


Part 1 Daily Reception日常接待Addressing People称呼Greetings 问候Providing Services 服务Charges 收费Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 没收假钞Instructions to Fill Out the Forms 填单Dealing with Complains 处理纠纷Greetings 问候1. Good morning, sir/madam. Welcome to Harbin bank. What can I do for you?

早上好,先生/女士,欢迎光临哈尔滨银行,能为您效劳吗?2. How do you do? Sir. Is there anything I can do for you?


3. Madam, are you being attended to?

女士,是否有人接待您了?Providing Services 服务1. Pardon?/Would you mind repeating your question, please? 请您再说一遍好吗?

2. May I ask your nationality?

3. Please take a seat.

4. Please wait a moment./just a minute, please.

5. I’m sorry to keep you waiting, sir/madam, but I先生/女士,很抱歉请你稍等,我一会儿就回来。6. Please follow me. /Come with me, please.

7. This way, please

8. Go upstairs, please.

请跟我来。这边请。请上楼。请问您的国籍?请坐。请稍等。’ll be with you in a moment.9. Please go to counter No. 4. You can change your money into small notes there.

请到4号柜台兑换零钞。10. Please feel free to ask for any banking service during your stay in Harbin.

您在哈尔滨期间,如需要请随时找我们办理各种业务。Instructions to Fill Out the Forms 填单1. This is an exchange memo. Please fill in your name, passport number, your nationality and

the amount you intend to change.


2. Sorry, you forget the date; it goes at the top in the right-hand corner.

抱歉,您没写日期,在右上角顶端。3. Please fill in this application form and sign your name.

请填写这张表格并签名。4. You have to write the amount in numbers and in words as well.

金额既要求小写,也要求大写。Charges 收费1. The charge for the T/T is 100 yuan.

您的电汇费用是100元。2. I will figure out the charges and then type them out.

我会算出服务费金额并打印出来。3. We would also charge you an extra service commission.

我方将向您收取额外的服务费。4. At your request, we deducted it from the remittance.

按照您的要求,我方已将费用从汇款金额中扣除。Dealing with Complains 处理纠纷1. How do you do? Sir. Iit?

你好,我是大堂经理。您愿意就此事和我谈一下吗?2. Just take it easy.

别急。(常用来稳定对方情绪。)3. Well, please calm down, I think I can help you with the problem.

请您冷静,我能帮助您。4. Please have a seat and tell me what happened?

请坐,能说说事情经过吗?5. From now on, I must improve my service to satisfy the customers.

以后我一定改进我的服务水平,使顾客满意。6. We’ll pay attention to this and improve our services accordingly.

我们一定重视并相应的加以改进。’m the service manager. Would you please have a talk with me about

7. Thank you very much for your understanding and suggestions.

非常感谢您的理解和提出的建议。8. It’s very kind of you saying so. All this is just our duty and responsibility.谢谢您的夸奖,这是我们的职责,是我们应该做的。Confiscating Counterfeit Notes 没收假钞1. After technical examination, we’ve found this note is counterfeit.

经技术检验,您的这张钞票是假币。2. According to the relevant regulations, forged notes are to be confiscated.

按照有关规定,假币必须予以没收。3. We’issue a receipt ll to you certifying that the note you presented to us is counterfeit, and

has been confiscated by the bank.

我们会给您开收据,这张收据能证明您的钞票是假钞,且已被我行没收。Part 1 Conversation Aclerk:Would you please fill out this form? It’s necessary for you to draw money.

customer: By all means.

clerk:Oh, I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you write the sum in words not in figures?customer:Yes, I’d love :You’ve got a wrong word here. Would you mind correcting it?

customer: Sorry, I will.

clerk: Thank you, here is your money. Please count it.

