

研究表明,效率高和效率低的实施者之间具体差别非常大,经常达到了数量级的水平。These studies revealed large individual differences between high and low performers, often by an order of magnitude.




At computer society meetings one continually hears young programming managers assert that they favor a small, sharp team of first-class people, rather than a project with hundreds of programmers, and those by implication mediocre(平庸的;普通的;平常的). So do we all.

But this naive statement of the alternatives avoids the hard problem—how does one build large systems on a meaningful schedule? Let us look at each side of this question in more detail.


问题(The Problem)

软件经理很早就认识到优秀程序员和较差的程序员之间生产率的差异,但实际测量出的差异还是令我们所有的人吃惊。在他们的一个研究中,Sackman、Erikson 和 Grand 曾对一组具有经验的程序人员进行测量。在该小组中,最好的和最差的表现在生产率上平均为10:1;在运行速度和空间上具有 5:1 的惊人差异!简言之,$20,000/年的程序员的生产率可能是$10,000/年程序员的 10 倍。数据显示经验和实际的表现没有相互联系(我怀疑这种现象是否普遍成立。)

Programming managers have long recognized wide productivity variations between good programmers and poor ones. But the actual measured magnitudes have astounded all of us. In one of their studies, Sackman, Erikson, and Grant were measuring performances of a group of experienced programmers. Within just this group the ratios between best and worst performances averaged about 10:1 on productivity measurements and an amazing 5:1 on program speed and space measurements! In short the $20,000/year programmer may well be 10 times as productive as the $10,000/year one. The converse may be true, too. The data showed no correlation whatsoever between experience and performance. (I doubt if that is universally true.)


I have earlier argued that the sheer number of minds to be coordinated affects the cost of the effort, for a major part of the cost is communication and correcting the ill effects of miscommunication (system debugging). 

这一点,也暗示系统应该由尽可能少的人员来开发。实际上,绝大多数大型编程系统的经验显示出,一拥而上的开发方法是高成本的、速度缓慢的、不充分的,开发出的是无法在概念上进行集成的产品。OS/360、Exec 8、Scope 6600、Multics、TSS、SAFE 等等——这个列表可以不断地继续下去。

This, too, suggests that one wants the system to be built by as few minds as possible. Indeed, most experience with large programming systems shows that the brute-force(一拥而上) approach is costly, slow, inefficient, and produces systems that are not conceptually integrated. OS/360, Exec 8, Scope 6600, Multics, TSS, SAGE, etc.—the list goes on and on.

得出的结论很简单:如果一个 200 人的项目中,有 25 个最能干和最有开发经验的项目经理,那么开除剩下的 175 名程序员,让项目经理来编程开发。

The conclusion is simple: if a 200-man project has 25 managers who are the most competent and experienced programmers, fire the 175 troops and put the managers back to programming.

现在我们来验证一下这个解决方案。一方面,原有的开发队伍不是理想的小型强有力的团队,因为通常的共识是不超过 10 个人,而该团队规模如此之大,以至于至少需要两层的管理,或者说大约 5 名管理人员。另外,它需要额外的财务、人员、空间、文秘和机器操作方面的支持。

Now let's examine this solution. On the one hand, it fails to approach the ideal of the small sharp team, which by common consensus shouldn't exceed 10 people. It is so large that it will need to have at least two levels of management, or about five managers. It will additionally need support in finance, personnel, space, secretaries, and machine operators.

另一方面,如果采用一拥而上的开发方法,那么原有 200 人的队伍仍然不足以开发真正的大型系统。例如,考虑 OS/360 项目。在顶峰时,有超过 1000 人在为它工作——程序员、文档编制人员、操作人员、职员、秘书、管理人员、支持小组等等。从 1963 年到 1966 年,设计、编码和文档工作花费了大约 5000 人年。如果人月可以等量置换的话,我们所假设的200 人队伍需要 25 年的时间,才能使产品达到现有的水平。

On the other hand, the original 200-man team was not large enough to build the really large systems by brute-force methods. Consider OS/360, for example. At the peak over 1000 people were working on it—programmers, writers, machine operators, clerks, secretaries, managers, support groups, and so on. From 1963 through 1966 probably 5000 man-years went into its design, construction, and documentation. Our postulated 200-man team would have taken 25 years to have brought the product to its present stage, if men and months traded evenly!

