

1、 [单选] 你的公司最近采用了Scrum方法,团队成员很沮丧,因为他们现在必须每天开15分钟的会。每日站会的目的是什么?
Your organization has recently adopted scrum methodology. Your team members are frustrated as they now must meet on daily basis for 15 minutes. What is the purpose of daily scrum?

  •  A:自我组织 To self-organize
  •  B:计划 To plan
  •  C:降低风险 To mitigate risks
  •  D:以上都对 All of the above

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:敏捷实践指南53页;每日站会的目的是工作内容的进展同步,不是为了解决问题;在每日站会上会讨论:①我昨天做了什么;②我今天将要做什么;- B选项正确③我遇到了什么障碍(风险或问题) - C选项正确要鼓励每个团队成员轮流组织每日站会,而不是由项目经理或领导来组织。 - A选项正确因此以上3个选项都对。答案选D

2、 [单选] 涉及一家全球公司10家分公司的项目即将完成,项目经理正在安排召开一次经验教训总结会议,项目经理应该邀请谁来参加会议?
A project that involves 10 branches of a global company is nearing completion.The project manager is scheduling a lessons learned meeting. Who should the project manager invite to the meeting?

  •  A:所有相关方 All stakeholders
  •  B:项目经理的业务部门主管 Head of the business unit of the project manager
  •  C:项目团队的所有成员 All members of the project team
  •  D:高级管理层 Senior management

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P128-组织过程资产更新。尽可能多的相关方参与到经验教训总结中,有助于今后的项目少走弯路。 选项BCD:都有可能参加经验教训总结会议,在选项A的范围之内。

5、 [单选] 在项目执行阶段,项目发起人直接与团队成员和分包商沟通。项目发起人偶尔向他们提供有关实施方法、工作技巧和任务排序的指导。项目经理应该怎么做?
During the project execution phase,project sponsors communicate directly with team members and subcontractors.Project sponsors occasionally provide them with guidance on implementation methods,work skills, and task sequencing.What should the project manager do?

  •  A:使用人际关系技能让项目发起人查阅沟通管理计划 Use interpersonal skills to let project sponsors view communication management plans
  •  B:更新相关方参与计划, 禁止项目发起人与团队和分包商直接沟通 Update the relevant parties to participate in the plan, prohibit project sponsors from communicating directly with teams and subcontractors
  •  C:更新执行、负责、 咨询和知情(RACI)矩阵 Update execution, responsibility,consulting and informed (RACI) Matrix
  •  D:将项目发起人与团队 和分包商的沟通更新到问题日志 Update the project sponsors and teams communication with subcontractors to the problem log

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


6、 [单选] 为了限制项目变更的数量,项目经理制定了一个严格的变更管理计划,该计划只允许批准减轻主要潜在风险或已实现风险的变更。团队成员提出一个范围变更,该范围变更将消除对落后于进度的外部项目的依赖。项目经理应该做什么?
To limit the number of project changes, the project manager establishes a strict change management plan that allows only changes that mitigate major potential or realized risks. Team members propose a scope change that will eliminate the dependency on external projects that are behind schedule. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:与发起人和外部项目经理讨论提议的变更 Discuss the proposed change with the sponsor and external project manager.
  •  B:拒绝该变更,因为根据变更管理计划应避免所有变更 Reject the change because all changes should be avoided according to the change management plan.
  •  C:接受该变更,因为这是一项预防措施 Accept the change,as it is a preventive action.
  •  D:同意该变更,因为这是一项纠正措施 Agree the change as this is a corrective action.

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113-4.6 实施整体变更控制。要对变更请求进行评估,但是和“发起人和外部项目经理讨论”并不是很严谨,没有交代是否发起人和外部项目经理是否是CCB的成员。对于这道题目重点掌握整体变更控制流程,忽略瑕疵。 选项B:变更管理计划是对变更加以控制,而不是拒绝变更。 选项CD:根据选项A评估的结果,才能做出接受/同意/拒绝的决策。

7、 [单选] 项目经理计划在一个月内部署一个全球性项目。但是,多名经理联系项目发起人,表示缺乏对项目可交付成果的认识。规划期间,项目经理应完成下列哪一项?
A project manager plans to deploy a global project in one month. However, several managers have contacted the project sponsor indicating a lack of awareness of project deliverables. What should the project manager have done during planning?

