

freeCodeCamp started the #AWSCertified challenge at the beginning of this year. You can get AWS certified with totally free courses.

freeCodeCamp在今年年初开始了#AWSCertified挑战。 您可以通过完全免费的课程获得AWS认证。

Yes, you read that right. Free courses.

是的,你看的没错。 免费课程。

AWS offers 12 certifications. Today, 3 courses are available on freeCodeCamp's YouTube channel:

AWS提供12项认证。 如今,freeCodeCamp的YouTube频道提供了3门课程:

  1. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner


  2. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate


  3. AWS Certified Developer Associate


In this post, I'll show you how to pass your AWS Certified Developer Associate exam successfully.


Let’s begin.


建立学习习惯 (Establish a learning routine)

We're all busy in our daily lives. Always something to do and never enough time. Preparing for the AWS Certified Developer Associate takes time and commitment.

我们都忙于日常生活。 总是有事可做,没有足够的时间。 为AWS认证开发人员助理做准备需要时间和精力。

According to Andrew Brown, it can take up to 2 months of study to pass this exam. You need to get your hands dirty to understand all the concepts discussed in the course, contrary to the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner or AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certs.

根据安德鲁·布朗(Andrew Brown)的说法,该考试最多可能需要2个月的学习时间。 与AWS认证的云实践者或AWS认证的解决方案架构师助理证书相反,您需要动手以理解本课程中讨论的所有概念。

It took me 20 days to complete my exam preparation, but that's not the point. What matters is your commitment to learning every day.

我花了20天的时间完成我的考试准备,但这不是重点。 重要的是您每天学习的承诺。

I progressed by baby steps. From Monday to Saturday. Each day, I dedicated myself 4 or 5 hours to the task. For sure, you can spend less time. The most important thing is to find what is best for you and work regularly.

我一步步进步。 从星期一到星期六。 每天,我将自己投入4到5个小时来完成任务。 当然,您可以花费更少的时间。 最重要的是找到最适合您的东西并定期工作。

My preparation was divided into 4 steps:


  1. Watch 2 or 3 sections of the course while taking notes

  2. Deep dive into things I didn't understand

  3. Read AWS whitepapers

  4. Take practice exams


I used the free ExamPro AWS Certification course developed by Andrew Brown. It's a 16-hour course posted on YouTube which helps you to understand AWS and practice with Follow Along sections. Andrew Brown did tremendous work. His explanations are very clear and go straight to the point.

我使用了由安德鲁·布朗(Andrew Brown)开发的免费ExamPro AWS认证课程。 这是在YouTube上发布的长达16小时的课程,可帮助您了解AWS并通过“跟随”部分进行练习。 安德鲁·布朗做了出色的工作。 他的解释很清楚,很直接。

Sometimes you'll be frustrated to not understand something. I remember being stuck all afternoon with the first Follow Along. I even thought about skipping it because it was so demotivating.

有时候,您会因为不懂某些东西而感到沮丧。 我记得整个下午都因第一次跟进而陷入困境。 我什至考虑过跳过它,因为它是如此令人沮丧。

The next day, after a good night of sleep, I spent all day debugging the code. I even submitted a pull request to help others. Solving this issue helped me deep dive into things I didn't understand and motivated me to write other AWS stories to consolidate my knowledge.

第二天,经过一夜的睡眠,我整天都在调试代码。 我什至提出了请求请求以帮助他人。 解决此问题有助于我深入研究自己不了解的事情,并促使我写其他AWS故事来巩固我的知识。

After completing the course, you might feel the need to supplement what you learned. You can read the AWS whitepapers recommended by Andrew Brown.

完成课程后,您可能会觉得需要补充所学内容。 您可以阅读Andrew Brown推荐的AWS白皮书。

In my case, I read the following ones:


  • Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS: Accelerating Software Delivery with DevOps

  • Microservices on AWS

  • Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices


It was my first-time reading AWS whitepapers. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised! It helped me a lot to understand the things I was missing and gave me the confidence to book my exam.

这是我第一次阅读AWS白皮书。 我必须承认我很惊喜! 它帮助我了解了我所缺少的东西,使我有信心进行考试。

If you're curious about how to schedule your online exam, you can watch Marcia Villalba's YouTube video. She explains everything you need to know to avoid stressing yourself out too much.

如果您对如何安排在线考试感到好奇,可以观看Marcia Villalba的YouTube视频。 她解释了您需要了解的一切,以避免过分强调自己。

Something worth mentioning: AWS gives you a 50% discount for booking your next exam when you pass one!


A few days before your exam, I strongly recommend you train with practice exams. You can find them easily on the Internet. Andrew Brown gave me access to ExamPro to take the Developer Associate Practice Exam.

考试前几天,我强烈建议您进行实践考试培训。 您可以在Internet上轻松找到它们。 安德鲁·布朗(Andrew Brown)使我可以使用ExamPro参加开发人员助理实践考试 。

The practice exam was challenging. It's close to the real exam. You have 2 hours to answer 65 questions and the clock is ticking. After submitting your practice exam, your score is displayed. Most importantly, you can review your wrong answers and read the explanations to understand why you made these mistakes.

练习考试很有挑战性。 它接近真实的考试。 您有2个小时的时间回答65个问题,而且时钟还在滴答作响。 提交练习考试后,将显示您的分数。 最重要的是,您可以查看错误的答案并阅读说明,以了解为什么会犯这些错误。

If you failed your practice exam, be sure to review your questions/answers first before taking the same practice exam. It will improve your confidence for the real exam.

如果您的练习考试不及格,请确保在参加同一练习考试之前先复习您的问题/答案。 它将提高您对真实考试的信心。

I was able to pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam. Before that, I passed the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate with the same preparation.

