


When it comes to crafting the perfect resume to land your dream job, you probably think of just about everything but the font. But font is a key part of your first impression to recruiters and employers.

当制作一份完美的简历来实现理想的工作时,您可能会想到除了字体之外的所有内容。 但是,字体是您对招聘人员和雇主的第一印象的关键部分。

In this post, I’m going to walk you through the 10 best fonts for your resume (and when to use each). We’ll also talk about why employers care about font choice and how you can use it to set yourself apart from the competition.

在这篇文章中,我将为您介绍简历的10种最佳字体(以及何时使用每种字体)。 我们还将讨论为什么雇主关心字体选择,以及如何使用它使自己在竞争中脱颖而出。

您的简历字体真的很重要吗? (Does Your Resume Font Really Matter?)

Imagine an ad for a sleek, ultra-thin cell phone. What kind of design and font do you picture in the marketing materials?

想象一下一款时尚,超薄手机的广告。 您在营销材料中描绘了什么样的设计和字体?

You probably dreamed up something as slender and condensed as the phone itself. You wouldn’t expect a marketing team to use anything flowery, ornate, or thick and bold if they’re trying to get customers to think thin:

您可能梦到了像手机本身一样纤细,凝缩的东西。 如果营销团队试图使客户精打细算,您不会期望他们使用任何华丽,华丽或粗大的东西:

Image courtesy of Apple


Now imagine an ad for a fantasy novel. How would the words pop on the page?

现在想象一下一个幻想小说的广告。 单词将如何在页面上弹出?

You probably didn’t imagine something traditional and straightforward, right? If you’re going to dive into a fairy tale universe packed with dragon-slayers and towering castles, you’ll probably expect to see a font with a few flourishes and curlicues.

您可能没有想到传统和直接的东西,对吗? 如果您打算进入一个充满了屠龙者和高耸的城堡的童话世界,那么您可能会希望看到一种字体,带有一些蓬勃发展和冰冷的气氛。

Font choice is a crucial part of any marketing team’s design. Every aspect of an advertisement’s design, from the imagery to the layout and the way the words appear on the page, should get a potential customer thinking positively about the product or service being sold.

字体选择是任何营销团队设计的关键部分。 广告设计的各个方面,从图像到布局,以及文字在页面上的显示方式,都应该使潜在的客户对所售产品或服务产生积极的思考。

When you craft your resume, think of yourself as a marketing team of one. You’re designing for the recruiter’s or employer’s first impression of you with your cover letter and resume. You’re selling yourself in every aspect of your self-branding, from content to timeliness and format.

当您制作简历时,请考虑一下自己是一个营销团队。 您正在使用求职信和简历为招聘人员或雇主对您的第一印象进行设计。 您在自我品牌塑造的各个方面都在推销自己,从内容到及时性和格式。

When your name lands on an employer’s desk or in their inbox, you want them to come away with a great impression of you. They aren’t seeing you in person, and there are no other context clues to give them any other ideas than what you present them with–even something as seemingly small as format or font. Because everything they see about you will be written in your chosen font, it will make a much bigger difference than you might imagine.

当您的名字落在雇主的办公桌上或收件箱中时,您希望他们留下深刻的印象。 他们并没有亲自见到您,也没有其他上下文线索可以向您提供其他想法,而不仅仅是您提供给他们的想法-即使是看起来像格式或字体的小东西。 因为他们看到的关于您的所有信息都将以您选择的字体编写,所以这将带来比您想象的大得多的差异。

You don’t have to take my word for it, either. There’s plenty of scientific evidence to prove that font affects consumers’ perceptions of a product or company, and employers’ perceptions of job applicants:

您也不必相信我的话。 有大量科学证据证明字体会影响消费者对产品或公司的认知,以及雇主对求职者的认知:

One study at Wichita State University, for example, showed that respondents associated fonts like Times New Roman and Arial with stability. Courier New and Georgia meant “maturity” in participants’ minds, while Agency FB was associated with rigidity and Kristen symbolized excitement.

例如, 威奇托州立大学的一项研究表明,受访者将Times New Roman和Arial等字体与稳定性相关联。 Courier New和Georgia表示参与者头脑中的“成熟”,而Agency FB与僵硬相关,而Kristen则表示兴奋。

Other research indicates that it’s not just the font choice, but the consistency of that choice with other aspects of marketing, that really makes the difference. If font and other visual and tonal elements (like resume design, formatting, paragraphs, graphics, and style choices like bold and italics) all give the same consistent message — such as “this applicant has the relevant skills,” “this applicant is reliable and dependable,” or “this applicant is creative and visually-oriented,” that message is likelier to stick in your reader’s brain. But if just one aspect, like font, is off, it could undermine the entire message, weakening every aspect of your introduction.

