



UNIT 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?

Section A (1a-4c)


1. v. 允许,准许

3. v. 猜测,估计

5. n. 关系,联系

7. v. 争吵,争论

9. adj. 年纪较长的

11. pron. 任何;每一

12. adj. 紧张的,焦虑的


14. adj. 正确的,恰当的

16. v. 交流,沟通

18. adj. 清楚易懂的,晴朗的

20. v. 归还,回来



1. communicate— (名词)

3. cloud— (形容词)

5. second— (副词)


1. 浏览,快速查看

3. 解决,算出


1. Although she's wrong, . 尽管她错了,但没什么大不了的。

2. Hope things . 希望事情会好起来。

3. They a lot, and I really don't like it. 他们经常争吵,我真的不喜欢这样。

UNIT 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?


2. adj. 有毛病,错误4. n. 协议,交易

6. n. 交流,沟通

8. n. 云

10. adv. 代替,反而

13. v. 主动提出,自15. adv. 第二;其次

17. v. 解释,说明

19. v. 抄袭,复制

21. adv. 再也(不);2. argue— (名词)

4. explain— (名词)

2. 重要的事

4. 与……友好相处


Section A (1a-4c)


1. allow v. 允许,准许

3. guess v. 猜测,估计

5. relation n. 关系,联系

7. argue v. 争吵,争论

9. elder adj. 年纪较长的

11. whatever pron. 任何;每一

12. nervous adj. 紧张的,焦虑的

14. proper adj. 正确的,恰当的

16. communicate v. 交流,沟通

18. clear adj. 清楚易懂的,晴朗的

20. return v. 归还,回来



1. communicate— communication (名词) 2. argue— argument (名词)

3. cloud— cloudy (形容词)

5. second— secondly (副词)


1. look through 浏览,快速查看

3. work out 解决,算出



1. Although she's wrong, it's not a big deal . 尽管她错了,但没什么大不了的。

2. Hope things work out . 希望事情会好起来。

3. They fight a lot, and I really don't like it. 他们经常争吵,我真的不喜欢这样。

Section B (1a-Self Check)



2. wrong adj. 有毛病,错误的

4. deal n. 协议,交易

6. communication n. 交流,沟8. cloud n. 云

10. instead adv. 代替,反而

13. offer v. 主动提出,自愿给15. secondly adv. 第二;其次

17. explain v. 解释,说明

19. copy v. 抄袭,复制

21. anymore adv. 再也(不);4. explain— explanation (名词)

2. a big deal 重要的事

4. get on well with 与……友好


1. n. 成员,分子

3. v. 对抗,竞争

5. n. 技艺,技巧

7. n. (美式)橄榄球,足球

9. v. 持续,继续存在

11. adj. 疯狂的

13. n. 发展,成长,发育

15. adj. 通常的,寻常的


1. press— (名词)

2. compete— (名词)

3. skill— (形容词)

5. develop— (名词)


1. 删除,删去

2. 把……和……进行比较

3. 根据某人的看法

5. 上课外课

7. 进入

9. 各种各样的

11. 对……有好处


2. n. 压力

4. n. 意见,想法

6. adj. 典型的

8. adj. 快的,迅速的

10. v. 比较

12. v. 推动,鞭策

14. v. 造成,引起

16. adv. 可能,大概

4. quick— (副词)

6. usual— (反义词)

4. 学习做……

6. 考试技巧

8. 以至于

10. 对某人过于严厉

12. 许多,大量

1. Maybe I could a few of their activities, but…


2. They have a quick dinner, and then homework.


3. People shouldn't their kids so .


Section B (1a-Self Check)


1. member n. 成员,分子

3. compete v. 对抗,竞争

5. skill n. 技艺,技巧

2. pressure n. 压力

4. opinion n. 意见,想法

6. typical adj. 典型的



7. football n. (美式)橄榄球,足球

9. continue v. 持续,继续存在

11. crazy adj. 疯狂的

13. development n. 发展,成长,发育

15. usual adj. 通常的,寻常的


1. press— pressure (名词)

