


1. According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when __C___.

A. he has saved up enough money B. he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter

C. he has satisfied his hunger satisfied ['sætisfaid] 他已经满足了他的饥饿 hunger ['hʌŋɡə]s

D. he has learned to build houses

2. It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War II, most Americans ___D___.

A. were very rich B. lived in poverty C. had the good things on the first three levels

D. did not own automobiles 从文章中可以推断出来,二战结束的时候,大多数美国人没有自己的汽车

3. Which of the following is NOT related to “physical satisfaction”? A下列各项哪个是与“物质满意”无关?

A. A successful career.一个成功的职业生涯 B. A comfortable home. C. A good meal. D. A family car.

4. What is the main concern of man on the fourth level? B什么是人的一个主要的问题在四水平?


['mentəl] adj. 精神的;脑力的;

A. The more goods the better. B. The more mental satisfaction the better. 更精神满意度越好 satisfaction [,sætis'fækʃən] n. 满意,

C. The more “luxury” items the better. D. The more earnings the better.

5. The author tends to think that the fifth level _____. B desirable [di'zaiərəbl] adj. 值得要的;令人满意的

A. would be little better than the fourth level B. may be a lot more desirable than the first four可能会有人需求超过第四层

C. can be the last and most satisfying level D. will become attainable before the government takes actions

6. What is the main idea of this passage? A 许多人的工作时间长,但是并不总是一大堆工作要做。

A. Many people work long hours but do not always do a lot of work. B. Most people can get more work done by working longer hours.

C. Most Americans work 80 hours a week, and some work even longer. D. People can make more money by working longer hours.

7. The management consultant wanted to find out ____ D__. 管理顾问,想找出来

A. how hard the investment banker worked during his work hours. B. when people spent time doing unnecessary work in their office.

C. if people needed vacation after working hard for a certain period of time.

D. whether Americans were really working harder than they had done before. 美国人是否真的更努力地工作比他们做过的事

8. Which of the following statements is TRUE? C

A. The more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes.

B. Employers do not judge their employees’ job performance according to the amount of working time.

C. Some people work more than 40 hours a week in the hope of getting promotion.有些人工作超过每周工作40小时,希望获得提升。

D. All employees are willing to spend extra time at work.


[prəu'məuʃən] n. 促进;提升

9. The 80-hour-a-week candidate would get the job because employers believe ___ B __. candidate ['kændideit,] n. 候选人,

A that he is more reliabl B. his example would lead other employees to work longer hours


C. he has better qualifications D. he could encourage other employees to do a better job

10. The expression “to do both” in the last paragraph is_____.表达"的同时做两件事”在最后一段

A. to finish their work satisfactorily and relax and enjoy themselves 完成自己的工作做得令人满意并放松享受自己

B. to pay attention to both performance and productivity

C. to work long hours and have short vacations D. to relax and enjoy themselves quite frequently

11. Our preferences for certain colors are _____ according to the passage.。

A. associated with the time of the day preference ['prefərəns] 偏爱,较喜欢 certain ['sə:tən] adj. 某一;必然的;

B. dependent on our personalities psychological [,psaikə'lɔd


ikəl] adj. 心理的;心理学的;精神上的

C. are linked with our ancestors factor ['fæktə] 因素 due [dju:, du:] adj. 到期的;预期的;

D. partly due to psychological factors 根据文章 我们的喜好部分由于某种颜色的心理因素。

12. If people are exposed to bright red, which of the following things does NOT happen?

如果人们暴露在明亮的红色,以下的事情不会发生? exposed [ik'spəuzd] adj. 暴露的,无掩蔽的 bright [brait] adj. 明亮的,鲜明的;

A. They breathe faster B. They feel satisfied. 他们感到很满意。 satisfied ['sætisfaid] adj. 感到满意的

C. Their blood pressure rises. D. Their hearts beat faster.

13. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Color probably has an effect on us which we are not conscious of.