其他研究表明 ,不仅仅是字体选择,而且字体选择与市场营销其他方面的一致性,才真正发挥作用。 如果字体和其他视觉和色调元素(如简历设计,格式,段落,图形和样式选择,如粗体和斜体)都给出相同的一致信息,例如“此申请人具有相关技能”,“此申请人可靠且“可靠”(或“此申请人具有创造力和视觉导向”),该信息很可能会传达给您的读者。 但是,如果仅关闭一个方面(如字体),则可能破坏整个消息,从而削弱您介绍的每个方面。

Remember that the presentation of your resume and cover letter together are a way for you to self-brand. If your brand messaging is consistent across design and content, form and function, font and tone, you’re much likelier to make a sale–or, in this case, to get invited for an interview.

请记住,简历和求职信一起展示是您实现自我品牌塑造的一种方式。 如果您的品牌信息在设计和内容,形式和功能,字体和色调上是一致的,那么您更有可能进行销售,或者在这种情况下,被邀请接受采访。

无论如何,恢复字体有什么大不了的? (What’s the Big Deal About Resume Fonts Anyways?)

So, why does a small thing like font choice make such a big impact on your ability to get hired?


Our brains make connections every second, working overtime to flesh out the meaning of everything we read and see. We connect certain aesthetics and words with emotions, character traits, and moods.

我们的大脑每秒都会建立联系,加班加点以充实我们阅读和看到的一切的含义。 我们将某些美学和语言与情感,性格特征和情绪联系起来。

Think about it: You’d probably feel confused if you went to a fresh fruit smoothie shop and saw grungey, gritty, dark decor. That’s because, due to your past experiences, you probably already associate smoothie shops with breezy, tropical environments and bright, cheery colors.

想想看:如果您去一家新鲜水果冰沙店,看到肮脏,坚韧,深色的装饰,您可能会感到困惑。 这是因为,根据您过去的经验,您可能已经将冰沙店与凉爽的热带环境和明亮愉悦的色彩联系在一起。

As typeface designer and author Cyrus Highsmith told The Week, “Typography is the detail and the presentation of a story. It represents the voice of an atmosphere, or historical setting of some kind. It can do a lot of things.”

由于字体设计师和作家赛勒斯·海史密斯告诉周刊 ,“印刷术是细节和故事的呈现。 它代表气氛的声音或某种历史背景。 它可以做很多事情。”

Think of the typography as the mood-setter for your resume; instead of lighting a candle, you’re creating an atmosphere with the aesthetic of your font and other design choices.

认为排版是简历的基调; 您不用点燃蜡烛,而是用字体的美感和其他设计选择营造一种氛围。

We bring our past experiences and myriad associations to everything we do. Your resume font should activate those connections in your recruiters’ and potential employers’ minds, causing them to connect you with traits like professionalism, honesty, and skill.

我们将过去的经验和无数的联想带入我们所做的每一件事。 您的简历字体应能激活招聘人员和潜在雇主的思想联系,使他们与专业,诚实和技能等特征联系起来。

Like each applicant, each font has a “personality.” If a font is difficult to read or doesn’t reflect the job you’re applying for, it could leave a recruiter with a bad taste in their mouth (even if they aren’t aware of it). And because you’ve already put so much thought and effort into your resume, you don’t want something small like font selection to have a negative impact.

像每个申请人一样, 每种字体都有一个“个性”。 如果字体难以阅读或不能反映您所申请的工作,则可能会使招聘人员的口感不好(即使他们不知道)。 而且,由于您已经在简历中投入了大量的精力和精力,因此您不希望字体选择之类的小事产生负面影响。

Next, we’ll go over how to make the best possible impression with your resume typeface. Once you choose a font you like, you can use my free resume builder to create a beautiful, ATS-friendly resume with our recruiter approved templates.

接下来,我们将介绍如何使用简历字体给人留下最好的印象。 一旦选择了喜欢的字体,您就可以使用我的免费简历生成器 ,通过我们的招聘人员认可的模板来创建美观,适合ATS的简历。

如何为您的简历选择最佳字体 (How to Choose the Best Font for Your Resume)

The two most important factors when selecting a font for your resume are readability and professionalism.


The last thing you want to do is to make a recruiter or employer’s life harder, so your resume font should always be straightforward and highly readable. They shouldn’t have to squint to read overly light, thin fonts, or struggle to make out complex symbols or typefaces.