2. compete— competitor/competition (名词)

3. skill— skillful (形容词)

5. develop— development (名词)


1. cut out 删除,删去

2. compare…with… 把……和……进行比较

3. in one's opinion 根据某人的看法

5. take after-school classes 上课外课

7. get into 进入

9. all kinds of 各种各样的


11. be good for 对……有好处


8. quick adj. 快的,迅速的

10. compare v. 比较

12. push v. 推动,鞭策

14. cause v. 造成,引起

16. perhaps adv. 可能,大概

4. quick— quickly (副词)

6. usual— unusual (反义词)

4. learn to do… 学习做……

6. exam skills 考试技巧

8. so that 以至于

10. push sb. too hard 对某人过12. a lot of 许多,大量

1. Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but…


2. They have a quick dinner, and then it's time for homework.


3. People shouldn't push their kids so hard .


UNIT 4 达标测试卷

时间:120分钟 满分:120分




1. What does Jack want to buy?



2. What did Tony's brother lose?

3. How does the boy like his new school life?

A. Terrible. B. Interesting.

4. How often does John call his parents?

A. Once a day. B. Twice a day.

5. What will Sally do if she argues with her best friend?

A. She will tell her parents.

B. She will say sorry to her best friend.

C. She will spend time alone.



6. What's the date next Sunday?

A. August 15th.

C. December 25th.

7. What did the boy tell the girl to do at last?

A. Make some cards by herself.

B. Buy some cards for her uncle.

C. Ask her parents for some money.


8. What's the relationship(关系) between the two speakers?

A. Father and daughter.

C. Friends.

9. Who did the girl argue with?

A. Her mother. B. Her brother.

10. What did the man tell the girl to do?

C. Relaxing.

C. Once a week.

B. September 10th.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Her friend.



A. Go to Jim's house.

C. Write Jim a letter.

三、短文理解。 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

11. Where does Mike work?

A. In a factory.

C. In a hospital.

12. Why does Jenny stay at home?

A. Because she likes cooking.

B. Because she doesn't want to work.

C. Because she doesn't have a job.

13. Why did Mike get home very late one day?

A. Because he wanted to eat in a restaurant.

B. Because he had a lot of work to do.

C. Because he was angry with his wife.

14. How did Mike feel when he found his dinner was not ready?

A. Hungry. B. Angry.

B. Call Jim up.

B. In a restaurant.

C. Glad.

15. Why did Mike's wife ask him to wait for five minutes?

A. To get the dinner ready.

B. To go out to buy dinner for Mike.

C. To be ready to go out for dinner with Mike.


Advice to Rachel






Have enough time to get ready for 16. ________.

Care about 17. ________ you are with and where you are going.

18. ________ or take part in some after-school activities.

19. ________ when meeting other people.

Talk about your 20. ________ with your parents or friends.






21. We each have a different ____ on the plan for our trip.

A. promise B. opinion C. advice D. discussion

22. —Jack ____ to help at the underground station on Saturdays.

—Cool! Let's join him next Saturday.

A. offers B. refuses C. forgets D. needs

23. —I do feel a little____ about making a speech.

—Take it easy. The more you prepare, the better you will feel.

A. angry B. excited C. nervous D. bored

24. —Did you call him up last night?

—No, I didn't. I wrote him a letter ____.

A. instead B. also C. already D. however

25. —How are you getting on ____ your new classmates?

—Very well. They are all very friendly.

A. to B. for C. at D. with

26. —Why me again? Why not ask Mark to do it?

—I won't ____ with you. Just do it!

A. share B. live C. argue D. return

27. —Look! Some people are running the red lights.

—We should wait ____ others are breaking the rule.

A. until B. if C. unless D. though

28. Can you help me ____ the article to see if there are any mistakes?

A. look after

C. look through

B. look like

D. look for

29. —Jim, you shouldn't argue with your friend. You are really best friends.

—____ Thanks for your advice.

