

1. 随机读写存储器RAM

  随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory, RAM),有称为“随机存储器”,是与CPU直接交换数据的内部存储器,也叫主存。 


  按照存储信息的不同,随机存储器又分为静态随机存储器(Static RAM, SRAM)和动态随机存储器(Dynamic RAM,DRAM);

  Random-access memory(RAM) is a form of computer data storage. A random-access memory device allows data items to be read and written in roughly the same amount of time regardless of the older in which data items are accessed. In contrast, with other direct access data storage media such as hard disks,  CD-RWs, DVD-RWs and the older drum memory, the time required to read and write data items varies significantly depending on their physical locations on the recording medium, due to mechanical limitations such as media rotation speeds and arm movement delays.

  Today, random-access memory takes the form of integrated circuits. Strictly speaking, modern types of DRAM are not random access, as data is read in bursts, although the name DRAM/RAM has stuck. However, many types of SRAM are still random access even in a strict sense. RAM is normally associated with volatile types of memory (such as DRAM memory modules), where stored information is lost if the power is removed, although many efforts have been made to develop non-volatile RAM chips. Other types of non-volatile memory exist that allow random access for read operations, but either do not allow write operations or have limitations on them. These include most types of ROM and a type of flash memory called NOR-Flash.

Integrated-circuit RAM chips came into the market in the late 1960s, with the first commercially available DRAM chip, the intel 1103, introduced in October 1970.

Types of RAM

The two main forms of modern RAM are static RAM(SRAM), dynamic RAM (DRAM). In SRAM, a bit of data is stored using the state of a flip-flop. This form of RAM is more expensive to produce, but is generally faster and requires less power than DRAM and, in modern computers, is often used as cache memory for the CPU. DRAM stores a bit of data using a transistor and capacitor pair, which together comprise a memory cell. The capacitor holds a high or low charge (1 or 0, respectively), and the transistor acts as a switch that lets the control circuitry on the chip read the capacitor's state of charge or change it. As this form of memory is less expensive to produce than static RAM, it is the predominant form of computer memory used in modern computers. 

Both static and dynamic RAM are considered volatile, as their state is lost or reset when power is removed from the system. By contrast, read-only memory (ROM) stores data by permanently enabling or disabling selected transistors, such that the memory cannot be altered. Writeable variants of ROM (such as EEPROM and flash memory) share properties of both ROM and RAM, enabling data to persist without power and to be  updated without requiring special equipment. These persistent forms of semiconductor ROM include USB flash drives, memory cards for cameras and portable devices, etc. ECC memory (which can be either SRAM or DRAM) includes special circuitry to detect and / or correct random faults (memory errors) in the stored data, using parity bits or error correction code.

In general, the term RAM refers solely to solid-state memory devices (either DRAM or SRAM), and more specifically the main memory in most computers. In optical storage, the term DVD-RAM is somewhat of a misnomer since, unlike CD-RW or DVD-RW it does not need to be erased befor reuse. Nevertheless a DVD-RAM behaves much like a hard disc drive if somewhat slower.

Other uses of RAM

In addition to serving as temporary storage and working space for the operating system and applications, RAM is used in numerous other ways.

(1)Virtual Memory

Most modern operating systems employ a method of extending RAM capacity.

(2)RAM disk

Software can "partition" a portion of a computer's RAM, allowing it to act as a much faster hard drive that is called a RAM disk.

(3)Shadow RAM

Sometimes, the contents of a relatively slow ROM chip are copied to read/write memory to allow for shorter access times.



所谓“随机存取”,指的是当存储器中数据被读取或写入时,所需要的时间与这段信息所在的位置或所写入的位置无关。相对的,读取或写入顺序访问(Sequential Access)存储设备中的信息时,其所需要的时间与位置就会有关系。它主要用来存放操作系统,各种应用程序和数据等。















ROM (只读内存 Read-Only Memory 简称)

  ROM是只读内存(Read-Only Memory)的简称,是一种智能读出实现所存数据的固态半导体存储器。其特点是一旦存储资料就无法再将之改变或删除。通常用在不需经常变更资料的垫子或电脑系统中,并且资料不会因为电源关闭而消失。

  英文简称ROM。ROM所存数据,一般是装入整机前事先写好的,整机工作过程中只能读出,而不像随机存储器那样能快速地、方便地加以改写。ROM所存数据稳定,断电后,所存数据也不会改变;其结构比较简单,读出较方便,因而常用于存储各种固定程序和数据。除少数品种的只读存储器(如字符发生器)可以通用之外,不同用户所需只读存储器的内容不同。为便于使用和大批量生产,进一步发展了可编程只读存储器(PROM)、可擦可编程序只读存储器(EPROM)和电可擦可编程只读存储器(EEPROM)。例如早起的个人电脑如Apple II 或IBM PC XT/AT的开机程序(操作系统)或是其他各种微电脑系统中的韧体(Firmware)。




  只读存储器(Read-Only Memory)是一种智能读取资料的存储器。在制造过程中,将资料以一特制光罩(mash)烧录于线路中,其资料内容在写入后就不能更改,所以有时又称为“光罩式只读内存”(mash ROM)。此内存的制造成本较低,常用于电脑中的开机启动如启动光盘,在系统装好的电脑上时,计算机将C盘目录下的操作系统文件读取至内存,然后通过CPU调用各种配件进行工作,这时,系统存放在存储器为RAM。

  Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a class of storage medium used in computers and other electronic devices. Data stored in ROM can only be modified slowly or with difficulty, or not at all, so it is mainly used to distribute firmware (software that is very closely tied to specific hardware, and unlikely to need frequent updates).

