






At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds. I had a very poor relationship with food: I used it

to ___1___ bad feelings, to make myself feel better, and to celebrate. I tried many different

kinds of diets but nothing worked. I came to believe that I could do nothing about my


When I was fifty, my weight problem began to affect me ___3___. I didn’t want to live

the rest of my life with this extra weight any more.

That year, I ___4___ a seminar (研讨会) where we were asked to create a project that

would touch the world. The leader shared her ___5___ story—she had not only lost 125

pounds, but also raised $ 25,000 for homeless children.

___6___ by her story, I created the As We Heal (痊愈), the World Heals project. My goal

was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise. $50,000 in support of a movement founded 30

years ago to end hunger. The idea of healing ___7___ and healing the world is perfect for me.

___8___ I began my own personal weight program, I was filled with the fear that I

would ___9___ the same difficulties that beat me before. While the fear hung over my head,

there were also signs that I was walking down the ____10____ path. I sent letters to everyone

I knew, telling them about my ____11____. It worked perfectly. Donations began coming in

from hundreds of people. Of course, I also took some ____12____ to lose weight: I went to

the doctor, I found a fitness coach, and I began to eat small and ____13____ meals. My

money-raising focus also gave me new motivation (动力) to exercise ____14____.

A year later, I ____15____ my goal: I lost 150 pounds and raised $50,000! I feel that

I’ve been given a second life to devote to something that is meaningful and challenging.























9.A.look for









B.If out









C.think of










D.get into








Fun Activities for Teens to Do in the Summer

Do you feel bored with the upcoming summer? We asked parents for ideas for things that

teens can do and here are some suggestions for fun activities for you to do in the summer.#1

Discover Family History

Visit older family members and interview them about the past of your family. You could use a

smartphone to record some of the conversation. Things to ask about:

●What did you eat?

●What did you do to make yourself happy?

●What was it like when you were a teenager?

#2 Clear out Your Room

Not only will you make your parents really happy, but you will find all those lost

CDs/books/socks that are hidden under the bed.

You can now have a yard sale for the things you no longer want, and make yourself some

pocket money at the same time.

#3 Create a Memory Book

Put together a memory book. It could be about primary or junior school since you’re heading


to high school:

●friends made

●best memories

●favorite teachers

●favorite subjects

●hopes/feelings about going to high school, etc.

#4 Help on a Nearby Farm

Get down and work on the farm and have a bit of fun. You never know you might love

driving tractors and feeding cows and horses. If nothing else, it will give you a good taste of

what a hard life farming is.

16.Who is the text written for?

A.Teens. B.Teachers. C.Parents. D.Farmers.

17.Which may be a good question for the interview in #1?

A.How often do you exercise?

C.What do you do on weekends?

18.What’s the purpose of this passage?

A.To show the hard life of the farmers.

B.To introduce some fun activities in the summer.

C.To ask the readers to put together a memory book.

D.To advise the readers to have a yard sale to clear out the room.

There once was a farmer who had a hundred cows. He milked them every day and set

them out into the grassland at night. His neighbor, a banker, had just moved in next door. The

banker wanted to move to the country to enjoy the views.

On the first night, the banker sat outside to enjoy the sunset. He could hardly breathe.

The smell from the cows was so great. Disgusted, he went indoors. The next evening, he tried

to enjoy the sunset again but was forced to go back inside because of the smell.

He finally decided that the farmer would have to go. The banker had a lot of money, so

he offered to buy the farm.

“Yes, I will sell you the farm, but it will take me at least a week to sell the cows and take

care of them. Would you be willing to wait a week?” asked the farmer.

The banker decided he could do that. At the end of the week, the banker came to the

farm again. The farmer wondered if they could wait until his visiting brother left. The banker

thought for a while and agreed. A month passed. The farmer walked to the banker’s house to

B.What were your parents like?

D.What’s the plan for your future?


see if he still wanted the farmer.

“Why, no.” replied the banker. “You keep it.”

The farmer smiled to himself. He knew that by making the banker wait, it would allow

time for the banker to get used to the awful smell of the cows.

19.What is the conflict(冲突) or problem of this story?

A.The farmer’s cows are very smelly.

B.The farmer is worried about refusing the banker.

C.The banker is unhappy with the smell of the cows.

D.The farmer doesn’t know how to keep away the smell.

20.How many times did the banker visit the farmer?

A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. D.Four times.

21.What can you learn about the farmer in this story?

A.He was kind and brave.

C.He was mean and stupid.

B.He was lazy and dishonest.

D.He was clever and hard-working.

22.What can we infer after reading the passage?

