


外 文 翻 译


The robot

性 质: □毕业设计 □毕业论文

教 学 院:





职 称:



系 别: 机械设计制造及其自动化















1920年 捷克斯洛伐克作家卡雷尔·恰佩克在他的科幻小说《罗萨姆的机器人万能公司》中,根据Robota(捷克文,原意为“劳役、苦工”)和Robotnik(波兰文,原意为“工人”),创造出“机器人”这个词。

1939年 美国纽约世博会上展出了西屋电气公司制造的家用机器人Elektro。它由电缆控制,可以行走,会说77个字,甚至可以抽烟,不过离真正干家务活还差得远。但它让人们对家用机器人的憧憬变得更加具体。

1942年 美国科幻巨匠阿西莫夫提出“机器人三定律”。虽然这只是科幻小说里的创造,但后来成为学术界默认的研发原则。

1948年 诺伯特·维纳出版《控制论》,阐述了机器中的通信和控制机能与人的神经、感觉机能的共同规律,率先提出以计算机为核心的自动化工厂。

1954年 美国人乔治·德沃尔制造出世界上第一台可编程的机器人,并注册了专利。这种机械手能按照不同的程序从事不同的工作,因此具有通用性和灵活性。

1956年 在达特茅斯会议上,马文·明斯基提出了他对智能机器的看法:智能机器“能够创建周围环境的抽象模型,如果遇到问题,能够从抽象模型中寻找解决方法”。这个定义影响到以后30年智能机器人的研究方向。

1959年 德沃尔与美国发明家约瑟夫·英格伯格联手制造出第一台工业机器人。随后,成立了世界上第一家机器人制造工厂——Unimation公司。由于英格伯格对工业机器人的研发和宣传,他也被称为“工业机器人之父”。

1962年 美国AMF公司生产出“VERSTRAN”(意思是万能搬运),与Unimation公司生产的Unimate一样成为真正商业化的工业机器人,并出口到世界各国,掀起了全世界对机器人和机器人研究的热潮。




1968年 美国斯坦福研究所公布他们研发成功的机器人Shakey。它带有视觉传感器,能根据人的指令发现并抓取积木,不过控制它的计算机有一个房间那么大。Shakey可以算是世界第一台智能机器人,拉开了第三代机器人研发的序幕。

1969年 日本早稻田大学加藤一郎实验室研发出第一台以双脚走路的机器人。加藤一郎长期致力于研究仿人机器人,被誉为“仿人机器人之父”。日本专家一向以研发仿人机器人和娱乐机器人的技术见长,后来更进一步,催生出本田公司的ASIMO和索尼公司的QRIO。

1973年 世界上第一次机器人和小型计算机携手合作,就诞生了美国Cincinnati


1978年 美国Unimation公司推出通用工业机器人PUMA,这标志着工业机器人技术已经完全成熟。PUMA至今仍然工作在工厂第一线。

1984年 英格伯格再推机器人Helpmate,这种机器人能在医院里为病人送饭、送药、送邮件。同年,他还预言:“我要让机器人擦地板,做饭,出去帮我洗车,检查安全”。

1998年 丹麦乐高公司推出机器人(Mind-storms)套件,让机器人制造变得跟搭积木一样,相对简单又能任意拼装,使机器人开始走入个人世界。

1999年 日本索尼公司推出犬型机器人爱宝(AIBO),当即销售一空,从此娱乐机器人成为目前机器人迈进普通家庭的途径之一。

2002年 美国iRobot公司推出了吸尘器机器人Roomba,它能避开障碍,自动设计行进路线,还能在电量不足时,自动驶向充电座。Roomba是目前世界上销量最大、最商业化的家用机器人。iRobot公司北京区授权代理商:北京微网智宏科技有限公司。

2006年 6月,微软公司推出Microsoft Robotics Studio,机器人模块化、平台统一化的趋势越来越明显,比尔·盖茨预言,家用机器人很快将席卷全球
































锋”(Pioneer);德国的CL-289;法国的“红隼”(Crecerelles)、 “猎人”,以及英国的“不死鸟”(Phoenix)等无人机。














美国Remotec公司的Andros系列机器人受到各国军警部门的欢迎,白宫及国会大厦的警察局都购买了这种机器人。在南非总统选举之前,警方购买了四台AndrosVIA型机器人,它们在选举过程中总共执行了100多次任务。 Andros机器人可用于小型随机爆炸物的处理,它是美国空军客机及客车上使用的唯一的机器人。海湾战争后,美国海军也曾用这种机器人在沙特阿拉伯和科威特的空军基地清理地雷及未爆炸的弹药。美国空军还派出5台Andros机器人前往科索沃,用于爆炸物及子炮弹的清理。空军每个现役排爆小队及航空救援中心都装备有一台Andros VI。



1993年初,在美国发生了韦科庄园教案,为了弄清教徒们的活动,联邦调查局使用了两种机器人。一种是Remotec公司的AndrosVA型和Andros MarkVIA型机器人,另一种是RST公司研制的STV机器人。STV是一辆6轮遥控车,采用无线电及光缆通信。车上有一个可升高到4.5米的支架 ,上面装有彩色立体摄像机、昼用瞄准具、微光夜视瞄具、双耳音频探测器、化学探测器、卫星定位系统、目标跟踪用的前视红外传感器等。该车仅需一名操作人员,遥控距离达10公里。在这次行动中共出动了3台STV,操作人员遥控机器人行驶到距庄园548米的地方停下来,升起车上的支架,利用摄像机和红外


































































8.乐高RCX NXT机器人




这位全新组装型机器人全身布满了感应器,让它可以根据感应到的声音和动作做出适当反应,也让它对于光线和触觉的反应更加灵敏。NXT 机器人的心脏系统是一个 32位的微型处理器,可以经由 PC 或 Mac 操作程序。


根据传感器的助攻,帮助您的机器人,以“见” 。 它可以让您的机器人,以区分轻,皮肤黝黑,以及确定光照强度在一个房间内,或光照强度不同的颜色。


声音传感器可让机器人听到! 声音传感器能够测量的噪音水平都分贝(分贝)及DBA (频率约为3-6千赫哪里人耳是最敏感的) ,以及认识到健全的模式和确定基调的分歧。


触摸传感器的反应接触和释放,机器人创造“感觉”一样,以前从未! 它可以侦测到单个或多个按钮,压力机,和报告回给nxt 。








9.3 安保机器人



机器人学国家重点实验室(State Key Laboratory of Robotics)依托于中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所,前身是中国科学院机器人学开放实验室。该实验室是我国机器人学领域最早建立的部门重点实验室,我国机器人学领域著名科学家蒋新松院士1989-1997年曾任实验室主任。近二十年来,实验室在机器人学基础理论与方法研究方面与国际先进水平同步发展,并在机器人技术前沿探索和示范应用等方面取得一批有重要影响的科研成果,充分显示出实验室具有解决国家重大科技问题的能力。目前,我国在沈阳浑南技术开发区的“新松机器人”公司即是我国的该科研领域的基地。该实验室机器人学研究总体水平在国内相关领域处于核心和带头地位,是国内外具有重要影响的机器人学研究基地。




