




1. 假设你是李明,上周你们班进行了“怎样有意义地过周末”班会活动,大家在班会上畅所欲言。请你根据表格中的提示内容,结合你自己对此事的看法,用英语给校报写一篇短文。







Last week, we held a class meeting. In the meeting, we talked about how to spend the weekend meaningfully.

In the past, many students chose to play computer games at weekends. They also did many other things online. Some students

liked to see films and others only stayed at home.

However, things have changed a lot now. Most students choose many different activities. Many students read many meaningful

books at weekends because they think reading can improve their knowledge. Reading opens up a whole new world to them. Moreover,

some students often do sports to keep fit. And other students like to go on a trip with their family. Travelling help them learn about the

world and enjoy the natural beauty. Getting close to nature makes them healthier and happier.

In my opinion, playing computer games is a good way to relax in some ways, but we can’t spend too much time on it. We should

choose more meaningful things to do at weekends.

2. 请根据下列表格提示,以 Changes in my hometown 为题,写一篇英语短文,向英语校报投稿。

环 境

交 通

生 活


过 去





现 在




Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past ten years.

In the past, there was serious pollution everywhere. People threw rubbish everywhere, so streets and roads were very dirty.

People lived in small houses and went out by bike or by bus, but roads were narrow. People were busy with their work, so they have no

free time to have fun.

However, my hometown has changed a lot at present. First, the environment is much better. There are trees and flowers on

both sides of the roads. People can hear the birds sing and smell the flowers. Second, the living conditions have improved a lot. Streets

and roads are wide and clean. Third, people live in tall buildings and have their own cars. They obey traffic rules when driving. In

their spare time, people can enjoy themselves in many ways.

I’m glad to see the great changes in my hometown. We are living a happy and comfortable life now. I hope our life will be

better and better in the future.


1. 随着电脑和智能手机的普及,某网站推出网上作业学习软件,深受师生们的喜爱,但也有反对之声。请你参考表格内容,用英语完成调查报告并发表你的观点及理由。




赞 成



反 对




We did a survey about doing homework online last week. Teachers and students hold different opinions on this view.

Some students think it good to do homework online because it is useful to know the results at once. It helps them know how much

they have learnt. But some students dislike it. They believe they can’t stop chatting with their friends or playing computer games.

Teachers also have different ideas. English teachers like this new way because it can help students practise listening and speaking.

However, some teachers find some students often send their answers to each other online. It’s bad for their study.

In my opinion, every coin has two sides(凡事都有两面性). In some ways, doing homework online can help improve our

English and knowledge. But we had better learn to control ourselves and keep a balance between study and play.

2. 假如你是Jim,上周参加了八年级一班的学生举行的一个班会,主题是“Should students

chat on QQ?”。请根据下面的表格提示,写一篇英文短文。

人 数

支 持




1 1、交友

理 由 2、丰富生活


你的观点 少聊QQ;多读书;……




Last week I attended a class meeting of Class 1, Grade 8. They talked about if it is good for students to chat on QQ.

Students’ opinions are different. 30 of the students think students can chat on QQ. They say QQ can help them make more

friends and it’s easy for friends to communicate with each other on QQ. They also believe QQ makes their life more colourful.

However, 20 of them don’t agree. They think it is a waste of time for students to chat online. What’s more, online friends are not

true friends. It may bring some bad results. They think spending more time with their family members is the most important thing.

In my opinion, QQ is just a way to relax. We shouldn’t spend too much time on QQ. We should go to the library as often as

possible and try to read more books because reading can not only make us clever and smart but also help us get more knowledge.

Good books may give us much advice on how to grow up well. In our free time, we can also do more exercise to keep fit.

3. 假如你是学生会主席,需要对学生会在全体学生中开展的课外阅读时间的问卷调查写一篇报道。请你以“Let’s read more”为题,报道此次调查结果,并谈谈你自己的看法。调查结果如下:

阅读时间(小时0-1 1-2 2-3












Recently we have done a survey in our school on how long students spend on reading. We found that 20% of the students read

after class for less than an hour each day. They think reading can improve the knowledge, but they are too busy doing homework to do

some reading. 76% of the students read for an hour or two. They think it important to have a good reading habit because it can make

their life colourful. Only 4% of them read for over two hours. They believe it important to read than to finish the homework.

