


本文由繁轩贡献 微博 Microblog 山寨 copycat 异地恋 long-distance relationship

剩女 3S ladysingleseventiesstuck/left girls 熟女 cougar源自电影Cougar Club 裸婚

naked wedding 炫富 flaunt wealth 团购 group buying 人肉搜索 flesh search 潮人trendsetter 发烧友 fancier 骨感美女boney beauty 卡奴card slave 下午茶 high tea

愤青 young cynic 性感妈妈 yummy mummy 亚健康 sub-health 灵魂伴侣 soul

mate 小白脸 toy boy 精神出轨 soul infidelity 人肉搜索 flesh search 钻石王老五

diamond bachelor 时尚达人 fashion icon 御宅 otaku 橙色预警 orange signal

warning 预约券 reservation ticket 上相的上镜头的 photogenic 80后80s generation

百搭all-match 限时抢购flash sale 合租flat-share 荧光纹身glow tattoo 泡泡袜loose

socks 裸妆nude look 黄牛票scalped ticket 扫货shopping spree 烟熏妆smokey-eye

make-up 水货smuggled goods 纳米技术nanotechnology 正妹 hotty 对某人念念不忘

get the hots for 草莓族 Strawberry generation 草根总统 grassroots president 笨手笨脚 have two left feet 拼车 car-pooling 解除好友关系 unfriend v. 暴走 go ballistic

海外代购 overseas purchasing 跳槽 jump ship 闪婚 flash marriage 闪电约会

speeddating 闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance 刻不容缓紧要关头 crunch time 乐活族

LOHASLifestyle Of Health And Sustainability 一夜情 one-night stand 偶像派 idol

type 脑残体 leetspeak 挑食者 picky-eater 伪球迷 fake fans 狂热的 gaga eg: I was

gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴 high

temperature subsidy 奉子成婚 shotgun marriage 婚前性行为 premarital sex 开博 to

open a blog 房奴车奴 mortgage slave 上课开小差 zone out 万事通 know-it-all 赌球 soccer gambling 桑拿天 sauna weather 假发票 fake invoice 二房东 middleman

landlord 笑料 laughing stock 泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice 学历造假 fabricate

academic credentials 暗淡前景 bleak prospects 毕业典礼 commencement 散伙饭

farewell dinner 毕业旅行 after-graduation trip 节能高效的 fuel-efficient 具有时效性的 time-efficient 很想赢 be hungry for success 面子工程 face job 指甲油 nail

varnish 学历门槛 academic threshold 王牌主播 mainstay TV host 招牌菜 signature

dishes 城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect 逃学 play hooky 装病不上班 play

hooky from work 一线城市 first-tier cities 高考 the National College Entrance

Examines 录取分数线 admission scores 保障性住房 indemnificatory housing 一决高下 Duke it out 囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering 灰色市场 Grey market 反倾销

anti-dumping 吃白食的人 freeloader 公关 public relation 不幸的日子不吉利的日子

black-letter day 吉利的日子 saints days 廉租房 low rent housing 限价房

capped-price housing 经适房 affordable housing 替罪羔羊 whipping boy 对口支援

partner assistance 电脑游戏迷gamer 家庭主男house-husband 小白脸吃软饭的kept

man 二奶kept woman 麦霸Mic king / Mic queen 型男metrosexual man范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男型男属于其中的一种 新新人类new-new generation 另类offbeat 菜鸟rookie “色”友摄影爱好者shutterbug 驴友tour pal 娘娘腔sissy 负翁spend-more-than-earn 全职妈妈stay-at-home mom 裸奔streaking 考研 part in

the entrance exams for postgraduate schools ce exams for graduate

aduate entrance examination研究生入学考试 aduate candidate test

ment examination eing for the postgraduate examination aduate

Exam aduate qualifying examination 读研do post - graduate work or do

graduate study 考研热the craze for graduate school 例句:I was occupied with preparing

for the postgraduate examinations.我一门心思准备考研。 教育类词汇 文凭 diplomas

and certificates 考研热 the craze for graduate school study 应试教育 the

examination-oriented education 义务教育 compulsory education 复合型人才

interdisciplinary talents 文化底蕴 the rich cultural deposits 大学生创业 the university

students’innovative undertakings 扩招 expand enrollment 被授予学位 be granted a an

official certificate from 高分低能 good scores but low qualities 片面追求升学率

place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level 退学 drop out of the school 形成淘汰制度 frame an elimination system 教书育人

impart knowledge and educate people 因材施教 teach students according to their

aptitude 德才兼备 possess political integrity and professional ability 品学兼优 be a

students of fine qualities and fine scholar 提高学生身心素质 improve the health and

psychological quality 适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes quickly 满足社会的急需 meet the urgent need of the society 保护知识产权 protect the intellectual

property 才疏学浅 be wanting in ability and shallow in knowledge 努力获得精神文明

make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress 减轻负担 reduce the heavy

burdens 更加有意义和丰富的生活 a more vigorous colorful and dynamic 博导 Ph.D.