  •  A:开展项目影响分析.安排进度活动并采取行动 Conducted a project impact analysis, scheduled activities, and taken actions
  •  B:审查项目章程澄清范围 Reviewed project charter to clarify scope
  •  C:安排每周风险审查会议 Scheduled weekly risk review meetings
  •  D:识别项目相关方,并将其包含进沟通管理计划中 Identified project stakeholders and included them in the communications management plan

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


8、 [单选] 项目团队正在对一家制造公司的原型进行质量检查,在控制图上连续七个点落在平均线上方,但处于控制界限内。 质量过程的绩效水平是什么?
The project team is conducting a quality check on the prototype of a manufacturing company, seven consecutive points fall above the average line on the control chart, but within the control limits. What is the performance level of the quality process?

  •  A:在规格界限内 Within the specification limits
  •  B:在规格界限外 Out of the specification limits
  •  C:失控 Out of control
  •  D:处于控制当中 Under control

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P304-数据表现。七点连续在均值线同侧是典型的失控。 其他选项:BD不正确,严格来说,A的说法也对,但是问得是质量过程的绩效水平,而不是可交付成果的检查结果。因此,C正确。

10、 [单选] 项目发起人任命一位高级工程师到指导委员会,来帮助监督项目管理计划。该工程师经常不同意由项目团队制定的计划,并在提交标准之前对项目管理计划表达严重关切。项目经理应该怎么做?
The project sponsor appoints a senior engineer to the steering committee to help oversee the project management plan.The engineer often disagree with the plans produced by the project team,and expresses critical concerns about the project management plan before it is submitted for approval. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:通知项目发起人,该工程师延迟了规划过程 Inform the project sponsor that the engineer is delaying the planning process
  •  B:与指导委员会一起审查项目计划,并解决该工程师提出的任何问题 Review the project plan with the steering committee,and address any concerns that are raised by the engineer
  •  C:与工程师进行私下会议,了解并解决他关切的问题 Conduct a private meeting with the engineer to understand and address their concerns
  •  D:提交项目管理计划,并在以后通过遵循变更管理程序解决该工程师的关切问题 Submit the project management plan,and address the engineer's concerns at a better time by following change management procedures

正确答案:C 你的答案:C


11、 [单选] 任命的项目经理获悉,相关方对已识别到的项目问题和风险非常担心,他们对一个多月没有收到任何沟通表示不满。 项目经理应该怎么做?
A newly appointed project manager learns that stakeholders are concerned about identified project issues and risks. They are dissatisfied that for over a month no communications have been receive What should the new project manager do?

  •  A:实施现有沟通管理计划和相关方参与计划 Implement the existing communications management and stakeholder management plans.
  •  B:更新沟通管理计划和相关方参与计划,并立即向相关方提供有关问题和风险的信息 Update the communications management and stakeholder management plans and provide immediate communication regarding the issues and risks to the stakeholders.
  •  C:与相关方开会以确定沟通所需的频率,然后立即向他们提供有关这些问题和风险的信息 Meet with stakeholders to determine the frequency required for communications, then immediate provide them with information regarding the issues and risks.
  •  D:与关键相关方开会,然后更新沟通管理计划和相关方参与计划 Meet with the key stakeholders then update the communications management and stakeholder management plans.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P388-10.3监督沟通。信息的传递存在缺失,分析问题,如有必要更新沟通管理计划。所以选项D在选项B之前。 选项A:现有的沟通管理计划已经无法满足相关方对信息获取的需求。 选项C:对相关方沟通频率的期望,要先进行评估,然后整合进沟通管理计划。

12、 [单选] 在一个项目的结束阶段,项目经理和供应商对所交付的工作是否符合要求存在冲突。若要解决这个问题,项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件?
At a project ending phase , the project manager and a vendor are confiscate about whether the work delivered meets requirements. What should the project manager reference to resolve this ?

  •  A:项目章程 Project Charter
  •  B:建议邀请书(RFP) Request for proposal(RFP)
  •  C:工作说明书(SOW) Statement of work
  •  D:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure(WBS)

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)477 采购工作说明书 工作说明书对将要包含在相关合同中的那一部分项目范围进行定义。它对可交付成果进行了详细的描述,相关的规格都在里面。其他选项:AD都是项目内部文件,B只用作招标。

13、 [单选] 某个特定采购商品的原料成本预计增加,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A planned increase in raw material costs for a specific procurement item occurs. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:通知发起人 Inform the sponsor
  •  B:执行储备分析 Perform a reserve analysis
  •  C:执行实施整体变更控制过程 Conduct the Perform Integrated Change Control process
  •  D:研究偏差的原因 Research the reasons for the deviation