这就是小型、精干队伍概念上的问题:对于真正意义上的大型系统,它太慢了。设想OS/360 的工作由一个小型、精干的团队来解决。譬如 10 人队伍。作为一个尺度,假设他们都非常厉害,比一般的编程人员在编程和文档方面的生产率高 7 倍。假定 OS/360 原有开发人员是一些平庸的编程人员(这与实际的情况相差很远)。同样,假设另一个生产率的改进因子提高了 7 倍,因为较小的队伍所需较少的沟通和交流。那么,5000/(10×7×7)= 10,他们需要 10 年来完成 5000 人年的工作。一个产品在最初设计的 10 年后才出现,还有人会对它感兴趣吗?或者它是否会随着软件开发技术的快速进步,而显得过时呢?

This then is the problem with the small, sharp team concept: it is too slow for really big systems. Consider the OS/360 job as it might be tackled with a small, sharp team. Postulate a 10-man team. As a bound, let them be seven times as productive as mediocre programmers in both programming and documentation, because they are sharp. Assume OS/360 was built only by mediocre programmers (which is far from the truth). As a bound, assume that another productivity improvement factor of seven comes from reduced communication on the part of the smaller team.

Assume the same team stays on the entire job. Well, 5000/(10 X 7 X 7 ) = 10; they can do the 5000 man-year job in 10 years. Will the product be interesting 10 years after its initial design? Or will it have been made obsolete by the rapidly developing software technology?



The dilemma is a cruel one. For efficiency and conceptual integrity, one prefers a few good minds doing design and construction. Yet for large systems one wants a way to bring considerable manpower to bear, so that the product can make a timely appearance. 

How can these two needs be reconciled?

Mills 的建议(Mills's Proposal)


Harlan Mills 的提议提供了一个崭新的、创造性的解决方案。Mills 建议大型项目的每一个部分由一个团队解决,但是该队伍以类似外科手术的方式组建,而并非一拥而上。

A proposal by Harlan Mills offers a fresh and creative solution. Mills proposes that each segment of a large job be tackled by a team, but that the team be organized like a surgical team rather than a hog-butchering team. 


That is, instead of each member cutting away on the problem, one does the cutting and the others give him every support that will enhance his effectiveness and productivity.


A little thought shows that this concept meets the desiderata(迫切需要之物), if it can be made to work. Few minds are involved in design and construction, yet many hands are brought to bear. Can it work? Who are the anesthesiologists and nurses on a programming team, and how is the work divided? Let me freely mix metaphors to suggest how such a team might work if enlarged to include all conceivable support.

外科医生。Mills 称之为首席程序员。他亲自定义功能和性能技术说明书,设计程序,编制源代码,测试以及书写技术文档。他使用例如 PL/I 的结构化编程语言,拥有对计算机系统的访问能力;该计算机系统不仅仅能进行测试,还存储程序的各种版本,以允许简单的文件更新,并对他的文档提供文本编辑能力。首席程序员需要极高的天分、十年的经验和应用数学、业务数据处理或其他方面的大量系统和应用知识。

The surgeon. Mills calls him a chief programmer. He personally defines the functional and performance specifications, designs the program, codes it, tests it, and writes its documentation. He writes in a structured programming language such as PL/I, and has effective access to a computing system which not only runs his tests but also stores the various versions of his programs, allows easy file updating, and provides text editing for his documentation. He needs great talent, ten years experience, and considerable systems and application knowledge, whether in applied mathematics, business data handling, or whatever.


The copilot. He is the alter ego of the surgeon, able to do any part of the job, but is less experienced. His main function is to share in the design as a thinkerrdiscussant, and evaluator. The surgeon tries ideas on him, but is not bound by his advice. The copilot often represents his team in discussions of function and interface with other teams. He knows all the code intimately. He researches alternative design strategies. He obviously serves as insurance against disaster to the surgeon. He may even write code, but he is not responsible for any part of the code.

管理员。外科医生是老板,他必须在人员、加薪等方面具有决定权,但他决不能在这些事务上浪费任何时间。因而,他需要一个控制财务、人员、工作地点安排和机器的专业管理人员,该管理员充当与组织中其他管理机构的接口。Baker 建议仅在项目具有法律、合同、报表和财务方面的需求时,管理员才具有全职责任。否则,一个管理员可以为两个团队服务。

The administrator. The surgeon is boss, and he must have the last word on personnel, raises, space, and so on, but he must spend almost none of his time on these matters. Thus he needs a professional administrator who handles money, people, space, and machines, and who interfaces with the administrative machinery of the rest of the organization. Baker suggests that the administrator has a full-time job only if the project has substantial legal, contractual, reporting, or financial requirements because of the user producer relationship. Otherwise, one administrator can serve two teams.


