







Chapter 0 

1. 名词解释 

computer science 

It is the discipline that seeks to build a scientific foundation for such topics as computer design,computer programming, information processing, algorithmic solutions of problems, and the algorithmic process itself. 

2. 原文翻译 

1 Computer science is the discipline that seeks to build a scientific foundation for such topics as computer design, computer programming, information processing, algorithmic solutions of problems, and the algorithmic process itself. 


2 It provides the underpinnings for today’s computer applications as well as the foundations for tomorrow’s computing infrastructure. 


3 This book provides a comprehensive introduction to this science. 


4 We will investigate a wide range of topics including most of those that constitute a typical university computer science curriculum. 


5 We want to appreciate the full scope and dynamics of the field.


6 Thus, in addition to the topics themselves, we will be interested in their historical development, the current state of research, and prospects for the future. 


7 Our goal is to establish a functional understanding of computer science—one that will support those who wish to pursue more specialized studies in the science as well as one that will enable those in other fields to

flourish in an increasingly technical society. 


3. 单词 

discipline n.学科,训练 vt. 训练,处罚 

underpinning n.基础材料;基础结构 

infrastructure n.基础设施,基础建设

curriculum n.全部课程 

scope n.(处理、研究事务的)范围;眼界,见识; v.审视,仔细研究; 

dynamics n.动力学、力学 

prospect n.前景;期望;眺望处;景象; vi.勘探;勘察 vt.找矿;对…进行仔细调查; 

precise adj.清晰的;精确的;正规的;精密

Chapter 1 

1. 名词解释 


a set of steps that defines how a task is performed


A representation of an algorithm 


The process of developing a program, encoding it in machine-compatible form,and inserting it into a machine 


Programs, and the algorithms they represent, are collectively referred to as software 


machinery itself, which is known as hardware. 


Greek mathematician ,who created the Euclidean algorithm, for finding the greatest common divisor of two positive integers. 

Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorem 

Published by Kurt Gödel in the 1930s , this theorem essentially states that in any mathematical theory

encompassing our traditional arithmetic system, there are statements whose truth or falseness cannot be established by algorithmic means.

2. 原文翻译 

1. We begin with the most fundamental concept of computer science—that of an algorithm. 


Informally, an algorithm is a set of steps that defines how a task is performed. (We will be more precise later in Chapter 5.) 

通俗地说,算法是定义任务如何执行的一组步骤。 (稍后我们将在第 5 章中进行更精确的说明。) 

2. For example, there are algorithms for cooking (called recipes), for finding your way through a strange city (more commonly called directions), for operating washing machines (usually displayed on the inside of the washer’s lid or perhaps on the wall of a laundromat), for playing music (expressed in the form of sheet music), and for performing magic tricks. 

3. Before a machine such as a computer can perform a task, an algorithm for performing that task must be discovered and represented in a form that is compatible with the machine. 


4. A representation of an algorithm is called a program.


5. For the convenience of humans, computer programs are usually printed on paper or displayed on computer screens. 


6. For the convenience of machines, programs are encoded in a manner compatible with the technology of the machine.


7. The process of developing a program, encoding it in machine-compatible form,and inserting it into a machine is called programming


8. Programs, and the algorithms they represent, are collectively referred to as software, in contrast to the

machinery itself, which is known as hardware. 


9. The study of algorithms began as a subject in mathematics.


10. Indeed, the search for algorithms was a significant activity of mathematicians long before the development of today’s computers. 


11. The goal was to find a single set of directions that described how all problems of a particular type could be solved. 


12. One of the best known examples of this early research is the long division algorithm for finding the quotient of two multiple-digit numbers. 


13. Another example is the Euclidean algorithm, discovered by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, for finding the greatest common divisor of two positive integers. 


14. Once an algorithm for performing a task has been found, the performance of that task no longer requires an understanding of the principles on which the algorithm is based. 


15. Instead, the performance of the task is reduced to the process of merely following directions. 


16. We can follow the long division algorithm to find a quotient or the Euclidean algorithm to find a greatest common divisor without understanding why the algorithm works. 


17. In a sense, the intelligence required to solve the problem at hand is encoded in the algorithm. 


18. It is through this ability to capture and convey intelligence (or at least intelligent behavior) by means of algorithms that we are able to build machines that perform useful tasks. 


19. Consequently, the level of intelligence displayed by machines is limited by the intelligence that can be conveyed through algorithms. 