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P456-数据分析-储备分析。储备分析是指在项目的任一时点比较剩余应急储备与剩余风险量,从而确定剩余储备是否仍然合理。可以用各种图形(如燃尽图)来显示应急储备的消耗情况。 成本有增加的风险,项目经理通过储备分析来确认应急储备是否足以应对。选项AC:通过储备分析如果有必要实施风险应对的话,再提交变更请求对基准进行更新,同时通知相关方。选项D:偏差分析通常用于分析在临界值区间是否有必要采取纠正或预防措施。

14、 [单选] 一位一直使用瀑布管理方式的新的产品负责人正在努力学习使用敏捷估算。作为Scrum主管,你需要告诉他敏捷估算和瀑布估算有什么不同。你会怎么说?
A new product owner who normally works with waterfall is struggling to use agile estimations. You as a Scrum Master must tell him how agile estimation is different from that of waterfall. What would you tell?

  •  A:瀑布估算是迭代的 Waterfall estimation is iterative
  •  B:敏捷估算是迭代的和及时的 Agile estimation is iterative and just in time
  •  C:在敏捷中,估算是预先完成的 In agile, estimation is done up front
  •  D:在瀑布中,估算是分阶段进行的 In waterfall, estimation is done in phases

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


15、 [单选] 项目经理A认识到需要额外资源来按时完成项目,并请求项目经理B提供资源方面的协助。 如果项目经理B同意,应审查哪一份文件?
Project manager A realizes that additional resources are required to complete their project on time and asks project manager B for assistance with resources.If project manager B agrees, what document should be reviewed?

  •  A:项目人员配备 Project staff assignment
  •  B:资源日历 Resource calendar
  •  C:项目组织图 Project organization chart
  •  D:团队绩效评估 Team performance assessments

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P323-项目文件-资源日历。资源日历识别了每种具体资源可用时的工作日、班次、正常营业的上下班时间、 周末和公共假期。在项目经理B同意之后,需要查看资源日历。查看哪些资源在项目期间可以进行协助。选项A:人员配备管理,指的是人员如何获取、培训、管理以及如何遣散,目前资源是否能够加入还没有明确,所以排除。选项C:项目组织图以图形方式展示项目团队成员及其报告关系。选项D:指团队实现预定目标的实际结果。

16、 [单选] 鲍勃是一名 Scrum 主管。他和敏捷团队与产品负责人一起为他们将要开发的新应用程序编写用户故事。为了进一步分析故事,鲍勃建议使用MoSCoW技术。MoSCoW 代表什么?
Bob is a scrum master. He and the agile team worked with product owner to write the user stories for the new application that they will be developing. To further analyze the stories, Bob recommended to use MoSCoW technique. MoSCoW stands for?

  •  A:必须有,应该有,可以有,不会有 Must have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have
  •  B:必须有,应该有,可以有,将会有 Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Would Have
  •  C:可能有,应该有,本来可以有,不会有 Might Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have
  •  D:可能有,应该有,可以有,将会有 Might Have, Should Have, Could Have, Would Have

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:MoSCoW 方法是一种用于管理、业务分析、项目管理和软件开发的优先级技术,旨在与利益相关方就交付每个要求的优先顺序达成共识,其含义是必须有,应该有,可能有,不会有。

17、 [单选] 一位新项目经理负责管理一个处于规划阶段之后的项目。新项目经理应该审查什么以确定团队的角色和职责?
A new project manager assumes a project after its planning phase, what should the new project manager review To identify the team's roles and responsibilities ?

  •  A:组织结构图 Organizational chart
  •  B:资源管理计划 Resource management plan
  •  C:项目章程 project charter
  •  D:工作分解结构(WBS) Work breakdown structure (WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。资源管理计划中包括了角色与职责的分配。 选项A:组织结构图展现的是职位和相互关系。 选项C:项目章程记录了项目经理、项目管理团队的职责,因为项目团队成员还没有规划,所以项目章程中没有团队成员的角色和职责。 选项D:WBS中有工作包的负责人,但是不便于汇总查询成员详细信息。

19、 [单选] 公司聘用一名项目经理来协调一个期限紧迫的敏捷项目,项目经理和敏捷团队都由一位项目组合经理管理,该项目组合经理倾向于根据需要将开发人员重新分配给其他紧急事项,当项目经理与其接洽时,项目组合经理坚持认为他有权根据需要调动资源,项目经理应该怎么做?
A Company hires a project manager to coordinate an agile project with tight deadlines, The project managers and the agile team are all managed by a portfolio manager who has a tendency to reassigned developers to other urgent items as needed, when approached by the project manager , the portfolio manager is adamant that he  have the authority to more required, what should the project manager do?