Rofish 为仿生机器鱼系列产品,该产品以先进的电子、机械技术,模拟鱼类的游动方式,通过新材料对其外形进行精确仿真,使之达到以假乱真的效果。

Rofish 采用结构化的设计方法,高稳定性的电机保证其产品的稳定性。控制方式有两种选择:串口/USB控制和遥控器控制。产品内核采用Bootloader无线编程的编程方式,可随时更改游动程序以适应实际的环境。


Ø 体长:20cm--80cm,需要特殊尺寸可定做。

Ø 外形:锦鲤、金鱼、海豚、鲨鱼等,可定制。

Ø 游速:1BL/S。BL为身体长度,即游速与体长有关,游速为1倍体长每秒。

Ø 连续工作时间:3--4小时,锂动力电池供电。

Ø 通讯方式:RF通讯或声纳(Sonar)通讯,可选其一。

Ø 控制方式:串口/USB控制或遥控器控制,二者可选其一。
















名古屋市商业设计研究所推出了新款机器人“网络兔子”。它的两只耳朵可以变换许多姿态,会根据人的声音作出反应。“网络兔子” 通过无线通信与家里的电脑相连,如果有电子邮件它会朗读给人听,也可以播放网络电台的节目。最有趣的是不同的“网络兔子”还能够“结婚”、“分手”,通过网络连接让其中一个“网络兔子”的双耳做出一个动作,它远方的“伴侣”也会接着做出同样的动作。








The robot

role of robots

”The role of robots Is a high-level integration of control theory, robotics,

machinery and electronics, computers, materials and bionic product. In

industry, medicine, agriculture, construction and even the military have

important applications in such areas. Now, the international concept of robots

has been gradually approaching the same. In general, people can accept the

claim that the robot is controlled by its own power and ability to achieve the

various functions of a machine. The United Nations Organization for

Standardization adopted by the American Federation of Robotics to the robot

under the definition: "a programmable and versatile, used to move materials,

parts, tools, operating machines; or to perform different tasks have to change

and Programmable action specialized systems.

tion criteria

Capacity of evaluation criteria Robot capability evaluation criteria include:

intelligence, refers to feelings and perceptions, including memory, calculation,

comparison, identification, judging, decision-making, learning and logical

reasoning, etc.; function, refers to flexibility, versatility or space occupied, etc.;

physics can be means the power, speed, continuous operation capability,

reliability, combined with nature, life and so on. Therefore, it can be said robot

is a biological function of three-dimensional coordinates of the machine.

ition of the robot

The composition of the robot Robots in general by the executing agency,

drives, detection devices and control system, etc.. Implementing agency, the

robot body, the buttocks generally use the space for open-chain linkages, the

movement of which the Deputy (rotate or move the Deputy Vice-) often

referred to as joints, and joints shall be the number of robots are usually a few

degrees of freedom. According to joint configuration types and the different

forms of movement coordinates, the robot implementing agencies can be

divided into rectangular type, cylindrical coordinate type, polar coordinate

type and other types of joint coordinate type. For anthropomorphic

considerations, often the relevant parts of the robot body are known as the

base, waist, arm, wrist, hand (gripper or end effector) and the Ministry of

walking (for mobile robot), etc. . Drive device is driven by movement of the

body implementing agencies, in accordance with the directives issued by the

signal control system, by means of dynamic components, the robot action is

needed. It is the input signal, the output is the line, the amount of angular

displacement. Drive robot is mainly used in electric drives, such as stepper

motors, servo motors, etc. In addition, there is also hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.


Detecting device is the role of real-time detection robot's movement and

work of the required feedback to the control system, compared with the

configuration information, the right to adjust the implementing agencies to

ensure the robot's movements to meet the intended requirements. As a

sensor detecting device can be divided into two categories: one is internal

information sensors for detecting the internal situation in various parts of

robots, such as the joint position, velocity, acceleration, etc., and the

measured information as a feedback the signal sent to the controller, to form

a closed-loop control. The other is external information sensors, used to

obtain information about the operation of robots and other objects and

external environment of information, so that the robot moves to adapt to

changing circumstances, so that to achieve a higher level of automation, even

the machine person has a certain "feel" to the intelligent development, such

as visual, sound and other external sensors sense given object of work,

information about the working environment, the use of such information

constitutes a major feedback loop, which will greatly enhance the work of the

robot accuracy. Control system in two ways. One is the centralized control,

that is, the robot's control by a microcomputer to complete. The other is

decentralized (level)-type control, which uses multiple computers to share the

control of robots, such as when using the upper and lower two computers

together to complete the robot control, the host often used for system

management, communication, kinematics and dynamics calculations, to send

commands to the lower-level computer information; as a junior from the

machine, the joints corresponding to a CPU, for interpolation and servo

control processing operations to achieve a given movement, to the host

feedback. According to the different operational mission requirements, the

robot control mode can be divided into point to point control, continuous path

control and force (torque) control.

y of Robots

Robot History 1920 Czechoslovakia writer Karel Capek in his • sci-fi

novel "Rossum's Universal Robots company", according to Robota (Czech,

intended to "labor, slave labor") and Robotnik (Polish, the original intent as

"workers"), to create a "robot" is the word. World Expo 1939 in New York on

display at the Westinghouse Electric Company manufactured home robot

Elektro. It is controlled by a cable, you can walk, say 77 words, or even smoke,

but still far from the real chores. But it give people a vision of domestic robots

