


转 翻译 翻译句子三、翻译句子(英译汉)1、I am afraid Ican′t teach you swimming.I

think my little brother is abetter teacher than I.我未必会教你游泳。我想我的小弟弟比我教得好。2、He is agood eater and agood sleeper.他能吃能睡。3、Difference between the social systems of states shall not

be an obstacle to their approach and cooperation.各种社会制度不同,不应妨碍彼此接近和合作。4、Sorry,I′m anon-smoker.对不起,我不会吸烟。5、…but in reality I′m agreat admirer of the Maya.实际上,我对玛雅人佩服得五体投地。6、It is already dark,and the chorus of insects and

frogs in is full swing.天已经擦黑,虫鸟蛙噪,一片喧闹。7、It was

avery informative meeting.会上透露了许多信息。8、Naturally the Nazi

soldiers were more concerned with saving their own lives than with

talking ours.当然,纳粹士兵们对救他们自己的命,比起要我们的命,要关心得多。9、They were not content with their present achievements.他们不满足于现在的成就。10、They were suspicious and resentful of him.他们不信任他,讨厌他。11、That day he was up before sunrise.那天他在日出以前就起来了。12、Down with the old and up with the new.破旧立新。13、The newspaper was down at six yesterday.昨天报纸6点钟付印。14、She

opened the window to let fresh air in.她把窗子打开,让新鲜空气进来。15、Then Ifelt the gun,cold,against my head.然后,我感觉到冰冷的枪口顶住了我的头。16、Mary was delighted at the idea of going to England.一想到要去伦敦,玛丽就十分高兴。17、It′s beneath my dignity to do

such athing.做这样的事有辱我的尊严。18、His work at school is below

the average.他的学习成绩达不到一般水平。19、Robin Hood and his merry

men hated the rich and loved and protected the poor.罗宾汉和他的伙伴们痛恨阔人,热爱并保护穷人。20、Stevenson was eloquent and elegant-but soft.史蒂文森有口才、有风度,但很软弱。21、The Wilde family were

religious.王尔德全家都是虔诚的教徒。22、He talked for some time with

Bundy,and his questions reflected the enormity of his doubts.他同邦迪谈了一会,他提出的问题反映出他有很大的怀疑。23、The delegates at the

conference unanimously expressed their determination to oppose

hegemonism on the part of that superpower.会上,代表们一致表示坚决反对那个超级大国的霸权主义。24、It was officially announced that Paris

is invited to the meeting.官方宣布,巴黎应邀出席会议。25、Tact must

be used in requesting permission;and unless it is given willingly

and cordially,the patrol shall not be handed.征求同意,应注意方式方法;同意如果不是出于自愿真诚,巡逻队就不得登陆。26、When he catches

aglimpse of apotential antagonist,his instinct is to win him over

with charm and humor.只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。四、汉译英1、就是小孩也能回答这个问题。Even

achild can answer this question.2、这是我们代表团的团长。This is the

head of our delegation.3、他把报纸搁在一边,打开无线电。He put the

paper aside and turned on the radio.4、中国人民勤劳勇敢。The Chinese

people are industrious and brave.5、我们应当相信群众。We must have

faith in the masses.6、指南针是中国发明的。The compass was invented

in China.7、月亮绕着地球转。The moon moves round the earth.8、请把练习本交上来。Hand in your exercise-books,please.9、别把手揣在口袋里。Don′t put your hands in your pockets.10、我不能用英语表达思想。I can′t express myself in English.11、自由主义有各种表现。Liberalism

manifests itself in various ways.12、不要过分劳累。Don′t overwork

yourself.13、我想借这个机会向你们表示我们的感谢。I wish to avail

myself of this opporyunity to express our gratitude to you.14、他们意气风发。They are in high spirits.15、他们喜形于色。They beamed with

joy.16、他眼明手快。He is quick of eye and deft of hand.17、这篇文章浅显易懂。This article is easy to read and understand.18、我对他敬而远之。I stand aloof from him.19、这本书很受青年们的欢迎。The book is

very popular among young people.20、她问到了你的病情。She inquired

about your illness.21、这座山海拔一千英尺。The mountain is 1000km

above sea level.22、出去时随手关门。Shut the door after when you go

out.23、一点钟开饭。Dinner was at one o′clock.24、我们为你们取得的每一个胜利感到欢欣鼓舞。We rejoice at every victory you win.25、我们不能本末倒置。We mustn′t put the cart before the horse.

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