B. Yellow fire engines have caused many bad accidents in some advanced communities.

黄色的消防车引起了许多不幸事故先进的社区。 accident ['æksidənt] 事故 community [kə'mju:niti]

C. People exposed to pure blue start to breathe more slowly. D. The psychology of color is of some practical use.

14. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? associated [ə'səuʃi,eitid] adj. 关联的

A. Manufacturers often sell sugar in green wrappings. B. Dark blue can bring people the feeling of being energetic.

C. Primitive people associated heat and anger with red. 原始人相关发怒热红色。 primitive ['primitiv] adj. 原始的

D. Green and yellow are associated with calm and passive defense. heat [hi:t] vt. 使激动;把…加热

15. Which of the following could be the most suitable title for the passage? suitable ['sju:təbl] adj. 适当的;相配的

A. The Branch of Color Psychology. B. Color and its Meanings.

C. The Practical Use of Color Psychology. D. Color and Feelings. 颜色和感觉。

16. My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but it is twice___ as ___expensive.

A. as B. so C. too D. very 我叔叔家房子在市中心,比我们的小得多,但比我们的昂贵两倍

17. Over the past decades, sea ice ___ has been decreasing __ in the Arctic (北极) as a result of global warming.

过去的几十年中,由于全球变暖北极的冰块在不断减少。 decreasing [di'kri:siŋ] adj. 渐减的

Has been doing over 表示持续的时间 decade ['dekeid] s n. 数十年

A. had decreased B. will decrease C. has been decreasing D. is decreasing

18. It is reported that the police will soon look __ into ____ the case of the two missing children.

A. upon B. after C. into D. out 据报道,警察将很快调查那两个孩子失踪的案件

19. If it ___ rains _ tomorrow, we will stay indoors to have our training class.

A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. rained 如果明天下雨,我们就在室内上我们的训练课程

20. James doesn’t like pop music, ____ neither__ does his sister.

A. so B. also C. either D. neither

21. By no means _will Jane agree _ to move to a new place far away from her workplace, because it isn’t convenient for her family and herself.


A. Jane will agree B. will Jane agree C. Jane will disagree D. will Jane disagree

22. _____ Unless __ you feel too ill to go out, I would rather not stay at home tonight.

A. Because B. Although C. Unless D. If 我宁愿今晚不呆在家里。 除非你感觉出去太不舒服了

23. I’m afraid that there isn’t ___ room ___ for you in my car. 恐怕没有剩余空间给你用我的车。

A. place B. seat C. comer. D. room

24. It suddenly __ occurred____ to me that we could use a computer to do the job. 我突然想起我们可以用电脑去做这项工作。

A. happened B. occurred


[ə'kə:d] v. 发生被发现


['sʌdnli] adv. 突然地C. agreed D. presented

25. We all believe that it would be hard for him to ___ take on ___ extra responsibilities now.


A. take apart B. take up C. take on D. take back

26. He was very rude to the customs officer, __ which _ of course made things even worse. 他对海关官员非常无礼,这当然使事情更糟糕了。

A. who B. whom C. what D. which

27. The monitor ___ distributed ___ the examination papers to the class for his teacher. 班长替老师分发考卷给同学们

A. delivered B. distributed [di'stribjutid] adj. 分布式的,分散式的 C. reported D. presented

28. Let’s start working on the project, ___ shall we ___? 让我们开始工作上项目,好吗?

A. shall we B. will we C. don’t we D. aren’t we

29. Sorry, officer. I __ shouldn’t have driven __ at 80 miles but I didn’t see any sign in the area telling people how fast they can drive.


A. should not drive B. shouldn’t have driven C. mustn’t drive D. can’t drive

30. Take the medicine now. I believe it will ____ relieve __ your pain. 吃药吧。我相信它将解除你的痛苦

A. release B. relive C. reject D. relieve [ri'li:v] vt. 解除,减轻

31. _____ Judged _ by the look on her face, she didn’t catch what I meant. 从她脸上的表情看,她没有听明白我的意思。

A. Judging B. Judge C. Judged [dʒʌdʒ] adj. 判断的v. 裁决;审理 D. To judge

32. The teacher has his students ____ write __ a composition every other week. 教师让他的学生写一篇作文,只是隔周去一次

A. to write B. written C. writing D. write

33. ___ Strong as he is ____, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours. 尽管他很强壮 8个小时的长途旅行他感到疲惫

