


北京时间周二21时19分,四川九寨沟县发生7.0级地震(7.0-magnitude earthquake),目前已造成至少19人死亡,另有247人受伤。



Beijing time Tuesday 21:19, a

7.0-magnitude earthquake hit Jiuzhaigou,

Sichuan Province. At least 19 people have been killed as well as 247 injured by


President Xi Jinping issued important instructions immediately, demanding

to understand and verify the disaster situation of the 7.0 earthquake in

Jiuzhaigou, quickly organize a force for disaster relief, go all out to rescue

the wounded, evacuate tourists and affected people, and minimize the

number of casualties as well as possible.

Since it’s the main flood season as well as the tourist season at present, It is

necessary to further strengthen meteorological warning and geological

monitoring, closely guard against all kinds of disasters, and try our best to

ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

Li keqiang, a member of the standing committee of the political bureau of

the CPC central committee and premier of the state council, instructed to

rescue and strengthen the monitoring of the earthquake.

The state council has sent a team composed of the national disaster

reduction commission and the earthquake relief headquarters of the state

council to the disaster area to guide the earthquake relief work. The local

government has started Ⅰ earthquake emergency response.

本文标签: 地震要求加强