  Strictly, read-only memory refers to memory that is hard-wired, such as diode matrix and the later mask ROM. Although discrete circuits  can be altered (in principle), ICs cannot and are useless if the data is bad. The fact that such memory can never be changed is a large drawback; more recently, ROM commonly refers to memory that is read-only in normal operation, while reserving the fact of some possible way to change it.

   Other types of non-volatile memory such as erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM) and electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM or Flash ROM) are sometimes referred to, in an abbreviated way, as "read-only memory"(ROM); although these types of memory can be erased and re-programmed multiple times, writing to this memory takes longer and may require different procedures than reading the memory. When used in this less precise way. "ROM" indicates a non-volatile memory which serves functions typically provided by mask ROM, such as storage of program code and nonvolatile data.


  可编程程序只读内存(Programmable ROM, PROM)之内部有行列式的熔丝,是需要利用电流将其烧断,写入所需的资料,但仅能写录一次。PROM在出厂时,存储的内容全为1,用户可以干呢局需要将其中的某些单元写入数据0(部分的PROM在出厂时,数据全为0,则用户可以将其中的部分单元写入1),以实现对其“编程”的目的。PROM的典型产品是“双极性熔丝结构”,如果,我们想改写某些单元,则可以给这些单元通以足够大的电流,并维持一定的时间,原先的熔丝即可熔断,这样就达到了改写某些位的效果。另外一类经典的PROM为使用“肖特基二极管”的PROM,出厂时,其中的二极管处于反相截止状态,还是用大电流的方法将反相电压加载“肖特基二极管”,早成其永久性击穿即可。


可抹除可编程只读内存(Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, EPROM)可利用高电压降资料编程写入,抹除时,将线路曝光于紫外线下,则资料科被清空,并且可重复使用。通常在封装外壳上会预留一个适应透明窗以方便曝光。


  一次编程只读内存(One Time Programmable Read Only Memory, OTPROM)之写入原理同EPROM,但是,为了节省成本,编程写入之后就不再抹除,因此,不设置透明窗。


    电子式抹除可编程只读内存(Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory, EEPROM)值运行原理类似于EPROM,但是,抹除的方式是使用高电场来完成,因此不需要透明窗。


    快闪存储器(Flash Memory)的每一个记忆胞都具有一个“控制闸”与“浮动闸”,利用高电场改变浮动闸的临限电压即可进行编程动作。


Semiconductor based

  Classic mask-programmed ROM chips are integrated circuits that physically encode the data to be stored, and thus it is impossible to change their contents after fabrication. Other types of non=volatile solid-state memory permit some degree of modification:

  (1) Programmable read-only memory (PROM), or one-time programmable ROM(OTP), can be written to or programmed via a special device called a PROM programmer. 

  (2) Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) can be erased by exposure to strong ultraviolet light (typically for 10 minutes or longer), then rewritten with a process that again needs higher than usual voltage applied.

  (3) Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) is based on a similar semiconductor structure to EPROM, but allows its entire contents (or selected banks) to be electrically erased, then rewritten electrically, so that they need not be removed from the computer (or camera, MP3 player, etc.).

       * Electrically alterable read-only memory (EAROM) is a type of EEPROM that can be modified one bit at a time.

       * Flash memory (or simply flash) is a mordern type of EEPROM invented in 1984. Flash memory can be erased and written faster than ordinary EERPOM, and newer designs feature very high endurance (exceeding 1,000,000 cycles). Modern NAND flash makes efficient use of sillicon chip area, resulting in individual ICs with a capacity as high as 32 GB as of 2007; this feature, along with its endurance and physical durability, has allowed NAND flash to replace magnetic in some applications (such as USB flash drives). Flash memory is sometimes called flash ROM or flash EEPROM when used as a replacement for older ROM types, but not in applications that take advantage of its ability to be modified quickly and frequently.

By applying write protection, some types of reprogrammable ROMs may temporarily become read-only memory.


RAM是Ramdom Acess Memory,这种存储器在断电是将丢失其存储内容,故主要用于存储短时间使用的程序。ROM是Read-Only Memory,是一种只能读出实现所存数据的固态半导体存储器。






  ROM 存储器多用来存放固件,比如极端及启动的引导程序,手机、MP3、MP4和数码相机等一些电子产品的相应的自带程序代码,这种用户可以通过刷机方式读写ROM。是COMPACT DISC激光唱片,关盘也属于这种(如: 电脑系统光盘,gost版一般都可以直接在关盘上引导并启动winPE操作系统)。


  EPROM、EEPROM、Flash ROM(NOR Flash 和NAND Flash),性能同ROM,但可改写。一般读出比写入快,写入需要比读出更高的电压(读5V写12V)。而Flash可以在相同电压下读写,且容量大、成本低,如今在U盘、MP3中使用广泛。在计算机系统里,RAM一般用作内存,ROM用来存放一些硬件的驱动程序,也就是固件。







Flash 存储器

  flash 是存储芯片的一种,通过特定的程序可以修改里面的数据。FLASH在垫子以及半导体领域内往往表示Flash Memory的意思,即,平时说的“闪存”,全名叫Flash EEPROM Memory。


   Flash memory is an electronic non-volatile computer storage medium that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed.