您要做的最后一件事是使招聘人员或雇主的生活更加艰难,因此您的简历字体应始终简单明了且可读性强。 他们不必斜视就能阅读过浅的,细小的字体,也不必费力找出复杂的符号或字体。

Professionalism, meanwhile, is all about tone. Just as we discussed in the previous section, even “silent” choices like font and formatting can convey tone as easily as your word choice. The tone of your font should match the tone of your workplace personality and your level of professionalism.

同时,专业精神与语气有关。 正如我们在上一节中讨论的那样,即使是“无声的”选择(如字体和格式)也可以像选择单词一样轻松传达音调。 字体的色调应与您的工作场所个性和专业水平相匹配。

In terms of both readability and professionalism, there are a few broad “font families” that we commonly associate with the workplace and with professional settings. Let’s go over each of the five main font families, or broad categories, from which you have to choose when you’re writing your resume or CV.

就可读性和专业性而言,我们通常与工作场所和专业环境相关联,有一些广泛的“字体家族”。 让我们研究一下五个主要的字体家族(或大类)中的每一个,在编写简历或简历时必须从中选择。

“字体家庭”之间的区别 (The Differences Between “Font Families”)

Every font belongs to a “family” of fonts, which have similar characteristics and leave similar (though not identical) impressions. The first decision you have to make in terms of selecting a resume font is which font family is best for your goals.

每种字体都属于一个“家族”字体,它们具有相似的特征,并留下相似(尽管不完全相同)的印象。 选择简历字体时,首先要做出的决定是哪种字体系列最适合您的目标。

These are the five broad categories that fonts fall into:


Serif: Serif fonts, like Times New Roman, belong to one of the largest and most common “font families.” Letters in serif fonts have decorative serifs, or little “tails,” on certain character strokes.

衬线:衬线字体与Times New Roman一样,属于最大和最常见的“字体家族”之一。 衬线字体的字母在某些字符笔划上带有装饰性衬线或小“尾巴”。

Sans Serif: Sans serif literally means “without serif,” so you can guess these typefaces don’t have–tails! Examples of sans serif typefaces include Arial and Helvetica. Sans serif typefaces have become highly popular in the digital marketplace, partly because of their less formal, more straightforward and minimalist look.

无衬线:无衬线字面意思是“无衬线”,因此您可以猜测这些字体没有尾巴! 无衬线字体的示例包括Arial和Helvetica。 Sans Serif字体在数字市场中已变得非常流行,部分原因是它们的形式不那么正式,更直接和简约。

Monospace: Commonly associated with newspapers and typewriters, monospace fonts like Courier and Courier New were designed so that each letter would take up the same amount of space on a given line. Each letter is the same width. This allows for clean, consistent graphic design, as there’s no size variability between the characters. Monospace fonts have also become a popular design choice in recent years because they’re a bit nostalgic, calling back to the days of typewriters and telegrams.

等宽字体:通常与报纸和打字机相关联,设计了诸如Courier和Courier New这样的等宽字体,以便每个字母在给定的行上占用相同的空间。 每个字母的宽度相同。 由于字符之间没有大小差异,因此可以进行整洁,一致的图形设计。 近年来,等宽字体也成为一种流行的设计选择,因为它们有点怀旧,可以回溯到打字机和电报的时代。

Cursive: Cursive fonts, like the famous Comic Sans, are meant to appear handwritten or “scribbled” to give text a personalized touch. Certain fonts in this category might be rarely used in professional settings, but in the vast majority of cases, these are used for graphic design or marketing materials rather than cover letters or CVs.

草书:草书字体(如著名的Comic Sans)旨在显示为手写或“乱涂”,使文本具有个性化的风格。 此类别中的某些字体可能很少在专业环境中使用,但是在绝大多数情况下,这些字体用于图形设计或营销材料,而不是求职信或CV。

Fantasy: Fantasy fonts are not useful for resumes or cover letters–there might be an out-there exception, but I haven’t found any yet–but they are used for decorative and design purposes, like signage and certain marketing materials. Examples of fantasy typefaces include Impact and Western. They are typically used for headers or other shorter texts, because they’re not the easiest to read.

幻想:幻想字体对简历或求职信没有用-可能有个例外,但我还没有发现-但它们用于装饰和设计目的,例如标牌和某些营销材料。 幻想字体的示例包括Impact和Western。 它们通常用于标题或其他较短的文本,因为它们不容易阅读。

Our recommendation for 2019: With the five font families to choose from, what’s the best option for your resume?


In today’s world, a clean, modern sans serif font is recommended. This is partly because the workforce has gone increasingly digital, making even professional interactions slightly less formal and more straightforward and concise.