20. We can construct a machine to perform a task only if an algorithm exists for performing that task. 


21. In turn, if no algorithm exists for solving a problem, then the solution of that problem lies beyond the capabilities of machines. 


22. Identifying the limitations of algorithmic capabilities solidified as a subject in mathematics in the 1930s with the publication of Kurt Gödel’s incompleteness theorem. 


23. This theorem essentially states that in any mathematical theory encompassing our traditional arithmetic system, there are statements whose truth or falseness cannot be established by algorithmic means. 


24. In short, any complete study of our arithmetic system lies beyond the capabilities of algorithmic activities.


24. This realization shook the foundations of mathematics, and the study of algorithmic capabilities that ensued was the beginning of the field known today as computer science. 


25. Indeed, it is the study of algorithms that forms the core of computer science.


3. 单词 

recipe n.菜谱 

compatible adj.兼容的,相容的;和谐的,协调的

quotient n.商,商数

multiple adj.多重的;多个的;复杂的;多功能的; n.<数>倍数. 

digit n.数字;手指,足趾;一指宽 

divisor n.<数>除数;分水设备;因子;

integer n.整数 

incompleteness n.不完全;
arithmetic n.算术,计算;算法;

encompass vt.围绕,包围;包含或包括某事物;完成

Chapter 2 

1. 名词解释 


beads strung on rods that are in turn mounted in a rectangular frame.As the beads are moved back and forth on the rods, their positions represent stored values. 

Blaise Pascal 

Data input mechanically by establishing initial gear positions. Pascal’s machine was built to perform only addition. 

Charles Babbage 

Data input mechanically by establishing initial gear positions.Babbage envisioned machines that would print results of computations on paper so that the possibility of transcription errors would be eliminated.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 

Data input mechanically by establishing initial gear positions.Leibniz’s machine had its algorithms firmly embedded in its architecture and offered a variety of arithmetic operations from which the operator could select. 

Ada Lovelace 

She published a paper in which she demonstrated how Babbage’s Analytical Engine could be programmed to perform various computations, is often identified today as the world’s first programmer. 

Joseph Jacquard 

He developed a weaving loom in which the steps to be performed during the weaving process were determined by patterns of holes in large thick cards made of wood (or cardboard).

Herman Hollerith 

He applied the concept of representing information as holes in paper cards to speed up the tabulation process in the 1890 U.S. census. 

Tommy Flowers (Colossus)

Colossus is a machine made by Tommy Flowers in England to decode German messages during the latter part of World War II.

2. 原文翻译 

1. Today’s computers have an extensive genealogy.


2. One of the earlier computing devices was the abacus. 


3. History tells us that it most likely had its roots in ancient China and was used in the early Greek and Roman civilizations. 


4. The machine is quite simple, consisting of beads strung on rods that are in turn mounted in a rectangular frame. 


5. It is in the positions of the beadsthat this “computer” represents and stores data. 


6. For control of an algorithm’s execution, the machine relies on the human operator. 


7. Thus the abacus alone is merely a data storage system; it must be combined with a human to create a

complete computational machine.


8. In the time period after the Middle Ages and before the Modern Era the quest for more sophisticated computing machines was seeded. 


9. A few inventors began to experiment with the technology of gears. Among these were Blaise Pascal

(1623–1662) of France, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) of Germany, and Charles Babbage (1792–1871) of England. 

一些发明家开始尝试齿轮技术。其中包括法国的布莱斯·帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal,1623-1662 年)、德国的戈特弗里德·威廉·莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646-1716 年)和英国的查尔斯·巴贝奇(Charles Babbage,1792-1871 年)。

10. These machines represented data through gear positioning, with data being input mechanically by establishing initial gear positions. 


11. Output from Pascal’s and Leibniz’s machines was achieved by observing the final gear positions. 


12. Babbage, on the other hand, envisioned machines that would print results of computations on paper so that the possibility of transcription errors would be eliminated.


13. As for the ability to follow an algorithm, we can see a progression of flexibility in these machines.


14. Pascal’s machine was built to perform only addition. 


15. Consequently, the appropriate sequence of steps was embedded into the structure of the machine itself. 


16. In a similar manner, Leibniz’s machine had its algorithms firmly embedded in its architecture, although it offered a variety of arithmetic operations from which the operator could select. 


17. Babbage’s Difference Engine (of which only a demonstration model was constructed) could be modified to perform a variety of calculations, but his Analytical Engine (the construction for which he never received funding) was designed to read instructions in the form of holes in paper cards.