A. Really?

C. Why?

30. —I had a fight with my best friend. ____?

—Why not write him a letter to say sorry?


B. You're right.

D. Sounds great.


A. What should I do

C. What's your friend like

B. What's wrong

D. How is it going



Do you talk with your parents about your problems? When you talk, do your parents

__31__ you and believe what you say? Some parents are good listeners but some are __32__ to

talk to. The way you talk can __33__ different results. Here is some __34__ for you.

Be clear. Tell your parents what you think and want as __35__ as possible. They will be

more helpful if they __36__ what you mean.

Be honest (诚实的). If you're honest, your parents will __37__ what you say. If you hardly

tell them the truth, it will be __38__ for them to believe you.

Don't argue with them. If you __39__ your parents, you can try to understand them. If you

and your parents can understand each other, you will be able to __40__ in a friendly way.

31. A. depend on

C. give up

32. A. easy

33. A. refuse

34. A. talent

35. A. softly

36. A. understand

C. point

37. A. believe

38. A. successful

C. difficult

39. A. compete with

C. look through

40. A. break B. write


Mario and Jimmy were brothers. Once, they __41__ each other over a small thing. Their

relations became __42__ and they said terrible things to each other. At last, they stopped any


B. take after

D. listen to

B. hard

B. solve

B. advice

B. strongly

C. late

C. delete

C. stress

C. clearly

B. control

D. question

B. dislike C. copy D. change

B. interested

D. outgoing

B. explain to

D. disagree with

C. talk D . fight

D. early

D. cause

D. news

D. safely


kind of __43__ between them.

One day, a man knocked (敲) on Mario's door. “I'm __44__ some work. Perhaps you can

help me,” the man said. Mario pointed at a river and said, “Please __45__ a wall here so that I

don't have to see his place anymore. ”

“It's easy, __46__ I need some tools (工具),” the man said.

Mario went to the store to buy the tools. When he __47__, instead of a wall, he saw a

bridge over the river between his house and Jimmy's. Jimmy saw the bridge too. He said to

Mario, “I was __48__ to say all the terrible things to you. Thank you for trying the new way to

work out our problem. ”

“It's all right. It's not a big __49__ after all,” Mario said.

The brothers wanted to invite the man for dinner, but he __50__. “I'm leaving. I have more

bridges to build,” he said.

41. A. depended on

C. got on with

42. A. great

43. A. competition

C. difference

44. A. looking after

C. looking at

45. A. build

46. A. or

47. A. planned

48. A. wrong

49. A. news

50. A. agreed

B. break

B. until

B. expected

B. glad

B. story

B. refused

B. easy

B. argued with

D. cared about

C. bad

B. decision

D. communication

B. looking for

D. looking up

C. push

C. but

C. offered

C. sure

C. deal

C. believed




A: Hi, Lily. You look unhappy. 51. ________

B: Well, I love music but my mother doesn't allow me to listen to it.


D. quick

D. accept

D. because

D. returned

D. clever

D. joke

D. deleted


A: 52. ________

B: Because she thinks listening to music is a waste of time.

A: 53. ________ I also love music. It makes me relaxed and helps me study better.

B: Right. Music brings me much, too. But how can I solve my problem? Can you give

me some advice?

A: Of course. 54. ________

B: No, I don't. We often argue.

A: I think communicating with each other is a better way. You can have a good talk

with your mother.

B: 55. ________ Thank you very much.

A. OK, I will try. B. What's wrong?

C. You can ask your father for help.

D. Why doesn't she allow you to do that?

E. Do you often communicate with your mother?

F. I don't think so.

G. What do you want to do?



Dear Kids Helper Magazine,

My name is Evan. I don't think being the eldest child in the family is a wonderful thing.

First of all, I have to share all my toys (玩具) and games with my younger sister and brother,

Julia and William. Of course, they don't need to share theirs with me because I'm not interested

in their things. What's more, Julia and William are always following me here and there. It's

especially (尤其) a headache when my friend visits me. We look for a quiet place in the house

where they can't disturb(打扰) us, but in minutes they will find us and ask to join in. I can't seem

to get any peace at home.