在当今世界中,建议使用干净的现代无衬线字体。 部分原因是,员工队伍的数字化程度日益提高,即使是专业的互动,其非正式程度也有所降低,更为直接和简洁。

Sans serif fonts are more contemporary in look and feel than the more conformist and traditional serif fonts. They cater to today’s minimalist, cut-to-the-chase, 280-character-driven economy. They cut out all the extra distraction and get right to the point, just like you want to do in your job search.

与更顺从和传统的衬线字体相比,Sans Serif字体在外观和感觉上更具现代感。 它们迎合了当今极简,切入实际,280个字符驱动的经济。 他们消除了所有额外的干扰,直截了当,就像您想在求职中所做的那样。

While you might make a different decision for your resume font in your job search–if you’re in an ultra-traditional and more conservative profession that expects a high level of formality, for example — sans serif fonts are generally the best option.Now that we’ve narrowed it down to a certain font family, we’ll break down the top 10 best resume fonts and what job categories they might be ideal for.


分解10种最佳简历字体 (Breaking Down The 10 Best Resume Fonts)

In 2019’s marketplace, these are the 10 best resume fonts based on reliability, perception, and style:


  • Open Sans (Modern)


  • Calibri (Modern)


  • Helvetica (Modern)


  • Avenir (Modern)


  • Lato (Modern)


  • Roboto (Modern)


  • Avant Garde (Modern)


  • Museo (Modern)


  • Georgia (Classic)


  • Garamond (Classic)


For each one, we’ll delve a bit into the font’s history and aesthetic, as well as its pros and cons and when to use each:


开放无山 (Open Sans)

Open Sans, released in 2011, is one of Google’s signature fonts. Its letters are tall and wide.

Open Sans于2011年发布,是Google的签名字体之一。 它的字母又高又宽。

Pros: Open Sans is wildly popular for web design for a reason: optimal readability. The wide-open letters are easy to read on any screen, big or small. Because it’s used as Mozilla’s default font in many cases, and for many Google pages, it’s familiar to the eye.

优点: Open Sans在Web设计中非常受欢迎,原因是:最佳的可读性。 宽大的字母易于在任何大小的屏幕上阅读。 因为在许多情况下,它被用作Mozilla的默认字体,而且对于许多Google页面,它也是您所熟悉的。

Cons: Open Sans is widely perceived as “flat” or “neutral,” which can be a very good thing for a resume. But if you want to stand out a bit or for your resume to have a bit more personality, it might not be the best choice.

缺点: Open Sans被普遍认为是“扁平”或“中立”的,这对于履历表可能是一件非常好的事情。 但是,如果您想脱颖而出,或者想让自己的简历更具个性,那也许不是最佳选择。

Alternatives: Adelle Sans is similar to Open Sans and is a great substitute.

替代方案: Adelle Sans与Open Sans类似,并且是一个很好的替代方案。

卡利布里 (Calibri)

Calibri came on the scene in the early 2000s as the Microsoft Word replacement for the classic Times New Roman.

Calibri于2000年代初作为经典的Times New Roman的Microsoft Word替代品出现。

Pros: Calibri can be easily read on any computer and won’t mess up the formatting no matter where it’s sent. Everyone has seen it before, so it’s not distracting. It’s a sans serif font, so it’s clean and sleek. It’s a good choice for a standard resume or for work at a digital-first company.

优点: Calibri可以在任何计算机上轻松读取,并且无论发送到哪里都不会弄乱格式。 每个人以前都看过它,所以它不会分散注意力。 这是一种Sans Serif字体,因此干净整洁。 对于标准简历或在数字优先公司工作而言,这是一个不错的选择。

Cons: Calibri is a little “safe,” as it’s the default Microsoft Word font and is used by many other applicants. But standing out from the pack isn’t always the best goal when it comes to resume font. Instead, you want your resume itself to do the work. But Calibri might not be the best choice for a creative career at a quirky company.

缺点: Calibri有点“安全”,因为它是默认的Microsoft Word字体,并被许多其他申请人使用。 但是,要恢复字体,从背包中脱颖而出并非总是最好的目标。 相反,您希望您的简历本身可以完成工作。 但是Calibri可能不是古怪公司从事创意职业的最佳选择。

Alternative: Arial, which is the default typeface for Google Docs, is somewhat similar to Calibri in its optimal readability for the web. It’s also similarly straightforward and legible.

备选: Arial是Google文档的默认字体,在网络上的最佳可读性方面与Calibri有点相似。 同样也很简单明了。

海尔维蒂察 (Helvetica)

Helvetica was designed in the 1950s and comes with a little bit of elegance and flourish. It’s frequently rated as one of the more attractive typefaces.

