another nation as a model for school reform: in the mid-nineteenth century, such figures _____ the professionalism and structure of the Prussian school system.


9. Philby secretly loathed the host of the party that he was attending, but it seemed _____ to say so publicly.

Tactless impolitic

Deft skillful

Recondite 深奥


section 67 median

1. Reading chunks of Shapiro’s verse in one sitting, it must be said, exposes the _____ nature of his writing: scads of poems are too glancing to strike a nerve, scarcely worth a second reading.这后面就是表达不值得读 

2. The painter’s problem, like that of an author whose early literary masterpiece exhausts the themes it embodies, is how to _____ his first highly acclaimed efforts with works of comparable significance and presence.对应这个词 


section 68 median

1. The presidents’ cordial greeting may seem to be a small gesture of friendliness, but it is not without _____ in the heretofore stifled atmosphere of the society’s meetings.

2. The purpose of accounts of the Amazons for their male Greek recorders was _____, to teach both male and female Greeks that all-female groups, formed by withdrawal from traditional society, are destructive and dangerous.


3. Whatever the acknowledged (i)_____ of the market and the merits of considering ways to (ii)_____ them, implementing public policies toward this end entails the inevitable risk that those policies will simply create new deficiencies even as they address old ones. 这个题的点在这个位置

6. Not all paleontologists agree that connections between the continents were (i)_____ just after the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some hold the view that North America, Asia, and South America had (ii)_____ immediately following the dinosaur extinction, pointing to (iii)_____ between ancient kinds of mammals that existed on all three continents at this time in support of their argument.



8. During the eighteenth century, improvements in their material circumstances did not necessarily mean expanded independence for women elite families and, arguably, the social conventions of gentility _____ more of their time and energy.

Demand exact这里类似需要

9. For certain economists, “pure” economic theory, that is, economic theory _____ a specific social structure, is impossible, much like a concept of anatomy that investigates no specific species.

Abstract : to consider apart from application to or association with a particular instance


section 69 median

4. For many adults, the adolescent years occupy (i)_____ place in the memory, which to some degree is even quantifiable: give a grown adult a series of random prompts and cues, odds are he or she will recall (ii)_____ number of memories from adolescence.


5. Company historians tend to focus on either the company itself or company leaders, the latter being (i)_____ by writers who think (ii)_____ is important, the former favored by writers who think company heads are actually (iii)_____.


8. She expected her book to be _____, but in fact few of her readers disagreed with its premise (这个前提对应上空)that street art, long considered a mere sideshow entertainment, deserved to be regarded as high art.


10. Despite its best efforts to stimulate sales, the bookselling business remains far from _____, for it has high fixed costs in wages and rent, and falling prices make these ever harder to spur.

Effective 说policy

Healthy 与robust 类似


section 70 median

3. In the discussions on international patent law, many (i)_____ issues will probably be pushed far into the future. This cautious approach makes diplomatic sense(这样的cautious 是有道理的,),(这里还是与cautious对应) since attempts over the past 15 years to reach international agreements on patents have (ii)_____ just such sensitive issues.


4. The report is admittedly (i)_____ : it is intended to suggest new lines of research rather than to deal with the subject in a (ii)_____ manner.



6.People who are normally (ii)_____ may, when describing their commutes, be unexpectedly(iii)_____ divulging the intimate details of their lives.


7. Every illness is a story, and when Annies began it was characterized by the kinds of _____ details that mean nothing until (注意这里until之后取反,但是空与that 同义)seen in hindsight.


9. The brain has become, for many people, _____ the biological machinations of the self, and (这里的确重复了一下)the self-knowledge promised by neuroscience has ignited a hunger to understand how new findings weigh in on age-old questions.


section 71 median

1.The monitoring is not _____: on the contrary, the defendant and his or her attorney are required to be given notice (这里被告知了)of the governments listening activities.

Adroit 处理问题skillful


3. Memoirs are inherently (i)_____, but Larry McMurtry’s volume of reminiscences about his life with books—not as a novelist but as a reader and bookstore owner—is especially (ii)_____: nearly every page sounds a note of farewell to an age of books that he sees as passing.

self-serving 不管他人感受

ungracious rude 不愉快whimsical有点滑稽

4. Federal efforts to regulate standards on educational achievements have been met by (i)_____ from the states; local governments feel that government imposition represents an undue infringement violationon their (ii)_____.


