






conversation 1

Hey I just read a great book about physics。I think you‘d

like it。It’s called the physics of the world。It‘s written by a

scientist named Sylvia Mendez。

Oh I read that book。It was great。The writer is a warm and

competent guide to the mysteries of physics。I think it promises

enrichment for any reader from those who know little about

science to the career physicist。

And it‘s refreshing to see a strong curious clever woman

adding her voice to the scientific discourse and a field that has

been traditionally dominated by men。I think she has to be

commended for making an effort

to include anecdotes about little known female scientists。You know they were often victims of a generation firmly

convinced that the woman’s place was in the home。

I like how the book is clearly written with each chapter

brought to life by pieces of fascinating knowledge。For example

in one chapter she exposes a myth that I‘ve heard taught by

university physics professors。I’ve often heard that medieval

glass windows are thicker at the bottom

because glass flows like a fluid。This,she shows,is not true。The distortion is actually thanks to a peculiarity of the

glassmakers process。

Yeah I like how she cultivates scientific engagement by

providing a host of Do It Yourself experiments that bring the

same foundational principles of classical physics that govern

everything from the solar system to your kitchen table。From

using complex laws of physics to test whether

a spinning egg is cooked to measuring atmospheric pressure

by lifting a piece of cardboard。Her hands-on examples make

her book a truly interactive read。

Yes I must say this a equation-free book is an ideal read for

scientists of all stripes,anyone teaching science and even

people who dislike physics。

Question 1:what does the woman say about the book the

man recommended?

Question 2:what can we find in the book the man


Question 3:How does the author bring her book to life?

Question 4:How does the book cultivate readers interest in


conversation 2

A:Hi professor。I was hoping I could have a moment of

your time if you‘re not too busy。I’m having some problems

getting started on my dissertation and I was hoping you could

give me some advice on how to begin。

B:Sure。I have quite a few students can you

remind me what your topic is?

A:the general topic I chose is aesthetics,but that‘s as far

as I’ve got I don‘t really know where to go from there。

B:Yeah,that‘s much too large a topic。You really need to

narrow it down in order to make it more accessible。Otherwise

you’ll be writing a book。

A:Exactly。That‘s w hat I wanted to ask you about。I was

hoping it would be possible for me to change topics。I’m really

more interested in nature than beauty。

B:I‘m afraid you have to adhere to the assigned topic。Still,If you’re interested in nature,then that certainly can be

worked into your dissertation。We‘ve talked about Hume

before in class right。

A:Oh yeah,he‘s the philosopher who wrote about where

our ideas of beauty come from。

B:Exactly。I suggest you go to the library and get a copy of

his biography。Start from there。But remember to stick to the

parameters of the assignment。This paper is a large part of your

cumulative grade。So make sure to follow the instructions。If

you take a look at his biography。You can get a good idea of

how his life experiences manifest themselves in his theories of

beauty。specifically the way he looked towards nature as the

origin of what we find beautiful。

A:Great。Thanks for taking the time to answer my

questions,Professor。I‘ll let you get back to class now。

B:If there‘s anything else you need,please come see me

in my office any time。

Question 5:What is the man‘s problem?

Question 6 What does the professor think of the man‘s


Question 7 What’s the man really more interested in?

Question 8 what does the professor say the man has to do?

passage 1

During the arctic winter from October to March,the average

temperature in the frozen north typically hovers around minus

20 degrees Celsius。But this year the Arctic is experiencing much

higher temperatures。On February the 20th the temperature in

Greenland climbed above freezing or zero degrees Celsius and it

stayed there for over 24 hours。Then on February the 24th the

temperature on Greenland‘s northern tip reached six degrees

Celsius。Climate scientists describe the phenomenon as

stunning。Weather conditions that drive this bizarre

temperature surge have visited the Arctic before。They typically

appear about once in a decade。However,the last such increase

in temperature took place two years ago。This is troubling as

climbing arctic temperatures combined with rapid sea ice loss are

creating a new type of climate feedback loop which could

accelerate Arctic warming。Indeed,sea ice cover in the Arctic is

melting faster than expected。Without those masses of cooling

sea ice,warm air brought to the Arctic can penetrate further

inland than it ever did before。The air can stay warmer longer

too。This drives additional melting。Overall earth is warming at

a rapid pace。2014 through 2017 rank as the hottest years on

record and the Arctic is warming twice as fast as any place else

on earth。This raises unique challenges for Arctic wildlife and

indigenous people who depend on Arctic ecosystems to survive。Previously climate forecasts predicted that Arctic summer ice

would disappear entirely by around 2060,but based on what

scientists are seeing now the Arctic may be facing summers

without ice within 20 years。

Question 9。What did climate scientists describe as stunning?

