



·v. [riːtʃ] ( reaches; reached; reaching )



·vt. 到达 arrive at; get to

·vt. & vi. 伸出手臂; 延伸 be able to touch (sth) by stretching out a hand or

arm; be big enough to touch, stretch as far as

·vt. 联络 get a message to; get in touch with; contact


的基本意思是指人“到达”某地,引申可表示某人与其他人“达成”了一致的意见、协议等; 用于指物可表示某条道路、路线等“延伸”至某一地方,引申可表示某消息、影响“传到”某处。

既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。用作不及物动词时,常与after, for, to等介词连用。




reach a condition 达到一定的状态

reach a decision 作出决定

reach a good old age 到了很老的年龄

reach a large amount 成了很大的数目

reach a level 达到一定的水平

reach a particular stage 达到特定阶段

reach a second edition 再版

reach an agreement 达成一项协议

reach an identity of views 取得一致看法

reach bottom 到底

reach full manhood 到了成年

reach home 到家

reach land 到达陆地,找到稳固的立脚点

reach one's hands 伸出手

reach the case 适用于这种情况

reach the conclusion 得出结论

reach the goal 到达目的地


reach late 很迟到达

reach early 很早到达

reach accurately 精确地达到

reach apparently 明显地达到

reach automatically 自动达到

reach conveniently 方便联络

reach deliberately 刻意地达到

reach delightedly 高兴地达到

reach eventually 最终达到

reach grudgingly 勉强地达到

reach indirectly 间接达到

reach partially 部分达到

reach probably 可能达到

reach promptly 迅速伸出手臂

reach quickly 迅速达到

reach rapidly 迅速达到

reach safely 安全到达

reach shortly 立即达到

reach simultaneously 同时达到

reach slowly 慢慢地达到

reach temporarily 暂时达到

reach ultimately 最后到达

reach utterly 完全达到

reach wholly 完全达到

reach down (使)向下移动

reach down one's hat 伸手脱帽

reach down the book 把那本书拿下来

reach out one's hand 伸出手

reach up 抬起


reach across 伸过

reach after 竭力想达到〔得到〕

reach after fame and fortune 追名逐利

reach at 竭力想达到〔得到〕

reach at a flower 伸手去折花

reach for 伸手取,想得到

reach for the roof 举双手投降

reach in time 及时到达

reach into 把手伸进

reach out for mutual understanding 努力达到相互理解

reach to 延伸到

reach to the knee 达到膝部


reach across(v.+prep.)

把手伸过… stretch out a hand or arm across (sth)

▲reach sth across sth

He reached his hand across the table to shake hands with Jacelin.他隔着桌子把手伸过去和杰斯林握手。

reach after(v.+prep.)

追求; 试图获得 try to obtain sth

▲reach after sth

He never reaches after personal fame and gain.他从不追求个人名利。

For years he studied many forms of religion, reaching after the truth.多年来他研究了多种形式的宗教,试图找到真理。

His mind reached after an understanding of the problem.他开动脑筋,想弄懂这个问题。

reach back(v.+adv.)

▲reach back

1.身体后仰以便够到(某物) lean in a backward direction so as to touch sth with

the hand

If you reach back a bit, you can pass me the ball.如果你向后仰一点点,就可以把球递给我。

2.回忆 return in memory

〔说明〕 reach back作此解时通常不用于进行体。

The old man's memory reaches back to the last century.那位老人的思绪回到了上个世纪。

reach down(v.+adv.)

(使)向下移动 (cause to) move in a downward direction

▲reach sth⇔down

Reach down that book, please.请把那本书拿下来。

Can you reach that apple down in the tree?你能把树上那个苹果摘下来吗?

reach for(v.+prep.)

伸出…以触及 stretch (usually one's hand) so as to touch or hold sth

▲reach for sth

The soldier reached for his gun.那名士兵伸手去拿枪。

Eby reached for the stick.伊比伸手去拿棍棒。

He reached for the phone and quickly dialed a number.他伸手拿起电话,迅速拨了一个号码。

I reached for a floating log with my foot.我用脚去钩取一段漂浮着的木头。

reach into(v.+prep.)