5. A minor criticism(这里是不足,后面是difficulty因此这个空填一个类似负向的词) of the book, which is (i)_____ an understanding of the difficulty of doing direct research in Hong Kong’s, is that So relied on secondary sources(对应一下下一个空) to tell the story of Hong Kong’s political development, with previous histories of the period (ii)_____ his research. Given So’s (iii)_____ many of the players in Hong Kong politics, it is surprising that he did not use interviews and other forms of direct research to delve further into the motivations, strategies, and tactics of participants.

Attributable 归于

6. Recent proposals for fixing the climate have taken the form of large-scale geoengineering projects such as launching mirrors into space to reflect solar radiation away from Earth, undertaking(这里理解为项目事业,这里是根据对比做出了的,要特别注意主干) that are vastly more (i)____effective这个此不行,这一点没有体现,还是通过宏大的对比来写enterprising有进取心的_ than anything a nineteenth-century rainmaker could have cooked up. What is unclear, as one looks back at the history of weather modification research, is whether this resourceful ambition will be (这一个空可以先填出来)(ii)_____, or if, by contrast(根据这个词填出), it serves to make the scientific community’s (iii)_____ that much more devastating(causing extreme emotional pain).


8. Today the chair of task force in charge of revising the psychiatric diagnostic manual is _____ post—people work for years to position themselves as candidates(这个是体现的追求的感觉,而不是费力)—but in the early 1970s, descriptive psychiatry was a backwater. ( an unpopular or unimportant field)


10. Excessive focus on what might have been can cause in us feelings of restlessness and regret, but some scientists are beginning to think that fancying an alternative reality might have _____ effects as well.

Pleasurable 开心

Restorative tonic


section 72 median

1.Although his friends insisted that his black garb was simply depressing, Peter felt just the opposite—that it gave him an air of upbeat, _____ maturity.

salacious(arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination)注意这个词

urbane(notably polite or polished in manner)

2. The actor’s performance was so absurdly _____ that Gwen felt a little ashamed to have to resort to tissues(这里要表达的意思是maudlin) in the final scene.

Seditious(of, relating to, or tending toward sedition)

Accommodating(willing to please : helpful, obliging)

3. To contrast(指出一二空关系) the demeanor of Austen’s clergy-man brothers James and Henry with that of Mr. Collins, the much-abused figure of fun in Pride and Prejudice, is instructive, for where the Austen brothers were properly (i)_____ to their social superiors and benevolent to their dependents, the odious Mr. Collins was invariably (ii)_____ to his betters, fawning in particular on his patron(这里指出第二个空的词), Lady Catherine de Burgh.


histrionic(deliberately affected : overly dramatic or emotional : theatrical)


Perpetuate(: to make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely)



Argument(a reason given for or against a matter under discussion)

Disregard(to pay no attention to : treat as unworthy of regard or notice)


Dismissal(the act of dismissing : the fact or state of being dismissed)

Adulation(excessive or slavish admiration or flattery)


8. Although the parents do not think highly of the educational system “as a whole”, they fail to treat teachers with _____ equally.

后面的fail to 致使这个空填的和前面一致了

Lucubration(laborious or intensive study)

consideration(continuous and careful thought)

9. Economic growth has been identified as a _____ for poor countries to eradicate poverty, but this prescription also triggers great environmental concerns.

Panacea(: a remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all)


而recipe 是比较中性的

Culprit(one accused of or charged with a crime)

10. In mathematics, judgments about the validity of proofs are mediated by peer-reviewed journals; to ensure _____, reviewers are carefully chosen by journal editors, and the identity of scholars whose papers are under consideration are kept secret.


section 73 median

2. History teaches us that science is not _____ enterprise; indeed, it is quite the opposite, a motley assortment of tools designed to safeguard researchers against their own biases.

motley(made up of many different people or things)

assortment(consisting of various kinds)

haphazard(marked by lack of plan, order, or direction)

4. There has been (i)_____ elephant’s fabled mental capacities until recently, when these behavioral observations have begun to be (ii)____ by brain science. MRI scans of an elephant’s brain suggest that even (这里就是说大部分无关)relative to its overall size it has a large hippocampus, the component (注意这个相当于主句主语)in the mammalian brain linked to memory and an important part of its limbic system, which is involved in precessing emotions.

