

A year of Qt ecosystem growth with Digia nurturing Qt Commercial

A year of Qt ecosystem growth with Digia nurturing Qt Commercial — The Qt Blog

A year of Qt ecosystem growth with Digia nurturing Qt Commercial

by Daniel Kihlberg on March 23, 2012

A year ago Nokia and Digia announced the transfer of the Qt Commercial licensing business and the related team. This move was something completely new in the history of Qt, since the dual licensing model had been the base of Trolltech’s business from day one. A year later, all parties can consider this move as successful: Digia, the Qt commercial customers, Nokia and also the Qt Project with its community.

Digia not only has integrated the original Qt sales team to the core of their business activities, they have also re-organized the Qt R&D assets they already had, growing them with new hires and having now one of the most nurtured and competent Qt development teams out there.

In the Qt Commercial side the main highlights in addition to the technical support, are their services for QNX, Integrity and Wind River VxWorks in addition to the platforms Qt commercial already support. The benefits of this new setup can be seen also on the open source Qt development with their efforts to further improve and mature Qt 4.7 and Qt 4.8 as well as to support the overall Qt Project with Qt 5. The proposal to bundle and promote a collection of features around the concept of Qt Cloud and the proof point of Qt apps running on a Windows tablet with Metro style UI, is other examples of the vitality of this team.

In fact I believe the Qt community at large is now appreciating the interaction and mutual benefit of Qt open source and Qt Commercial now better than ever. The community as a whole, has never been as vibrant or as active as it is now. If we look a year back we can see how much progress we have all made.

Congratulations Qt Commercial, congratulations Digia!


posted on 2012-04-22 17:39  lexus 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏


本文标签: EcosystemQTYearGrowthCommercial