A)The unprecedented high temperature in Greenland。

Question 10。What does the passage say about that

temperature surge in the Arctic?

Question 11。what may occur in 20 years according to

scientists’ recent observations?


A good dose of willpower is often necessary to see any task

through whether it‘s sticking to a spending plan or finishing a

great novel。And

if you want to increase that willpower。 A new study

suggests you just simply have to believe you have it。According

to this study,what matters most is what we think about our

willpower。If we believe it’s a finite resource,we act that way,we feel exhausted and need breaks between demanding mental

tasks。However,people who view their willpower as a limitless

resource get energized instead。The researchers used a

psychological assessment tool to test the validity of the study。They asked 1100 Americans and 1600 Europeans to grade

different statements such as after a challenging mental activity,my energy is depleted and I must rest to get it refueled again or

I can focus on a mental task for long periods without feeling tired。

[00:01:08] Although there was little difference between

men and women overall。Americans were more likely to admit

to needing breaks after completing mentally challenging tasks

European participants on the other hand claimed they were able

to keep going。Based on the findings,the researchers suggest

that the key to boosting your willpower is to believe that you

have an abundant supply of it。Your feelings about your

willpower affect the way you behave。But these feelings are

changeable,they said。Changing your beliefs about the nature

of your self-control can have positive effects on character

development。This leads to healthier behaviors and perceptions

of other people。

Question 12 What is often necessary for carrying through a


Question 13 What is the finding of the new study?

Question 14 What do we learn about European participants

as compared with their American counterparts?

Question 15 What do the research say con cerning people‘s

feelings about willpower?

lecture 1

Here is my baby niece Sarah。Her mum is a doctor and her

dad is a lawyer。By the time Sarah goes to college the jobs her

parents do are going to look dramatically different。In 2013,researchers at Oxford

University did a study on the future of work。They concluded

that almost one in every two jobs has a high risk of being

automated by machines。Machine learning is the technology

that‘s responsible for most of this disruption。It’s the most

powerful branch of artificial intelligence。It allows machines to

learn from data and copy some of the things that humans can

do。My company,Kaggle,operates on the cutting edge of

machine learning。We bring together hundreds of thousands of

experts to solve important problems for industry and academia。This gives us an unique perspective on what machines can do,what they can‘t do and what jobs they might automate or

threaten。Machine learning started making its way into industry

in the early 90s。It started with relatively simple tasks。It started

with things like assessing credit risk from loan applications,sorting the mail by reading handwritten zip codes。Over the past

few years,we have made dramatic breakthroughs。Machine

learning is now capable of far,far more complex tasks。In 2012,Kaggle challenged its community to build a program that could

grade high school essays。The winning programs were able to

match the grades given by human teachers。Now given the right

data,machines are going to outperform humans at tasks like

this。 A teacher might read 10000 essays over a 40-year career。

A machine can read millions of essays within minutes。We have

no chance of competing against machines on frequent high-volume tasks,but there are things we can do that machines

cannot。Where machines have made very little progress is in

tackling novel situations。Machines can’t handle things they

haven‘t seen many times

before。The fundamental limitation of machine learning is

that it needs to learn from large volumes of past data。But

humans don’t。We have the ability to connect seemingly

different threads to solve problems we‘ve never seen before。

Question 16 what did the researchers at Oxford University


Question 17。What do we learn about Kaggle companies

winning programs?

Question 18。What is the fundamental limitation on

machine learning?

lecture 2

we‘ve talked recently about the importance of sustainable

energy。We’ve also talked about the different theories on how

that can be done。So far,our discussions have all been

theoretical。Now I have a practical question for you all。Can you

run a 140,000 kilogram train on just the steam generated by

solar power?Well,one engineer,Tim Casselman,believes

it‘s possible。And his home city of Sacramento,California

should see the technology’s first test as part of the upgrading

of its rail yard。Casselman,who is an inventor and self-proclaimed steam visionary,is campaigning for a new steam