  Introduced by Toshiba in 1984, flash memory was developed from EEPROM (Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory). There are two main types of flash memory, which are named after the NAND and NOR logic gates. The internal characteristics of the individual flash memory cells exhibit characteristics similar to those of the corresponding gates.

  Whereas EPROMs had to be completely erased before being rewritten, NAND type flash memory may be written and read in blocks (or pages) which are generally much smaller than the entire device. NOR type flash allows a single machine word (byte) to be written - to an erased location - or read independently.

  The NAND type is primarily used in main memory, memory cards, USB flash drives, solid-state derives, and similar products, for general storage and transfer of data. The NOR type, which allows true random access and therefore direct code execution, is used as a replacement for the older EPROM and as an alternative to certain kinds of ROM applications, whereas NOR flash memory may emulate ROM primarily at the machine code level; many digital designs need ROM (or PLA) structures for other uses, often at significantly higher speeds than (economical) flash memory may achieve. NAND or NOR flash memory is also often used to store configuration data in numerous digital products, a task previously made prossible by EEPROMs or battery - powered static RAM. One significant disadvantage of flash memory is the finite amount of read/write cycles in a specific block.

  Although flash memory is technically a type of EEPROM, the term "EEPROM" is generally used to refer specifically to non-flash EEPROM which is erasable in small blocks, typically bytes. Because erase cycles are slow, the large block sizes used in flash memory erasing give it a significant speed advantage over non-flash EEPROM when writing large amouts of data. As of 2013, flash memory costs much less than byte-programmable EEPROM and has become the dominant memory type wherever a system requires a significant amount of non-volatile, solid state storage.

   目前Flash主要有两种NOR Flash和NAND Flash。NOR Flash的读取和我们常见的SDRAM的读取是一样的,用户可以直接运行装载在NOR Flash里面的代码,这样可以减少SRAM的容量从而节约了成本。NAND Flash没有采取内存的随机读取技术,它的读取是以一次读取一块的形式进行的,通常是一次读取512字节,采用这种技术的Flash比较廉价。用户不能直接与西宁NAND Flash上的代码,已草拟好多使用NAND Flash的开发板除了使用NAND Flash意外,还加上一块小的NOR Flash来余下你给启动代码。

  Nor Flash 

   In NOR gate flash, each cell has one end connected directly to ground, and the other end connected directly to a bit line. This arrangement is called "NOR flash" because it acts like a NOR gate: when one of the word lines (connected to the cell's CG) is brought high, the corresponding storage transistor acts to pull the output bit line low. NOR flash continues to be the technology of choice for embedded applications requiring a discrete non-volatile memory device. The low read latencies characteristic of NOR devices allow for both direct code execution and data storage in a single memory product.

  NAND flash

  NAND flash also uses floating-gate transistors, but they are connected in a way that resembles a NAND gate: several transistors are connected in series, and the bit line is pulled low only if all word lines are pulled high (above the transistors' Vt). These groups are then connected via some additional transistors to a NOR-style bit line array in the same way that single transistors are linked in NOR flash.

  一般小容量的用NOR Flash,因为其读取速度快,多用来存储操作系统等重要信息,而大容量的用NAND Flash,最长间的NAND Flash 应用是嵌入式系统采用的DOC (Disk On Chip)和我们通常用的“闪盘”,可以在线擦除。目前市场上的Flash主要来自Intel、AMD、Fujitsu和Mxic,而生产NAND Flash的主要厂商有Samsung、Toshiba,Micron和Hynix。

Distinction between NOR and NAND Flash

  NOR and NAND flash differ in two important ways:

  (1) the connections of the individual memory cells are different

  (2) the interface provided for reading and writing the memory is different (NOR allows random-access for reading, NAND allows only page access ).

  These two are linked by the design choices make in the development of NAND flash. A goal of NAND flash development was to reduce the chip area required to implement a given capacity of flash memory, and thereby to reduce cost per bit and increase maximun chip capacity so that flash memory could compete with magnetic storage devices like hard disks.

 NOR and NAND flash get their names from the structure of the interconnections between memory cells. 

 In NOR flash, cells are connected in parallel to the bit lines, allowing cells to be read and programmed individually. The parallel connection of cells resembles the parallel connection of transistors in a CMOS NOR gate. 

 In NAND flash, cells are connected in series, resembling a NAND gate. The series connections consume less space then parallel ones, reducing the cost of NAND flash. It does not, by itself, prevent NAND cells from being read and programmed individually. 

本文标签: 存储器硬件ramromflash