18. Thus Babbage’s Analytical Engine was programmable. 


19. In fact,Augusta Ada Byron (Ada Lovelace), who published a paper in which she demonstrated how Babbage’s Analytical Engine could be programmed to perform various computations, is often identified today as the world’s first programmer. 

事实上,奥古斯塔·艾达·拜伦 (Ada Lovelace) 发表了一篇论文,在论文中演示了如何对巴贝奇的分析引擎进行编程以执行各种计算,如今,她经常被认为是世界上第一位程序员。

20. The idea of communicating an algorithm via holes in paper was not originated by Babbage. 


21. He got the idea from Joseph Jacquard (1752–1834), who, in 1801, had developed a weaving loom in which the steps to be performed during the weaving process were determined by patterns of holes in large thick cards made of wood (or cardboard).

他从约瑟夫·雅卡尔(Joseph Jacquard,1752-1834 年)那里得到了这个想法,后者于 1801 年开发了一台织布机,其中编织过程中要执行的步骤由木头(或纸板)制成的大厚卡片上的孔图案决定)

22. In this manner, the algorithm followed by the loom could be changed easily to produce different woven designs. 


23. Another beneficiary of Jacquard’s idea was Herman Hollerith (1860–1929), who applied the concept of representing information as holes in paper cards to speed up the tabulation process in the 1890 U.S. census. (It was this work by Hollerith that led to the creation of IBM.)

Jacquard 想法的另一个受益者是 Herman Hollerith(1860-1929 年),他在 1890 年美国人口普查中应用了将信息表示为纸卡上的孔的概念,以加快制表过程。(正是 Hollerith 的这项工作促成了 IBM 的创建。)

24. Such cards ultimately came to be known as punched cards and survived as a popular means of communicating with computers well into the 1970s. 

此类卡最终被称为穿孔卡,并作为与计算机通信的流行方式一直延续到 20 世纪 70 年代。

25. Indeed, the technique lives on today, as witnessed by the voting issues raised in the 2000 U.S. presidential election. 

事实上,这种技术至今仍然存在,2000 年美国总统选举中提出的投票问题就证明了这一点 

26. The technology of the time was unable to produce the complex gear-driven machines of Pascal, Leibniz, and Babbage in a financially feasible manner. 


27. But with the advances in electronics in the early 1900s, this barrier was overcome.

但随着 20 世纪 00 年代初电子技术的进步,这一障碍被克服了。

28. Examples of this progress include the electromechanical machine of George Stibitz, completed in 1940 at Bell Laboratories, and the Mark I, completed in 1944 at Harvard University by Howard Aiken and a group of IBM engineers.

这一进步的例子包括 1940 年贝尔实验室完成的 George Stibitz 机电机器和 1944 年由 Howard Aiken 和一组 IBM 工程师在哈佛大学完成设计的 Mark I.

29. These machines made heavy use of electronically controlled mechanical relays.


30. In this sense they were obsolete almost as soon as they were built, because other researchers were applying the technology of vacuum tubes to construct totally electronic computers.


31. The first of these machines was apparently the Atanasoff-Berry machine, constructed during the period from 1937 to 1941 at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University) by John Atanasoff and his assistant, Clifford Berry. 

这些机器中的第一台显然是 AtanasoffBerry 机器,由约翰·阿塔纳索夫 (John Atanasoff) 和他的助手克利福德·贝里 (Clifford Berry) 于 1937 年至 1941 年间在爱荷华州立学院(现为爱荷华州立大学)建造。

32. Another was a machine called Colossus, built under the direction of Tommy Flowers in England to decode German messages during the latter part of World War II.(Actually, as many as ten of these machines were apparently built, but military secrecy and issues of national security kept their existence from becoming part of the “computer family tree.”)

另一个是一台名为 Colossus 的机器,是在英国汤米·弗劳尔斯 (Tommy Flowers) 的指导下制造的,用于在第二次世界大战后期解码德国信息。(实际上,显然已经制造了多达十台这样的机器,但军事保密和国家安全问题使它们的存在无法成为“计算机家族树”的一部分。)

33. Other, more flexible machines, such as the ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and calculator) developed by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert at the Moore School of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, soon followed. 