At mealtime, I have to eat whatever is on my plate. But Julia and William only need to try

one bite (一口) when it's not their favorite food. Not only this, but I need to be an example to




It doesn't seem fair that I have more chores to do around the house than Julia and William.

Also, when it comes to homework, I have so much to do compared with(与……相比) them!

Every day I spend at least one and a half hours doing it, but it takes them just ten minutes! Oh,

the worst part of it is that I have to practice the piano after dinner, but they needn't.

I'm feeling really upset about the situation. What can I do? I'm looking forward to hearing

from you soon.

Yours truly,

Evan Smith

56. How many children are there in Evan's family?

A. Two.

C. Four.

B. Three.

D. Five.

57. If Evan finds the food isn't his favorite at mealtime, what can he do?

A. He only needs to try one bite.

B. He doesn't need to eat it at all.

C. He can leave some to his parents.

D. He has to eat all that he's been given.

58. Why did Evan write the letter?

A. To ask for advice.

B. To work for a magazine.

C. To try out for the school writing club.

D. To speak out his feelings to be less angry.


Do you know that over ten million American kids go to camp every summer? Summer

camp has been a US tradition for about 170 years. Kids have different reasons for making camp

part of their lives, such as:

◆To Meet New People

Camp might give you a chance to be with people from different states, or even different

countries. It's a great way to make new friends and learn about different places and cultures.



◆To Enjoy Nature

There's a great big natural world out there and going to camp helps you learn how beautiful

and important it really is. Without trees, water and wildlife, the Earth (and all the people on it)

couldn't survive (生存).

◆To Learn New Skills

Camping can also help you develop important life skills like independence and confidence.

Since you'll live with a whole group of people, it's also a great way to learn about team work.

◆To Get Healthy

Most camps offer games and activities that you probably can't do in your backyard or even

your neighborhood: You might try hundreds of cool things! With all the fun games and physical

activities, going to camp can be a great way to get exercise and fresh air. Swimming, hiking and

doing sports are much healthier than staying at home all summer.

59. When did the Americans start to have summer camp?

A. In the 1800s.

C. In the 1900s.

60. From the last paragraph, we know ____.

A. staying at home helps you keep healthier

B. you can't do any other cool things from camping

C. going camping isn't a good way to exercise

D. camping offers games you probably can't do in the neighborhood

61. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Camping is a good way to make more friends.

B. We can live without trees or water.

C. We can develop our life skills at a summer camp.

D. Camping is a great way for us to get much healthier.

62. The passage is mainly about “____”.

A. how people in America go camping

B. what American kids do during summer camp

C. why American kids like summer camp

D. how summer camp has been a tradition in America


B. In the 1850s.

D. In the 1950s.



Once there was a club that only smart people could join. Many people wanted to join it so

that they would be able to spend more time with other smart people.

One night, the club's members were having a dinner party in a restaurant. They talked and

enjoyed their food. One of them thought that his salad tasted a little tasteless, so he asked for a

salt shaker (调料瓶) and added some salt. However, it turned out to be sugar. The group found

that the salt on the table was in the sugar shaker while the sugar was in the salt shaker.

The club members told the waiter (服务员) about the problem. But there were no other

bottles. How could the waiter solve this problem? After a long discussion, the group suggested

(建议) some ways to make it right.

But the waiter simply looked at the shakers and said, “It's easy. ” He took the labels off

both shakers and exchanged (互换) them. The room quickly became silent.

Sometimes we make problems more difficult to solve than they should be. It's good to take

a step back and see if there is a simpler way first.

63. What problem did the group run into?

A. Their salad tasted a little tasteless.

B. They had nothing to eat but the salad.

C. There was no salt or sugar shaker on the table.

D. Sugar and salt were put in the wrong shakers.

64. The underlined word “labels” means ____ in Chinese.

A. 标签 B. 瓶盖 C. 灰尘 D. 玻璃

65. What does the story teach us about the problems we face?

A. Ask others for advice.

B. Think out of the box.

C. Leave them for the smart.

D. Solve them on our own.


Question: I always get up late for school. I tried to go to bed early, but I couldn't

fall asleep. So I couldn't get up early the next morning. What should I do?




