


unit 6


Word Bank

ass: n. hip (top<->bottom<->margin)臀部; hip-shoot莽撞

(audio-:与听力有关->) audition (interview: n./vt.-> interviewer<-> interviewee; trainer教练<->trainee受训者; addresser演讲人<->addressee听众);employer雇主<->employee雇员): v. to

take part in a trial performance试演,试播

[hand (push) cart->carriage/coach; auto-: 自动-> (auto + mobile->) automobile汽车; alto)

autobiography: n. the biography written by that person自传

buyout: n. the entire purchase全部买下

campaign: n. series of operations运动/ movement

(celebrate->) celebrity: n. a famous person名人

(circle园->cycle周期->recycle回收->circulate->) circulation: n. the number of copies of a

publication发行量; public: (1)adj. ~property; (2)n., e.g. in public公开地;publicate =publish出版

cognac: n. a brandy produced in the vicinity of cognac一种法国白兰地

convention: n. (1)a formal meeting会议; 制度-> conventional: adj. traditional传统的

copywriter: n. one who writes copy, especially for advertising广告(文案)撰稿人;copier复印机; copyright版权

(co + operate->) corporate (->corporation协作): adj. of a company公司的; student version学生版; home version, professional version, corporate version企业版

corporation: n. a company as a separate legal entity公司,法人

[de-:(1)向下; (2)加强] dejected: adj. being in low (high) spirits; depressed垂头丧气的,情绪低落的; the Great Depression大萧条

[monitor: (1) n. 班长/ 监视器;(2)监控] deputy: n. an assistant of authority for the superior副手

[despair: (1)n.; (2)vi.->] desperate: adj. losing all hope; despairing绝望的

fold: v. to fail 失败

formidable: adj. fearful; frightening可怕的, 难对付的; be frightened be sth.

(humiliate->) humiliation: n. degradation羞辱

illegible: adj. not legible; unclear模糊的,难辨的

inadvertently: adv. (attention注意力) not attentively; carelessly未留心地,疏忽地

nonprofit: adj. not seeking profits非盈利的; profit from sth.从中获利;profit sb.对…有利

outsource: v. to subcontract外包

overzealous: adj. excessively enthusiastic (->enthusiasm)过分热情的

pension: n. a sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit退休金,抚恤金

(per-: through; severe: adj.激烈,e.g. ~ competition激烈的竞争) persevere: v. persist; hold


publication: n. an issue of printed material for sale or distribution出版物

rally: v. to reassemble; to restore , to rouse or to revive重整,重振;assemble组装->assembly


retrospect: n. a review回顾评论; Peking Review北京周报

ruse: (=trick) n. a strategy (->strategic missile战略导弹)诡计,计策;

(secret: n. ->secretary->) secretarial: adj. of the secretary秘书的


shorthand: n. a system of rapid handwriting速记; be short of sth. 短缺

speedwriting: n. a form of shorthand that uses letters速记法

temporary (->temporarily暂时地): adj. lasting for a limited time暂时的

tenacity: n. perseverance坚韧

(turbine涡轮->) turbulent: adj. restless; violent骚动的,动荡的

Phrases and Expressions

be on the air: to broadcast广播 [On air]

head for (make for / go to somewhere): to proceed for动身,前往

keep sb. in line: to control sb.控制某人

stand on sb's own (=self-rely): to be independent and responsible for oneself独立,自立

thanks to: on account of; because of因为, 由于

Reading Comprehension

Choose the best for each of the following.

1. Right after graduation, the author ( B )

A. worked as an editor of a magazine

B. co-wrote a book

C. worked in a broadcasting company

D. became a secretary

2. Why was the author fired? ( C )

A. Because she had illegible handwriting.

B. Because she had the ass of the company heads in four colors.

C. Because she made a mistake when writing letters to the heads of major corporations.

D. Because the editor didn't like her.

3. Sherrye Henry lost the job because ( A )

A. the organization had financial troubles

B. she worked for Clinton Administration

C. she was the last one in

D. she was a female

4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Lynn Sherr? ( D )

A. She was ABC's award-winning television correspondent.

B. She was gainfully employed at WCBS-TV

C. She was fired by WCBS.

D. She has never been on the air.

5. What does the author hope to convey in the article? ( A )

A. If fired, don't give up, and you will find a fulfilling career.

B. If fired, you should find a way back.

C. If fired, your wings will help you.

D. Losing a job is the biggest trouble in one's life.

II. Complete the following summary of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter

of each word has been given to you.


(1) Fresh out of Barnard College and the Speedwriting Institute (Department), I was lucky

enough to find a job as a (2) secretary to the editor of Coupon Magazine which was advertising

dependent. I had distinctly illegible handwriting. In a letter to one of the heads of a major

corporation, I (3) mistakenly wrote the d in ads as an s. The president who was invited received the

letter to "have his ass in four colors" in our (4) publication. I was fired, but lucky enough to become

the (5) copywriter of the editor. Firings happened later in my life. But with persistence, I gained my

success. (6) Similar experiences happened to Sherrye Henry, Paul Jones, and Lynn Sherr. All of

them chose to (7) persevere and they finally found ways back to a (8) fulfilling career. And they all

learned that the pain and humiliation were (9) temporary. So don't be afraid to move on and try your

(10) wings. Rally your support system. Firing doesn't mean your life is over. It might turn out to be

the best thing that ever happened to you.


I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

1. ___A__ your advice (->advise), much trouble was avoided.

A. Thanks to B. Supposes to C. Since D. Despite

2. She was __C___ in (pursue->) pursuit (law suit诉讼案) of her singing star. She followed

him on most occasions.