A.The banker bought the farm at last.

B.The farmer didn’t plan to sell the farm.

C.The banker would leave the country soon.

D.The farmer had already sold all of his cows.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans create millions of tons of

rubbish every year. Only one-third of the rubbish is recycled, and just over 10 percent is

burned. Over half of them goes to landfills(填埋场). Landfills are costly to build and can be

another kind of pollution.

Efforts have been made to reduce the influence of waste on landfills. Many innovative

uses for waste have been developed. One use for waste is to create energy.

When waste is used to create energy, it results in heat or smelly gas. The most common

way to achieve this result is through burning. But burning waste can have dangerous and acid

(酸的) gas. This created acid rain that was harmful to both people and buildings. So green

guidelines were developed. Now filters(过滤器) are used, and they make waste gas cleaner

than most home fireplaces. Besides the acid gas that is produced, the remains can be highly

poisonous and must be dealt with very carefully.


The most common method of creating energy is by using the heat to boil water. The

boiling water pushes steam generators (蒸汽发电机) to make electricity for homes and


Today, new ways of using waste to create electricity or fuels are being developed. They

are very complicated. One example is the heating method, which uses extremely high

temperatures without burning.

The goal is to turn waste into something useful for us. Sweden has run out of waste to

turn into energy. Now they buy waste from other countries. Perhaps someday we will also be

able to make total use of our waste.

23.According to the passage, how much of our rubbish goes to landfills?

A.10 percent. B.One-third. C.50 percent. D.More than half.

24.What does the underlined word “innovative” mean in the second paragraph?

A.Regular B.Difficult. C.Creative. D.Traditional.

25.What is a positive(积极的) result of burning waste?

A.The heat created from burning waste is used to make electricity.

B.When waste is used to create energy, it results in heat or smelly gases.

C.Burning creates acid rain that is harmful to both people and structures.

D.The remains can be highly poisonous and must be dealt with very carefully.

26.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.Waste to Good

C.Goodbye to Landfills

Frozen desserts have been around much longer than you might imagine. Over two

thousand years ago, Alexander the Great enjoyed snow and ice mixed with honey. During the

Roman Empire, runners were sent to the mountains for snow, which was then mixed with

fruit or juice. Much later, the great explore Marco Polo brought a recipe from the Far East

that was similar to sherbet(果子露). Historians think this was developed into the ice-cream

we know today.

Frozen desserts with cream appeared in France, England and Italy during the same time

period. At first it was a dish for the king. Ice-cream was first served to the public at a cafe in

Paris in the late 1600s. The dish had milk, cream, butter and eggs.

Ice-cream didn’t arrive in America for another hundred years. Historical records show


B.Burning Our Rubbish

D.Guidelines for Burning

George Washington and other early presidents ate ice-cream. An advertisement from the time

claimed ice-cream was available “almost every day”. Even so, it was still a kind of dish for

the rich people.

In the early 1800s, insulated(隔热的) ice houses made the storage of ice-cream much

easier. By the middle of the century, ice cream had become quite an industry(产业) in

America. The Industrial Revolution(工业革命) resulted in an increase in ice-cream

production. New freezing process and equipment made it easier to make ice-cream.

Ice-cream developed through the invention of various products such as “ice-cream

sodas”, Some people claimed such treats were too rich to eat on Sunday. During times of war,

ice-cream was used as a special prize to encourage the soldiers. During the rise of the

supermarket and different kinds of snacks, ice-cream shops declined. Recently, however,

special ice-cream shops have become popular once again.

27.Which of the following best describes the earliest frozen desserts?

A.Cream poured over ice.

C.Snow mixed with honey.


28.According to the passage, who improved ice-cream as we know it today?

A.The Romans.

C.George Washington.

B.Alexander the Great.

D.People in the Far East.

B.Snow mixed with fruit or juice.

D.A mixture of milk, cream, sugar and

29.The correct order of the following events is ________.

①Ice-cream was first served to the public.

①Ice-cream arrived in America.

①Marco Polo brought a recipe from the Far East.

①Ice-cream became quite an industry in America.

①Frozen desserts with cream appeared in France, England and Italy.

A.①①①①① B.①①①①① C.①①①①① D.①①①①①

30.According to the passage, how did technology influence the ice-cream industry?

A.Advances in transportation made it possible to bring ice-cream to more people.

B.Advances in advertising made it possible for more people to know about ice-cream.

C.When presidents ate ice-cream, that made it more well-known to the common people.