Helvetica是在1950年代设计的,带有一点点的优雅和繁荣。 它经常被认为是更具吸引力的字体之一。

Pros: Helvetica is a softer, beautiful sans serif typeface. It’s modern while still being a bit pretty and not too stark. Because it’s not always used for resumes, it stands out a bit without being too far “out there.” It might be a good choice for a design company (especially because it’s frequently used in graphic design) or a profession that puts a premium on aesthetic.

优点: Helvetica是一种柔软,漂亮的无衬线字体。 它是现代的,但仍然有些漂亮,但又不那么鲜明。 因为它并不总是用于简历,所以它会显得有些突出,而不会太“遥远”。 对于设计公司(尤其是因为它经常在图形设计中使用),这可能是一个不错的选择,或者对于美学而言,它可能是一个不错的选择。

Cons: Helvetica is only pre-loaded on Macs, so it will convert to a different font on other systems.

缺点: Helvetica仅预装在Mac上,因此它将在其他系统上转换为其他字体。

Alternatives: Swiss, Arial, and Folio are all similar to Helvetica in “font personality.”

替代方案: Swiss,Arial和Folio在“字体个性”方面均与Helvetica类似。

阿维尼尔 (Avenir)

Avenir comes from the French word meaning “future.” Designed in 1988, this geometric sans serif font is warm and lively, with curved edges and a few selective tails.

Avenir来自法语,意为“未来”。 这款无衬线几何字体设计于1988年,温暖而生动,带有弯曲的边缘和一些选择性的尾巴。

Pros: Avenir isn’t odd enough to be distracting, but it’s not a standard “safe” resume font. It might be a good choice for a future-forward company. It’s also consistently rated one of the favorite fonts of designers, so it could be good for any aesthetic-focused or creative profession. Finally, it’s versatile: It comes in a variety of weights.

优点: Avenir不够吸引人,但它不是标准的“安全”简历字体。 对于未来的公司而言,这可能是一个不错的选择。 它也一直被评为设计师最喜欢的字体之一 ,因此对于任何注重美学或创意的行业都可能是一件好事。 最后,它用途广泛:有多种重量。

Cons: Avenir is not a very common choice for resumes, so it might be a tad jarring to a highly traditional or formal eye.Alternatives: Nunito, with its rounded letters, is very similar to Avenir.

缺点: Avenir并不是简历的常见选择,因此对于高度传统或正式的眼神来说可能有点不愉快。替代方案:Nunito带有四舍五入的字母,与Avenir非常相似。

拉托 (Lato)

Lato, designed in 2010, is named after the Polish word for “summer” because it was meant to be as cheery as the warmest season. It is professional enough to be serious, but has a touch of brightness in its typeface style.

Lato设计于2010年,以波兰语“夏季”的名字命名,因为它与最温暖的季节一样令人愉悦。 它足够专业,很认真,但是其字体样式具有一定的亮度。

Pros: Lato is an increasingly common choice for resumes because of how readable it is. It’s an approachable and stylish font, while remaining professional. Finally, Lato is open-source, which means anyone can download it for free.

优点:由于其可读性强,因此Lato成为简历的一种越来越普遍的选择。 这是一种平易近人且时尚的字体,同时保持专业水平。 最后,Lato是开源的,这意味着任何人都可以免费下载它。

Cons: Lato is not one of the resume “classics,” which is always a tiny bit of a gamble. Microsoft Word does not list Lato as one of its defaults, which means it won’t show up for every recruiter or employer. If you download and install the font, make sure you send your resume to PDF format so the recruiter/hiring manager will see the same formatting you do!

缺点:拉托不是简历中的“经典”之一,这总是一场小小的赌博。 Microsoft Word并未将Lato列为其默认值之一,这意味着它不会出现在所有招聘人员或雇主身上。 如果下载并安装字体,请确保将简历发送为PDF格式,以便招聘人员/招聘经理将看到与您相同的格式!

Alternatives: Brandon Grotesque and Open Sans are both similar to Lato.

替代方案: Brandon Grotesque和Open Sans都类似于Lato。

机械手 (Roboto)

Released by Google in 2011, Roboto probably looks familiar, especially if you do a lot of traveling: It’s used for Google Maps. It’s similar to the other fonts optimized for the web, with a more slender, sleek typeface.

由Google于2011年发布的Roboto可能看起来很熟悉,特别是如果您经常旅行:它用于Google Maps。 它与为网络优化的其他字体相似,字体更纤细,圆滑。

Pros: Because it’s open-source, Roboto is free for anyone to use. It’s also optimized for web readability, so like Open Sans, it’s legible on any screen. It’s also sleek and contemporary, so it’s great for any modern company, especially those that put web presence at a premium (such as marketing).

