






table manners

The British people in the restaurant, they say "Thank you got

the menu English!", had dinner and said "Thank you!", the food

will say "Thank you!", get the bill will say "Thank you!", even if he

paid when you will say "Thank you on you!". For such a good,

even if it is from a state of ceremonies the Chinese is probably

very difficult to adapt to the.

The table etiquette British is very focused on children from

an early age, the first day on the table from children, parents

began to tangible or intangible "etiquette education", want to

help their children develop good eating habits and learn good

meal etiquette. So in a British restaurant, you can't hear someone

shouting "waiter" or "Miss", and you can't hear anyone at that

table talking about it. On the contrary, even though they may one

day to be good what to eat today, also will be very patient to read

the menu, and then sat there quietly waiting for the waiter to

order; even if they sit in a forgotten corner, will try to look the

same waiter or waving communication as much as possible to

avoid any sound. When eating, everyone will eat quietly in their

seats, talk quietly, even smile instead of laughing, and fear to

disturb the people around them. Of course, such as soup can not

make noise, shut up and chew food, and must speak after food

swallowing, these traditional western etiquette is also an

important part of the table manners in the UK.

A few parts of the table manners in Britain

1. reservations:

In the west, restaurants usually have to make a reservation in

advance. There are several points to be noted when making an

appointment. First, we should clarify the number and time.

Secondly, we need to indicate whether smoking areas or seats

with good vision. If it is a birthday or other special day, you can

tell the purpose and budget of the banquet. It is the basic

politeness to arrive at the scheduled time. It is necessary to make

an apology in order to cancel the position in advance.

More expensive casual clothes, but also can not be casual

dressed in the high-end western restaurant to eat, dress

appropriately is the common sense of the European and

American people. Go to the high-end restaurant, the men wear

clean; women to wear dresses or suits and shoes, makeup is

slightly heavier in the restaurant because the light is dark, if you

specify to wear formal clothing, men have to tie into the

restaurant, the men should first open the door, let the woman in.

Should be invited to walk in front of mrs.. Sit down, please point

to taste the wine should be decided and ms..

In general, the business hours of the western restaurant

begin at 11:30 noon, afternoon, and 6: if the guests arrive

early, they can have a drink in the bar first and then enter the

main restaurant.

Sit in 2.

After sitting, you cannot rush to order. If you have any

questions, you can ask the waiter directly. They are usually very

happy to answer any questions you ask. If they are not very clear,

they will ask the restaurant manager or chef.

It's too early to eat. It's too early to arrive at a western

restaurant at 11 o'clock or 5:, and it's a rude way to go on

the table, talk about business and dress on the table, eat too

much of the main course, slow down the next dish, or just start

appetizers, not ordering the main course and dessert.

The appetizer of high grade Western food is very small, but

very delicate, it is worth tasting slowly. After the meal, you can

choose dessert or cheese, coffee, tea and so on. Different

countries have different tips. But be sure to add more praise and

thank you.

To eat Western food is very popular in terms of procedures:

marble fireplace, sparkling crystal lamp, silver candlestick,

colorful wine, and people's elegant and charming manners, which

is a touching oil painting in itself. For your behavior in the first

Western-style food more skilled, some effort to familiarize the

dining etiquette, is very much worth it.

Don't fiddle with the tableware that is already on the table

before eating. Gently fold the napkin on the knee. Napkin cloth

can be used to wipe your mouth or wipe your hands. It should be

diagonal stacked into a triangular shape or parallel to the growth

side. The stains should be all rubbed inside, and the appearance

will always look neat. When leaving the seat, even if it is for the

time being away, it should be taken out of the tablecloth to be

stacked into blocks or triangles on the side of the table or the

feet of the table, preferably placed on their seats.

When seated, the body will sit straight, do not put your

elbows on the table, don't cross your legs, and to use the table

from the table for good.

3. use knife and fork spoon

The rule is: when you use knife and fork to eat, take the knife

and fork from outside to the inside. In general, the left-handed

person can take it in reverse, but put it back in place after dinner.

The left hand holds the fork and the right hand holds the knife.

When the knife is used, the blade must not go outward. When

you put down the knife and fork in the meal, you should put it in

"eight" and put it on the side of the plate. The blade faces itself,

indicating that it will continue to eat. When each dish is finished,

the knife and fork are put together in the plate to indicate that

the waiter can remove the tableware. If it is a conversation, you

can take a knife and fork, and it doesn't need to be put down.

When no knife, fork in hand can be used, but need to make

gestures, it should be put down knife and fork, don't shake hand

knives and forks in the air, do not hand a knife or fork, and in the

other hand napkin to wipe your mouth, nor in one hand and glass,

on the other hand take food fork. Remember, at any time, do not

put one end of the knife and fork on the plate and the other end

on the table.

The cutlery and spoon for Western food have their own use,

which can not be replaced or mixed.

The knife is used to cut food. Don't pick up food with a knife

and send it to your mouth. Remember: with a knife in the right

hand. If the meal, there are three kinds of different specifications

of the knife at the same time, the general correct usage is that

with a little teeth used to cut meat food; medium to big piece

vegetables; and the kind of small, so, some of the top of head

upturned knife is used to cut small and then use it to pick up

some bread, jam, butter on bread.