supervisor doctoral advisor 博士生 Ph.D candidate 掺水文凭 diploma obtained by

using unfair or unlawful means 成人中等职业技术教育 adult secondary vocational and

technical education 成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized technical school for

adults 成人高考 the national higher education exams for self-taught adults 成人中等专科学校 secondary specialized /technical school for adults 大学生创业 university

students innovative undertaking 大专生 junior college student 大专文凭 associate

degree 贷学金助学贷款 student loan 德才兼备 have both political integrity and

ability people who possess both political integrity and professional ability 第二学位

second Bachelors degree 点名册 roll book 电大 college courses broadcast on

television 电子词典 electronic dictionary 定向招生 enroll students who are

pre-assigned to specific posts or areas 定向生 targeted-area student 高材生 top student

公务员 civil servant 归国留学生 returned students 函授大学 correspondence

university 计划内招生planned enrollment 教工teachers and staff 交流学者exchange

scholar 教书育人impart knowledge and educate people 教务处 deans office 教学法pedagogy teaching method 教研室teaching and research division 教育部社政司Social

Science Research and Ideological Work Department of the Ministry of Education 教育乱收费unauthorized collection of fees by educational institutions 教育质量quality of

education 借读生transient student 机读形式machine-readable form 进修班class for

further studies 军训military trainingintended for high school annd college students 考研take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 考研热the craze for graduate

school 课件教师多媒体教学演示片courseware 课间操exercise between classes 客座教授guest professor 老三届 junior and senior high school graduates of 19661968

school leavers of 19661968 老年学校 school for the aged 两院院士 academicians of

the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering 留学咨询

consulting on the study abroad 录取通知书 letter of admission / acceptance letter 论文答辩 thesis oral defense 录取分数线 entry score 模拟测试 mock test simulated exam

评职 professional evaluation 普通高等教育 regular higher education 普通高校

regular institutions of higher learning 强化班 intensive training class 人才市场 the

personnel market 三好学生merit student three good studentgood in study attitude and

health 世界大学生运动会大运会Universiade college students athletics meet 双向选择two-way selection referring to employer and employee choosing each other in a job

market 双学位double degreetwo Bachelors degrees 思想道德教育ideological and

moral education 特困 exceptional poverty special difficulty 同等学力 have the same

educational level as the regular graduate or student of certain academic qualification 文科 liberal arts 现代远程教育modern distance education/ learning 校园数字化campus

digitalization 校园歌曲campus song 校园文化campus culture 校训school motto 新新人类New Human BeingX Generation 性教育sex education 巡回报告touring report 学分 credit academic credit 学分制academic credit system 学科带头人pace-setter in

scientific research academic leader 学历教育education with record of formal schooling

学前教育preschool education 学生处students affairs division 学生减负alleviate the

burden on students 学时credit hours 学术报告academic report 学术讲座academic

forum 学位制academic degree system 学年academic year 学生处students affairs

office 义务教育compulsory education 因材施教teach students according to their

aptitude 应届毕业生this years graduates 在职博士生on-job doctorate 在职研究生

on-job postgraduates 招生就业指导办公室enrolment and vocation guidance office 招生办公室admissions office 职业高中职高 vocational high school 职业教育和继续教育vocational education and continuing education 中专生secondary specialized or

technical school student 助学行动 activity to assist the impoverished students 专升本upgrade from junior college student to university student students with the diploma of

junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study 自费留学go to study abroad at ones own expense 自费研究生self-supporting graduate student

自学考试 self-study examination 自学考试教材self-taught examination textbooks 综合素质comprehensive quality Absence makes the heart grow fonder. 小别胜新婚。

After you 您先。 Allow me 让我来。 Any day will do 哪一天都行夕 Any messages

for me 有我的留言吗 Any thing else 还要别的吗 Any urgent thing 有急事吗 Are

you kidding 你在开玩笑吧 Are you sure 你肯定吗 As soon as possible 越快越好 Be

careful 注意 Be quiet 安静点 Believe it or not 信不信由你 Between us. 你知我知。

Big mouth 多嘴驴 Blast Bless you 祝福你 Bottle it 闭嘴 Bottoms up 干杯

Bottoms up 干杯见底 Boy 表示惊奇兴奋等哇好家伙 Break the rules. 反规则。

Break the rules. 违反规则。 Can I have this. 可以给我这个吗 Can I help you 我能帮你吗 Can you dig it 你搞明白了吗 Cando. 能人。 Cheap skate 小气鬼 Cheer up 振作起来 Chin up. 不气 振作些。 Closeup. 特写镜头。 Clothes make the man 人要衣装。 Come on 快点振作起来 Come on be reasonable. 嗨你怎么不讲道理。 Come on

来吧赶快 Come seat here. 来这边坐。 Congratulations 祝贺你 Control yourself 克制

一下 Count me on 算上我。 Daring 亲爱的 Dead end. 死胡同。 December heartbeat.