to become more specific. Asimov sci-fi masters 1942, the United States put

forward the "Three Laws of Robotics." Although this is only the creation of

science fiction, but later became the principle of academic research and

development by default. • In 1948 Norbert Weiner published in "control

theory" to explain the machine in the communication and control function and

the nervous, sensory function of the common law, first proposed as the core

of computer-automated factory. 1954, American George • Dwyer created the

world's first programmable robot and registered patents. This mechanical

hand in accordance with different programs in different jobs, so has the

versatility and flexibility. 1956 Dartmouth meeting • Marvin Minsky has made

his views on intelligent machines: Smart Machine "to create an abstract

model of the surrounding environment, if you encounter problems, from

abstract model to find a solution" . This definition affects the subsequent 30

years of intelligent robot research direction. Dwyer and the United States in

1959, inventor Joseph • Ingeborg joined hands to create the first industrial

robot. Subsequently, the establishment of the world's first a robot

manufacturing plant - Unimation company. As Ingeborg R & D for industrial

robots and publicity, he was known as the "father of industrial robots." AMF

Inc. in 1962, the United States produced "VERSTRAN" (meaning universal

handling), and Unimation produced Unimate as a truly commercial industrial

robots, and exported to countries around the world, setting off a worldwide

study of robots and robot the globe. 1962 -1,963 years the application of

sensors to improve the operability of the robot. People try all kinds of sensors

installed on the robot, including the 1961 Ernst used in tactile sensors,

Tomovic and Boni 1962, the world's first "smart hand" on the use of pressure

sensors, while the McCarthy in 1963, has begun to add visual sensor in robot

system, and in 1965, helped MIT launched the world's first with a vision

sensor that can identify and locate building blocks of the robotic system. 1965

Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory • developed Beast

robot. Beast has been through sonar systems, photoelectric tubes and other

devices, the environmental correction own position. 60 mid-20th century, the

U.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, University of

Edinburgh, been set up in the robot lab. The United States with the rise of the

second-generation sensors research, "there feel" of the robot, artificial

intelligence and to work towards it. The world's first intelligent robot Shakey

Stanford Research Institute in 1968, the United States announced that they

successfully developed a robot Shakey. It is with a vision sensor, according to

the instructions of people to discover and crawl the building blocks of a

computer to control it, but there is a room so much. Shakey can be regarded

as the world's first intelligent robot, beginning the prelude to the third

generation of robot research and development. 1969, Ichiro Kato, Waseda

University Laboratory developed the first robot to walk, walk. Ichiro Kato, the

long-term commitment to research humanoid robot, known as "the father of

humanoid robot." Japanese experts has been to develop humanoid robots

and robot technology, known for entertainment, then go one step further

hastened the development of Honda's ASIMO and Sony's QRIO. In 1973 the

world's first robot and small computers to work together, they gave birth to the

U.S. company Cincinnati Milacron robot T3. Unimation introduced in 1978, the

U.S. general industrial robot PUMA, which marks the industrial robot

technology has reached full maturity. PUMA is still work in the factory in the

forefront. 1984 Ingeborg pushed robot Helpmate, the robot can deliver meals

to patients in the hospital and get drugs, to send e-mail. In the same year, he

predicted: "I want robots to clean the floor, cooking, washing out to help me to

check security." In 1998 Denmark introduced Lego Robot (Mind-storms)

package, so get with the building-block robot manufacturing the same,

relatively simple and can arbitrarily assembled, the robot started to enter the

private world. In 1999 Sony introduced Aibo robot dog (AIBO), immediately

sold out, and from entertainment robots become the robot forward one of the

ways ordinary family. In 2002 the U.S. introduced the iRobot robotic vacuum

cleaner Roomba, it can avoid obstacles, automatic design of the road route,

but also in the power is insufficient, automatically towards charging seat.

Roomba is the world's largest-selling and most commercial household robots.

an authorized agent iRobot Corporation Beijing: Beijing Science and

Technology Co., Ltd. Micro-Mesh, Tomohiro http / / www micronet net cn. In

June 2006, Microsoft launched the Microsoft Robotics Studio, robotics

modular, unified platform, it became increasingly evident, Bill • Gates

predicted that household robots will soon be sweeping the world

category articles

Being born in science fiction, like, people are full of fantasy robot.

Perhaps it is because the definition of fuzzy robots, which gave the people full

of imagination and creative space. Domestic robots: to help people take care

of life, to do simple household chores. Manipulator-type robot: Can automatic,

repeatable programming, multi-functional, there are several degrees of

freedom can be fixed or movement, for associated automation systems.

Programmable Robot: According to the order and conditions of a

pre-requirement in turn control the robot's mechanical movements.

Teaching-playback robot: Adoption of the guidance or other means, the first

robot moves the church, enter the work process, the robot will automatically

repeat operations. NC robots: do not have to move the robot through the

values, language, etc. for teaching the robot, the robot according to the

information after teaching job. Feel-controlled robot: the use of sensors to

obtain information on control of robot action. Adaptive control robot: able to

adapt to changes in the environment, control their own actions. Learning

control for robots: can "understand" the work experience, with a certain

degree of learning function, and the "learning" experience for the work.

Intelligent Robots: The artificial intelligence robot to determine its actions.

China's environment, starting from the application of robotics experts, robots

are divided into two categories, namely industrial robots and special robot.

The so-called industrial robots for industrial areas of multi-joint or multi-DOF

robot manipulators. In addition to the special robot is outside of industrial

robots used for non-manufacturing and the service of mankind advanced

robots, including: service robots, underwater robots, entertainment robots,

military robots, agricultural robots, robot-based machinery. In the special

robots, some branches have developed rapidly, there is a separate system for

trends, such as service robots, underwater robots, military robots,

micro-operation of robots. At present, the international robot scholars, starting

from the application environment, the robot is also divided into two categories:

manufacturing environment of industrial robots and the non-manufacturing

environment, the service and humanoid robots, This classification is

consistent with our The. Also known as unmanned aerial robot machines, in

recent years, the family in the military robotics, unmanned aerial vehicles are

the most active research activities, technological progress, the largest

research and procurement of funds into the largest and most experienced in

the field of combat. 80 years, the world is basically the development of

unmanned aerial vehicles based on the main line of the United States to move

forward, regardless of the technical level, the types and number of UAVs, the

U.S. ranking first in the world.

varieties articles

6.1 Unmanned aircraft

drones "Detachment" Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Throughout the history of

UAV development can be said that modern warfare is to promote the UAV

development. The impact of modern warfare UAV is also growing. The first

and during World War II, despite the emergence and use of unmanned aerial

vehicles, but because of low levels of technology, unmanned aerial vehicles

does not play a significant role. The Korean War in the United States use of

unmanned reconnaissance and attack aircraft, but in limited quantities. In the

ensuing war in Vietnam, the Middle East war, UAVs have become an

essential weapon systems. In the Gulf War, the war in Bosnia and Kosovo war,

has become the main reconnaissance UAV types. French "Red Hawk"

unmanned aerial vehicle U.S. Air Force suffered heavy losses during the

Vietnam War, was shot down aircraft, 2500, killed more than 5,000 pilots, the

U.S. domestic public outcry. To this end the Air Force increased use of the

UAV. Such as "buffalo hunters" UAV mission over North Vietnam 2500 times,

low altitude photographs, injury rate of only 4%. AQM-34Q-type 147 firebee

UAV Flight 500 several times, to conduct electronic eavesdropping, radio

interference, dispersal of metal chaff and for some people to open up access,

and so the aircraft. High-altitude unmanned reconnaissance aircraft In the

1982 war in the Bekaa Valley, Israeli forces discovered through aerial

reconnaissance. Syria in the Bekaa Valley, a large concentration of troops.

