

1.5. Troubleshooting Commercial Products

In today’s ever growing enterprise market, Linux is making a very real impact. A key to this impact is the availability of large scale software products such as database management systems, Web servers, and business solutions systems. As more companies begin to examine their information technology resources and spending, it is inevitable that they will at the very least consider using Linux in their environments. Even though there is a plethora of open source software available, many companies will still look to commercial software to provide a specific service or need.

在当今不断增长的企业市场中, Linux 正在产生越来越大的影响。这一影响的关键是大规模软件产品 (如数据库管理系统、Web 服务器和业务解决方案系统) 的可用性。随着越来越多的公司开始研究他们的信息技术资源和支出, 他们不可避免地会考虑在他们的环境中使用 Linux。尽管有大量开源软件可供使用, 但许多公司仍将寻求商业软件来提供特定的服务或需求。

With a rich problem determination and debugging skill set in-house, many problems that typically go to a commercial software vendor for support could be solved much faster internally. The intention of this book is to increase that skill set and give developers, support staff, or anyone interested the right toolkit to confidently tackle these problems. Even if the problem does in fact lie in the commercial software product, having excellent problem determination skills will greatly expedite the whole process of communicating and isolating the problem. This can mean differences of days or weeks of working with commercial software support staff.

软件中有了一个问题确定和调试方法的内部设置, 许多问题, 商业软件供应商的技术支持可以更快地解决在内部。本书的目的是提高这一技能, 并给予开发商, 技术支持人员, 或任何对工具包感兴趣的人, 自信地解决这些问题。即使问题确实存在于商业软件产品中, 具有优秀的问题确定技能, 也会大大加快沟通和隔离问题的整个过程。这可能意味着与商业软件支持人员合作的时间会减少。

It is also extremely important to read the commercial software’s documentation, in particular, sections that discuss debugging and troubleshooting. Any large commercial application will include utilities and built-in problem determination facilities. These can include but are certainly not limited to:

阅读商业软件的文档, 特别是讨论调试和疑难解答的章节也非常重要。任何大型商业应用程序将包括工具和内置的问题确定方法。这些可包括但当然不限于:

  • Dump files produced at the time of a trap (or set of predefined signals) that include information such as:
    在trap (或预定义信号集) 时生成的转储文件, 其中包括以下信息:
    • a stack traceback
    • 堆栈跟踪
    • contents of system registers at the time the signal was received
    • 接收信号时系统寄存器的内容
    • operating system/kernel information
    • 操作系统/内核信息
    • process ID information
    • 进程ID信息
    • memory dumps of the software’s key internal data structures
    • 软件内部重要的数据结构的内存转储
    • and so on
    • 等等
  • Execution tracing facilities
  • 跟踪工具的输出
  • Diagnostic log file(s)
  • 日志文件的分析
  • Executables to examine and dump internal structures
  • 程序内部数据结构的检查和输出

Becoming familiar with a commercial product’s included problem determination facilities along with what Linux offers can be a very solid defense against any software problem that may arise.

熟悉商业产品包括问题确定工具, 以及 Linux 提供的, 可以抵御任何软件问题可能出现的工具。

本文标签: TroubleshootingProductsCommercial