The editor. The surgeon is responsible for generating the documentation—for maximum clarity he must write it. This is true of both external and internal descriptions. The editor, however, takes the draft or dictated manuscript produced by the surgeon and criticizes it, reworks it, provides it with references and bibliography, nurses it through several versions, and oversees the mechanics of production.


Two secretaries. The administrator and the editor will each need a secretary; the administrator's secretary will handle project correspondence and non-product files.


The program clerk. He is responsible for maintaining all the technical records of the team in a programming-product library. The clerk is trained as a secretary and has responsibility for both machine-readable and human-readable files.


All computer input goes to the clerk, who logs and keys it if required. The output listings go back to him to be filed and indexed. The most recent runs of any model are kept in a status notebook; all previous ones are filed in a chronological(按时间顺序的) archive.

Mills 概念的真正关键是“从个人艺术到公共实践”的编程观念转换。它向所有的团队成员展现了所有计算机的运作和产物,并将所有的程序和数据看作是团队的所有物,而非私人财产。

Absolutely vital to Mills's concept is the transformation of programming "from private art to public practice" by making all the computer runs visible to all team members and identifying all programs and data as team property, not private property.


The specialized function of the program clerk relieves programmers of clerical chores, systematizes and ensures proper performance of those oft-neglected chores, and enhances the team's most valuable asset—its work-product. Clearly the concept as set forth above assumes batch runs. When interactive terminals are used, particularly those with no hard-copy output, the program clerk's functions do not diminish, but they change. Now he logs all updates of team program copies from private working copies, still handles all batch runs, and uses his own interactive facility to control the integrity and availability of the growing product.


The toolsmith. File-editing, text-editing, and interactive debugging services are now readily available, so that a team will rarely need its own machine and machine-operating crew. But these  services must be available with unquestionably satisfactory response and reliability; and the surgeon must be sole judge of the adequacy of the service available to him. He needs a toolsmith, responsible for ensuring this adequacy of the basic service and for constructing, maintaining, and upgrading special tools—mostly interactive computer services—needed by his team. Each team will need its own toolsmith, regardless of the excellence and reliability of any centrally provided service, for his job is to see to the tools needed or wanted by his surgeon, without regard to any other team's needs. The tool-builder will often construct specialized utilities, catalogued procedures, macro libraries.


The tester. The surgeon will need a bank of suitable test cases for testing pieces of his work as he writes it, and then for testing the whole thing. The tester is therefore both an adversary (对手) who  devises system test cases from the functional specs, and an assistant who devises test data for the day-by-day debugging. He would also plan testing sequences and set up the scaffolding(脚手架) required for component tests.

语言专家。随着 Algol 语言的出现,人们开始认识到大多数计算机项目中,总有一两个乐于掌握复杂编程语言的人。这些专家非常有帮助,很快大家会向他咨询。这些天才不同于外科医生,外科医生主要是系统设计者以及考虑系统的整体表现。而语言专家则寻找一种简洁、有效的(neat and efficient)使用语言的方法来解决复杂、晦涩或者棘手的问题。他通常需要对技术进行一些研究(两到三天)。通常一个语言专家可以为两个到三个外科医生服务。

The language lawyer. By the time Algol came along, people began to recognize that most computer installations have one or two people who delight in mastery of the intricacies (错综复杂) of a programming language. And these experts turn out to be very useful and very widely consulted. The talent here is rather different from that of the surgeon, who is primarily a system designer and who thinks representations. The language lawyer can find a neat and efficient way to use the language to do difficult, obscure, or tricky things. Often he will need to do small studies (two or three days) on good technique. One language lawyer can service two or three surgeons.

以上就是如何参照外科手术队伍,以及如何对 10 人的编程队伍进行专业化的角色分工。

This, then, is how 10 people might contribute in well-differentiated and specialized roles on a programming team built on the surgical model.

如何运作(How It Works)


The team just defined meets the desiderata in several ways. Ten people, seven of them professionals, are at work on the problem, but the system is the product of one mind—or at most two, acting uno animo(一致地).