其他更灵活的机器,例如宾夕法尼亚大学摩尔电气工程学院的 John Mauchly 和 J. Presper Eckert 开发的 ENIAC(电子数值积分器和计算器)很快也随之出现 

34. From that point on, the history of computing machines has been closely linked to advancing technology, including the invention of transistors (for which physicists William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain were awarded a Nobel Prize) and the subsequent development of complete circuits constructed as single units, called integrated circuits (for which Jack Kilby also won a Nobel Prize in physics). 


35. With these developments, the room-sized machines of the 1940s were reduced over the decades to the size of single cabinets. 

随着这些发展,20 世纪 40 年代房间大小的机器在几十年内缩小到单个机柜的大小。

36. At the same time, the processing power of computing machines began to double every two years (a trend that has continued to this day).


37. As work on integrated circuitry progressed, many of the circuits within a computer became readily available on the open market as integrated circuits encased in toy-sized blocks of plastic called chips.


38. A major step toward popularizing computing was the development of desktop computers. 


39. The origins of these machines can be traced to the computer hobbyists who built homemade computers from combinations of chips. 


40. It was within this “underground” of hobby activity that Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak built a

commercially viable home computer and, in 1976, established Apple Computer,Inc. (now Apple Inc.) to manufacture and market their products. 

正是在这种“地下”的业余爱好活动中,史蒂夫·乔布斯 (Steve Jobs) 和史蒂芬·沃兹尼亚克 (Stephen Wozniak) 制造了商业上可行的家用电脑,并于 1976 年成立了苹果电脑公司(现为苹果公司)来制造和销售他们的产品。 

41. Other companies that marketed similar products were Commodore, Heathkit, and Radio Shack.

其他销售类似产品的公司包括 Commodore、Heathkit 和 Radio Shack。

42. Although these products were popular among computer hobbyists, they were not widely accepted by the business community, which continued to look to the well-established IBM for the majority of its computing needs

尽管这些产品在计算机爱好者中很受欢迎,但它们并没有被商业界广泛接受,商业界仍然依赖成熟的 IBM 来满足其大部分计算需求。 

43. In 1981, IBM introduced its first desktop computer, called the personal computer, or PC, whose underlying software was developed by a newly formed company known as Microsoft. 


44. The PC was an instant success and legitimized the desktop computer as an established commodity in the minds of the business community.

PC 立即获得成功,并使台式计算机在商业界的心目中合法化为一种既定商品。 

45. Today, the term PC is widely used to refer to all those machines (from various manufacturers) whose design has evolved from IBM’s initial desktop computer, most of which continue to be marketed with software from Microsoft. 

如今,PC 一词被广泛用来指代所有那些(来自不同制造商的)其设计从 IBM 最初的台式计算机演变而来的机器,其中大多数继续使用 Microsoft 的软件进行销售。 

46. At times, however, the term PC is used interchangeably with the generic terms desktop or laptop. 


47. As the twentieth century drew to a close, the ability to connect individual computers in a world-wide system called the Internet was revolutionizing communication. 


48. In this context, Tim Berners-Lee (a British scientist) proposed a system by which documents stored on computers throughout the Internet could be linked together producing a maze of linked information called the World Wide Web (often shortened to “Web”).


49. To make the information on the Web accessible,software systems, called search engines, were developed to “sift through” the Web, “categorize” their findings, and then use the results to assist users researching particular topics. Major players in this field are Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft. 


50. These companies continue to expand their Web-related activities, often in directions that challenge our traditional way of thinking. 


51. At the same time that desktop computers (and the newer mobile laptop computers) were being accepted and used in homes, the miniaturization of computing machines continued. 


52. Today, tiny computers are embedded within various devices. 


53. For example, automobiles now contain small computers running Global Positioning Systems (GPS), monitoring the function of the engine,and providing voice command services for controlling the car’s audio and phone communication systems. 


54. Perhaps the most potentially revolutionary application of computer miniaturization is found in the expanding capabilities of portable telephones. 


55. Indeed, what was recently merely a telephone has evolved into a small hand-held general-purpose computer known as a smartphone on which telephony is only one of many applications. 


56. These “phones” are equipped with a rich array of sensors and interfaces including cameras,microphones, compasses, touch screens, accelerometers (to detect the phone’s orientation and motion), and a number of wireless technologies to communicate with other smartphones and computers. 


57. The potential is enormous. Indeed, many argue that the smartphone will have a greater effect on society than the PC. 


58. The miniaturization of computers and their expanding capabilities have brought computer technology to the forefront of today’s society. 


