



-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1



1. 单音节词和少数双音节词比较级和最高级的规则变化:

规则 原级

比较级 最高级


tall taller tallest


nice nicer nicest

3.以辅音字母加y结尾的,把y变ihappy happier happiest


4.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个辅音字母,双写这个thin thinner thinnest


2. 其他双音节词或多音节词,在该词前面加-more/most

beautiful—more beautiful—(the) most beautiful

3. 由形容词加ly构成的双音节词和多音节词,都是在该词前加-more/most.

quickly—more quickly—(the) most quickly

difficultly—more difficultly—(the) most difficultly

4. 不规则变化:

good/well better best

bad/badly worse worst

many/much more most

little less least

far farther/further farthest/furthest


1. 原级的用法:


A+v.+as….+形容词原级as B “A 与B一样”; 否定则 “A不如B”

Tom is as honest as Jack.

Her skin is as white as snow.

My dog is as old as that one.

He is not as (so) tall as I(me).

The weather here is not as(so)cool as the weather in Harbin.

2. 比较级的用法:

1)A+v.+形容词比较级+than+ B

Susan is happier than Jane. She has bigger eyes than me.

His brother is younger than me.

Beijing is more beautiful than Osaka.

2)which/who …比较级, A or B?

Which city is bigger, Beijing or Tianjin?

Who is happier, you or me?


The earth is getting warmer and warmer.

China becomes more and more stronger.

4)the +比较级,the +比较级结构,表示“越……就越……”

The more I study it, the more I like it.

The harder you are, the better grades you will get.

5)…the +比较级 +of the two… 两个中更…的那个

The taller of the two boys is Peter.

Look at the two girls .Who is the heavier of them?

6) 具体对比量+形容词比较级+than…

much, a lot, far +比较级 “比….得多”

a little , a bit , kind of +比较级 “比…一点儿”

even +比较级 “甚至更… “ still +比较级 “还是更…”

I’m two years older than you.

She is a head taller than me.

He is much less hardworking.

He is even worse today.


(一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式: long fast badly heavy few


happy small interesting easy big difficult

many fat rude

busy hot large

early thin wide

good little far


ran ______ than all the others. He ran _______ of all. ( fast )

2. James played as ______ as you. Mary played _______of all. ( well )


3. She waited ________ than she usually did. ( long )

4. I walked _______ than the rest. I walked _______ of all. ( far )

friend came ________ than Pual and Mike. ( late )

the three boys he works ________. ( hard )

left school ______ in his class yesterday. ( late )

swims as ______ as I do. ( badly )

did _______ in the 100-metre race, Jim or Tim? ( badly )

10. Both Li Ming and Li Hong sang __________, but I sang _______ of all. ( badly )

11. Peter is as _______ as Tom. Benny is _____ than Tom. David is ______ of all. ( fat )

12. Li Li found _________ mushrooms than I did. ( many )

13. The elephant is ________ than any other animals. ( big )

14. Man is ________ than animals. ( much clever )

15. Lesson Two is a bit ________ than Lesson One. ( easy )

16. I’m _______ boy under the sun. ( happy )

17. Today is ________ than yesterday. ( hot )

18. An elephant is _______ than a tiger. It is _______ animal on land. ( big )

19. Mr. Li is _______ than your uncle. ( thin )

20. Which book is _________, yours or mine? ( thick )

21. This park is much _______ than that one. ( beautiful )

22. The first book is more useful than the second one. The second book is _____ than the first one. ( useful )

23. Allan is _______ of the three boys. ( strong )

24. His marks are _______ than his friend’s ( bad )

25. It is _______ to do this maths problem than to do that one. ( easy )

26. My house is ________ to the farm than yours. ( far )

27. My work is more important than yours. Your work is ________ than mine. ( important )

28. My mother drives very carefully. She is a _________ driver than my father. ( careful ).

29. Of the two girls, I find Lucy the _______ (clever).

30. Gold(黄金) is ______ (little) useful than iron(铁).

33. My sister is two years _______ (old ) than I.


( ) 1. Your room is _______ than mine.

A. three time big B. three times big C. three times bigger D. bigger three times

( ) 2 When spring comes, it gets_______.

A. warm and warm B. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D. shorter and shorter ( )3 ______ he read the book, _______ he got in it.

A. The more; the more interesting B. The less; the more interesting

C. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested

( ) 4 I like______ one of the two books.

A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older


( ) 5 Which do you like _______, tea or coffee?

A. well B. better C. best D. most

( ) 6 This work is _______ for me than for you.

A. difficult B. most difficult C. much difficult D. more difficult

( ) 7 E-mailing is much than long-distance calling.

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest

( ) 8---- Are you feeling ____

---- Yes,I'm fine now.

A. any well B. any better C. quite good D. quite better

( ) 9 Your house is ______ bigger than ours.

A. Two time B. Second time C. Two times times

( ) 10 English is one of_______ spoken in the world.