A. excessive过度的 B. spontaneous同时/ 及时的

C. overzealous D. accessible可得到的

3. Can you see what this note says--its writing is almost __A___.

A. illegible B. illegal C. obvious D. understandable

4. By the way, I __B___ really must correct a false impression that I gave just now

A. attentively关切地

B. inadvertently=carelessly (不注意的, 疏忽的, 无意中做的)

C. intentionally=on purpose故意地

D. insensibly不明智地

5. The magazine has ceased (#stopped; cease fire# stop fire) __C___ in the financial crisis.

A. publicity (n. 宣传->publicize: vt.)

B. (promote->加薪/晋级->) promotion

C. publication (n.)

D. (prominent卓越的, 显著的, 突出的->) prominence (n.)

6. Grandpa, who was born at the dawn (n. /vi. 黎明) of last century, experienced one of the

most ___A__ periods of history.

A. (turbine->) turbulent

B. practical实用的

C. legendary (adj.)富有传奇色彩的; leonovo

D. perfect完美无缺的

7. History shows us with what ___B__ the human race survives.

A. difficulty

B. tenacity坚韧不拔

C. trouble (n. /vt.)

D. [find->found->found; found->founded->founded->] foundation (基础)


8. Prisoners are purposefully and ___D__ occupied (busy), thus reducing (减少) the risk of

unrest (骚动). It also helps them develop (养成) the habit of doing meaningful work.

A. pleasantly (令人愉快地)

B. adversely (不利的, 敌对的, 相反的)

C. (destructively<->) constructively建设性地

D. gainfully有益

9. One's school life seems (happy->) happier in __A___ than it really was (比实际情况好).

A. retrospect

B. respect (n./vt.)

C. (solve->solution->solvent溶剂->resolve下决心->) resolution决心

D. (resist->) resistance抵制

10. He hasn't decided whether to pursue the __B___ for the senate (参议院-> senator参议员).

A. operation B. campaign

C. (war->) battle战役 D. movement运动

II. Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary.

persevere rally temporary stand on one's own

celebrity humiliation convention be on the air fold

tenacity head for desperate impart

deject campaign

1. They are determined to (=decide to do) persevere in the fight no matter how hard (=difficult) it is.

2. After negotiation, they just reached a temporary agreement.

3. That program has been on the air for 10 years.

4. He is the one who never folds (fails/ bends in/ gives in屈服于压力) under pressure.

5. He suffered (蒙受经济损失/ 遭受精神折磨, ~from an illness/ great loss of money) the

humiliation of being forced to resign (辞职).

6. After the football game, the players (=sportsmen/ athletes) headed for the bus.

7. At the recent convention (meeting/ conference), the Democratic Party has elected its presidential

(candle->) candidates (候选人).

8. They made a desperate attempt (try孤注一掷) to save the company from bankruptcy [->bankrupt破产的; prevent sb. from doing阻止某人做某事]

9. In the long (hike->) hiking (长途跋涉), they paused to refresh (relax) themselves and rally (重整旗鼓) their strength.

10. A teacher's aim is to impart (传授convey) knowledge.


Put the following paragraphs into Chinese.

Sherrye, returning home to New York City after a successful political career with the Clinton

Administration and working on the Hill, was looking forward to a change of pace as a development

officer for a large nonprofit. When the organization hit turbulent financial water, and she was the

last one in, she was the first one out.


Each of these people found a way back to a fulfilling career. And they all learned that the pain

and humiliation are temporary. So don't be afraid to move on and try your wings. Rally your support

system. Persevere! Firing doesn't mean your life is over. It might turn out to be the best thing that

ever happened to you.





Put the verbs in brackets into appropriate verb forms.

1. You ought to (=should) (post->post-office邮局) postpone (=put sth. off until…) leaving

(leave) here until next week, since (for/ as) the audiences are so enthusiastic.

2. Many people favor (=like) building (build) more nuclear power plant [(1)n.植物; (2)vt..种植;

(3)工厂, e.g. power ~发电厂机械厂; factory; mill纺织厂].

3. He comes (is) from a big city, so he has trouble (when he is) finding (find) the obscure (模糊/ 晦涩的) path through forest. [has trouble doing sth.做某事有困难]

4. Mark often attempts (tries) to escape being fined (fine) whenever he breaks traffic

(regulate->) regulation (交规).

5. Although (he was) a teenager, Fred could resist being told (tell) what to do and what not to


6. What a lovely party (it is)! It's worth remembering (remember) all my life. [be worth doing=

be worthy of doing值得一做]

7. Several of our customers complain (vt. -> complaint: n.) of having been treated (treat) very


8. Remember that bidding (出价) online [(1)adj.; (2)adv.; ] is the same as entering (enter) into a

contract with the seller.

9. The boiling (boil) point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the [sur-: (1)在外围;

(2)在上方] surrounding gases. [solid->liquid->gas/ petroleum(英)=gas/ gasoline(美)汽油]

10. It is no good (use) (when sb. is) crying (cry) over split milk.覆水难收.


Turn the following sentences into Chinese.

1. The best way to learn a language is to live among speakers.

2. He stared at me with his fist clenched.


3. If you give him an inch, he will take a mile.

4. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders.

5. There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, and the grass was dead.








Below are some expressions about bioengineering.

(gene基因+ ecology生态学->ecological) genecology遗传生态学

(breed->) hybrid (specy->) species杂交物种

man-made (mutate->) mutation人工突变

(biology + chemistry->)biochemical polymorphism生态多样化

biocontrol (biological control)生物控制

(biology + mimics) biomimics仿生学


biochemical (engine->engineer) engineering (工程学)生化工程

(nature-> natural) natural (select->) selection自然选择

theory of use and disuse用进废退说


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