黄昏恋。 Did you miss the bus 你错过公共汽车了 Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请。 Do l

have to 非做不可吗 Do me a favor 帮个忙好吗 Do you have any money on you 你身上带钱了吗 Do you have straw 你有吸管吗 Does it serve your purpose 对你有用吗

Doggy bag. 打包袋。 Dont be so childish. 别这么孩子气。 Dont be so modest 别谦虚了。 Dont count on me别指望我。 Dont fall for it 别上当 Dont flatter me. 过奖了。

Dont get high hat. 别摆架子。 Dont get loaded. 别喝醉了。 Dont get me wrong. 别误会我。 Dont give me that 少来这套 Dont let me down 别让我失望。 Dont let me

down. 别让我失望。 Dont lose your head。 不要惊慌失措。 Dont make up a story. 不要捏造事实。 Dont mention it. 没关系别客气。 Dont move 不许动 Dont over do it.

别太过分了。 Dont play possum 别装蒜 Dont push me. 别逼我。 Dont take ill of me.

别生我气。 Dont trust to chance 不要碰运气。 Dont worry 别担心。 Drop it 停止

Easy come easy go 来得容易去得快。 Easy does it. 慢慢来。 Enjoy yourself 祝你玩得开心 Excuse meSir 先生对不起。 Fasten your seat belt 系好你的安全带。 Feel

better 好点了吗 Follow me 跟我来。 Follow my nose. 凭直觉做某事。 Forget it 休想 算了 Fresh paint 油漆未干 Get an eyeful. 看个够。 Get cold feet. 害怕做某事。

Get out of here 滚出去 Gild the lily. 画蛇添足。 Give me a hand 帮帮我 Go ahead.

继续。 Go down to business. 言归正传。 Go to hell 吧 God works. 上帝的安排。

Good for you 好得很 Good job 做得好 Good luck 祝好运 Good luck 祝你好运

Guess what 猜猜看 Hang on 抓紧别挂电话 Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。 Have fun

玩得开心 He always talks big 他总是吹牛。 He came by train 他乘火车来。 He can

hardly speak 他几乎说不出话来。 He cant take a joke 他开不得玩笑。 He has a quick

eye. 他的眼睛很锐利。 He has an ax to grind. 他另有企图。 He is a fast talker. 他是个吹牛大王。 He is a smart boy 他是个小机灵鬼。 He is ill in bed 他卧病在床。 He

is just a child 他只是个孩子。 He is my age 他和我同岁。 He is the pain on neck. 他真让人讨厌。 He lacks courage 他缺乏勇气。 He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。 He neither drinks nor smokes. 他既不喝酒也不抽烟。 He owes my

uncle 他欠我叔叔美元。 He pushes his luck. 他太贪心了。 He won an election 他在选举中获胜。 Help me out. 帮帮我。 Help yourself 别客气。 Here we are 我们到了

Here ye 说得对 Here you are 给你。 High jack 举起手来抢劫 Hit the ceiling. 大发雷霆。 Hold on 等一等。 Hope so. 希望如此。 How about eating out 外面吃饭怎样

How are things going 事情进展得怎样 How are you recently 最近怎么样 How big of

you 你真棒 How come?? 怎么回事怎么搞的。 How much 多少钱 Hows everything

一切还好吧 Hows it going 怎么样 I agree。 我同意。 I am a football fan 我是个足球迷。 I am all ears. 我洗耳恭听。 I am the one wearing pants in the house. 我当家。

I beg your pardon 请你原谅。 I beg your pardon 请您再说一遍我没有听清。 I cant

follow you 我不懂你说的。 I cant make both ends meet. 我上个月接不到下个月缺钱。 I decline 我拒绝 I dont care. 我不在乎。 I dont have anywhere to be. 没地方可去。 I dont mean it. 我不是故意的。 I doubt it 我怀疑。 I felt sort of ill. 我感觉有点不适。 I have a good idea 我有一个好主意。 I have no choice 我别无选择。 I have

no idea 我没有头绪。 I have to be late and keep my date waiting. 我不喜欢迟到而让

别人久等。 I just made it 我做到了 I know all about it 我知道有关它的一切。 I like

ice-cream 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。 I lost my way. 我迷路了。 I love this game 我钟爱这项运动。 I love you 我爱你 I might hear a pin drop. 非常寂静。 I promise 我保证。

I quit 我不干了 I see 我明白了。 I stay at home a lot. 我多半在家里。 I swear by the

god. 我对天发誓。 I think so 我也这么想。 I wonder if you can give me a lift 能让我搭一程吗 If only I could fly 要是我能飞就好了。 Ill be back soon 我马上回来。 Ill

be right there 我马上就到。 Ill be seeing you. 再见。 Ill check it out 我去查查看。 Ill

fix you Up 我会帮你打点的。 Ill get even with him one day. 我总有一天跟他扯平 Ill

kick you . 我将炒你鱿鱼。 Ill see to it 我会留意的。 Ill see you at six 我六点钟见你。

Ill try my best 我尽力而为。 Im afraid I cant. 我恐怕不能。 Im bored to death. 我无聊死了。 Im dying to see you. 我很想见你。 Im full 我饱了。 Im going to go. 我这就去。 Im hi.

本文标签: 教育研究生社会招生