June 9, the Israeli army deployed US-made E-2C "Hawkeye" early warning

surveillance aircraft to Syrian forces, and sent every day, "Scout" and "vicious

dog" and unmanned aerial vehicles more than 70 sorties against Syrian

forces in air defense positions Airport repeated reconnaissance, and to send

images taken early warning aircraft and ground command. In this way, the

Israeli army and accurately identify the location of the radar of the Syrian

forces, and then launch the "wolf" type of anti-radar missiles, destroying the

Syrian forces a lot of radar, missiles and automatic antiaircraft guns, and

forced Syrian forces did not dare turn the radar, in order to in order to Army

was the target to create the conditions for the aircraft. Phantom UAV The

outbreak of the Gulf War in 1991, the U.S. military first face the problem of the

Sand Sea is to be found in the vast hidden Iraqi Scud missile launchers. If

someone reconnaissance aircraft, it must be round-trip flights over the desert,

long exposure to the Iraqi army antiaircraft fire, under extremely dangerous.

To this end, the U.S. military unmanned aerial surveillance has become the

main force. Throughout the Gulf War, "Pioneer," the U.S. military to use

unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs most kinds of U.S. forces deployed in the

Gulf region a total of six Pioneer unmanned aerial vehicles with a total of 522

sorties flown, flight time of up to 1640 hours . At that time, regardless of day

or night, every day there is always a Pioneer UAV flying over the Gulf. In

order to destroy the Iraqi forces in the coastal fortifications built by strong,

February 4 USS Missouri Chengye reaching offshore area, Pioneer UAV

taking off from its deck, using infrared detectors were shot and send the

images of ground targets to the command center. A few minutes later,

warships and 406 mm guns began to bombard targets, unmanned aerial

vehicles for the gun to school constantly firing. USS Wisconsin took over after

the Missouri, so bombarded for three days straight, so that Iraqi artillery

positions, radar network, command and communications center was

completely destroyed. During the Gulf War, taking off only from the two

battleships there is a pioneer in UAV 151 sorties, flying more than 530 hours

to complete the target search, battlefield warning, maritime interdiction and

naval gunfire support missions. Brevel UAV During the Gulf War, the Pioneer

unmanned aerial vehicles have become pioneers of the U.S. Army troops. It is

for the Army's 7th Army for aerial reconnaissance, shooting a large number of

Iraqi tanks, command centers and missile launch position of the image, and

send it to the helicopter unit, followed by the U.S. military sent the "Apache"

attack helicopters of the targets attack, if necessary, can call for artillery fire

support units. Pioneer aircraft survivability strong in the 319 sorties were

flown, only one was hit, there are 4 ~ 5 due to electromagnetic interference

and distress. In addition to the U.S., the United Kingdom, France, Canada

also deployed unmanned aerial vehicles. Such as France's "fawn" division is

equipped with a "Malte" UAV row. When the French troops fighting in Iraq

in-depth, first sending the enemy reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles,

according to detected conditions, the French escaped the Iraqi army tanks

and artillery positions. 1995 Bosnian war, because troops need, "Predator"

unmanned aerial vehicles will soon be transported to the front. Serb forces in

the NATO air strikes of the supply lines, ammunition depots, command center,

the "Predator" has played an important role. It first carried out reconnaissance

and found that target to guide the aircraft to attack someone, and then for the

war effort. It also provided for the United Nations peacekeeping force in

Bosnia and Herzegovina on the main road military vehicles movement, and to

determine whether the parties complied with the peace agreement. U.S.

military and thus the "Predator," called the "battle of the low-altitude

satellites." In fact, satellites can only provide instant images on the battlefield,

while the UAV could be a long time hovering over the battlefield to stay on the

battlefield and thus able to provide continuous real-time image, unmanned

aerial vehicles is also much cheaper than using satellites. March 24, 1999,

the US-led NATO banner of "safeguarding human rights" under the guise of

the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia began bombing the outbreak of that

shocked the world, "the Kosovo war." In the 78 days of bombing, NATO

deployed a total of 32 million per aircraft, ships into more than 40 vessels,

dropped bombs, 13 million tons, resulted in an unprecedented catastrophe in

Europe since World War II. Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is mountainous

and forest terrain, as well as more than rainy days more than the climatic

conditions significantly affected the NATO reconnaissance satellites and

high-altitude reconnaissance plane effect, the Sierra Leone Army also brings

a fierce anti-aircraft fire, it was not low-flying reconnaissance planes,

resulting in NATO Air Force does not recognize and attack the clouds below

target. In order to reduce casualties, NATO's extensive use of unmanned

aerial vehicles. The Kosovo war was the use of local wars in the world the

largest number of unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles play a

role in the greatest war. Although the UAV fly slowly at low altitudes, but it is

small, radar and infrared characteristics of small, good for hiding, can not

easily be hit, suitable for low-altitude reconnaissance, you can see the

satellite and reconnaissance aircraft was See unclear objectives. During the

Kosovo war, the United States, Germany, France and Britain dispatched a

total of 6 different types of unmanned aerial vehicles, more than 200 planes,

which are: U.S. Air Force's "Predator" (Predator), the Army's "Hunter"

(Hunter) , and the Navy's "Pioneer" (Pioneer); German CL-289; France's "Red

Falcon" (Crecerelles), "Hunter", and the United Kingdom's "Phoenix" (Phoenix)

and other unmanned aerial vehicles. UAV in the Kosovo war, some of the

major completed the following tasks: low-altitude reconnaissance and

battlefield surveillance, electronic interference, victories assessment,

targeting, weather data collection, distribution of leaflets, and rescue pilot,

and so on. The Kosovo war has not only greatly increased the UAV's position

in the war, but also aroused the attention of Governments on the UAV. U.S.

Senate Armed Services Committee requested that the military should be

prepared to 10 years, a sufficient number of unmanned systems to

low-altitude attack aircraft in one-third of UAVs; 15 years, one-third of ground

combat vehicles unmanned systems should be in . This is not to use

unmanned aircraft to replace the pilot and it was, but some people use them

to add the capacity of the aircraft in order to high-risk tasks to minimize use of

the pilot. UAV's development will accelerate the theory of modern warfare and

unmanned warfare systems development.