A. the important languages B. the most important languages

C. most important language D. the most important language

( ) 11. If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school.

A. the happiest time B. a more happier time

C. much happiest time D. a much happier time

( )12 I'm not ________ to lift the heavy box.

A. short enough B. enough tall C. health enough D. strong enough

( )13 Which is_______, Li Lei or Wu Tong?

A. strong B. strongest C. stronger D. the strongest

( )14 Do you have _______ to tell us?

A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything

( ) 15. Most of the people in Guangdong are getting ______.

A. more and rich B. more rich and more rich

C. richer and richer D. rich and rich

( )16.. Of the two toys, the child chose_____. A. the expensive one B. one most expensive

C. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them

( )17.. The line is ____ than that one.

A. more longer B. not longer C. much more longer D. many more longer

( )18.. The earth is _____ the moon.

A. as 49 times big as B. 49 times as bigger as C. 49 times as big as big as 49 times

( )19.. The book is ____ of the two.

A. thinner B. the thinner C. more thinner D. the thinnest

( ) 20. She looks _____ than she does.

A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older

( )21. The garden is becoming ______.

A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and beautiful

C. more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and beautifuler

3. 最高级用法:


1)one of the +最高级

Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in China.

Our city is one of the safest cities in the world.

—He’s watering the flowers in the garden.

A. When B. What C. Where D. How

3. Nowadays science fiction isn’t as as cartoons among teenagers.

A. popular B. more popular C. less popular D. the most popular

4. We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing these years than ever before.

A. quickly B. less quickly C. more quickly D. the most quickly

5. The cheese cake tasted so that the kids asked for more.

A. delicious B. well C. bad D. badly

6. She looks very . I think she needs to have a rest.

A. tired B. hard C. well D. hardly

Most people like apples.

Most of the boys are good.

It is our nearest neighbor in space.




She is the best in her class.


She is better than any other student in her class.

No other student in her class is better than she.


No other student in her class is as good as she.


1. 原级主要的句型:

as+副词原级+as Tom runs as fast as Jones.

not as/so+副词原级+as He didn’t come as/so early as Li Lei.

2. 比较级的用法:


Lily run faster than Mary(did).

2)比较级+and +比较级

The days are getting longer and longer in summer.

3)the more…the more…

The harder you work, the better you will learn.

3. 最高级的用法:


He works (the) hardest of all the students in the class.


1. The air in Beijing is getting much now than a few years ago.

A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest

2. — is your grandpa, Emma?


7. — do you play computer games?

—Once a week.

8. The population of Tianjin is than that of Shanghai.

C. smaller D. fewer

9. It’s raining . We have to stay at home instead of going fishing.

B. hardly C. heavily D. strongly

10. —Can you give a hand with this table

I want to move it.

—Sure. are you going to put it?

B. How C. Where D. When

11. Guo Yue did quite at the World Table Tennis Championship, but Zhang Yining did

even .

12. —Tom is six and he is his sister Jane. How old is Jane?


A. twice as old as B. two years older than

C. three years younger than D. as old as

13. —Remember, boys and girls. you work, result you will get.

—We know, Miss Gao.

C. The hard, the better D. The harder, the good

14. Jack has three friends. Mike is the of the four.

B. more clever C. cleverest D. clever

15. —In our English study reading is more important than speaking. I think.

—I don’t agree, speaking is than reading.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How many A. larger B. less

A. badly

A. Why

A. better, well B. well, well C. well, better D. better, better

A. The better, the harder B. The harder, the better

A. most cleverest

A. as important as B. so important as C. the most important D. the same as

I. 用Of, than, in, as填空。

1. This table is as big that one.

2. The yellow book is bigger the blue one.

3. Tom is the best student the class.

4. This lesson is more interesting that one.

5. This apple is the largest all the apples.

II. 单选。

1. John is my friend of all the classmates.

A. good B. better C. best D. the best

3. Beijing is one of cities in China.

A. very beautiful B. much beautiful C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful4. The Yellow River isn’t so as the Changjiang River.

A. long B. longest C. longer D. the longest

5. The coat I bought last week is too big for me. I’d like to change it for a one.

A. small B. larger C. nicer D. smaller

6. Who is the , Jim, Li Lei or Ling Feng?

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. much taller

7. Of all the students, Wu Dong runs .

A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. most fast

8. He has grown to take care of himself.

A. tall enough B. enough tall C. old enough D. enough old

9. Tom draws better than his brother.

A. more B. most C. many D. much

10. Who does homework in your class?

A. carefully B. most carefully C. more carefully D. as carefully as

jumped_______of all?

A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the most far

8 Li Lei is_______ student in our class.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest

9 Tom is one of _______ boys in our class.

A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall



I. 1. as 2. than 3. in 4. than

II. 1-5 CBDAD 6-10 CCCDB


本文标签: 比较级形容词副词