

Last Friday we published Part I of our story on how four indie customers successfully funded their games with Kickstarter. Part I focused mainly on the content the teams worked hard to produce before launching their Kickstarter projects, and how that effort paid off in attracting backers and press coverage. In today’s post the customers talk about how they spread the word for the project, budgeting, and the positive power of community.

上周五,我们发布了故事的第一部分 ,介绍了四个独立客户如何通过Kickstarter成功为其游戏提供资金。 第一部分主要关注团队在启动Kickstarter项目之前努力工作的内容,以及如何在吸引支持者和媒体报道方面取得成果。 在今天的帖子中,客户讨论了如何在项目,预算和社区的积极影响力方面进行宣传。

Start spreading the word as soon as you press Go, and target the audiences you know will want to play your game.


“We targeted sites and blogs where there is a high concentration of people interested in RPGs, like RPG Codex”, says Jonas. “We knew our target audience and we found them and talked to them. Even though the audience for some of the RPG sites we targeted is smaller than that of general news sites, the quality of the exposure we got was much more valuable”.

乔纳斯说:“我们的目标是那些对RPG感兴趣的网站和博客,例如RPG Codex。” “我们了解了目标受众,我们找到了他们并与他们交谈。 尽管我们定位的某些RPG网站的受众人数少于一般新闻网站,但我们获得的曝光质量更有价值”。

Jake and Tamas spread the word through their Chicago-based community of developers. “It’s a great community here of independent developers that really helped us out”, says Jake. “I also emailed my contacts at blogs like rock paper shotgun and indiegames. Within a week of launching we met our funding goal and over the next three weeks we earned an extra 15-20% on top”.

杰克(Jake)和塔马斯(Tamas)通过他们位于芝加哥的开发人员社区传播这个词。 杰克说:“这是一个由独立开发人员组成的很棒的社区,确实为我们提供了帮助。” “我还通过摇滚纸猎枪和indiegames之类的博客通过电子邮件发送了我的联系人。 在启动一周后,我们达到了我们的筹资目标,在接下来的三周中,我们获得了额外的15-20%的收入。”

Klaus says they benefitted from enthusiastic backers who have their own networks who promoted their project. “You can actually follow people on Kickstarter and get a notification when they back a project. So they end up acting as a kind of ambassador for your game”.

克劳斯说,他们受益于热情的支持者,他们拥有自己的网络来推广他们的项目。 “实际上,您可以在Kickstarter上关注人们,并在他们支持项目时收到通知。 因此,他们最终成为您的游戏的代言人。”

About the money: Set a realistic and modest funding goal, offer nice rewards not just for the highest tiers, but the most popular ones, and be prepared to learn as you go along!


Jake says that when it came to their funding goal, “we decided to be really specific about where all the money was going. Kickstarter is still a really valid option for just starting out and setting realistic and precise goals, such as ‘I need $200 to pay an artist or $300 to pay the band’”.

杰克说,当谈到他们的筹资目标时,“我们决定对所有资金的去向进行具体说明。 Kickstarter仍然是一个真正有效的选择,它只是开始并设定切合实际和精确的目标,例如“我需要200美元才能支付给艺术家或300美元来支付给乐队”。

Michael and Aaron set their funding goal for the minimum amount they needed to complete Blindside and anything above that would go towards extra production value. “You should also expect to lose about 10% of what you raise to fees for payment services, to Kickstarter itself, and to people whose credit cards don’t work”, says Aaron. “And make sure your tax structure is correct! You don’t want to end up raising a lot of money and then losing a big chunk of it to poor or incorrect tax reporting”.

迈克尔和亚伦将筹集资金的目标设定为完成Blindside所需的最低金额,而超出此金额的金额将获得额外的生产价值。 Aaron说:“您还应该期望从筹集的资金中损失大约10%,以支付支付服务,Kickstarter本身以及信用卡无法使用的人。” “并确保您的税收结构正确! 您不希望最终筹集大量资金,然后由于不良或不正确的纳税报告而损失一大笔钱”。

By reading up on other Kickstarter campaigns, the team at Logic Artists learned that the most popular tiers are 15 or 30$. “So, you want to get people to pick $30”, says Jonas. “We offered beta access for $30. But it’s is hard to figure out what rewards should go with what tiers, especially the high-level tiers. What kind of reward do you offer for $10,000?”

通过阅读其他Kickstarter广告系列,Logic Artists的团队了解到,最受欢迎的级别是15或30 $。 乔纳斯说:“所以,你想让人们选择30美元。” “我们以30美元的价格提供了Beta版访问权限。 但是,很难弄清楚应该对哪些层级进行奖励,特别是高层级。 您提供10,000美元的奖励是什么?”