Advice: You're right to go to bed early. You can listen to some light music and

drink warm milk. They can help you fall asleep easily. In that way, you may get up

early and be on time for school.

Question: I find it very difficult to make friends. What can I do?


Advice: Your problem may be that you are too shy. But I can't give you the right

advice until I know more about you. Please write back and tell me more about


Question: I can't do well in my study. My grades are always at the bottom (底部) of

the class. How can I improve that?


Advice: You can study hard in one subject at first. Then move on to another subject.

Be patient with yourself. In the end, you won't be at the bottom in your class in all

the subjects.

66. What is Tom's problem?

A. He is always late for school.

B. He finds it hard to make friends.

C. He is at the bottom of the class.

D. He needs help with his homework.

67. What may happen to Molly if she follows the advice?

A. She won't do well in one subject.

B. Her grades will get better.

C. She will fall asleep easily.

D. Her teacher will like her best.

68. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Country music can help people fall asleep easily.

B. We can improve our grades quickly.



C. The passage may come from the advice part in a newspaper.

D. There are three pieces of advice for Sara.


One day, a boy had a fight with one of his classmates. He didn't wait until school was over

and hurried home to his grandfather. He told him his story angrily. “He is really bad,” the boy

said, “and I hate him. ”

The grandfather said, “Let me tell you a story. When I was a boy,l sometimes hated others

for what they did…”

As the boy listened carefully, the grandfather went on, “There are always two tigers inside

my heart. One is good and kind. He gets on well with everything around him. But the other is

bad and unfriendly. Even the smallest thing will make him angry. He fights with everyone all

the time,and for no reason. He can't think carefully because he always hates others. lt is difficult

to live with these two tigers inside my heart. They both try to control(控制)me. ”

The boy looked into his grandfather's eyes and asked, “Which tiger always controls you,


The old man said slowly and seriously, “The one that I feed. I always feed the good and

kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now. ”

69. The boy went to his grandfather ____.

A. before he went to school

B. when he went to school

C. after school was over

D. after he had a fight

70. The bad tiger fights with everyone all the time ____.

A. because others want to kill him

B. because he wants to eat others

C. for no reason

D. because others aren't friendly to him

71. The good tiger can control the grandfather because ____.

A. the good tiger is much stronger

B. the good tiger can get along well with others



C. the grandfather hates the bad tiger

D. the grandfather treats(对待) the tiger very well

72. The writer wants to tell us ____ in the passage.

A. how to feed tigers well

B. how to control our feelings

C. how to get along with others

D. how to fight with others



Charlie didn't know how to look after what he had. After playing with his toys, Charlie

began to want something different. Last Sunday, his uncle gave him a horse. Charlie was very

excited. He learned to ride and went here and there on his horse.

However, he treated (对待) the horse as badly as he did with all his other toys, and it soon

looked sick. For the first time Charlie became truly worried. He loved the horse.

One day, he saw a girl with a horse. The girl fed the horse carefully, and she never hit it. He

saw the girl spend lots of time taking care of it. Charlie was surprised. He didn't do any of that to

his horse.

Charlie decided to change and began to take good care of his horse. His horse finally

became healthy. Charlie felt tired but so happy. From then on, he gave up asking for new toys.

He repaired and cared for his old toys and enjoyed playing with them.

