


Unit 1 Changes in the way we live

y builds his dream life



I may not be a born farmer, but I can get by when it comes to the life on

the farm.

2. 多年来,城市生活让我和老婆身心疲倦,此刻在乡间我们找到了心灵的知足。


years of frustration

with city living,

my wife and I have found contentment

in the country finally.

3. 自然,我此刻赚的钱远远比不上我做全员工作的时候赚的多。

Of course, I ’ mnot making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed in the


4. 可是,我们可以经过减少开销来填补收入的不足,而我们的生活水平并无显然降落。

But ,we have been able to make up with the difference in come by cutting

back without appreciably lowering our standard of living.

5. 但是,幸福的乡村生活一定具备一些质量:其一,要耐得住孤独;其二,要有充足的体


However, happy country living takes a couple of special qualities . One is a

tolerance of solitude; the other requirement is a lot of energy.

Unit 2 Civil-rights Heroes

The freedom givers

1. 地下铁路是由那些帮助黑奴流亡自由之地的英豪们努力建的。

The Underground Railroad was forged by the heroes who helped slaves to escape north to liberty.

2. 在这些曾帮助把奴隶运送到北方的英豪中间,有些人从前自己就是奴隶。

Among these heroes who helped to transport slaves to the north, some of them were former slaves


3. 此外一些白人“列车员”因为其根深蒂固的崇奉,感觉自己不可以不参加此中。

Other white “ conductors ” felt compelled to take part in it because of their deeply held


4. 对很多参加者来说,把奴隶从盘剥者那边解放出来成了他们的使命。

For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them

became a mission.

5. 自然,他们的最后目的是完全取销奴隶制度。

Certainly, their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely.

Unit 3 Securities

The land of the lock

1. 美国已经从 “自由之国”演变成一个最不安全的国家。不论在城市仍是在乡村,不再是门不落锁了。

America is deteriorating

from “ the land of the free ” into the most insecure


Doors are no longer left unlocked either in cities or in rural areas.

2. 取而代之的是防盗锁, 安全链, 电子报警系统的宽泛使用。 机场安所有门使用电子透视设施防备恐惧侵袭。

Instead, dead-bolt locks, security chains, and electronic alarm systems are widely put into use.

Airport security uses electronic X-ray equipment to guard against terrorism.





Small notices warning against burglary are completely seen pasted on the windows

of most homes. Suburban families have steel bars built in sliding glass doors.




Access cards are required of those who work with medium-to-large-size


Suburban housewives wear rape whistles on their key chains.

5. 我们应当记着的教训是: 在对付无形的惧怕时, 人们把惧怕锁在门外, 他们自己也成了囚犯。

The best legacy we should remember is that, in dealing with unseen horrors, people may have

locked their fears out, but they become prisoners of themselves.


Unit 5 How to celebrate holidays

Write three thank-you letters

1. 出海在外的一个特别孤单的日子:1934 年感恩节,我开始仔细思虑这一节日的真实意


On an especially lonely day to be at sea— Thanksgiving day in 1943,I began to give serious

thought to the true meaning of the festival.

2. 感恩节的真实意义在于:我们应当诚心地对那些以前帮助过我们的人表示我们的谢意。

The true meaning of Thanksgiving is that we should sincerely express our gratitude to the those

who have ever helped us.

3. 我深刻地认识到:大凡人都暗地希望着有更多的人对自己的努力表达谢意。

I have got an insight into how most human beings go about longing in secret

for more of their fellows to express appreciation for their efforts.

4. 我马上给我父亲、 祖母和学校校长写了信, 用诚挚的文字表达对他们的衷心的感谢之情。

I immediately

wrote to my dad,

my grandma and my school principle,

expressing my

heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to them with genuine statements.




所以, 我激烈地希望每一个人都可以发



we are mightily and merely people, each with similar needs. So I strongly

wish everyone to find the good and praise it.

Unit 6 The human touch

The last leaf

1. 苏和约翰西在一家咖啡屋相遇,发现对方有好多共同语言,于是就一同开了这家画室。

Sue and Johnsy had met at a caf é , and they found that they had much in common, so the

joint studio resulted.

2. 从前约翰西老是很开朗很快乐。以后她染上了肺炎,这时苏才认识了她几个月的时间。

Johnsy had always been so lively and merry before she suffered from pneumonia.

By then Sue had only known her o few months.

3. 而此刻约翰西却只好直直地坐在床上,呆呆地看着窗外,仿佛丧失了生计的勇气。

Now Johnsy just sat up in bed, staring out of the windows, and seemed to lose the

will to hang on to live.


令人难懂的是, 她有一个奇异的念想, 即当窗外葡萄藤上的最后一片叶子落下去时,


It was puzzling that she had a strong belief that once the last leaf on the vine

outside fell, she would die.

5. 多亏了我们楼下街坊贝尔曼先生, 他冒着生命危险画的 “最后一片叶子” 给了她再生的希望。

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