Jake and Tamas also provided physical rewards, such as posters and CDs. “We did a really bad job of budgeting the time it would take to make the items and forgot to include shipping costs, so it cut into the money, but we made up for the loss with some of the extra funding we got”.

杰克(Jake)和塔玛斯(Tamas)还提供身体上的奖励,例如海报和CD。 “我们在预算制造这些物品所需的时间上做得非常糟糕,忘记了包括运输成本,因此削减了资金,但我们用所获得的一些额外资金弥补了损失”。

“Tiers are a huge thing to nail the campaign”, says Klaus from the Back to Bed team. “We figured out early on that we’d have to make new tiers with physical rewards. People reach a limit where they don’t want to pay for digital items, they want t-shirts. One reward we offered was a framed piece of artwork, and that was quite successful”.

“层层钉住竞选活动是一件大事,”“回到床上”团队的克劳斯说。 “我们很早就意识到,我们必须通过物理奖励来创造新的等级。 人们达到了一个极限,他们不想为数字商品付款,他们想要T恤。 我们提供的一项奖励是艺术品的裱框,非常成功。”

And beyond the money: Whatever happens, take the long-term view that you are building up a new community of people interested in your work


“Now we have this community for our game! We’ve even had to hire a community manager”, says Ali from Logic Artists.

“现在我们有了这个游戏社区! 我们甚至不得不雇用社区经理。” Logic Artists的Ali说。

“We’re all invested in the game now”, says Jonas. “We use our Kickstarter community as testers and get a lot of valuable feedback. We even gave them access to our bug trackers”.

乔纳斯说:“我们现在都在游戏上投入了资金。” “我们将Kickstarter社区用作测试人员,并获得了许多宝贵的反馈。 我们甚至允许他们访问我们的错误跟踪器”。

“It’s been really nerve wracking. We bet our reputation on it and it was so much work. But Kickstarter has been a way for us to show our skills and make a name for ourselves as a brand new studio about to release their first commercial product”, says Jonas.

“这真是令人不安。 我们以此打赌我们的声誉,这是一项艰巨的工作。 但是,Kickstarter一直是我们展示自己的技能,并为即将发布其首款商业产品的全新工作室而闻名的一种方式。”乔纳斯说。

“In game design you always want people to test and iterate and tell you how to make it better”, says Michael. We didn’t have a budget for testers. We didn’t have an office. So it was fantastic to have this huge community invested in BlindSide. It was the easiest play-testing experience I’ve had and we got tons of feedback. It was remarkable and really helpful”.

迈克尔说:“在游戏设计中,您总是希望人们进行测试和迭代,并告诉您如何使其变得更好。” 我们没有测试员的预算。 我们没有办公室。 因此,拥有如此庞大的社区投资BlindSide真是太好了。 这是我最简单的游戏测试体验,我们得到了很多反馈。 这太了不起了,真的很有帮助”。

Jake and Tamas had about 30 people sign up as beta testers and “the feedback was extremely helpful”, says Jake. “We also sent out a monthly newsletter to our approximately 200 supporters, showing them some secret stuff and prototypes”, he says. “These were the folks connected to the game since its inception, so they talked about it and spread the word when it was released”.

杰克说,杰克和塔玛斯大约有30人注册了Beta测试人员,“反馈非常有帮助”。 他说:“我们还每月向大约200名支持者发送时事通讯,向他们展示一些秘密的东西和原型。” “这些人自游戏诞生以来就与游戏有联系,因此他们谈论了该游戏,并在游戏发行时广为传播。”

As Jake sees it, supporters who act as evangelists for your work are as valuable as the money itself. He talks about a friend of his whose Kickstarter campaign failed to reach its funding goal, but who walked away with a huge community.

正如杰克(Jake)所看到的那样,为您的工作担任传福音的支持者与金钱本身一样有价值。 他谈到了一位朋友,该朋友的Kickstarter活动未能达到其筹款目标,但他离开了一个庞大的社区。

“We were hearing about Kickstarter exhaustion already when we launched our campaign”, says Jake. “I know the landscape has changed, but I think the platform is still there for folks doing small, realistically established projects. We were totally ecstatic. To us it was great that you could be a creator and decide for yourself what it means to be successful. And the support we got early on has been amazing for us and super helpful”.

杰克说:“我们在发起竞选活动时就已经听说过Kickstarter精疲力尽”。 “我知道情况已经发生了变化,但是我认为该平台仍然可供那些从事小型,切实可行的项目的人们使用。 我们完全欣喜若狂。 对我们来说,能够成为一名创造者并自己决定成功的意义对我们来说是很重要的。 而且我们早日获得的支持对我们来说是惊人的,并且非常有帮助。”

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d/2013/05/12/how-four-indies-conquered-kickstarter-part-ii/

本文标签: 开发者第二部分独立Kickstarter