Notice in particular the differences between a team of two programmers conventionally organized and the surgeon-copilot team. First, in the conventional team the partners divide the work, and each is responsible for design and implementation of part of the work. In the surgical team, the surgeon and copilot are each cognizant of all of the design and all of the code. This saves the labor of allocating space, disk accesses, etc. It also ensures the conceptual integrity of the work.


Second, in the conventional team the partners are equal, and the inevitable differences of judgment must be talked out or compromised. Since the work and resources are divided, the differences in judgment are confined to overall strategy and interfacing, but they are compounded by differences of interest—e.g., whose space will be used for a buffer. In the surgical team, there are no differences of interest, and differences of judgment are settled by the surgeon unilaterally. These two differences—lack of division of the problem and the superior-subordinate relationship(上下级的关系)—make it possible for the surgical team to act uno animo(一致地).


Yet the specialization of function of the remainder of the team is the key to its efficiency, for it permits a radically simpler communication pattern among the members, as Fig. 3.1. shows.

Figure 3.1. Communication patterns in 10-man programming teams

Baker 的文章提出了专一的、小规模的测试队伍。在那种情况下,它能按照所预期的进行运作,并具有良好的效果。

Baker's article reports on a single, small-scale test of the team concept. It worked as predicted for that case, with phenomenally good results.

团队的扩建(Scaling Up)

就目前情况而言,还不错。然而,现在所面临的问题是如何完成 5000 人年的项目,而不是 20 或 30 人年规模的系统。如果整个工作能控制在范围之内,10 人的团队无论如何组织,总是比较高效的。但是,当我们需要面对几百人参与的大型任务时,如何应用外科手术团队的概念呢?

So far, so good. The problem, however, is how to build things that today take 5000 man-years, not things that take 20 or 30. A 10-man team can be effective no matter how it is organized, if the whole job is within its purview. But how is the surgical team concept to be used on large jobs when several hundred people are brought to bear on the task?

扩建过程的成功依赖于这样一个事实,即每个部分的概念完整性得到了彻底的提高——决定设计的人员是原来的七分之一或更少。所以,可以让 200 人去解决问题,而仅仅需要协调 20 个人,即那些“外科医生”的思路。

The success of the scaling-up process depends upon the fact that the conceptual integrity of each piece has been radically improved—that the number of minds determining the design has been divided by seven. So it is possible to put 200 people on a problem and face the problem of coordinating only 20 minds, those of the surgeons.


For that coordination problem, however, separate techniques must be used, and these are discussed in succeeding chapters. Let it suffice here to say that the entire system also must have conceptual integrity, and that requires a system architect to design it all, from the top down. To make that job manageable, a sharp distinction must be made between architecture and implementation, and the system architect must confine himself scrupulously (一丝不苟地)to architecture. However, such roles and techniques have been shown to be feasible and, indeed, very productive.



Freder ick P.Brooks,Jr.(1931年4月19日 - 2022年11月17日 )曾荣获美国计算机领域最具声望的图灵奖(A.M.TURINGAWARD)桂冠。美国计算机协会(ACM)称赞他“对计算机体系结构、操作系统和软件工程作出了里程碑式的贡献”。

Brooks博士是北卡罗莱纳大学KENAN-FLAGLER商学院的计算机科学教授。他被认为是“IBM 360系统之父”,曾担任360系统的项目经理,以及360系统项目设计阶段的经理。凭借在此项目中的杰出贡献,他与BobEvarls和Erich BIocll在1985年荣获了美国国家技术奖(National Medal of Technology)。Brooks博士早期曾担任IBM公司stretcPl和Harvest计算机的体系结构设计师。



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  2. 《人月神话(The Mythical Man-Month)》1 看清问题的本质:如果我们想解决问题,就必须试图先去理解它

  3. 悼念《人月神话》作者 Fred Brooks

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  5. 在平时的工作中如何体现你的技术深度?

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  7. 程序员职业生涯系列:关于技术能力的思考与总结

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  9. 当你工作几年就会明白,以下几个任何一个都可以超过90%程序员

  10. 编程语言:类型系统的本质

  11. 软件架构设计的核心:抽象与模型、“战略编程”

  12. 【图文详解】深入理解 Hbase 架构  Deep Into HBase Architecture

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本文标签: 人月外科手术队伍神话Mythical