In my opinion, reading is always a wonderful time. Good books are good friends. They help me relax after a busy day.

They also open up a whole new world to me.


1. 假如你校将开展“读好书,促成长”活动,请你根据这项活动的主题,向全校同学发出倡议。请参考表格内容,用英语写一份倡议书。

1. 获取许多知识,开创新视野;

2. 使人愉悦,益智,益于学习;


3. 有助于我们健康成长

4. …… (自由发挥一点)

1. 作业多,无良好读书习惯;

现 状

2. 电视和网络占时多。

从图书馆多借书。每天花一小时阅读各方面书籍,比如倡 议


Dear friends,

Reading is very important in our daily life.

First of all, reading can help us get a lot of knowledge from all kinds of books. It can also open up a whole new world to us.

Second, reading can make us clever and happy. It is good for our study. Third, it can also help us grow up healthily. Besides, reading

can help us relax after a busy day /think more and further /make our life more colourful.

However, we have so much homework to do that we don’t have enough time to read. Moreover, some of us don’t have a good

reading habit. Some of us often spend too much time watching TV and surfing the Internet.

I think it’s time for us to read more good books. Every day, we should spend at least one hour reading different types of books,

such as science, health, culture and so on. We can borrow books from the library. Besides, we can often discuss what to read. I think

we can have a better future if we read more books.

Let’s start reading now!

2. 阅读丰富人生,是我们获得知识的源泉.请以Reading Is a Wonderful Time为题,写一篇作文。




4)建议: 合理安排时间;培养好的阅读习惯……(适当发挥1-2点)。

Reading is a wonderful time. It makes our daily life colorful and meaningful.

Reading is so important to us. But it’s a pity that many students don’t like reading as much as before. They say they are too busy

2 doing homework to have time to do some reading. And some of them spend too much time watching TV or surfing the Internet instead

of reading. I think that’s a big problem.

Every day, we should spend some time reading because when we feel sad, we can calm down by reading the books we are

interested in. Good books are good friends. They can give us lots of confidence or advice on how to deal with the problems and good

books can help open up a whole new world to us.

As students, we should manage our time better. If we have a good reading habit, we will live a more colorful and meaningful life.

3. 阅读对人成长的影响是巨大的。“腹有诗书气自华”,一本好书往往能改变人的一生。每年的4月23日是世界读书日,为此你想给同学们提一些养成阅读好习惯方面的建议。要点如下:





Having good reading habits makes a great difference to you. If you want to have good reading habits, I have some advice for you.

First, choose the right book. You can ask your teachers and parents for some advice on reading. You can borrow books from the

school library or buy some from bookshops. You’d better read the four great classical Chinese novels.

Second, plan your time well. You should spend at least half an hour reading every day. After you make the plan, don’t change it

easily. For example, it’s a good habit to read before going to sleep.

Third, always carry a book with you. When you leave home, remember to take a book with you. When you are free, you can read


Finally, find a quiet place to read. You can find a quiet room with a comfortable chair, then you can enjoy reading in the chair.

I hope my advice can help you form some good reading habits.

4. 在日常生活中,互联网起着越来越重要的作用。假如你的学校开展关于互联网与学生生活的征文,请根据下表所提示的要点,以“Internet in my life”为题,用英语撰写一篇短文,简述互联网在你生活中的用途,并就它对你的生活的影响谈谈你的感受。

学习 观看国内外重大新闻,阅读各种书籍,自学各类网上课程

交流 相互传递信息,共同探讨问题

娱乐 欣赏音乐,收看体育赛事,玩游戏


生活 网上购物,为出行旅游搜集各类资料

其他 (请自拟一点内容)

感受 互联网对你生活的影响(请自拟一点内容)

The Internet has become more and more important in our daily life.

I can learn news both at home and abroad on the Internet. I can not only read different kinds of books but also attend online

courses. Besides, I can also send messages by writing emails or make video calls to discuss some questions with each other. What’s

more, I can enjoy music, watch sports matches and play computer games. I can do some shopping online, too. If I want to go on a trip,

I can find a lot of useful information with the help of Internet.

In some ways, the Internet has made my life more colorful. But I should not spend too much time on it.


本文标签: 阅读作业时间生活知识