train that runs without any fire and could run on an existing 10

kilometer line drawing tourists and perhaps offering city

commuters a green alternative to their cars。Casselman wants to

build an array of solar magnifying mirrors at one end of the line

to collect

and focus heat onto water filled tubes。This would generate

steam that could be used to fill tanks on a small steam train

without the use of fire。

Supplying power to trains in this way would offer the

shortest distance

from well to wheels he says with the least amount of energy

lost。According to Harry Valentijn, a Canadian engineer who is

researching modern steam technology, a special tank

measuring 2 by 10 metres could store over 750 kilowatt hours of

energy as high pressure steam enough to pull a two car train for

an hour or so。Energy to drive a steam locomotive

can be stored in other materials besides water for example a

team at Tohoku University in Japan has studied materials that can

store large amounts of heat when heated。These materials turn

from a solid into a liquid

absorbing energy as they change phase。The liquid is

maintained above

its melting point until steam is required at which point the

liquid is allowed to turn back into a solid releasing its stored

energy another team at Nagoya University in Japan has tested

calcium compound as an energy storage material。Heating this

chemical compound drives off carbon dioxide gas leaving

calcium oxide the gas can be stored under pressure and attain to

recover the energy the gas is fed back over the calcium oxide。In theory says Valentijn this can create a high enough

temperature to generate superheated steam。

Question 19:What has the speaker previously talked about?

Question 20:What is Tim Casselman trying to do in


Question 21:what has a Japanese research team tried to do?

Lecture 3

Today‘s crisis in care for older people in England has two

main causes。

First,people are living longer with a lot more complex

needs。Second,they rely on a system that has long been

marked by a poor relation between national health and social-care services。

Current services originate in two key measures。They are the

National Health Service and the 1948 National Assistance Act。This required local government to provide residential

accommodation for older people and supervise care homes run

by independent organizations。

They also provided home and community services including

meals,day centers and home helpers and other subsidized

services。The National Health Service was free and wholly

publicly provided。It delivered the best health-care for all。No

such vision guided residential and community care though。The

care was substantially provided by voluntary services which

worked together with local authorities as they long had with

eligibility based on income。Today,life expectancy has risen

from 66 for a male at birth in 1948 to around 80 now。In addition,there is better overall health and improved medical knowledge

and care。This means an unprecedented number of people are

surviving longer in conditions requiring expert support。Families

provide at least as much care as they ever did。Even so,they

can rarely without subsidised support address serious personal

needs。Care for older people faced persistent criticism

as these trends became apparent。From the early 1960s,local authorities were required to plan health and welfare services。The aim was to enable older people to remain in their own homes

for as long as possible,but this increased concern about the lack

of coordination between free health and paid-for social care。Through the 1970s, a number of measures sought to improve

matter。However at a time of financial crisis,funding

diminished and little changed。In the 1980s,the government

cut spending。Meanwhile,preference for private over public

services made management even more difficult。Simultaneously,the number of sick older people grew。Governments

emphasized the need to improve services。They did so though

while doing little to stop the erosion of available aid。Services

were irregular across authorities。Unless you were prepared to

pay,they were increasingly difficult to obtain for any but the

most severely disabled。Why has 60 years of criticism produced

so little change。Discrimination against older people has a long

history。Additionally,those affected by inadequate health and

social care are too vulnerable to launch the protests that have

addressed other forms of discrimination。

Question 22 what is one cause of the current crisis in care for

the elderly in England?

Question 23。What does the speaker say about residential

and community care?

Question 24。What made management of care for the

elderly more difficult in the 1980s?

Question 25。What does the speaker say about older people

in England?


Section A

1. D) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.

2. A) Storiesabout some female physicists.

3. B) Byincluding lots of fascinating knowledge.

4. C)It provides experiments they can do themselves.

5. A) He has noidea how to proceed with his dissertation.

6. C) It is tooabroad.

7. D) Nature.

8. B) Stick tothe topic assigned.

Section B

9.A) The unprecedented high temperature inGreenland.

10. B) Ittypically appears about once every ten years.

11. C) Icelesssummers in the Arctic.

12. D) A strongdetermination.

13. C) It ismost important to have confidence in one’s


14. D) Theycould keep working longer.

15. D) They arepart of their nature.

Section C

16. D) Abouthalf of current jobs might be automated.

17. A) Theycould grade high-school essays just like human


18. B) It hasto rely on huge amounts of previous data.

19. C) Thetheoretical aspects of sustainable energy.

20. D) Drivetrains with solar energy.

21. C) Find anew material for storing energy.

22. B) The poorrelation between national health and social

care services.

23. A) It was mainly provided by voluntary services.

24. B) Their preference for private services.

25. C) They have long been discriminated against.



Just off the coast of Southern California……

26-30 F B L H D

31-35 A M K E G

26. F) dwells

27. B) chaos

28. L) predators

29. H) fierce

30. D) declared

31. A) aggressive

32. M) remove

33. K) monitoring

34. E) dedicated

35. G) extinction


Do Parents Invade children’s Privacy When They Post

Photos Online?