Overwhelm(to overpower in thought or feeling)

dismissal(the act of dismissing : the fact or state of being dismissed)


Dispel 使消散的感觉

Distract 分心


6. Most advocates of space exploration by the United States would not(这个not正好抵消) explicitly associate spaceflight with (i)_____, yet that belief, Launius and McCurdy write, is among the roots of arguments (ii)_____ human spaceflight. (这里注意第二句是utopia方向的,另外)Throughout United States history there has been (iii)_____ —seek utopia—on the frontier, and many space advocates have used that notion to make their case for exploring and settling space.


Irrationality not governed by or according to reason


Alarming 让人alarm的

Unsustainable 不能持续

8. British critics covering African American musicians performing in London in the 1910s had little idea how to distinguish what was authentic African American music from what was _____, but they knew such a distinction existed.

Legitimate being exactly as purposed : neither spurious nor false

Spurious specious


section 74 median

1.Many legislators who helped(这里用了一个正向词,所以主语的动作也应该是正向的) Roosevelt shape the New Deal _____ the fact that emerging social problems affected every segment of the population; nonetheless, they often acted with a view to aiding only their own constituents.


Dispute  to make the subject of verbal controversy or disputation

downplay : play down, de-emphasize

bemoan : to express deep grief or distress over

disregard to pay no attention to : treat as unworthy of regard or notice

2. One thing both authors have in common is a striking amount of _____: they claim to know how massive institutions, some of them richly endowed, all of them central to American society and culture, should be reshaped.


3.Altar  a table on which the eucharistic elements are consecrated or which serves as a center of worship or ritual

4. The humor in this play derives from its (i)_____. The new production, however, inexplicably goes in the opposite direction; it is so (ii)_____ that the audience does not even seem to realize that the play is supposed to be a comedy.


Allusion the act of making an indirect reference to something : the act of alluding to something

Defy : to resist attempts at : withstand

Definitive 1: serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation

6. Cultures can shape attitudes and beliefs in ways that (i)_____ conscious awareness or control; in other words, cultural orientations may develop form processes that do not entail (ii)_____ participation, and cultures may pervade subtle psychological dynamics in ways that individuals may not be able to (iii)_____. Thus, theories and tools developed to study implicit cognition(这个是题点) may increase our understanding of the complex interplay between culture and individuals.

Rote the use of memory usually with little intelligence

Condone : to regard or treat (something bad or blameworthy) as acceptable, forgivable, or harmless


section 75 median

1. Since the deficit predicament is fundamentally a long-term problem, the legislature’s _____ short-term approaches has actually compounded the difficulty in each succeeding year, eroding the state credit rating in the process.

这里是要有一个采取的意思 addicted 沉溺

Wariness : marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger

Demonization a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin

3. I knew well, from experience with hundreds of hired crew members on her boats, how (i)_____ attitudes can be: how one negative influence can impel an otherwise (ii)_____ member of a crew to quit.所以第二个空应该很正

Infectious spreading or capable of spreading rapidly to others

Captious calculated to confuse, entrap, or entangle in argument

Untested : not put to a test : not proved by trial or experience


Placate  to soothe or mollify especially by concessions : appease

Palliate : to reduce the violence of (a disease);also : to ease (symptoms) without curing the underlying disease•drugs to palliate the pain

6. In adolescence, (i)_____这一空要根据后面的感觉填 interactions are crucial in forging a self-identity. To be sure, this process often plays out in (ii)_____ as a means of defining and shoring up the sense of self. Kids will seek out like-minded companions, and spurn others who seem different. But when kept within reasonable bounds, this in-group (iii)_____ generally evolves into a more mature friendship pattern.