▲reach into sth

1.伸进〔进入〕 stretch so as to enter sth

I can't reach into the pipe, it's too narrow.我的手伸不进那管子,它太细了。

He reached into his inside coat pocket and produced a pen.他把手伸进上衣里面的口袋,取出一支钢笔。

2.达到(某个数目); 延伸〔持续〕到 stretch as far as the beginning of (sth such

as an amount, space, or time)

〔说明〕 reach into作此解时通常不用于进行体,也不用于被动结构。

The tax bill reaches into thousands of dollars.应付的税款高达数千美元。

The cold weather has reached well into the spring.寒冷的气候延续到春天。

The peak reaches into the sky.山峰高耸入云。

reach out(v.+adv.)

(使)伸出 (cause to) stretch forward

▲reach out

He reached out and took my arm.他伸出手来挎住我的胳膊。

All manner of opportunities will come your way, but you must reach out for


▲reach sth⇔out

The child reached out a hand towards the plum.孩子把手伸向梅子。

He reached out his hand for the dictionary.他伸出手去拿词典。

When I could find no way out, he reached out a helping hand.正当我走投无路的时候,他向我伸出了援助的手。

A tree reaches out its branches towards the light.树枝向阳光处伸展。

reach to(v.+prep.)

触〔伸〕及; 及于 stretch (a hand, arm, or finger) as far as (sth)

▲reach to sth

Our campus reaches down to the river.我们的校园一直延伸到河边。

On one wall there was a bookcase that reached up to the ceiling.在一面墙边有个书架高达顶棚。

Her hair reached to her shoulders.她的头发垂及肩膀。

Her income reaches to a considerable figure.她的收入达到一笔可观的数目。

reach up(v.+adv.)

1.(使)往高处伸 (cause to) stretch high

▲reach up

I reached up and put the parcel on top of the cupboard.我伸手托起包裹将它放到了柜子顶上。

▲reach sth⇔up

Can you reach your arm up to that book on the top shelf?你伸胳膊能够着书架最高一层上的那本书吗?

2.争取向上发展 have hopes and expectations for one's future; attempt to win

▲reach up

You'll never get anywhere in your job unless you reach up to the highest

position in the form and take steps to fulfill your aim.除非你在公司里有望得到最高的地位并采取步骤来实现你的目标,否则你在工作中永远一事无成。




I can't reach so high.我够不到这么高。

We can see nothing but houses as far as the eye can reach.在目光所及范围内,我们除了房屋别的什么也看不见。



When will we reach our destination?我们何时到达目的地?

His influence hasn't reached the capital yet.他的影响还没到达首都。

The news reached every part of the world.消息传到世界各地。

I can't reach the top of the shelf unless I stand on a chair.我够不着书架顶,除非站在一把椅子上。

The expense will reach millions.这笔费用将达数百万。

He sent his son to join the army as soon as he reached eighteen.儿子一满18岁,他就送他去参军了。

She reached the end of endurance.她到了忍受的极限。

Not a sound reached our ears.我们听不到任何声音。

The speaker's voice did not reach the back of the hall.演讲者的声音传不到大厅的后部。

Her voice could not reach the last rows of students.后几排的学生听不见她的声音。

Your letter reached me this morning.你的信我今天早上收到了。

I haven't been able to reach my mother for weeks.我已经有好几个星期没和我母亲联系了。

You can usually reach him on this phone number.你通常可以用这个号码同他联系。

The rule does not reach the case.这条规则不适用于这个案例。

After a long discussion they reached an understanding.经过长期讨论后,他们达成了谅解。

Labour and management reached a peaceful settlement of their differences.劳资双方达成了和平解决争端的协议。

◇ 用于be ~ed结构

London can be reached in five hours.伦敦5小时就能到达。

Men are often reached by flattery.人常常因受到恭维而动心。



Please reach me the coffeepot.请把咖啡壶递给我。

She reached me a slice of bread.她递给我一片面包。

Can you reach me that box?你能把那个盒子递给我吗?