D.Insulated ice houses and improved techniques made it easier to produce and store





A Few Tips for Self-Acceptance

We all accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out

of reach. Where do you start? ____31____

● ____32____ Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you

compare with them? Are you hoping that you will feel happy because your life is better than

theirs? Know that your life is your own; you are the only you in this world.

● ____33____ We are often ashamed of our mistakes, our shortcomings and our failures.

Remember, you are only human. You will make mistakes, time and time again. Stop

regretting, why not tell yourself “That didn’t go as planned. But, I tried my best.”

● ____34____ Write them down in a diary. Begin to train your brain to look at strength

before weakness. List all of your advantages and achievements. You have a job, you are

healthy and you got out of Nothing is too small to celebrate.

● ____35____ Put into words why you don’t feel good enough. Read these 7 words back to

yourself. Feel upset again? Turn to a page in your diary to your list of strengths and

achievements. See how wonderful you are?

A.Play a comparison game.

B.List all of your strengths.

C.Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made.

D.Stop comparing yourself with others.

E.List your imperfections(不完美).

F.Here are a lot of ways that will set you in the right direction.


36.Nancy started painting at the age of 5 and she was a ________ (天生的) artist.

37.Many people can’t remember ________ (确切地) when their mothers’ birthdays are.

38.These days the famous writer is busy __________

(翻译)a book into Chinese.


39.We need to increase our ________of the history of the Communist Party of China.

(知识)40.As we all know, China’s deep-sea exploration has already ________a new period.

(进入)41.Every dancer was in white ________ (除了) Jane, the lead dancer, who wore red clothes.

42.To ________ (表达) his respect and regret, the director decided to make a film about his


43.Those teenagers listened carefully to the classical music, losing ________ (他们自己) in

its beauty.

44.I usually go to Town Cinema to see a movie on weekends, because it’s the ________ (接近) to my home.

45.As “Space Lessons” started on Dec. 9th, 2021, more and more teenagers admire these

space ________ (英雄).








Yang Qian, 21, is a lovely girl as well as an excellent shooter. She won the ____46____

gold of the Tokyo Olympics on July 24th, 2021. She looked very calm in the women’s

10-meter air rifle final and won the prize with 251.8 student from Ningbo,

Zhejiang Province is studying at Tsinghua University. She became popular in China and her

performance in the Olympic Games made people become more ____47____ in the games.

The Tokyo Olympics were put off because of COVID-19. On the podium(领奖台), Yang

____48____ a face mask, but her smiling eyes and hand heart on it have touched people

around the world.

“We trained how to do well under pressure,” Yang told ____49____ when they

interviewed her, “The game was really tight today, but I was so happy to win it.” “Yang is

brave and clever and she isn’t afraid of any pressure. Her great success is not only from her

innate talent for shooting, ____50____ from her keeping up with the strict study and

training. She is strong inside, so she could win the prize,” said Gao Jing, a coach at Tsinghua.




My little granddaughter, Ava, came to spend the afternoon with me. I should say she was

really ____51____ cute girl. I almost missed a chance to be a queen for the day. Because I’d

warned her that I wouldn’t have much time to play with her since I was on a deadline for a


Ava colored some princess pictures while I ____52____ (write). She watched a

cartoon and stopped ____53____ time to time to come to talk to me or to get a snack or drink.

When she walked up to me ____54____ (quick) than ever and pleaded(恳求) with me,

“Grandma, can you come to play with me in the toy room for a little while?” I couldn’t refuse

my grand-baby, so I shut the computer ____55____, took her by the hand and walked upstairs

to play.

That’s when I became a queen. A crown(皇冠) was placed on my head while music

played in the background. My new role as a queen began when a bell rang. I was ____56____

(tell) that a royal feast(皇家盛宴) would take place that evening and that the entertainment

would be provided. I sat there and enjoyed her imagination in the sweetness of our moments

together. Her ____57____ (introduce) of every character in the royal feast was pretty clear. I

was ____58____ glad that I’d like to be with her longer. My days are busy, and time is

____59____ (value) to me. I think of it like a bank account(银行存款), and I get to decide

____60____ to spend it. When the final accounting is done at the end of my life, I hope I

spent it on my family and good work and have left behind plenty of precious memories for

those I love.


61.世卫组织和联合国儿童基金会将生活技能(life skills)作为全球青少年儿童发展的重要主题之一。请你根据图中提示写一篇英语短文,描述作为青少年,你们应提高哪些生活技能及如何提高自己的生活技能。除了提示中的内容,请你至少再补充一条。







Life skills are necessary for us. What life skills should we teenagers develop? And how?

Here is my opinion.


All in all, if we try our best to improve these life skills, we will lead happier and

healthier life.


本文标签: 短文填入生活单词