Fork, take the hand with the left hand, fork the food into the

mouth when the action should be light. Pick up the right amount

of food and put it in the mouth. When the fork pick up the food

into the mouth, the teeth only touch the food, do not bite the

fork, and do not let the knife and fork make a sound on the teeth

or in the disc.

Spoon, in formal occasions, there are many kinds of spoon,

small for coffee and dessert, that is sweet dessert, flat for butter

and cake, larger for soup or small food, and the most common is

soup, commonly used in buffet.

4. elegant meals

Bread is usually broken into small pieces of the entrance, do

not take the whole piece of bread to bite. When you use butter

and jam, break the bread into small pieces and then apply it. Shut

up when eating chewing, do not lick their lips or zazui sound,

soup is also can't make a sound absorption. If the soup is

overheated, you can wait for a little cold and eat again. Don't

blow it with your mouth. When the soup with a spoon, scoop

from the inside out, soup soon after drinking the soup, with the

left hand to the lateral tilt slightly, with tablespoon to scoop net.

After eating soup, the spoon will remain in the soup plate (bowl),

the key point to their own. When eating fish, meat and other

spiny or bone dishes, do not spit directly, use a napkin to cover

your mouth and gently spit it on the fork and put it in the plate.

To eat noodles, use a fork to roll up the noodles and send them

to the entrance.

5. desserts and drinks

If you need to add milk or sugar when you drink coffee, stir

it evenly with a small spoon, and then put the small spoon on the

coffee pad. When you drink, you should take a cup in your right

hand and pad the left hand. Don't scoop and drink with a

spoonful of a spoonful. Eat fruit do not take the whole fruit to

bite, should first cut into four petals with a fruit knife and use the

knife to remove the skin, core, fork to eat.

the combination of drinking and food

Drinking should be collocation edible what food, often haunt

people for hundreds of years, drinking appropriate food seems

to have formed a law. However, with the emergence of new foods

and new types of wine in modern society, these rules are

outdated and increasingly unapplicable.

How to match food with alcohol is the first thing to

understand. Life is different from personal preferences. Alcohol

and food collocation must be matched with personal taste. You

can order wine and food according to your taste, even if it is not

allowed in the rules, or if you are firmly opposed to a friend at

the same table, you should not be shy or embarrassed. There are

many things that don't seem to fit together in life, or are they so

harmonious. What wine should you use for dinner, however, what

should you do when you can't make up your mind? Do you want

to turn to those rules? Over the years, I have accumulated some

experience to solve the problems you have encountered. These

so-called "principles" do not tell you what to eat when you drink,

but how the food and wine affect and interact with each other.

The important thing to drink with food is depending on the taste.

Food and wine can be divided into four flavors, which defines the

range of wine and food collocation, namely, acid, sweet, bitter

and salty.

Sour taste: you may have heard that wine can't match with

salad, because the acid in the salad has greatly destroyed the

alcohol. But if the salad and the acid wine are used together, the

acid contained in the wine will be broken down by the lactic acid

of the salad, which is of course a good match. So, you can choose

acid wine and acid food together. The acid wine is shared with

salty food and tastes good.

Sweetness: you can also choose desserts according to your

personal taste when you have a meal. In general, dessert will

reduce the taste of sweet wine. If you choose the California

village of wine and a small piece of grilled swordfish with food, it

seems very sweet. However, if the fish into salad, fruit will be

subtractive wine and a lot of. So eat dessert, dessert too much

sugar will be down cover, loss of flavor, should choose to slightly

sweet and a little wine. This wine can keep its original taste.

Bitterness: the principle of "personal preference" is still used.

Bitterness can be reduced with bitterness and bitterness. So if

you want to dodge or remove the bitter taste can be bitter and

bitter edible food collocation.

Salty: there are no salty wine, but many alcohol can reduce

the salt flavour of salty food. Consumption of seafood such as

fish in many countries and regions of the world, will be equipped

with the lemon juice or wine, the main reason is that acid can

reduce the salinity of the fish, eat, taste more delicious.

6. toast

Participate as a guest of foreign held banquets, should know

each other toast habit, which is why people toast, when to drink

a toast and so on, in order to make the necessary preparations.

When you touch, host and guest of the first touch, people can

also toast indicated, may not touch. Careful not to cross when the

toast toast. In the host and guest oration, toast, should be

suspended in the neighbourhood, stop talking, listen, don't take

this opportunity to smoke. When the National Anthem should

stand. Host and guest of finished and VIP seats after the touch,

often to the other king to sprinkle the table, in this case should

stand up to toast. When you touch, visual to greet each other.

At the banquet, the wine is friendly and active, but do not

drink too much. Drinking too much easy to slip even rude, so I

drink must be controlled within 1/3.

7. encountered accidents

During the banquet, due to carelessness, something unusual

happens, such as too much force, causing the knife and fork to

hit the dish, make a noise, or throw the tableware on the floor, or

overturn the wine and so on. The tableware can touch a sound,

gently to the neighbor (or Master) to say "I'm sorry". The cutlery

can be dropped by a guest. The wine spilled over his body, should

apologize to help dry; such as other women, as long as the clean

napkin or handkerchief can, by her own dry.

本文标签: 礼仪英国餐桌生活规矩