优点:因为Roboto是开源的,所以任何人都可以免费使用。 它还针对Web可读性进行了优化,因此与Open Sans一样,在任何屏幕上都清晰可见。 它既时尚又现代,因此对任何现代公司都非常有用,特别是那些对网络存在极为重视的公司(例如市场营销)。

Cons: Roboto appears a little less formal than some other fonts, so it’s not ideal for academic applications or very traditional work environments.

缺点: Roboto看上去不像其他一些字体那么正式,因此对于学术应用程序或非常传统的工作环境而言,它不是理想的选择。

Alternatives: Roboto is somewhat similar in style to Helvetica and Arial.

替代方案: Roboto在样式上与Helvetica和Arial相似。

先锋派 (Avant Garde)

Inspired by the 1920s German Bauhaus movement, Avant Garde is a unique typeface that is having a comeback after being used frequently in 1970s advertisements. Its letters are wide, and several of them have quirky flourishes, like the sloped “v” and curliqued Q.

受1920年代德国包豪斯运动的启发,先锋字体是一种独特的字体, 在1970年代的广告中频繁使用后又卷土重来。 它的字母很宽,其中一些具有古怪的色彩,例如倾斜的“ v”和卷曲的Q。

Pros: Avant Garde is interesting enough to stand out while remaining readable for the web. It’s a solid choice for creative types and people who want to highlight their unique personalities.

优点: Avant Garde非常有趣,可以脱颖而出,同时保持网络可读性。 对于创意类型和想要突出其独特个性的人们来说,这是一个不错的选择。

Cons: Avant Garde is, well, avant garde. It’s not a default or standard resume font, so it’s not the best choice for an executive-level position in a traditional field.

缺点:前卫是前卫。 它不是默认或标准的简历字体,因此对于传统领域中的高管职位而言,它不是最佳选择。

Alternatives: Avant Garde is similar to Harmonia Sans.

选择:前卫类似于Harmonia Sans。

博物馆 (Museo)

Released in 2009, Museo began with the uppercase “U,” with two flatly curved horizontal tails. It’s warm and approachable.

Museo于2009年发行, 从大写字母“ U”开始,带有两个平坦弯曲的水平尾巴。 温暖而平易近人。

Pros: Museo is frequently used in web design. It would be a great choice for a customer service or sales job that requires a friendly, open demeanor, or for work in an artisanal or artistic field like fashion or design. It’s open-source, so it’s free to use.

优点: Museo经常用于网页设计中。 对于需要友好,公开的举止的客户服务或销售工作,或者在时尚或设计等手工或艺术领域的工作,这将是一个不错的选择。 它是开源的,因此可以免费使用。

Cons: Museo is warm and friendly, but that can be a drawback if your recruiter is highly traditional. It might be distracting in some cases.

缺点:博物馆很热情友好,但是如果您的招聘人员传统程度很高,那可能是一个缺点。 在某些情况下,这可能会分散注意力。

Alternatives: Use Calvert in place of Museo if you’re looking for a similar vibe.


佐治亚州 (Georgia)

Georgia was released in 1993 and is widely used by companies like Amazon, The New York Times, and Yahoo as a default font. It’s a serif font, so it has a classic look with a bit of warmth.

乔治亚州于1993年发布,并被亚马逊,纽约时报和雅虎等公司广泛用作默认字体。 这是一种衬线字体,因此具有经典外观并带有些许温暖。

Pros: Georgia was specifically designed to be read on screens, so it’s highly accessible for screen readers with visual impairments and is legible even on mobile phones. It’s professional and standard while still having a touch of fun and flair.

优点:格鲁吉亚是专门为在屏幕上阅读而设计的,因此它对于视力障碍的屏幕阅读器来说非常容易访问,甚至在手机上也清晰易读。 它既专业又标准,同时仍然充满乐趣和天赋。

Cons: Georgia is so widely used and familiar that it might not make you stand out among other applicants.


Alternatives: Georgia and Times New Roman are often used interchangeably. Georgia almost appears to be an “updated” version of TNR.

替代方案:乔治亚州和时代新罗马经常互换使用。 佐治亚州几乎似乎是TNR的“更新”版本。

加拉蒙德 (Garamond)

Garamond came out in 1989, but it has a much longer history. The typeface was inspired by 16th-century design and is often used in print.

Garamond于1989年问世,但历史悠久。 字体的灵感来自16世纪的设计,通常用于印刷。

Pros: Garamond has an old-school, vintage look that lends it a touch of class. It’s a good example of a font with a distinct personality, making it a solid choice for academic or literary fields.