6.2 Special features robot

special feature of the robot Machine Police The so-called military robots

on the ground is used on the ground robot system, they are not only in times

of peace can help police rule out bomb to complete the task should be to the

security in wartime can be replaced by soldiers of mine, reconnaissance and

attack a variety of tasks such as Today, the United States, Britain, Germany,

France, Japan and other countries have developed various types of ground

military robots. Britain's "trolley" robot In Western countries, terrorism has

always been one to make the headache problem. The United Kingdom due to

ethnic conflicts, suffering from the threat of explosives, so as early as 60

years on the successful development of EOD robot. British developed

crawler-style "trolleys" and "super cart" EOD robot, has more than 50

countries and police agencies has sold more than 800 units. Recently, Britain

has in turn trolley robot to be optimized, prairie dogs and bison have

developed two kinds of remote control electric EOD robot, the British Royal

Engineers in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are using them to detect and

deal with explosives. Prairie dogs weigh 35 kilograms, the mast is equipped

with two cameras. Bison weighed about 210 kilograms and can carry 100 kg

of load. Both use radio control system, remote control distance of about 1 km.

"Prairie Dog" and "Maverick" and EOD robot In addition to a bomb planted by

terrorists outside the war-torn countries in many of the world, and everywhere

a variety of scattered unexploded munitions. For example, in Kuwait after the

Gulf War as an ammunition depot could explode at any time. In the

Iraq-Kuwait border over 10,000 square kilometer area, there are 16 countries

manufacture of 25 million mines, 85 million rounds of ammunition, and the

multinational forces dropped bombs and cluster bombs mines of 25 million

bullets, of which at least 20% No explosion. And now, even in many countries

there is residual in the First World War and World War II unexploded bombs

and landmines. Therefore, explosive ordnance disposal robot is a great

demand. Wheeled robot with the Removal of Explosive Devices and tracked,

and they are generally small size, steering a flexible, easy to work in a small

space, the operator can be a few hundred meters to several kilometers away

through radio or optical control of their activities. Robot cars general color

CCD camera is equipped with multiple pairs of explosives used for

observation; more than one degree of freedom manipulator, with its gripper or

clamp may be explosives, fuses or detonators screwed down, and to transport

explosives walking; car was also equipped with shotguns, using a laser

pointer aimed at, it can be to the timing device and detonating explosive

devices to destroy; some robot is equipped with high-pressure water gun, you

can cut explosives. Germany's EOD robot In France, the Air Force, Army and

Police Department have purchased Cybernetics developed TRS200

medium-sized companies EOD robot. DM's robots have been developed

RM35 Paris Airport Authority selected. German peacekeepers in Bosnia and

Herzegovina equipped Telerob team returned the company's MV4 series of

robots. Developed by the Shenyang Institute of Automation of China's PXJ-2

robot has joined the ranks of security forces. U.S. Remotec's Andros series of

robots were welcomed by national uniformed services, the White House and

congressional buildings, police stations have to buy this robot. Before the

presidential election in South Africa, the police bought a four AndrosVIA

robots, they are in the electoral process carried out in a total of 100 multiple

tasks. Andros robot can be used for small-scale random explosive ordnance

disposal, it is the U.S. Air Force aircraft and passenger cars for use only

robots. After the Gulf War, the U.S. Navy has used such a robot in Saudi

Arabia and Kuwait Air Force Base in clearing mines and unexploded ordnance.

U.S. Air Force also sent five sets Andros robot to Kosovo, for the clean-up of

explosives and sub-shells. Each active duty Air Force explosives disposal

team and air rescue centers are equipped with a Andros VI. EOD robot

developed in China EOD robot can not only rule out the bombs,

reconnaissance sensors can also use it to monitor the activities of criminals.

Surveillance personnel in the far right criminals day and night to observe,

listen to their conversation, do not expose themselves very well could be right.

In early 1993, in the United States occurred in Waco estate lesson plans, in

order to get the activities of the Puritans who, the FBI used two kinds of robots.

One is Remotec's AndrosVA type and Andros MarkVIA-type robot, the other is

developed by RST company STV robots. STV is a six remote control cars,

using radio and cable communications. On board can be raised to a 45-meter

bracket, the above three-dimensional with color camera, day-optic sight, night

vision sights, binaural audio detectors, chemical detectors, satellite

positioning systems, target tracking using The forward-looking infrared

sensors. The car takes only one operator, remote control distance of 10

kilometers. During the operation, sent out three sets STV, the operator

remote control robot moving to a place 548 meters away from the manor to

stop, the car bracket raised the use of video cameras and infrared detectors

to the window spying, FBI officials were observed around the screen back to

the image sensor, the activities of the house can be seen clearly.

6.3 civil robot

Robot command

Third, civil robot Robot command In fact, people do not want to the robot

is not a complete definition, since the robot from the date of the birth of people

will continue to try to explain what a robot in the end. But with the rapid

development of robot technology and information era, the robot covers the

contents of the increasingly rich and constantly enrich the definition of robot

and innovation. 1886, French writer Lier Ya When his novel "Future Eve" will

look like a person's machine named "Andeluoding" (android), It consists of

four components: 1, Life system (balance, walking, talking, body swing,

feeling, expression to regulate the movement, etc.); 2, modeling solution

quality (freedom of movement joints can be covered by a metal body, a suit of

armor); 3, artificial muscles (in the armor on the body, veins, and gender of

the body of various forms); 4, artificial skin (containing color, mechanism,

contour, hair, vision, dental, gripper, etc.). • 1920 Czech writer Karel Capek

published a science fiction screenplay, "Rossum's Universal Robots." In the

script, the Capec the Czech "Robota" wrote the "Robot", "Robota" meaning

slave. Opera preview of the development of robots the tragic impact on

human society, causing widespread concern in everyone, be regarded as the

origin of the word robot. In the drama, the robot according to its owner's

commands work quietly, without feelings and emotions in order to dull the way

hard labor. Later, Rosam the success of the company to make robots with

feelings, resulting in the application of robotics sector is increasing rapidly. In

factories and domestic work, the robot has become an indispensable member.

Robots find selfishness and injustice of human beings, and finally rebelled,

and the robot are very excellent physical and mental, so exterminate the

human race. But the robot does not know how to make their own that they

themselves will soon become extinct, so they started looking for human

survivors, but to no avail. Finally, a pair of robot perception is better than

other men and women love a robot. Then robots evolved for mankind, the

world has revived the. Capek made a robot safety, perception and

self-propagation problems. Scientific and technological progress is likely to

spark a human do not want problems. Although only a science fiction world of

imagination, but human society is likely to face this reality. In order to prevent

harm to human robots, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov (Isaac Asimov) in

1940 proposed a "three principles of robotics": 1, the robot should not harm

humans; 2, the robot should abide by the order of mankind, with the exception

of the first violation of an order; 3, the robot should be able to protect

themselves in conflict with the exception of the first phase. This is ethical

given to the robot program. Robot academia has developed these three

principles as guidelines for robots. In 1967, Japan held the first academic

conference on the robot, the proposed two representative definition. First,

Masahiro Mori and co-Tian Zhou Ping made: "The robot is a kind of mobility,

individuality, intelligence, versatility, half-human half-machine, automatic

nature of slave mentality, etc. 7 features flexible machine." From this

definition, Masahiro Mori proposed the automatic nature of intelligence,

individuality, half-human half-machine, job nature, universal, informative,

flexible, limited, mobility features such as 10 to represent the robot image.