▲S+~+n./pron.+for pron./n.

Can you reach that book for me?你能把那本书递给我吗?



When will we reach Datong?


The highway reaches to Datong.


The baby reached at the ball.


The baby reached for the ball.




[误] We reached to London in the morning.

[正] We reached London in the morning.

[析] reach指“到达某地”时是及物动词,其后不用介词to。


[误] She reached the company for two hours.

[正] She reached the company two hours ago.

[正] It's two hours since she reached the company.

[析] reach是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间或表示状态的状语连用。


[误] Just then an old man reached me.

[正] Just then an old man came up to me.

[析] reach作“到达”解时只用地点作为宾语,用人作宾语是“联系”“递给”的意思。


·n. [riːtʃ] ( reaches )




伸手可及的距离 the distance that one can touch by stretching


(江河的)河段 continuous extent of a river between two bends or of a canal

between two locks






have a reach of 伸至…

make a reach for the rope 伸手去抓绳子

need a reach 需要伸长(手)


automatic reach 自动延伸

boundless reach 无限延伸

desolating reach 孤独的伸向

easy reach 容易伸到

endless reach 一直延伸

extended reach 延伸

illimitable reach 无限伸向

keen reach 渴望够得到

naughty reach 令人反感的限度

side reach 侧向伸出长度

sighing reach 渴望够得着

timid reach 害怕触及

utmost reach 最大限度范围

wide reach 范围大触及

wistful reach 渴望获得

arid reaches 干涸的河段

beautiful reaches of the Thames 泰晤士河的美丽的河段

sandy reaches 沙质的河段

trackless reaches 人迹未到的河段

vast reaches 广阔的河段

wonderful reach 很丰富的想象力


above reach 所不能及的

beyond sb's reach 非某人力所能及

get sth by a long reach (费力地)伸手拿到某物

out of sb's reach 非某人力所能及

out of the reach of danger 脱离险境

within easy reach of 在…附近


reach of imagination 想象力

reach of river 河区

reach of woodland 一大片林地

lower reaches of …的下游

middle reaches of …的中游

upper reaches of …的上游


beyond〔out〕 of one's reach

1.手不能及,够不着 outside the distance that a hand, etc. can be stretched


The shelf is so high it is well beyond my reach.架子太高,我根本够不着。

All these were beyond the reach of the ordinary people.这一切是普通人所不能及的。

The gang live abroad, beyond the reach of the British police.这帮匪徒住在国外,英国警方鞭长莫及。

It's beyond the reach of my imagination.这出乎我的想象。

2.达不到 not to be acquired

We were out of reach of the railway here.火车到不了我们这里。

The box was just out of reach.这盒子正好在够不着的地方。

That style of life is out of reach.那种生活你是达不到的。

They were out of reach of danger in the end.他们终于脱离了危险。

Keep those medicines out of reach of the children.把这些药放在孩子们够不着的地方。

within reach

伸手可及 inside the distance that a hand, etc. can be stretched out

Food and water were left within reach of the child.食物和水放在了孩子们能够得着的地方。

He threw down the dishes within reach.他把他所能拿到的盘子都掷了下来。

We live within easy reach of the shops.我们住在离商店很近的地方。

Choose a goal within your reach.选一个你能达到的目标。


He got a book on the shelf by a long reach.他伸长手去拿书架上的书。

By a long reach, the drowning man grasped the rope.手臂尽力一伸,这快淹死的人伸手抓住了绳子。

He made a reach for a rope.他伸手去抓绳子。

The climber slipped, made a reach for the rope and was saved.攀登者打滑,伸手抓紧绳子,幸而得救了。

We often divide a river into three parts, that is the upper, middle and lower


This is a small community living on the upper reaches of the Amazon.这是居住在亚马孙河上游的一个小社区。


[同义词] v. arrive at, get to, extend n. distance, extent, range,


[词源] <古英语rcan(到达)

本文标签: 伸手达到河段表示宾语