36-40 H M N E B

41-45 A J L G D


Passage One—Perhaps it is time……

46-50 B A C D A

Passage Two—The public……

51-55 D B A C D






In recent years, more and more museums in China are open

to the public free of charge. The number of exhibitions and

visitorsto the museum has increased significantly. Long queues

are commonplace in frontof some popular museums. These

museums have to take measures to limit thenumber of visitors.

Nowadays, exhibition forms are more and morediverse.

Some large museums adopt advanced technologies such as

multimedia andvirtual reality to make exhibitions more attractive.

Many museums also stageonline exhibitions, where people can

appreciate rare exhibits. However, theexperience of seeing the

exhibits on site is more attractive to most visitors.


How to balance academic study and extracurricular activities

Recently, the topic of the balance between academic studies

and extracurricular activities has been brought to public

attention. We can find many examples easily: students’ study

load makes them out of breath and leaves them no time for


If this situation continues to worsen, young people’s

physical and mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to

st rike a good balance between study and rest/personal hobbies.

For one thing, too much academic work gives rise to immunity

deterioration, which causes many health problems. For another,

free time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to

develop our hobbies by finishing the homework on time and

attending some beneficial activities off school. For example,

regular exercise is a recommendable extracurricular activity to

get relaxed.

By doing exercises your body can produce a hormone that

makes you recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can

transfer your focus from busy study by attending a reading

seminar , thereby getting your intense nerves calm down.”



Section A

1. C) Take a picture of him.

2. A) Gaining great fame on the Internet.

3. B) Editing his pictures and posting them online.

4. A) They are far from satisfactory.

5. A) A series of interviews with outstanding physicists

6. B) The origin of the universe.

7. D) Why there is a universe at all.

8. C) the universe formed due to a sufficient amount of


Section B

9. B) she woke up speaking with a different accent.

10. A) It is usually caused by a stroke or brain injury

11. C) Russian

12. D) Books about swimming.

13. B) She published a guide to London’s best swimming


14. C) They were prohibited from swimming.

15. C) She was the first woman to swim across the English


Section C

16. A) Build a machine that can detect lies.

17. B) They are skeptical of its reliability.

18. A) It is not to be trusted at all.

19. C) Each village there speaks a totally different language.

20. C) More are found in tropical regions than in the mild


21.D) There is no conclusive account for the cause of

language diversit y.

22 .A) Its middle-class is disappearing.

23. B) They could realize their dreams though hard work.

24. D) Full employment.

25. C) Hire part-time employees only.



Surfing the Internet开头

26-30 F C A E M 31-35 K O N H L

26. F) grasp

27. C) evaluated

28. A) aptitude

29. E) filtering

30. M) significant

31. K) raising

32. O) typical

33. N) suffer

34. H) minimize

35. L) resist


标题:A Pioneering Woman of Science Re-Emerges After 300


36-40 K I E M G 41-45 O C L F D


Passage One—while human achievements

46-50 CBBAA

Passage Two—For years, the U.S. has experienced a shortage

51-55 BCDAC





More and more attention has been paid to public libraries in

China, and people are encouraged to make full use of them.

Recent statistics show that the number of public libraries in China

is increasing year by year. Many libraries have created a quieter

and more comfortable environment for readers through

renovation and expansion.

The large-scale public libraries not only provide a wide range

of reference materials, but also regularly organize lectures,

exhibitions and so on. In recent years, many digital libraries have

also emerged, thus saving the space needed to store books.

Some libraries

have also introduced self-service systems, which make it

more convenient for readers to borrow and return books and

further meet the needs of readers.


How to balance job responsibilities and personal interests

Recently, the topic of the balance between work and

leisure/hobby has been brought to public attention. We can find

many examples easily: modern people’s workload makes

people out of breath and leaves them no time for leisure/their


If this situation continues to worsen, their physical and

mental status raises the alarm. Thus, it’s urgent to strike a good

balance between working duties and rest/personal hobbies. For

one thing, too much work gives rise to immunity deterioration,

which causes many health problems. For another, free

time/constructive pastime helps us live in a positive cycle.

Therefore, what we should do is to find enough time to

rest/develop our hobbies by finishing the task on time and

arranging some beneficial activities off work. For example,

regular exercise is a recommendable way to get relaxed. By doing

exercises your body can produce a hormone that makes you

recover from exhaustion. What’s more, you can transfer your

focus from busy job by reading an interesting book or listening

to a favorite song, thereby getting your intense nerves calm





In what‘s probably开头

26-30 A) I) F) J) B) 31-35 G) K) M) D) E)

26. A) advances

27. I) otherwise

28. F) devising

29. J) predators

30. B) boundaries

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