73. How did Charlie feel when his horse was ill?(不超过5个词)


74. Why was Charlie surprised when he saw what the girl did?(不超过10个词)


75. What can we learn from the passage?(不超过10个词)







76. Li Hui and his e________(年长的) brother study in the same school.

77. P________(可能) I'll go to Japan on holiday this summer, but I'm not sure.

78. How many m________(成员) are there in the music club?

79. Would you please help me p________(推动) the chair outside?

80. It is u________(寻常的) to meet difficulties in our life.

十、 书面表达。(共1小题,满分20分)

假如你是赵娜,你们学校英文广播站正在征集文章,文章的标题是“How to deal

with the stress in our life”。请你根据以下提示,写一篇文章投稿。

提示: 1. talk with our parents

2. have a good rest

3. take up a hobby…

要求: 1. 语句通顺、符合逻辑,可适当发挥;

2. 不少于70词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

How to deal with the stress in our life

Nowadays, more and more students are under great stress. It is important for us to deal

with it properly.







第一部分 听力


一、1. W: Hey, Jack! I'm so glad to see you here. What do you want to buy?

M: Oh, some coffee. You know, I always study until midnight.

2. W: Why are you so angry, Tony?

M: My brother took my favorite book Harry Potter without asking and he lost


3. W: How is your new school life?

M: Terrible. I don't know how to get on with my classmates.

4. W: John, did you call your parents up just now?

M: Yes. I call them up every Sunday.

5. M: Sally, what will you do if you argue with your best friend?

W: I will say sorry to her if it's my fault. But I will never tell my parents.

二、Text 1

W: Next Sunday is Teachers' Day. I want to send some cards to my teachers, but

I don't have enough money. What should I do?

M: Well, you can make some cards.

W: Oh, no. I don't like to do that.

M: Then I think you can ask your parents for some money.

Text 2

W: Dad, I argued with my friend, Jim. What should I do?

M: You should say sorry to him.

W: I know I should, but it's not easy.

M: It's not difficult. You can call him. I think you'll be good friends again.

三、 Mike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a day's work. His wife,

Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have

dinner when he gets home from his factory.

One day,Mike came home very late because he was very busy in the



factory. He was very hungry when he got home.

He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very

angry with his wife. He shouted at her, “I'm going out to eat in a

restaurant. ”“Wait for five minutes,” said his wife. “Why? Do you think that

dinner will be ready in five minutes?”asked Mike.

“Of course not,” she answered. “But I can be ready to go with you in five

minutes. ”

四、Dear Rachel,

I got your letter. I know you're not happy at school. What should you do?

First, you should have enough time to get ready for school so that you can

feel you're just yourself. Second, you should care about who you are with and

where you are going. Then, you should volunteer or take part in some

after-school activities. Next, you should smile when you meet other people.

Finally, if you have problems, you should talk to your friends or parents. They

are always there to help you. If you do all these, you will feel happy.



一、1~5: CBACB 二、6~10: BCACB 三、11~15: ACBBC

四、16. school 17. who 18. Volunteer 19. Smile 20. problems

第二部分 英语知识运用

五、21. B

22. A 点拨: 句意: ——杰克周六主动到地铁站帮忙(做义工)。——太棒了!下周六让我们加入他吧。

23. C 点拨: 句意: ——对于演讲,我确实感到有点儿紧张。——放轻松。你准备得越多,你就会感到越好。nervous紧张的。

24. A 25. D 26~30: CDCBA

六、A)31~35: DBDBC 36~40: AACDC

B)41~45: BCDBA 46~50: CDACB

第三部分 阅读理解



七、51~55: BDFEA

八、A)56~58: BDA B)59~62: BDBC C)63~65: DAB

D)66~68: ABC E)69~72: DCDB

F)73. He felt worried.

74. Because he didn't do any of that to his horse.

75. We should learn to care for what we have.

第四部分 写

九、76. elder 77. Perhaps 78. members 79. push 80. usual

十、One possible version:

How to deal with the stress in our life

Nowadays, more and more students are under great stress. It is important

for us to deal with it properly.

First, when we have the stress about life or studies, we can talk with our

parents. They are very glad to help us. Second, we should have a good rest at

night and shouldn't stay up late. Third, we can take up a hobby such as playing

the piano, playing badminton or reading books. These can help us relax and

forget the stress. Fourth, we can go out with our friends and enjoy ourselves.


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