  •  A:将此问题提升为问题日志中的问题 Raise this ad an issue in the issue log
  •  B:更新风险登记册 Update the risk register
  •  C:将此问题升级上报给项目组合经理的主管 Escalate it to the portfolio manager's supervisor
  •  D:请求额外的资源 Request additional resources

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


20、 [单选] 相关方已就项目可交付成果,关键里程碑以及角色与职责达成一致意见,项目经理与商业分析师开会,以评估项目的详细需求,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Stakeholders have agreed on project deliverables, key milestones, and roles and responsibilities. The project manager meets with the business analyst to assess the project’s detailed requirements. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:安排需求评审会议 Arrange a requirements review meeting
  •  B:分享项目章程 Share the project charter
  •  C:制定范围管理计划 Develop the scope management plan
  •  D:审查工作分解结构(WBS) Review the work breakdown structure (WBS)

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P75-4.1制定项目章程。项目章程中记录了对项目可交付成果的约定、关键里程碑、角色和职责。 选项ACD:在选项B之后,有了项目章程,才有用于动员资源收集需求的权力。

22、 [单选] 项目经理得知,因为未得到足够的支持,一位团队成员无法满足指定的截止日期。原计划由另一个部门的职能经理直接管理的一位人员能支持该团队成员,但因其超负荷无法完成,组织内没有其他资源可用。项目经理应该怎么做?
A project manager learn member could not meet assigned deadline because adequate support was not receive An overloaded resource, who is directly managed by a functional manager in another department was scheduled to support this team member, but was unable,no other resources are available within the organization. What should the project manager do?

  •  A:联系该超负荷人员的职能经理,并审查该资源日程计划 Engage with the overloaded resource’s functional manager,and review the resource scheduling plan
  •  B:要求该团队成员与该超负荷人员联系,以解决该问题 Ask the team member to engage with the overloaded resource to resolve the problem
  •  C:要求该超负荷人员的职能经理解决该问题 Ask the overloaded resource’s functional manager to resolve the issue
  •  D:与团队开会,以解决该问题 Meet with the team to resolve the issue

正确答案:A 你的答案:A


23、 [单选] 一位具有独特和关键技能的主题专家(SME)不愿接受项目经理的指令,项目经理首先应该怎么做?
A subject matter expert (SME) with unique and critical skills will not accept the authority of the project manager. What should the project manager do first ?

  •  A:与该主题专家的直线经理开会以解决该冲突 Meet with the SME line manager to resolve the conflict
  •  B:与该主题专家一起审查项目管理计划以核实所有团队角色 Review the project management plan with the SME to validate all team roles
  •  C:要求项目发起人替换该主题专家 Ask the project sponsor to replace the SME
  •  D:更新资源管理计划和风险登记册 Update the resource management plan and the risk register

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P319-团队章程。团队章程是为团队创建团队价值观、共识和工作指南的文件,其中包括团队价值观、沟通指南、冲突处理过程、团队共识等。 选项AC:首先尝试在团队内部解决问题,如果无法解决,再选择寻求职能部门经理介入或上报。 选项D:问题解决以后,看是否还存在着不确定性,或者是否对资源管理策略进行调整,再判断是否需要更新资源计划和风险登记册。

24、 [单选] 虽然某个可交付成果已遵循质量控制过程,但客户对其质量表示不满,项目经理首先应该做什么?
Although the quality control process was followed for a deliverable,the customers express displeasure with its quality. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:将该问题升级上报给合同经理 Escalate the issue to the contract manager.
  •  B:继续执行该项目,因为可交付成果已通过质量控制检查 Continue to execute the project because the deliverables have passed the quality control checks.
  •  C:审查内部质量控制流程 Review the internal quality control process
  •  D:将可交付成果的质量与验收标准进行比较 Compare the quality of deliverables with acceptance criteria

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P305-核实的可交付成果。遵循了质量控制过程,但是还不满意,需要看一下当时的验收是否有问题,所以要比较一下验收标准。 其他选项:A,没必要上报。B不能不管;C,先处理D再处理C。