A. Strong as he is B. The stronger he is C. Strong man that he is D. For he is strong

34. It was not until it got dark ____ that they stopped ___ working. 直到天黑了,他们停止工作。

A. that they stopped B. when they stopped C. did they stop D. that they didn’t stop

35. Before the child went to bed, the father asked him to ___ put away ____ all the toys he had taken out.

A. put off B. put up C. put away D. put out 孩子上床睡觉前,父亲要他把所有的取出玩具放阿好。

36. Evidence came up ___ that ___ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.

A. where B. that C. which D. what 事实证明六个月大得婴儿能识别某些口音

37. This composition is good _____ except for_____ some spelling mistakes. 这篇作文写得不错,只是有几处拼写错误。

A. except B. besides C. except that D. except for

38. Women all over the world are_______ calling for ___ equal pay for equal jobs. 妇女世界呼吁同等的待遇平等的工作。

A. calling on B. calling about C. calling off D. calling for

39. The teacher, as well as all his students, ___ was impressed _______ by the dancer’s performance.

A. was impressed B. had impressed C. impressed D. were impressed 老师以及他所有的学生,留下了深刻印象舞蹈者的性能

40. ____ As ___ is well known, the key to success lies in hard work. 众所周知,成功的关键在于勤奋。

A. Which B. That C. As D. What

41. It is time to _____ stop keeping women out of ___ fields in which they are just as capable as men.


A. keep women’s B. stop to keep women out C. keep women away D. stop keeping women out of

42. Would you mind ____ his playing ___ the computer game in your room? 你介意他在房间里玩电脑游戏吗?

A. him playing B. his playing C. him to play D. him play

43. By next year he _____ will have worked __ in New York for five years. 到明年他将在纽约工作五年了。

A. has worked B. has been working C. works D. will have worked

44. Only recently _____ has something been done ___ to deal with the environmental problems. 直到最近完成的东西处理环境问题

A. something has done B. has something done C. has something been done D. something has been done

45. I believe that every crime, __ in spite of____ the circumstance, should be severely punished.

A. in spite of尽管;不管, B. because of C. instead of D. on account of 我相信每一种犯罪的,不管情况下,应受到严厉的惩罚。

46. He didn’t dare to leave the house for fear someone would recognize him soon. 他不敢离开房间害怕有人会认出他来了。



[fiə]害怕 D

47. This is such a beautiful day that everyone around us feel like going out for a walk.

A B C D 这是一个美丽的日子,身边的人想要出去散步。

48. Dear Helen, please forgive him for his rudeness, can you ? 亲爱的海伦,请原谅他的粗鲁吧,是吗?


49. The passengers saw the thief stole on the bus, but they didn’t say anything. 在公共汽车上乘客们看见小偷偷东西,但是他们没有说什么。

A B C D stole [stəul] steal 的过去式 v. 偷窃,偷盗

50. Teenagers always long for the time which they are able to be independent. 青少年总多久时间使他们能够独立。


51. Traditionally, work determines our way of life. But if 98 percent of us 传统上,工作决定了我们的生活方式。


don’t need to work, what are we going to do with oneself? 但是如果98%的人不需要工作,我们当怎样办呢?


52. Some old beautiful Italian oil paintings are being displayed in the exhibition hall. 一些旧美丽的意大利油画被显示在展示厅里。


53. Not knowing the language and having no friends in the country, he found impossible to get a job.



54. Once giving a set of instructions, a computer can gather a wide ranger of information for different purposes.



55. “Shall I give you a cheque for $10?” “I’d rather you give me $10 in notes.” 我可以给你10美元的支票?我宁愿你给我10美元钱笔记。


In every cultivated language there are two great classes of words, which makes up the whole vocabulary. First, there are those words 56

which we become familiar in daily conversation, which we 57 , that is to say, from the 58 of our own family and from our friends, and

59 we should know and use 60 we could not read or write. They 61 the common things of life with all the people who 62 the

language. Such words may be called “popular”, since they belong to the people 63 and are not excluded 64 a limited class.