59. Computer technology is so prevalent now that familiarity with it is fundamental to being a member of modern society. 


60.Computing technology has altered the ability of governments to exert control; had enormous impact on global economics; led to startling advances in scientific research; revolutionized the role of data collection, storage, and applications; provided new means for people to communicate and interact; and has repeatedly challenged society’s status quo. 


61. The result is a proliferation of subjects surrounding computer science, each of which is now a significant field of study in its own right. 


62. Moreover, as with mechanical engineering and physics, it is often difficult to draw a line between these fields and computer science itself.


63. Thus, to gain a proper perspective, our study will not only cover topics central to the core of computer science but will also explore a variety of disciplines dealing with both applications and consequences of the



64. Indeed, an introduction to computer science is an interdisciplinary undertaking. 


3. 单词 

genealogy n.系谱,家系,宗谱;

bead n.有孔小珠,念珠;水珠,露珠;珠子项链; vt.用小珠装饰;使成串珠状; vi.形成珠状;起泡

execution n.实行,履行,执行,贯彻;作成,完成,签名盖印使法律文件生效,执行法律

rod n.杆,拉杆;惩罚,体罚;(责打人用的)棍棒;手枪

mechanically adv.机械方面地;机械地;物理上地;呆板地

envision vt.设想;想象;预想

eliminate vt.排除,消除;淘汰;除掉;<口>干掉;

tabulation n.作表,表格;表列结果;列表;造表;

census n.人口普查,统计;人口财产调查;
punch v.用拳猛击;(用压穿器)穿孔,冲孔;挤;按(键),压(按钮); n.重拳击打;打孔机;冲床;影响力;

feasible adj.可行的;可用的;可实行的;可能的; 

vacuum n.真空;空白;空虚;清洁; v.用真空吸尘器清扫 

tube n.管,管状物;电子管;地铁;电视机; vt.把…装管;把…弄成管状;用管输送; vi.乘地铁;不及格;

obsolete adj.废弃的;老式的,已过时的;[生]已废退的; n.废词;被废弃的事物; vt.淘汰;废弃;

circuit n.电路,线路;巡回;唤醒,环形道;〔电〕电流; vt.巡回,周游;
integrated adj.完整的;整体的;结合的;(各组成部分)和谐的; 

commercially adv.商业上,通商上; 

quo 维持现状;

Chapter 3 

1. 原文翻译 

1. Conditions such as limited data storage capabilities and intricate, time-consuming programming procedures restricted the complexity of the algorithms utilized in early computing machines. 


2. However, as these limitations began to disappear, machines were applied to increasingly larger and more complex tasks. 


3. As attempts to express the composition of these tasks in algorithmic form began to tax the abilities of the human mind, more and more research efforts were directed toward the study of algorithms and the programming process. 


4. It was in this context that the theoretical work of mathematicians began to pay dividends. 


5. As a consequence of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, mathematicians had already been investigating those questions regarding algorithmic processes that advancing technology was now raising. 


6. With that, the stage was set for the emergence of a new discipline known as computer science. 


7. Today, computer science has established itself as the science of algorithms. The scope of this science is broad, drawing from such diverse subjects as mathematics, engineering, psychology, biology, business administration, and linguistics. 


8. Indeed, researchers in different branches of computer science may have very distinct definitions of the science. 


9. For example, a researcher in the field of computer architecture may focus on the task of miniaturizing circuitry and thus view computer science as the advancement and application of technology. But, a researcher in the field of database systems may see computer science as seeking ways to make information systems more useful. 


10. But, a researcher in the field of database systems may see computer science as seeking ways to make information systems more useful. 


11. And, a researcher in the field of artificial intelligence may regard computer science as the study of intelligence and intelligent behavior. 


12. Thus, an introduction to computer science must include a variety of topics, which is a task that we will pursue in the following chapters. 


13. In each case, our goal will be to introduce the central ideas in the subject, the current topics of research, and some of the techniques being applied to advance knowledge in the area. 


14. With such a variety of topics, it is easy to lose track of the overall picture.


15. We therefore pause to collect our thoughts by identifying some questions that provide a focus for its study. 


16.        Which problems can be solved by algorithmic processes?


17.        How can the discovery of algorithms be made easier? 


18.        How can the techniques of representing and communicating algorithms be improved? 


19.        How can the characteristics of different algorithms be analyzed and compared? 


20.        How can algorithms be used to manipulate information? 


21.        How can algorithms be applied to produce intelligent behavior? 


22.        How does the application of algorithms affect society? 


本文标签: 英语期末广外计算机