25、 [单选] 在新项目启动会议期间,生产经理拒绝接受批准的章程,因为项目需要采购新设备。然而,项目经理通知项目发起人,由于生产经理缺席,章程未能包括设备采购。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
During a new project’s kick-off meeting.a production manager refuses to accept the approved charter because the project will require the procurement of new equipment.The project manager then informs the sponsor that the charter failed to include equipment procurement because the production manager was absent.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:与客户一起审查生产经理关切的问题 Review the production manager’s concern with the client.
  •  B:记录生产经理关切的问题,并在项目启动大会之后获得他们的支持 Record the production manager’s concern and obtain their support after the kick-off meeting.
  •  C:开展另一项成本效益分析,包括生产经理的反馈 Conduct another cost-benefit analysis that includes the production manager’s feedback.
  •  D:向生产经理解释设备成本不会影响项目业务价值 Explain to the production manager that equipment costs will not impact project business value.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:PMBOK(6)P86-会议。项目开工会议的目标在“传达项目目标、获得团队对项目的承诺,以及阐明每个相关方的角色和职责”。 选项A:包括在选项B中。 选项C:成本效益分析的结果是用来证明项目的可行性,起建议作用,无需在做。

26、 [单选] 一份设备报价邀请书(RFQ)在报纸上公布了。一些供应商要求举行投标前会议,一些供应商询问有关设备类型的问题,还有一家供应商提交的报价远低于公司估算的价格。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?
A request for quotation(RFQ) for equipment is published in a newspaper.Some vendors request pre-bid conferences,some ask questions about the type of equipment,and one vendor submits a quote much lower than the company estimate.What should the project manager have done to avoid this?

  •  A:要求有更多此设备经验的供应商 Requested vendors with more experience with this equipment.
  •  B:延长提交报价的时间 Extended the time to submit quotations.
  •  C:遵循采购管理计划 Followed the procurement management plan.
  •  D:将所有详情包含进工作说明书(SOW)中 Included all details in the procurement statement of work(SOW).

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)477 采购工作说明书。 采购工作说明书里面确定了规格、数量、质量水平、绩效数据、履约时间、工作地点和其他要求等等。这些供应商因为对可交付成果的不了解,因此报价 千差万别,所以需要明确的SOW去规定。 其他选项:AB直接错误,C采购管理计划并没有可交付成果的相关具体描述

28、 [单选] 项目经理正在管理一个交付日期非常紧张的关键项目。由于某些团队成员位于其他国家/地区,因此项目经理希望确保明确定义角色、职责和工作日历。项目经理应该参考哪一个过程?
A project manager is leading a critical project with an aggressive delivery date. Since some project team members are located in other countries, the project manager wants to ensure that roles, responsibilities, and work calendars are will define. To what process should the project manager refer?

  •  A:规划进度管理 Plan schedule management
  •  B:规划资源管理 Plan resource management
  •  C:规划风险管理 Plan risk management
  •  D:规划沟通管理 Plan communication management

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P318-资源管理计划。资源管理计划中包括了角色与职责的分配,以及资源的控制。 选项ACD:情景中已经明确了“角色”、“职责”和“工作日历”。

29、 [单选] 项目第一阶段符合进度计划,且接近完成。第二阶段取决于第一阶段的完成。技术团队发现一个缺陷,且项目经理确定必须修补这个缺陷才能继续项目。项目经理首先应该怎么做?
Phase one of a project is on schedule and close to completion. Phase two is dependent upon phase one's completion. The technical team finds a defect and the project manager determines that the defect must be repaired before continuing the project. What should the project manager do first?

  •  A:变更项目管理计划,在不影响进度计划的情况下包含缺陷修补工作 Update the project management plan to include the repair work without impacting the schedule.
  •  B:向变更控制委员会(CCB)提交变更请求,供其审查和批准 Submit a change request to be reviewed and approved by the change control board (CCB)
  •  C:与项目团队开会,审查发现结果,并确定所需的下一步行动 Meet with the project team to review the findings and determine the next action required
  •  D:将修补工作添加进风险登记册,并重新计算成功概率 Add repair work to the risk register and recalculate probability of success

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


30、 [单选] 在施工现场可被验收之前,正为一个关键项目活动寻求获得当地主管部门的批准,项目经理在为项目制定进度计划时应该做什么?
A key project activity is to seek approval from local authorities before a construction site can be accepted .What should the project manager do when scheduling the project?