On the other hand, our language 65 a large number of words which are comparatively 66 used in ordinary conversation. Their

meanings are known to every educated person, but there is little 67 to use them at home or in the market-place. Our 68 acquaintance

(熟悉) with them comes not from our mother’s 69 or from the talk of our schoolmates, 70 from books that we read, lectures that we

71 , or the more 72 conversation of highly educated speakers who are discussing some particular 73 in a style properly higher

above the habitual 74 of everyday life. Such words are called “learned”, and the 75 between them and the “popular” words is of great

importance to a right understanding of language study process.

56. A. at B. with C. by D. through

57. A. study B. imitate C. stimulate D. learn

58. A. mates B. relatives C. members D. fellows

59. A. which B. that C. those D. ones

60. A. even B. despite C. even if D. in spite of

61. A. mind B. concern C. care D. relate

62. A. hire B. apply C. adopt D. use

63. A. in public B. at most C. at large D. at best

64. A. in B. from C. with D. on

65. A. consists B. consists of C. makes D. composes

66. A. seldom B. much C. greatly D. often

67. A. possibility B. way C. reason D. necessity

68. A. primary B. first C. principal D. prior

69. A. tips B. mouth C. ears D. tongue

70. A. besides B. and C. yet D. but

71. A. hear of B. attend C. hear from D. listen

72. A. former B. formula C. formal D. forward

73. A. theme B. topic C. idea D. point

74. A. border B. link C. degree D. extent

75. A. relation B. distinction C. connection D. similarity

56本句中由with which引导的定语从句,修饰先行词those words。短语become acquainted with sb./sth.意为“认识某人,了解某事。”



family member意为“家庭成员”,fellow意为“伙伴,家伙”。

59which引导非限制性定语从句,和前面的定语从句并列,修饰先行词those words,关系代词that只能在限制性定语从句中代替which。

60even if在这里引导条件状语从句。Even是副词,不能引导状语从句。In spite of和despite表示“尽管”,为介词词组或介词,也不能





63at large意为“普遍的、一般的”,in public意为“公开地、当众”,at most意为“至多、不超过”,at best意为“充其量、至多”。


65comprise“包含、包括、由……组成”。compose常用于被动结构be composed of表示“由……组成”。consist是不及物动词,必须和of






69learn sth from ones lips是固定搭配,表示“从某人嘴里得知”。


71attend a lecture“参加一个讲座”。







76. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat; when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats

dance into view.

77. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the feeding, comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs

for recognition, achievement, and happiness.

78. Apparently many people believe that the more time a person spends at work, the more he or she accomplishes.

79. In fact, many studies indicate that after a certain point, anyone’s productivity and creativity begin to decrease.

80. Experiments have shown that colors, partly because of their psychological associations, also have a direct psychological effect.

76. 当一个饥饿的人吃了一顿饭,他就开始考虑一件外衣,当一个经理拥有了一辆新跑车,一所大房子和游艇就在他的考虑之列了。

77. 其他层次涉及的是物质的满足,也就是说,吃饱、舒适、安全和交通便利,然而这一层次强调被认可、成功和幸福等精神需求。

78. 很明显,许多人相信,一个人工作的时间越长,他/她取得的成就越大。

79. 事实上,许多研究都表明,过了某一特定的时间点,任何人的生产效率和创造力都开始下降。

80. 实验表明,由于颜色与心理有一些关联,所以也会产生直接的心理效应。

81. 正是那棵树在洪水中救了他们的命。

82. 然而,在那个国家还有成千上万的年轻人却很难找到工作。

83. 由于我没有读过这本书,所以我无法对此作出评论。

84. 学生应该在上课之前完成家庭作业。

85. 直到昨天他才改变了他的主意。

81. It is that tree that saved their lives in the flood.

82. However, there are still thousands of young people who are hard to find a job in that country.

83. Because I have not read the book, I can not make comment on it.

84. The students should finish their homework before they go to class.

85. It was not until yesterday that he changed his mind.

本文标签: 意为工作表示没有颜色