

Google now makes it much easier to report “suspicious websites” in Chrome. Websites you might want to report include phishing websites, sites hosting malware, and similar bad things. Google will use these reports to block websites for everyone.

Google现在使在Chrome中报告“可疑网站”变得更加容易。 您可能要报告的网站包括网络钓鱼网站,托管恶意软件的网站以及类似的恶意软件。 Google将使用这些报告为所有人屏蔽网站。

This new official browser extension reports bad websites to Google Safe Browsing. That’s a service used by web browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox to proactively block malicious websites. Whenever you visit a website, your web browser checks that it doesn’t match a list of known-bad sites and gives you a warning message if it does. Think of it like antivirus software with definitions—but it blocks bad websites.

这个新的官方浏览器扩展程序将不良网站报告给Google安全浏览。 谷歌浏览器,苹果Safari和Mozilla Firefox等网络浏览器使用该服务来主动阻止恶意网站。 每当您访问网站时,您的网络浏览器都会检查该网站是否与已知不良网站的列表不匹配,如果存在,则会给您一条警告消息。 可以将其视为具有定义的防病毒软件,但它会阻止不良网站。

You could previously report malicious websites by heading to Google’s Report Phishing Page form and entering the address of the website. You still can—but now there’s a Chrome extension that makes this much faster.

您以前可以通过转到Google的“报告网络钓鱼页面”表单并输入网站地址来报告恶意网站。 您仍然可以,但是现在有一个Chrome扩展程序可以使此过程更快。

To use this it, install the Suspicious Site Reporter from the Chrome Web Store. After installing it, you can click the flag icon on your toolbar to report a bad website.

要使用它,请从Chrome网上应用店安装可疑站点报告程序 。 安装后,您可以单击工具栏上的标记图标来报告错误的网站。

The extension will let you choose what to submit—the URL of the website and your IP address are mandatory, but you can also choose to share a screenshot of the page, the DOM content (all HTML of the site), and the referrer chain (which shows how you ended up on the suspicious site.)


Google can use these reports from Chrome users to proactively block these suspicious websites for everyone, hopefully making the web a better place.


The company released this Chrome extension on June 18, 2019. This feature goes hand-in-hand with other improvements against “deception” in Chrome, including warnings about confusing URLs like “go0ogle” in Chrome 75.

该公司于2019年6月18日发布了此Chrome扩展程序。此功能与Chrome中针对“欺骗”的其他改进并驾齐驱,包括有关Chrome 75中诸如“ go0ogle”之类的URL混淆的警告。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/425541/how-to-report-phishing-and-malicious-websites-in-google-chrome/

本文标签: 恶意器中如何在网站网络