  •  A:避免将该活动放在关键路径上 Avoid putting the activity on the critical path.
  •  B:执行确定和整合依赖关系 Perform dependency determination and integration.
  •  C:获得专家判断 Obtain expert judgment.
  •  D:在风险登记册中添加一个新风险 Add a new risk to the risk register.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P191-确定和整合依赖关系 。“当地主管部门的批准”属于外部依赖关系,外部依赖关系是项目活动与非项目活动之间的依赖关系,这些依赖关系往往不在项目团队的控制范围内。 选项A:要获得批准,即使不在关键路径上,浮动时间不足,同样会影响项目工期。 选项D:做为一个风险进行跟踪,但题干问的是“在制定进度计划时应该做什么”

31、 [单选] 项目经理需要从不同职能经理招募团队成员,项目经理应使用什么?
A project manager needs to acquire team members from various functional managers. What should the project manager use?

  •  A:资源日历 Resource calendars
  •  B:协商 Negotiation
  •  C:募集 Acquisition
  •  D:技能图 Skill mapping

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P323-估算活动资源输入-项目文件-资源日历。资源日历识别了每种具体资源可用时的工作日、班次、正常营业的上下班时间、 周末和公共假期。注意,这道题目容易导致误判,首先项目经理需要知道哪些资源可用,再和职能部门经理协商获取资源(选项B),如果无法获取,再考虑其他获取方式,例如招募(选项C)。

32、 [单选] 公司推出一项新产品,预估实施质量控制系统将花费100万美元,预期的故障和潜在维修成本估计为50万美元。项目经理应该提出什么建议?
A company launching a new product estimates that implementing a quality control system will cost $1 million, expected failures and potential repair costs are estimated at US$500,000. What should the project manager propose?

  •  A:在做出决定之前考虑声誉损失成本 Factoring in the loss of reputation costs before making A decision
  •  B:实施质量控制系统,因为这是质量成本(COQ) Implementing a quality control system, as this is the cost of quality (COQ)
  •  C:不实施质量控制系统,因为非一致性成本较低 Not implemented a quality control system, as the cost of nonconformance is less
  •  D:实施质量控制系统,因为质量控制是最佳实践 Implement a quality control system, as quality control is a best practice

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-质量成本。题干中没有考虑到声誉损失等外部失败成本,因此项目经理应向公司提出需考虑外部失败成本的建议。 选项B:缺乏逻辑关系,排除。 选项CD:是否实施,要根据综合考虑的结果后决策。

33、 [单选] 一位新的产品负责人以前一直采用的是瀑布管理方式。他现在正在对比瀑布计划和敏捷计划的异同。敏捷计划与瀑布式计划有何不同?
A new product owner has been working previously with waterfall. He is comparing both waterfall and agile planning. How is agile planning different from that of waterfall?

  •  A:瀑布计划是迭代的 Waterfall planning is iterative
  •  B:敏捷计划是迭代且及时的 Agile planning is iterative and just in time
  •  C:在敏捷管理中,计划是预先完成的 In agile, planning is done up front
  •  D:在瀑布管理中,计划是分阶段完成的 In waterfall, planning is done in phases

正确答案:B 你的答案:B


34、 [单选] 项目发起人非常注意与用户/客户一起制定效益分析和范围。任命的项目经理后来按时按预算完成项目。项目发起人应该如何向用户/客户确保最终可交付成果达到预期目标?
A project sponsor takes great care to develop the benefit analysis and scope with the user/client.The assigned project manager later completes the project on time and under budget.What should the project sponsor do to assure the user/client that the final deliverable has achieved the desired objectives?

  •  A:查阅工作分解结构(WBS)确认所有工作包已经完成 Refer to the work breakdown structure(WBS) to confirm that all work packages were successfully complete
  •  B:向用户/客户指出,由于满足了进度计划和预算要求,该项目取得成功 Point out to the user/client that since schedule and budget requirements were met,the project is a success.
  •  C:要求分配的效益负责人在书面报告中提供他们的反馈以进行验证 Ask the assigned benefits owner to provide their feedback in a written report for verification.
  •  D:向用户/客户提供在项目结束时使用的一份清单,列出所有已解决的事项 Provide to the user/client a list that was used at the end of the project indicating all items address

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:PMBOK(6)P163-5.5确认范围。项目的交付成果要获得正式验收,在通过验收后,进行移交程序。 选项A:属于内部的质量控制过程。 选项B:项目是否成功,由项目发起人依据项目章程中的项目成功标准判定。 选项D:已解决事项和遗留问题列表在验收后出具的项目最终报告中记录。