Bemuse : to make confused : puzzle, bewilder

Evolve c: develop, work out

9. It’s a sign of John Dramani Mahama’s maturity as a writer that he is willing to consider his country’s future so _____: his memoir is appealingly honest, given to clear-eyed assessments rather than exaggerated accounts of achievements.


blithe lacking due thought or consideration : casual, heedless

evocative: evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response

secretive : disposed to secrecy : not open or outgoing in speech, activity, or purposes

antiquate : to make old or obsolete


section 76 median

1.Prodigy something extraordinary or inexplicable

ante cost, price

2. Physicists’ opinions diverge on whether the unexpected phenomena that can occur in systems more complex than individual particles represent new physical principles, or whether the principles involved are _____, in that they rely, albeit in an extremely complicated way, on known physical principles.


3. In reviewing cases decided by lower courts, Supreme Court justices search for precedents to justify their arguments. Reliance on precedent (i)_____ judicial restraint: the precedent (ii)_____ a judge’s ability to determine the outcome of a case in a way that he or she might choose if there were no precedent.

4. To abolish the existence of nation-states is neither feasible nor desirable; but insofar as there are collective interests that transcend national boundaries, the (i)_____ of nation-states must be (ii)_____ to international institutions.



Genealogy an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms

Commence : to enter upon : begin

Overwhelming : tending or serving to overwhelm

9. They applaud the musicals of the 1930s and 1940s, whose plethora of stars, jokes, dances witty dialogue, and general gaiety make today’s offering seem _____ by comparison.最后这个词很关键 读完

Vacuous emptied of or lacking content


section 77 median

1.In an ironic twist, the recent _____ of the reductive observational methods that have enabled science to progress for four centuries may turn out to be science’s biggest step forward. 这里是有方向变化的

2. Even though the municipal government was not totally _____ the positive review of the charter, the mayor nevertheless decided to veto the laws.

可以知道前句正向,因为not 所以还要一个负向

Garrulous wordy 这个是说讲话的时候,这个对应的负向应该是简洁的

Sympathy feeling of loyalty : tendency to favor or support

an unsympathetic review 这个是可以负向对veto的

3. The virtual absence of cougars from late prehistoric faunas in the North American Great Basin (i)_____ a general scarcity of carnivores from these sites: bobcats, coyotes, and badgers are routinely found, and even such historically (ii)_____ carnivores as bears and wolves are found as well.


4. Interest in creating handheld computers is fueled by the desire to shrink the size of the electronic circuitry and to create exceptionally small mechanical systems. At this scale, however, physical (i)_____ poses unique challenges. Machining, positioning, and assembling parts by hand are easy at macroscopic scales but at minute scales they are far from (ii)_____.

后一空对应负向,Far from 所以填正向 就是easy 的同义

routine  of, relating to, or being in accordance with established procedure

5. The introductions to each section, written by the editors of the anthology, provide useful background material, but they do not provide analysis of the articles. Because the articles are in many senses (看好主干)the editors’ personal favorites,(这一句讲局限,因此下班就负向) it is probably (i)_____ to expect more such criticism would be as (ii)_____ (同义重复第一小句的内容)as the articles themselves.


6. Given children’s active fantasy lives,(这里是说分清现实不简单) one might think of truthfulness as (i)_____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more (ii)_____ skill.

7. The book reaffirms the idea that Africans on the continent have not stopped ______ or responding to their own creations; in fact, African creative agents have ushered in their own modern forms rooted in traditional ideas.

Detect 这个词说的是 discover的感觉,更准确一些是曾经未知的事情

Notice 也是就是之前没有怎样关注

这个句子的in fact 递进的意思是,的确就是不仅一直这样,也产生了结果


Overshadow  to exceed in importance : outweigh

Obscure not prominent or famous remote, secluded

Indispensable absolutely necessary : essential


Conducive  tending to promote or assist

essential  of the utmost importance : basic, indispensable, necessary

devastating causing great damage or harm

10. Those who read Empson’s correspondence for the first time may be disappointed that so much of it is professional rather than personal, but the distinction in this case is _____: every letter bears(to have as a feature or characteristic) the full stamp of Empson’s personality.

注意这个差异如果起作用就不会有后面的the full stamp


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