The other is made by Kato Ichiro has the following three conditions for a

machine called the Robot: 1, with the brain, hands, feet and other three

elements of the individual; 2, with non-contact sensor (with eyes, ears to

accept the distance information) and contact sensors; 3, with a balanced feel

and inherent sense of sensors. Etiquette Robot This definition emphasizes

the implications of humanoid robots should be, that it work by hand, relying on

foot to achieve movement, from the brain to complete the unified command

role. Non-contact sensors and touch sensors is equivalent to people's facial

features, the robot can identify the external environment, while the balance of

perception and the inherent sense is the state of robot perception itself

indispensable to the sensor. Industrial robots are not described here but the

autonomous robot. Robot is defined as a wide variety of, the reason is that it

has a certain degree of ambiguity. Animals generally have these elements, so

to be understood as humanoid robot machine at the same time, the robot can

be broadly understood as imitation animal machine. 1988 in France Espiau

the robot is defined as: "Robotics is the design of sensor information

according to pre-planning to achieve a good operating system, and thus the

system to use as a research object." 1987 International Organization for

Standardization of industrial robots are defined: "Industrial robot is a kind of

automatic control of the operation and mobility features, to complete a variety

of operating a programmable manipulator." Chinese scientists on the robot is

defined as: "robot is an automated machine, the only difference is that this

machine has some similarities with human or biological intelligence

capabilities, such as perceptual capacity, planning capacity, motor ability and

collaboration capabilities, is a highly flexible automated machines. " In

research and development operation unknown and uncertain environment,

the process of the robot, people gradually come to realize is the essence of

robotics perception, decision-making, action and interactive technology

combination. As people of understanding the nature of the intelligent robot

technology deepening, robotics technology has begun to stream to penetrate

all areas of human activity. With the application characteristics of these areas,

people have developed a wide variety of perceptions, decisions, actions and

ability to interact with a variety of intelligent robots and special machines,

such as mobile robots, micro robots, underwater robots, medical equipment

people, military robots, air space robots, entertainment robots. Special

environment for different tasks and the adaptability of robotics and general

automation equipment is also an important distinction. These robots are far

from their appearance out of the first humanoid robot and industrial robot has

a shape more in line with a variety of special requirements of different

application areas, their features and greatly enhanced the degree of

intelligence, so as to robots technology to open up a broader space for

development. Song Jian, Chinese Academy of Engineering said: "Robotics

progress and application of automatic control of the 20th century's most

compelling achievement is the highest sense of the contemporary

automation." Robot technology integrates multi-disciplinary development

results represent the forefront of high-technology development, its application

fields of human life is causing the growing awareness of the international

community to re-role and influence of robot technology. China's environment,

starting from the application of robotics experts, robots are divided into two

categories, namely industrial robots and special robot. The so-called

industrial robots for industrial areas of multi-joint or multi-DOF robot

manipulators. In addition to the special robot is outside of industrial robots

used for non-manufacturing and the service of mankind advanced robots,

including: service robots, underwater robots, entertainment robots, military

robots, agricultural robots, robot-based machinery. In the special robots,

some branches have developed rapidly, there is a separate system for trends,

such as service robots, underwater robots, military robots, micro-operation of

robots. At present, the international robot scholars, starting from the

application environment, the robot is also divided into two categories:

manufacturing environment of industrial robots and the non-manufacturing

environment, the service and humanoid robots, This classification is

consistent with our The. Ancient Robot The emergence of the term robot and

the world's first industrial robot in recent decades the advent of all things.

However, people's fantasies and the pursuit of the robot was already 3,000

years of history. Mankind's desire to create a humanlike machine in order to

complete the various tasks instead of human beings. Machine carriage

Western Zhou Dynasty, China's craftsmen Yanshi developed a singing and

dancing on the Lingren, which is the earliest recorded robots. Spring and

Autumn Period, China's well-known carpenter Lu Ban, the machinery is also

an inventor, according to "Mojing" record, he has been a manufacture of

wooden bird that can fly in the air, "no less than three days," reflects our

working people wisdom. 2nd century BC, Alexander era of the ancient Greeks

invented the most primitive robot ─ ─ automaton. It is based on water, air

and vapor pressure as a driving force of the statue will move, it can open the

door itself, but also can make use of steam to sing. 1800 years to the Han, is

not only a great scientist Zhang Heng's seismograph was invented, and

invented the meter inside drum cart. Meter where each row a drum truck, the

car blockhead drum about every shot clock about ten-mile line. Later Han

Dynasty Three Kingdoms period, Zhuge Liang, prime minister of Shu

successfully created a "wooden ox", and with its delivery of rations to support

the front of the war. 1662, Japan's Takeda Omi invention the use of clocks

and watches automatic mechanical doll, and in Osaka, Dotonbori

performances. In 1738, the French genius technician Jack • Day • W Dixon

invented a machine duck, it will rattle called, will be swimming and drinking,

but also eating and excretion. W Dixon's intention is to make

bio-mechanization of the function to be carried out medical analysis. Write

robot At the time of automatic doll, the most prominent to the number of Swiss

watchmaker Jack • Road, Ross and his son Lee • Louis • Road, Ross. In 1773,

they introduced the automatic writing straight doll, auto-playing dolls and so

on, they create an automatic gears and clockwork doll is the use of principles

which made. Some of them are holding a brush and color paintings, some

holding a goose feather dipped in ink to write, structure, clever, clothing

gorgeous, all the rage in Europe. At that time, technological constraints, these

dolls is one meter tall giant toy. Now the earliest preserved robot Ruishi Nu

Sa Dier History Museum of the girl doll, which was produced in two hundred

years ago, the two hands 10 fingers can be pressing the keys while playing

organ music, now playing on a regular basis for visitors to enjoy,

demonstrating the wisdom of the ancients. The mid-19th century is divided

into two schools of automatic doll, that is science fiction to send and

mechanical production of camp, and each in literary arts and modern

technology to find its own place. In 1831 Goethe published the "Faust",

shaped man-made "and my appreciation of Cruise"; 1870, Hoffman published

an automatic doll as the main character of the work, "Gebeiliya"; 1883

Collodi's " Pinocchio "have come; 1886" Future Eve "have come. In

mechanical physical manufacturing, 1893, Moore created a "steam" and

"steam" and rely on the steam-driven legs walking along the circumference.

