

Winston Churchill’s urinal shows Britain’s hang up with heritage

A planned Labour reform goes down the drain

urinal:美 [ˈjʊrənl] (男用)小便池;小便处;男厕所

hang up:过度关注,执念

“Hang up” 在这里指的是对某件事过度关注或执念,通常带有负面的含义。文中指英国对保护遗产(heritage)的过度关注或执念。

go down the drain:失败,被浪费

“Go down the drain” 是一个习语,意思是某事物被浪费或失败。文中指的是计划中的改革被取消或未能成功实施。


温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill,1874年11月30日—1965年1月24日)是英国著名的政治家、作家和军事领袖,以其在二战期间的领导作用而闻名。





Winston Churchill (November 30, 1874 – January 24, 1965) was a renowned British politician, writer, and military leader, best known for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II.

Churchill was born into a noble family in England and had a distinguished military career in his early years, participating in various military campaigns. His political career was extensive, holding several cabinet positions throughout his life. He is most famous for his role as Prime Minister from 1940 to 1945, during which he led Britain in resisting Nazi Germany’s aggression. His inspiring speeches and unwavering resolve played a crucial role in motivating the British people to persevere through the war.

One of his most famous quotes is, “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” This statement epitomizes his determination and leadership during a time of crisis.

In addition to being a statesman, Churchill was also a prolific writer, earning the Nobel Prize in Literature. His works span history, war, and politics, with his most famous being “The Second World War,” a multi-volume account of the conflict.

After the war, Churchill remained active in politics, serving as Prime Minister again from 1951 until his retirement in 1955. He is regarded as one of the most significant leaders of the 20th century, leaving a lasting impact on British and world history.


Winston Churchill, unusually, underestimated himself. He stated that he had

nothing to offer Britain but “blood, toil, tears and sweat”. A spat over a

urinal that stands in the Treasury—and that may have been used by the great

man himself—shows that, for Britons, other Churchillian fluids are also of

abiding interest.







The spat began before the election when Rachel Reeves—who is now

Britain’s first female chancellor of the exchequer—said she wanted to smash

“glass ceilings and urinals” in her new job. She wanted the urinal, which

stands in the chancellor’s private toilet, removed. But after being advised

that it would cost £8,000 even to apply to cover it up because the urinal is

both old and (as the delicate phrase has it) “associated with Churchill”, she

has, according to a source, “pulled the plug” on the plan. The offending

urinal, Ms Reeves recently confirmed, “still is in there”. Part-porcelain, part-

parable, it is starting to look like a metaphor for Britain’s bunged-up

planning system.



exchequer:美 [ɪksˈtʃɛkər] (英国)财政部;财政

chancellor of the exchequer:财政大臣


porcelain:美 [ˈpɔːrsəlɪn] 瓷;瓷器;瓷制品

parable:美 [ˈpærəbl]寓言;比喻故事;譬喻;教训性故事

as the delicate phrase has it: 按照委婉的说法

“as the delicate phrase has it”:这句话的意思是“按照委婉的说法”,通常用于引出一个礼貌或婉转的表述,以避免冒犯或保持礼节。

As the delicate phrase has it: This expression is used to introduce a phrase or terminology that is being stated in a polite or tactful way, often to avoid offense or to maintain decorum. It’s a way of gently referring to something that might be sensitive or controversial.

As the delicate phrase has it: “The delicate phrase refers to a polite or euphemistic way of stating something, as in, ‘He’s not lazy, just energy-efficient, as the delicate phrase has it.’”



Bunged-up: This phrase means blocked, clogged, or not functioning smoothly. It can refer to a physical blockage or, metaphorically, to systems or processes that are slow or inefficient.

  • Bunged-up: “The city’s traffic system is so bunged-up that it takes hours to get across town during rush hour.”

pull the plug: 取消某个项目,放弃某个项目

“pull the plug”:在这里指的是取消或放弃一个计划或项目。这个短语原本来自于拔掉插头让设备停止工作的意思。

“pull the plug”:公司在几次延迟和成本上升后决定取消新软件项目。

Pull the plug: “After several delays and rising costs, the company decided to pull the plug on the new software project.”


Labour came to power on a “Change” manifesto; Ms Reeves has already

announced some tweaks to the planning system to help “get Britain building

again”. But the government has yet to say much about “listed” buildings,

which often stymie projects. The idea had sensible origins. In the second

world war, air-raid wardens were given lists of buildings of historic interest

that, if bomb-damaged, required rapid repair. The bar for listing has,

however, since been lowered. The current, 400,000-long list, managed by

Historic England, a public body, offers 20,404 entries for “railings”; 2,733

entries for “telephone kiosk” and 2,860 for “urinal”. Rarely has so much

been preserved by so many to the interest of so few.





kiosk:美 [ˈkiːɑːsk] 报刊亭;售货亭;信息亭;电话亭;小卖部

railings:美 ['reɪlɪŋz] 围栏;栅栏;(railing的复数)


Any association with a historical figure, even tenuous, is noted (the list also

offers a riding school where Churchill trained and a hotel he once spoke in).

In the case of the Treasury buildings, in which the urinal stands, the

association is strong: Churchill was chancellor from 1924 to 1929. The

historical record is silent on whether or not the great man anointed this

urinal by anything more than his mere proximity but in Britain, where the

second world war is less national history than national hobby, that is enough.

“Winston Churchill’s urinals are…part of our national heritage,” says

Andrew Roberts, his biographer. “And should be protected at all costs.”


tenuous:美 [ˈtɛnjuəs] 稀薄的;脆弱的;微弱的;

anoint:美 [əˈnɔɪnt] 选定;指定



The interest is far from absurd: toilet seats reveal much about the seats of

power. “We shape our buildings,” as Churchill observed in 1943, after the

Commons chamber had been destroyed by a bomb, “thereafter, they shape

us.” The restored House of Commons tacitly made clear what shape it saw

its future inhabitants to be: while men had a toilet in a corridor behind the

Speaker’s chair, female MPs had—as Ms Reeves herself noted in a recent book

on women in Westminster—to walk a quarter of a mile from the chamber to

the nearest women’s loo. Women’s “conveniences” in Parliament were

frequently nothing of the kind since women themselves, says Anthony

Seldon, a historian, were seen as “an inconvenience.”


Commons Chamber:下议院

tacitly:美 ['tæsɪtlɪ] 肃静地;沉默地;心照不宣地



Nonetheless, Britain’s obsession with heritage does make building harder.

Labour came to power with hopes—which Tories taunted would fail—of

smashing urinals and obstacles to building. The offending urinal is now

covered by a glass screen; a frosted one has been proposed. There has been

talk of hiding it with a pot plant. This is not the end for Labour’s dreams of

sweeping, iconoclastic reform; nor even the beginning of the end. But it is

perhaps the end of the beginning. ■




pot plant:盆栽植物;盆栽花卉;盆栽花;盆栽

iconoclastic:英 [aɪˌkɒnəˈklæstɪk] 打破旧习的;打破传统的



本文标签: 英文学人经济日这期heritage