

日常英语中 do 是最常用动词之一,它的同义词conduct 在写作中也很常用:

conduct (a, an)experiments/evaluation/analysis/rebuttal/research/development ……


In the sequel, we will conduct experiments to evaluate performances of the proposed algorithm.(下面我们将做实验来评价所提出算法的性能。)

The security analysis is conducted under the assumption that the underlying protocol is secure.(在底层协议是安全的假设下进行了安全性分析。)

The authors failed to conduct performance evaluation for their work.(作者没有针对他们的工作做性能评估。)

He used to work as a RA in Prof. Hinton's lab to conduct research in artificial neural networks.(他以前在辛顿教授的实验室当研究助理做人工神经网络方面的研究。)





本文标签: 英语写作CONDUCT