35、 [单选] —位新项目发起人习惯性地错过每周一次的状态会议,并经常找职能经理讨论项目的状态,定期向其发送会议纪要,但似乎一直未读,项目经理下一步应该怎么做?
A new project sponsor habitually misses weekly status meeting and frequently visits functional manager to discuss the project's, status,meeting minutes are regularly sent, but appear to remain unrea What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:指示职能经理拒绝讨论项目状态 Instruct the functional managers to refrain from discussing project status
  •  B:将沟通管理计划发送给该发起人 Send the communication management plan to the sponsor
  •  C:将每周会议纪要重新发送给该发起人 Resend the weekly meeting minutes to the sponsor
  •  D:与该发起人组织一对一会议 Organize a one-on-one meetings with the sponsor

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P523-13.3管理相关方参与。调整与相关方的沟通管理计划,需要从相关方分析入手,挖掘相关方的核心诉求。 选项A:武断的决策 选项BC:之前的信息已经发送 了,但是相关方并没有阅读,所以问题不在沟通管理计划的缺失上,先了解一下相关方的诉求。

36、 [单选] 在项目规划期间,项目经理希望将尽可能多的成本超支风险转移给供应商。项目经理应使用哪一个合同类型?
During the project planning,the project manager wants to transfer as many cost overrun risks as possible to the supplier.What type of contract should the project manager use?

  •  A:固定总价(FFP) Firm fixed price(FFP).
  •  B:总价加经济价格调整(FPEPA) Fixed price with economic price adjustment(FPEPA).
  •  C:成本加激励费用(CPIF) Cost plus incentive fee(CPIF).
  •  D:成本加固定费用(CPFF) Cost plus fixed fee(CPFF).

正确答案:A 你的答案:A

解析:PMBOK(6)P471-固定总价合同。 固定总价合同风险最小,卖家风险自担。 其他选项:对买家的风险排序,A小于B小于C小于D。

37、 [单选] 一位相关方要求更频繁、更详细地更新项目状态。该相关方也表示有兴趣协助该项目。项目经理下一步该怎么做?
A stakeholder requests more frequent and detailed updates on the project's status.The stakeholder also expresses interest in helping with the project. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:尽快发送详细的状态报告并更新相关方登记册 Send detailed status reports as soon as possible and update the stakeholder register
  •  B:将该相关方包含在所有详细的项目状态沟通中,并将该相关方的参与度更新为支持 Include this stakeholder in all detailed project status communications and update the stakeholder's engagement level to supportive
  •  C:与团队开会以审查相关方登记册并重新评估角色和报告要求 Meet with the team to review the stakeholder register and reassess the roles and reporting requirements
  •  D:更新具有同样参与程度的所有相关方的详细状态报告 Update the detailed status report for all stakeholders with the same engagement level

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。监督项目相关方关系,并通过修订参与策略和计划来引导相关方合理参与项目的过程。 选项ABD:对项目沟通策略进行更新要根据对相关方分析的结果。

38、 [单选] 在创建质量管理计划时,项目经理确定预防和质量评估的成本非常高,然而,增加预算不会减少公司未来的故障维修费用。项目经理应该怎么做?
While creating a quality management plan, a project manager determines that the cost of prevention and quality assessment is very high, however, increasing the budget will not reduce the company's future failure repair costs. What should a project manager do?

  •  A:修改预算以增加预防和质量评估活动 Revise the budget to increase preventive and quality appraised activities
  •  B:保持当前的质量活动 Maintain current quality activities
  •  C:修改预算以解决故障成本问题 Revise the budget to address failure costs
  •  D:变更制造过程以减少缺陷 Change the manufacturing process to reduce defects

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P282-数据分析-成本效益分析。成本效益分析是用来估算备选方案优势和劣势的财务分析工具,以确定可以创造最佳效益的备选方案。从题干陈述的情景看,再多的投入并不能带来质量水平的显著提升,所以排除AC。 选项D:生产工艺流程的改造,也需要投入成本。

39、 [单选] 一个本地项目在不断扩大,现在将包括来自不同国家的相关方。为了有效管理这些全球相关方,项目经理必须调整哪些现有文件?
A local project is expanding and will now include stakeholders from different countries.what existing documentation must the project manager adjust to effectively manage these global stakeholders?