优点: Garamond 具有老式的复古外观 ,给人以一流的感觉。 这是个性鲜明的字体的一个很好的例子,使其成为学术或文学领域的可靠选择。

Cons: Garamond’s retro look means it’s probably not ideal for ultra-contemporary companies.

缺点: Garamond的复古外观意味着它可能对超当代公司而言并不理想。

Alternatives: Cormorant, Sabon, and Minion are strong alternatives to Garamond.

替代品: Cor,Sabon和Minion是Garamond的强大替代品。

适合您简历的最佳字体大小 (The Best Font Size for Your Resume)

Remember that readability is one of the most important aspects of resume font choice.


Font size is a key aspect of your reader’s ability to scan your resume quickly, pick out the important parts, and come away with a solid, positive impression of you. A recruiter might be sifting through dozens or even hundreds of resumes at a time (or more), and making their job simpler is the first and easiest way to make yours stand out in a good way.

字体大小是读者快速浏览简历,挑选出重要内容并给您留下深刻而积极的印象的能力的关键方面。 招聘人员可能一次要筛选数十甚至数百份简历,而简化工作是使您的简历脱颖而出的第一个也是最简单的方法。

It can be be tempting to cram every last thing you’ve ever done onto your resume, but cutting out the extraneous parts of your work history can do you some good in more ways than one. With too many sections on your resume, it can quickly become overwhelming to the eye.

将您做过的所有最后一件事都塞进履历表可能很诱人,但是删去工作历史中无关紧要的部分可以给您带来更多好处。 简历上的章节过多,可能很快就会使您眼花over乱。

What’s more, if you include too much content, you’ll probably be required to shrink your font size to 10 (never, ever go below 10!). But a slightly larger font size gives employers a better impression; one study at Stephen F. Austin Universityshowed that resumes using 12-pt. font were evaluated more highly than those in 10-pt. font.

而且,如果您包含太多内容,则可能需要将字体大小缩小到10(永远不要低于10!)。 但是稍大的字体会给雇主更好的印象。 斯蒂芬·F·奥斯汀大学的一项研究表明,简历使用12分。 字体的评价比10分高。 字体。

Since the ultimate goal is to make your resume as easy to read as you possibly can, the optimal font size is between 12 and 14. 10 can be used if you’re highly experienced and have an extremely lengthy resume, but it’s not ideal. Try cutting out a few things that aren’t directly relevant to the job at hand and see if you can make your resume a little easier on the eyes with a larger font.

由于最终目标是使您的履历尽可能地易于阅读,因此,如果您经验丰富且履历冗长,则可以使用10至10的最佳字体大小。但这并不理想。 尝试删除一些与手头工作没有直接关系的事情,看看是否可以使用较大的字体使简历看起来更轻松一些。

This exercise can also improve your resume overall by making it more straightforward and concise. No matter how much you might want to include your high school volunteer history, it’s much more important that a recruiter sees only the most relevant and applicable education and work experience right away–no muss, no fuss.

该练习还可以使简历更加直接和简洁,从而改善您的简历。 无论您想包含高中志愿者的历史记录多少,招聘人员立即看到最相关和适用的教育和工作经验就变得尤为重要,这无可厚非。

In the same vein, be wary of any light or thin fonts, as your reader will likely get frustrated if your resume is hard to read. Use black instead of grey or any other color so that your resume is optimized for readability.

同样,要警惕任何浅色或细字体,因为如果您的简历难以阅读,您的读者可能会感到沮丧。 使用黑色代替灰色或任何其他颜色,以便优化简历的可读性。

如何利用格式使简历字体弹出 (How to Leverage Formatting to Make Your Resume Font Pop)

In addition to choosing a font, you can also use various formatting styles to make certain areas of your resume stand out.


The first rule of resume formatting is to use any special styles, like bold or italics, sparingly. You don’t want your reader to feel overwhelmed by mixed styles or too many italics sections on a page. Be selective about any special characters. White space is your resume’s best friend, and will allow your reader to scan the documents quickly, cherry-picking the most important parts with ease.

简历格式的第一条规则是谨慎使用任何特殊样式,例如粗体或斜体。 您不希望读者对页面的混合样式或斜体部分感到不知所措。 对任何特殊字符要有选择性。 空白是您简历的最好朋友,它将使您的读者快速扫描文档,轻松挑选最重要的部分。

The next rule of using bold and italics on your resume are to do so consistently. It might seem like an obvious rule, but it’s also often broken. If you bold your previous job titles and use italics for subtitles, for example, do so for every previous job you list, even if they’re different in some way. Establish a pattern with your style choices right away, and your reader will follow your lead.

