

Speaking of carborundum, we think it is not very understanding. This is a SiC impurity case, the color was blue-black, with a similar structure to diamond, so that the hardness is relatively large, about 9 Mohs hardness. Comparison of chemical properties of stability, high temperature is very difficult and further reaction of materials can be used as a polished paper, grinding etc .. 
proper application of natural emery had in ancient times, it is especially through emery crystal glass, all kinds of jade, VIP people enjoy. Later, this substance is exported to Japan, Japan were developed uniform size, clear and high net angular material crushing, grinding materials for hardness as soft corundum. It is applied to the television picture tube, optical instruments, such as in the field of the lens. 
With the advent of factory industry, emery been sprayed, even is the differential form, in the promotion of Raymond mill, became a top-metallic material processing is necessary for grinding emery, demand market is very large, the current domestic needs for the year reached 4,000 tons, according to the prediction of the experts, the use of emery powder will be more and more widely. This also allows you Raymond mill picture sharpness win support among the people. Let more people know more about the use of Raymond mill. 
Raymond Mill complement each other and Emery, and jointly promote the progress of time. Not only is emery, Raymond mill, the perfect combination of tens of thousands of equipment and machinery to create a more perfect future. Make our bright future.

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