  •  A:组织沟通需求 Organization communication requirements.
  •  B:风险登记册 Risk register.
  •  C:变更控制程序 Change control procedures.
  •  D:沟通管理计划 Communication management plan.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D


40、 [单选] 在授权资源分配之前,公司的项目管理办公室(PMO)要求项目经理出示批准的项目章程。 但是,项目发起人将在未来三周内休假,相关方希望项目尽快开始。 项目经理该怎么做?
Before authorizing resource assignments, a company’s project management office(PMO) requires that the project manager present the approved project charter. However, the project sponsor is on vacation for the next three weeks. Stakeholders want the project to start as soon as possible. What should the project manager do ?

  •  A:暂停项目,直到发起人批准项目章程为止 Hold the project until the sponsor approves the project charter.
  •  B:获得指导委员会的授权 Obtain authorization from the steering committee.
  •  C:找到可以非正式启动项目的资源,以避免延期 Find resources that can informally start the project to avoid delays.
  •  D:审查主要项目里程碑,识别潜在的任务压缩以避免延期 Review the main project milestones to identify potential task compression to avoid delays.

正确答案:B 你的答案:B

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P77-4.1制定项目章程。“项目由项目以外的机构来启动,如发起人、项目集或项目管理办公室(PMO)、项目组合治理委员会主席或其授权代表”。现在发起人休假,可以由指导委员会授权启动。 选项A:项目的启动时间较为紧迫,等待发起人从时间上来不及。 选项C:项目未正式立项,无法动用资源。 选项D:启动阶段,没有进入规划阶段。

41、 [单选] 一个项目可交付成果已交付给客户,但未能满足质量标准,项目经理下一步应该做什么?
A project deliverable has been delivered to the client,but it falls to meet quality standards.What should the project manager do next?

  •  A:审查可接受的公差水平 Review acceptable tolerance levels.
  •  B:调整下一个可交付成果的参数。 Adjust the parameters for the next deliverable.
  •  C:对可交付成果进行补救工作 Conduct remedial work on the deliverable.
  •  D:执行根本原因分析,并识别纠正方案 Perform a root analysis,and identify a corrective solution.

正确答案:D 你的答案:D

解析:PMBOK(6)P303- 数据分析-根本原因分析。可交付成果有问题,先分析根本原因,再找解决方案。 其他选项:AB明显不对,C的没有D全面,还是要执行必要的分析。

42、 [单选] 项目经理通过将工作包分解到活动中去,识别并记录产生项目可交付成果的具体行动, 结果将产生哪一份文件?
A project manager identifies and documents the specific actions that produce project deliverables by breaking down work packages into activities. What document will be produced as a result?

  •  A:资源分解结构(RBS) Resource breakdown structure (RBS)
  •  B:活动资源需求 Activity resource requirements
  •  C:里程碑清单 Milestone list
  •  D:活动持续时间估算 Activity duration estimates

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P186-里程碑清单。将工作包分解到活动,我们定位到定义活动子过程。定义活动输出里程碑清单。 选项A:是选项D的输入 选项B:是6.5制定进度计划的输入 选项D:在定义活动之后。

43、 [单选] 在冲刺计划会议上,两名团队成员开始就用户故事、优先级和估算展开辩论,并慢慢转变为激烈的争论。作为 Scrum主管,你应该怎么做?
During a sprint planning meeting, two of the team members have started debating and arguing over a user story, its priority, and estimates. This debate is slowly moving towards a heated argument. What steps would you take as a Scrum Master?

  •  A:告诉团队休息5分钟再继续开会 Tell the team to take a coee break and then come back after 5 mins
  •  B:将此事上报给双方团队的经理 Escalate the matter to the respective people manager of both the team members
  •  C:干预并指导团队合作,专业地解决问题 Intervene and guide the team to resolve the matter collaboratively and professionally
  •  D:谴责两位团队成员在会上的行为如此不专业 Reprimand both the team members in the meeting for behaving so unprofessionally

正确答案:C 你的答案:C

解析:参见《敏捷实践指南》P41 团队促进者角色的描述。Scrum Master的职责包括了使得团队能紧密合作,使得团队个人具有多方面职能的工作能力;确保Scrum团队完成Scrum的实践及体现其价值。因此团队成员产生了激烈的争论,Scrum Master应该干预指导团队合作,专业地解决问题。选项C正确。A选项:并没有解决问题。B选项,团队内部没有进行尝试解决就上报不是最优选。D选项,冲刺计划会议的目的就是全员参与,在会议

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