在简历上使用粗体和斜体的下一个规则是始终如一。 这似乎是一条显而易见的规则,但也经常被打破。 例如,如果您将以前的工作标题加粗并使用斜体显示副标题,则对您列出的每个以前的工作都这样做,即使它们在某些方面有所不同。 立即建立您可以选择样式的模式,您的读者将跟随您。

You can use bold in your resume to highlight specific key aspects of your background that are relevant to a given job, or to set apart particular sections for optimal scannability. For example, you could use bold to highlight special skills you used (such as expertise in a given software program) that are specifically mentioned in the job description. Or, you could use bold, along with a slightly larger font size, for headings.

您可以在简历中使用粗体突出显示与给定工作相关的背景特定关键方面,或分开特定部分以实现最佳可扫描性。 例如,您可以使用粗体突出显示您在职务说明中特别提到的特殊技能(例如,给定软件程序的专业知识)。 或者,您可以将粗体以及稍大的字体用于标题。

Italics, meanwhile, are best used for subtitles below headings, or for extra emphasis on a specific aspect of your education or work history, like measurable outcomes. For example, you could use italics to denote the dates during which you worked at a particular job. They’re also frequently used to share quantitative data, like “Grew quarterly sales by 13%.”

同时,最好将斜体用于标题下的字幕,或特别强调您的教育或工作经历的特定方面,例如可衡量的结果。 例如,您可以使用斜体来表示您从事特定工作的日期。 它们还经常用于共享定量数据,例如“使季度销售额增长13%”。

如何查找和下载非标准的简历字体(免费!) (How To Find & Download Non-Standard Resume Fonts (For Free!))

You may have noticed that a few of the fonts I recommended don’t show up when you try to find them in Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

您可能已经注意到,当您尝试在Microsoft Word或Google文档中找到我建议的几种字体时,这些字体没有显示。

Despite being some of the best choices out there for your resume, these fonts aren’t always part of the standard package with Microsoft or Google. The good news is, you can easily download and add them yourself without spending a dime!

尽管这些字体是您简历中的最佳选择,但这些字体并不总是Microsoft或Google的标准软件包中的一部分。 好消息是,您可以自己下载并轻松添加它们,而无需花费一角钱!

Here’s how to add custom fonts to Microsoft Word:

以下是向Microsoft Word添加自定义字体的方法:

  1. Find a site where you can download fonts for free. Font Squirrel, Dafont, and 1001 Free Fonts are all great options.

    查找一个可以免费下载字体的站点。 Font Squirrel , Dafont和1001 Free Fonts都是不错的选择。

  2. Search for the font you want and download either the OTF or TTF file to your desktop

  3. Open the file you downloaded and click “Install Font”

  4. Restart any applications where you want to use the font (Microsoft Word, Photoshop, etc.)

    重新启动要使用该字体的所有应用程序(Microsoft Word,Photoshop等)
  5. You should see your new font appear as an option in the drop down!


Adding new fonts to Google Docs is much easier. All you need to do is:

向Google文档添加新字体要容易得多。 您需要做的是:

  1. Open any Google Doc

  2. Click on the Font drop down and click “More fonts…”

  3. Search for the font you want, select it, and click “OK”

  4. Your new font should appear in your drop down as an option


恢复字体:底线 (Resume Fonts: The Bottom Line)

Together, we’ve gone through every aspect of resume fonts, from why they matter in the first place to how to choose the best one to fit your professional goals.


Remember to keep readability and professionalism in mind when you choose a font for your cover letter and CV. When in doubt, select a contemporary sans serif typeface and a 12-14-pt. font size. Use bold and italics consistently but sparingly, and remember that white space is your friend.

为求职信和简历选择字体时,请记住牢记可读性和专业性。 如有疑问,请选择现代的无衬线字体和12-14点。 字体大小。 始终但要谨慎使用粗体和斜体,并记住空白是您的朋友。

In addition, the way we’ve thought about resume fonts in this article is a good model for how you should approach all of your introductory materials during the job application process.


Every aspect of your cover letter and CV or resume should be carefully curated to highlight relevant experience and traits. And because your potential employer doesn’t have anything to go on other than what you provide them with, it’s important to make every letter – and every typeface – count.

求职信和简历或简历的各个方面都应精心策划,以突出相关的经验和特质。 而且,由于您的潜在雇主除了为您提供的服务之外没有其他工作,因此重要的是要使每一封信和每种字体都算数。

是否希望获得有关在没有联系,没有“经验”且没有在线申请的情况下找到理想工作的内部信息? (Want the inside info on landing a dream job without connections, without “experience,” & without applying online?)

Click here to get the 5 free strategies that my students have used to land jobs at Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and more without applying online.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/these-are-the-most-effective-resume-fonts-in-2019/


本文标签: 字体最有效简历