


Though it’s had its share of flaky behavior since being introduced in Windows 8, the Windows Store has gotten more reliable over time. It still has the occasional problems, though. One of the more irritating issues is when an app update (or install) gets stuck. Here’s how to fix that.

尽管自Windows 8引入以来,它就具有一些易变的行为,但Windows Store随着时间的推移变得越来越可靠。 不过,它仍然偶尔会出现问题。 较烦人的问题之一是应用程序更新(或安装)卡住了。 解决方法如下。

The Windows Store offers a pretty solid collection of apps, even if it doesn’t offer desktop apps just yet. For the most part, the store works well, but you’ll still run into occasional problems like downloads and updates getting stuck. We’ve got a few handy solutions for you to try. Before getting into them, however, take some time to address a few potential issues that can sometimes interfere with the Windows Store.

Windows应用商店提供了相当不错的应用程序集合,即使它尚不提供桌面应用程序也是如此。 在大多数情况下,该商店都可以正常运行,但是您仍然会偶尔遇到诸如下载和更新卡住的问题。 我们有一些方便的解决方案供您尝试。 但是,在深入探讨这些问题之前,需要花一些时间来解决一些可能会干扰Windows应用商店的潜在问题。

  • Make sure your system clock is set properly. Especially if you sync apps with another Windows computer, the Windows Store relies on your time, date, and time zone being accurate.

    确保系统时钟设置正确。 特别是如果您将应用程序与另一台Windows计算机同步,则Windows应用商店将取决于您的时间,日期和时区是否准确。
  • It’s rare, but sometimes third-party antivirus programs can get in the way of app updates. Try disabling your AV temporarily to see if it fixes the problem.

    这种情况很少见,但有时第三方防病毒程序可能会妨碍应用程序更新。 尝试暂时禁用AV,看看它是否可以解决问题。

本文标签: 商店Windows