我能够通过AWS认证开发人员助理考试。 在此之前,我以相同的准备通过了AWS认证的云实践者和AWS认证的解决方案架构师。

All this requires time, patience, and dedication. I'm not special, you can do it too. It won't be easy at first but it's worth doing.

所有这些都需要时间,耐心和奉献精神。 我并不特别,您也可以做到。 起初并不容易,但值得这样做。

当然还不够 (The course is not enough)

You're wrong if you think the 16-hour course is enough to let you pass. If you plan to schedule your exam after studying only this course, you'll miss for sure many questions.

如果您认为16小时的课程足以让您通过考试,那您就错了。 如果您计划仅在学习本课程后安排考试,那么肯定会错过很多问题。

Don't worry, Andrew Brown covered most of these topics in the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate course.

不用担心,Andrew Brown在AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate课程中涵盖了大多数这些主题。

Here is a non-exhaustive list to help you with your exam:


  • Amazon Machine Image (AMI)


  • Elastic File System (EFS)


  • Elastic Block Store (EBS)


  • Aurora


  • Redshift


  • CloudWatch


  • Kinesis


  • VPC Follow Along


  • OpsWorks


初学者可以通过考试 (Beginners can pass the exam)

Say you're a complete beginner and you're wondering if you should take the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner first.


AWS designed a Developer Learning Path with the recommended certifications.

AWS设计了具有建议认证的开发者学习之路 。

The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is not mandatory. You're good to go if you have some basics in programming.

AWS认证的云实践者不是强制性的。 如果您有一些编程基础知识,那很好。

Of course, exam preparation will require more work. Establish your learning routine to prepare enough. Don't be afraid to deep dive on your own. You have to understand the course and not memorize it. Be sure to understand containers and Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD).

当然,准备考试将需要更多的工作。 建立学习程序以准备足够的内容。 不要害怕自己深潜。 您必须了解该课程而不是记住它。 确保了解容器以及持续集成和持续交付(CI / CD)。

Keep working, you can do it!


我的在线考试经验 (My online exam experience)

I had a technical problem with my online proctored exam. The proctor started my exam after the check-in process. But my screen turned black and it was impossible to see the questions!

我的在线督导考试遇到技术问题。 监考员在办理登机手续后开始了我的考试。 但是我的屏幕变黑了,无法看到问题!

The proctor contacted me by audio conference. We spent 20 minutes together trying to fix the problem, but it was impossible to start my exam.

监理通过音频会议与我联系。 我们花了20分钟时间试图解决问题,但是无法开始考试。

If something similar happens to you, you have to contact the customer service as soon as possible. It's impossible to connect again to your online exam. Send directly your email form to: https://home.pearsonvue/aws/contact

如果您遇到类似的情况,则必须尽快与客户服务联系。 无法再次连接到您的在线考试。 直接将您的电子邮件表格发送至: https : //home.pearsonvue/aws/contact

Your issue will be solved in 3-5 business days. It takes about a week to schedule your exam again. Be patient!

您的问题将在3-5个工作日内解决。 重新安排您的考试大约需要一周的时间。 耐心一点!

To avoid unpleasant surprises, I recommend you:


  • Run the System Test before your exam


  • Reboot your laptop on the exam day

  • Be sure to log into your account 30 minutes early to start the check-in process

  • Close all your applications except your exam app after the check-in


Last be not least, scheduling your exam for the first time can be difficult. With the current situation, it can be challenging to find a schedule suitable for you.

最后,第一次安排考试可能很困难。 在目前的情况下,找到适合您的时间表可能会很有挑战性。

Did you know that you can reschedule your exam appointment up to two times if you're not happy with it? It's exactly what I did for my second try. My first exam appointment was at 09:15 PM which wasn't good for me. I managed to change the appointment at 3:00 PM and pass!

您是否知道如果不满意可以最多重新安排两次考试预约? 这正是我第二次尝试时所做的。 我的第一次考试预约是在09:15 PM进行,对我不利。 我设法在下午3:00更改约会并通过!

现在该你了 (It's now your turn)

During almost 42 days I committed myself to the #AWSCertified challenge.


It was exhausting and not easy every day, but I don't have any regrets. Although I still don't know all AWS services (is that even possible?), I learned a lot about AWS and cloud computing. I know for sure it will help me in the future!

每天都很累,而且不容易,但是我没有任何遗憾。 尽管我仍然不了解所有AWS服务(甚至可能吗?),但是我学到了很多有关AWS和云计算的知识。 我肯定会在将来对我有帮助!

I also met some pretty amazing people along the way. In the beginning, I was a bit reluctant to tweet about my progress or encourage people. Now, I'm convinced that's the best way to do this challenge.

我也遇到了一些很棒的人。 一开始,我有点不愿意发布自己的进步或鼓励人们。 现在,我坚信这是应对这一挑战的最佳方法。

Don't be shy! Feel free to join the Discord channel to ask your questions or contact people directly on Twitter. You'll be amazed at the result.

别害羞! 随时加入Discord频道提问或直接在Twitter上与他人联系。 您会对结果感到惊讶。

It was a long journey. I would like to thank Andrew Brown and Quincy Larson for making it possible.

这是一段漫长的旅程。 我要感谢Andrew Brown和Quincy Larson使之成为可能。

I did my part and now it's your turn.


Are you ready to commit to the challenge?


Any questions? Feel free to contact me on Twitter or directly on the freeCodeCamp Discord channel. I will try my best to answer you.

任何问题? 欢迎通过Twitter或直接在freeCodeCamp Discord频道上与我联系。 我会尽力回答你。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp/news/how-i-passed-the-aws-certified-developer-associate-exam/

本文标签: 开发人员考试AWS