

   PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL CODE OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT   As a PMI® Project Management Professional (PMP®),I agree to support and adhere to the responsibilities described in the PMP Code of Conduct.   1.0                         Responsibilities to the Profession 1.1            Compliance with all Organizational Rules and Policies 1.1.1 Responsibility to provide accurate and truthful representations concerning all information directly or indirectly related to all aspects of the PMI Certification Program, including and not limited to the following: examination applications, test item banks, examinations, answer sheets, candidate information, and professional development program reporting forms. 1.1.2 Upon a reasonable and clear factual basis, responsibility to report possible violations of the PMP Code of Professional Conduct by individuals in the field of project management. 1.1.3 Responsibility to cooperate with PMI concerning ethics violations and the collection of related information. 1.1.4 Responsibility to disclose to clients, customers, owners, or contractors, significant circumstances that could be construed as a conflict of interest, or an appearance of impropriety.   1.2                   Candidate/Certificate Professional Practice 1.2.1 Responsibility to provide accurate, truthful advertising and representations concerning qualifications, experience, and performance of services. 1.2.2 Responsibility to comply with laws, regulations, and ethical standards governing professional practice in the state/province and/or country when providing project management services.   1.3                         Advancement of the Profession 1.3.1 Responsibility to recognize and respect intellectual property developed or owned by others, and to otherwise act in an accurate, truthful, and complete manner, including all activities related to professional work and research. 1.3.2 Responsibility to support and disseminate the PMP Code of Professional Conduct to other PMI certificates.   2.0                   Responsibilities to Customers and the Public 2.1     Qualifications, Experience, and Performance of Professional Services 2.1.1 Responsibility to provide accurate and truthful representations to the public in advertising, public statements, and in the preparation of estimates concerning costs, services, and expected results. 2.1.2 Responsibility to provide accurate and truthful representations to the public in advertising, public statements, and in the preparation of estimates concerning costs, services, and expected results. 2.1.3 Responsibility to maintain and respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of professional activities or otherwise where a clear obligation exists. 2.2  Conflict of Interest Situations and Other Prohibited Professional Conduct 2.2.1 Responsibility to ensure that a conflict of interest does not compromise legitimate interests of a client or customer, or influence/interfere with professional judgments. 2.2.2 Responsibility to refrain from offering or accepting inappropriate payments, gifts, or other forms of compensation for personal gain, unless in conformity with applicable laws or customs of the country where project management services are being provided.       项目管理协会 项目管理专业人员 职业行为守则 作为一名PMI®项目管理专业人员(PMP®),我同意支持和遵守PMP行为守则中描述的责任。 一、对职业的责任   1.    1                          遵守所有组织规则和政策 1.1.1 PMP专业人员有责任向其他的个人或组织提供与PMI认证考试有直接或间接关系的、准确和真实的信息。这些信息包括以下内容,但是并不局限在以下这几个方面,这包括:考试申请程序、试题库、考试过程、答题纸、考试资格和职业发展课程报告表。 1.1.2 如果发现有人违反了PMP职业行为守则,PMP专业人员有责任向有关机构检举这些错误做法,但是要保证提供的信息完整、准确且符合事实。 1.1.3 PMP专业人员有责任与PMI合作,处理违反职业道德和收集有关的信息。   1.1.4 PMP专业人员有责任向顾客、客户、业主或承包人披露可以被解释为利益冲突或明显不恰当的重大情况。   1.2                           候选人/证书持有人的职业惯例   1.2.1 PMP专业人员有责任向有关人员提供有关服务资格、经验和服务效果的、准确且真实资料。   1.2.2 PMP专业人员在提供项目管理服务时,要遵守其所在国家、省或洲的相关法律、条例和道德标准。   1.3                                    职业发展   1.3.1 在管理和研究工作中,PMP专业人员要承认和尊重别人获得或拥有的知识产权,准确、诚实和全面地客户提供信息和服务。   1.3.2 PMP专业人员有责任支持本行为守则中的条款,并有责任向其他PMI的认证成员宣传本守则中的内容。   二、对客户和公众的责任 2.1                        专业服务的资格、经验和表现   2.1.1 向公众提供准确和真实陈述的责任,负责做广告,作公开陈述,拟定有关成本、服务和预期结果的估计。   2.1.2 维持和符合专业服务范围和目标的责任,除非客户另有说明。   2.1.3 维护和遵守专业活动过程中获得的或者负有明确义务的敏感信息的机密之责任。   2.2                    利益冲突情况和其他被禁止的职业行为   2.2.1 确保利益冲突不损害顾客或客户合法利益或影响/妨碍职业判断的责任。   2.2.2 不提供或接受不适当的付款、礼品或个人收益的其他形式补偿的责任,除非符合得到项目管理服务的国家的适用法律或习惯。    

本文标签: ManagementProjectProfessionalCONDUCTCode