Beginning of the 20th century, the robot research and development has been

more and more people care and support, a number of application-oriented

robots one after another, in 1927 the U.S. Westinghouse engineers

temperature Beardsley produced the first robot "cable box", and held in New

York World's Fair exhibit. It is an electric robot, equipped with a radio

transmitter, you can answer some questions, but the robot can not move. In

1959 the first industrial robot (programmable, round coordinates) was born in

the United States and open a new era of robot development.

6.4modern robo

modern robot Modern robotics research began in the mid-20th century,

its technical background, the development of computers and automation, as

well as the development and utilization of atomic energy. Since 1946, the first

since the advent of digital electronic computer, the computer has made

remarkable progress, the high-speed, large capacity, low price direction. The

urgent needs of mass production promoted the progress of automation

technology, the result is one of the birth of CNC machine tools in 1952.

Associated with the control of CNC machine tools, machinery and parts for

robotics research has laid the foundation for the development. On the other

hand, atomic energy laboratory harsh environmental requirements of certain

operating equipment instead of people to deal with radioactive material. In the

context of this demand, the United States Atomic Energy Commission's

Argonne Institute in 1947 developed a remote control robot in 1948, has

developed a mechanical master-slave manipulator. Riveting robot In 1954,

the United States wearing a Wal-Mart first proposed the concept of industrial

robots, and apply for a patent. The point is that the patent technology control

the robot with servo joints, the use of staff teaching the robot to move the

robot can achieve the recording and reproduction of movement. This is the

so-called teaching-playback robot. Almost all existing robots using this control

method. As the first practical model of robotic products (teaching-playback)

was introduced in 1962, the United States AMF's "VERSTRAN" and

UNIMATION company launched "UNIMATE". These industrial robots and

CNC machine tool control method broadly similar, but the shape

characteristics of different, largely similar to the composition of people's

hands and arms. In 1965, MIT's Roborts shows the first one with a vision

sensor that can identify and locate a simple building blocks of the robotic

system. Robot dog In 1967, Japan set up the study of artificial hand (now

renamed the study of bionic body), the same year held the first robot of

Japan's Academic Council. In the United States in 1970, convened the first

session of the International Symposium on Industrial Robots. Since 1970,

Robot rapid widespread popularity. In 1973, Cincinnati Milacron Inc. • Richard

• Horn created the first by a small computer-controlled industrial robots, it is

hydraulically driven, and can enhance payload up to 45 kilograms. By 1980,

industrial machinery talent really popular in Japan, it said the year "robot first

year." Subsequently, the industrial robots have been tremendous

developments in Japan, Japan, and thus also won the "robot kingdom

laudatory." Autonomous underwater vehicle With the computer technology

and artificial intelligence technology, the rapid development of the robot in the

functional and technical level has been greatly improved, mobile robots and

robot technologies such as visual and tactile is a typical representative. As

the development of these technologies to promote the concept of an

extension of the robot. 80 years, will have the feeling, thinking,

decision-making and motor ability of the system is called intelligent robots,

which is a broad, meaning a broad concept. This concept has not only guided

the research and application of robot technology, but also gives a broad and

deep development of robot technology to a huge space, underwater robots,

space robots, aerial robots, ground robots, micro robots, etc. robots for

various purposes have been brought forth, and many dream become a reality.

Robot technologies (such as sensor technology, intelligent technology,

control technology, etc.) to various areas of proliferation and infiltration of the

formation of a wide variety of new machines - robot-based machine. Current

and the interaction and integration of information technology has produced a

"software robot", "network robots" name, which also illustrates the robot has

the innovation.

and robot

Human and robot As society continues to develop, more and more detail

the division of labor all walks of life, especially in the modern big industry,

some people have twisted a number of products per day are only targeted at

the same site on a nut, and some people the whole days to take an end of a

thread, just like the movie "Modern Times", as demonstrated, people feel that

they have been alienated in the various occupational diseases has the effect,

so there is a strong wish to use a machine instead of their own work, so

people have developed a robot , to replace the people to accomplish these

monotonous, boring, or dangerous jobs. Since the advent of robots, so that

part of the workers lost their jobs, so some people had a hostile robot.

"Robots posts, people will be laid off." Not only in our country, even in some

developed countries like the United States, it was also held this viewpoint. In

fact, this worry is unnecessary, and any advanced machinery and equipment,

will increase labor productivity and product quality, create more social wealth

will inevitably provide more employment opportunities, which has been

proved by the history of human production and development. The emergence

of any new things are advantages and disadvantages, but advantages

outweigh the disadvantages, and soon people get recognized. The

emergence of such vehicles, which not only deprived of part of the rickshaw

pullers, porters business, but also often a car accident, a threat to human life

and property. Although people have seen the car of these abuses, but it is

people's daily life has become an indispensable means of transport. A

well-known British statesman for the issue on industrial robots made such a

passage: "the number of robots in Japan ranks first in the world, while the

unemployed population at least, the United Kingdom the number of robots in

the developed world at least, while the unemployed population high ", which is

also from another angle, the robot will not get people's rice bowls. The United

States is the birthplace of the robot, the robot has a capacity far less than

Japan, where some of the reasons is that some workers did not welcome the

U.S. robot, thus inhibiting the development of the robot. Japan robot is able to

quickly become a big country for many reasons, but a very important one is

that when Japanese labor shortage, the government and enterprises hope to

develop robots, people are also welcome to use the robot. As the use of

robots, Japan has also tasted the sweetness of its cars, electronics industry,

the rapid rise, and soon to dominate world markets. From now on the trend of

industrial development in the world to see the development of robot is the only

way one. No robots, people will become machines; With robots are still the

masters. Lego RCX NXT robot RCX yes yes a programmable building blocks,

namely, the classroom robot (Robot instruction) in the brain. It is as a whole

with Lego blocks, motors, sensors and other structures to form the backbone

of robotic systems, like the brain, like control, command and robot behavior.

Use ROBOLAB software, people can create, build, programming a real robot,

it sports, exercise, and even themselves to "think." RCX to upgrade! NXT

Robot! The new assembly robot body full of sensors, it can sound and motion

sensors to the appropriate response, but also for the light and tactile it more

responsive. NXT robot system is the heart of a 32-bit micro-processor can be

transmitted by PC or a Mac operating procedures. Optical sensor According

to the sensor assists to help your robot to "see." It allows your robot to

distinguish between light and dark skin, and determining the light intensity in

a room, or light intensity of different colors. Sound Sensor Sound sensor

enables robots to hear! Sound Sensor can measure the noise level of

decibels (dB) and DBA (frequency of approximately 3-6 kHz where the human

ear is most sensitive), and the recognition of sound patterns and identify tone

differences. Touch sensor Touch sensor contacts and the release reaction of

the robot to create a "feel" like never before! It can detect single or multiple

button presses, and report back to the nxt. Ultrasonic Sensors Ultrasonic

sensors "see" objects in place! Ultrasonic sensor is able to detect a target and

measures, in the vicinity of inches or centimeters.

g Olympic Games have been used in robot

1, Fuwa robot Fuwa robot can sense the visitors within one meter, a

dialogue with people, photography pictures, music and dance, but also to

answer the Olympic Games-related issues. 2, translation robot Can be

achieved at any time, place, and any device to any multi-language services. 3,

security robot Of its outstanding representative of EOD robot.

State Key Laboratory of Robotics

State Key Laboratory of Robotics State Key Laboratory of Robotics relies

on the CAS Shenyang Institute of Automation, formerly Robotics Laboratory

of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The laboratory is the first in China to

establish the field of robotics sector Key Laboratory, China's leading

scientists in the field of robotics Jiang Xin-song Academy of Sciences

1989-1997 served as Laboratory Director. Past two decades, laboratory

robotics research in basic theory and method of simultaneous development

with the international advanced level, and cutting-edge robotics to explore

and demonstrate applications has made a number of important influence in

scientific research, fully demonstrating the experimental Room with a major

national science and technology to solve problems. At present, China

Technology Development Zone in Shenyang Hunnan the "new song Robot"

company that is in our country in the field of scientific research base. The

overall level of laboratory robotics related areas in the country at the core and

take the lead position is the major influence in domestic and international

robotics research base. State Key Laboratory of Robotics positioned for

China's economic and social development, national security and major

scientific projects to provide the required robotics technologies and systems

to study the basic theories and methods of robotics, the development of viable

technologies and platforms prototype systems, cultivate and retention of

high-level research in robotics talent, promoting China's advanced robot

technology and systems for sustainable development. Mainly for the

development of perception, thinking and motor ability of advanced robotic

systems, research-based robotics theoretical methods, key technology, the

robot system integration technology and robot application technology. Labs

persist in opening up to attract domestic and foreign experts and scholars to

conduct exchanges and cooperative research. Issues through the

establishment of the fund, laboratory and domestic robotics research in

relation to performing for nearly 30 universities, research institutes and

enterprises to establish a link, almost covering the country engaged in

robotics research to all units. In recent years, laboratory with its own direction

of development, targeted research team with the well-known at home and

abroad to establish cooperative relations. Such cooperation, for strengthening

disciplines in our laboratory to understand the country needs to establish a

targeted demonstration system has played an important role. Underwater

Robot: Rofish for bionic robot fish products, the product of advanced

electronic, mechanical technology, analog way fish swim through the new

material for accurate simulation of its shape, so as to reach this highly

effective. Rofish using structured design methods, high stability motor to

ensure the stability of their products. Control method, there are two options:

Serial / USB Control and remote control. Product kernel using Bootloader

radio programming programming approach can change the swimming

program at any time to adapt to the realities. Performance parameters: Ø

Length: 20cm - 80cm, in need of special sizes can be customized. Ø Overall:

koi, goldfish, dolphins, sharks and so on, can be customized. Ø Tour Speed:

1BL / S. BL is body length, swim speed and body length that is related to

travel speed of 1 times the body length per second. Ø Continuous working

time :3 - 4 hours, lithium-powered battery. Ø communication: RF

communications or sonar (Sonar) communications, an optional one. Ø control

mode: Serial / USB control or remote control, the two optional one. Serial /

USB control mode can simultaneously control multiple robot fish, through a

simple programming control over the fish can be realized between the chase

and play and so on.

Robots 1. There is a body 2. There memory or program features 3. And

brain 1886, French writer Lier Ya When his novel "Future Eve" will look like a

person's machine named "Andeluoding" (android), It consists of four

components: 1, Life system (balance, walking, talking, body swing, feeling,

expression to regulate the movement, etc.); 2, modeling solution quality

(freedom of movement joints can be covered by a metal body, a suit of armor);

3, artificial muscles (in the armor on the body, veins, and gender of the body

of various forms); 4, artificial skin (containing color, mechanism, contour, hair,

vision, dental, gripper, etc.). 1984 movie "Terminator", with leather wrapped

the creative robot; 1991 movie "Terminator 2", with the liquid metal robot

concept; 2003 movie "Terminator 3", solid-liquid mixed state robot appears.

Television works gradually gave birth to a variety of autonomous intelligent

biological robots, then the solid-liquid mixed autonomous intelligent robots

will be the birth of biochemistry.

's latest robots


Japan's latest robots Nagoya City Commercial Design Institute

introduced a new robot "network Rabbit." It's two ears may come and go many

gesture, according to people's voices to respond. "Network Rabbit" through

wireless communication with the home computer connected to, if there is an

e-mail it will read it sounded, you can also play Internet radio programs. The

most interesting is the different "network Rabbit" is also able to "get married",

"breaking up", through a network connection to one of the "network Rabbit"

ears to make a move, it is distant "partner" will then make the same action.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. nanny robot "If the pill" are a variety of

robots for several years show star, in this exhibition it is still attracting

everyone's attention. "If the pill" can come to the master bed in the morning,

reporting the day's weather or news headlines. It can also remember the

owner's birthday, or wedding anniversary to remind the owner. Institute of

Industrial Science and Technology of Japan for the manufacture of the elderly

and children to accompany the robot "Paro", Honda's "ASIMO," Biped

Walking Robot also continues to be concerned about. Asimo: Honda's walking

robot developed by the feet, was the first time in November 2000 at the

Yokohama International Peace Conference Center, unveiled at a robot show.

In December 2006, Honda has improved too, "ASIMO" performance, an

increase of its joints and motors, so that it can speed of 6 kilometers per hour

trot, but also its height from the initial 1.2 m up to 1.3 meters. The successful

development of the United States fighting robot dog U.S. combat robot dog

Internet has caused a stir on the U.S. government released a video of a

military robot dog, robot dog video showing the activities of its amazing ability

and adaptability, in one fell swoop on the Internet creates a sensation. R & D

company said tested, this robot dog can be on the battlefield as soldiers

carrying ammunition, food and other items.

's Three Laws of Robotics

science fiction writer Isaac Asimov in the novel "I, Robot" in the set of

"Three Laws of Robotics." Asimov robot's three "Law" (law), the procedure

that all robots must comply with A robot may not harm humans, or sit back

and do nothing hurt humans; 2 Unless the contrary to the first rule, the robot

must obey human orders; 3 Without prejudice to the first and second laws, the

robot must protect themselves.

本文标签: 机器人技术传感器进行工业