A:取款需要填单,请您填写这张单子好吗?B:当然可以。A:哦,对不起,打扰一下,您能把金额大写而不是小写吗?B: 好的。A: 您写错了一个字,请您改正一下,行吗?B: 真对不起,我这就改。A:谢谢。这是您的钱,请点一下。Part 1 Conversation BCustomer:I’m afraid I’ve lost my passbook. I’ve looked everywhere, but I havent found it.’

顾客:我丢了存折,我到处都找了,但没找到。Clerk: Do you have a code number?

职员:有密码吗?customer: Yes, I have.

顾客:有。Clerk:So, it doesn’t matter. Even if someone has got your passbook and come to cash your

’t give him money if his code number is wrong. Now please money from your account, we wontell your name and address. And can you tell me your balance on your account? And show me

your identification please.

职员:有密码就没关系。即使有人拿您的存折来兑现,如果他的密码不对,我们也不会给他钱。现在请告诉我您的姓名和地址。请告诉我您的账上有多少钱,并出示您的身份证件,好吗?Customer: My balance is about 8000 Yuan. And here is my passport.

顾客:账上约有8000元。这是我的护照。Clerk:Yes, your name, address, code number and balance are all correct. Ipassbook in a minute.

职员:对了,您的姓名、地址、密码和余额都和账上记录的相符。我马上给您开一本新存折。Customer: Thanks a lot.

Part 1 review

Miss Mrs. Ms

小姐夫人女士Would you mind doing

您是否介意……?Nationality n.

国籍Counter n.

柜台Small notes

…?小面额钞票Exchange memo

兑换水单Application form

申请表Fill in/out

填写Amount n.

金额’ll give you a new

In numbers

小写In words

大写v.收费Charge n.费用、价格bank charges 银行手续费,服务费charge somebody some money for something

Commission n.佣金(付给销货员,代理,经纪人的手续费,通常按业务金额的一定百分比收取。)Remittance n. 汇款service manager 大堂经理Would you please do …?Forged notes

假钞Confiscate v.

没收,充公Receipt n.

v.伪造,假冒收据,收条请……好吗?(询问性质,委婉)Counterfeit adj. n.

伪造的,假冒的;赝品;Part 2 Opening and Closing an Account 开户和销户1. We have checking accounts and savings accounts.

我们有支票帐户和储蓄账户。2. Opening an account is free of charge, but you have to deposit RMB 10 yuan as your initial


开户不需要手续费,但您得先存10元作为起存额。3. In some countries, checking accounts don offer any interest’t.

在一些国家,支票帐户是不付利息的。4. Please fill out the deposit slip first.

请先填这张存款单。5. How much do you wish to deposit in your account, sir?

您想在您的帐户上存多少钱,先生?6. The annual interest rate for the savings account is 3%.

储蓄存款的年利率是3%。7. When the maturity comes in one year, would you like to continue to deposit?

当一年期满后,您要续存吗?8. Please let me know my balance.

请告诉我余额。9. Your deposit is exhausted.

您的存款支净了。10. You should report the loss of your bankbook as soon as you lose it.

存折丢失后应立即挂失。11. Here’the deposit and the interest USD850 in all. s

这是存款本金和利息共850元。12. Please allow me to give you USD 60 in tens and USD 20 in fives.

请允许我给您60美元10元票面的,20美元5元票面的。13. Please fill out withdrawal slip if you want to withdraw money.

如果想取款请您填写取款单。ConversationA: Can I help you?

B: Yes, sir. I want to open a savings account. What is the proper procedure?

A: First you fill out the application form and then weB: Is there a minimum for the first deposit?

A: no, even one dollar is all right. Here is your bankbook. Sir, just sign your name on it.

A: 要帮忙吗?B: 是的,先生。我要开个储蓄账户。需要办什么手续?A: 请您先填一张申请表,然后我们会给您一本存折。B: 起存额有最低限额吗?

A: 没有,一美元也可以。这是您的存折,先生,请在上面签个名就可以了Part 2 Reviewchecking accounts /current account

支票帐户/活期帐户savings accounts


n. v.存款Withdraw

v. 取款’ll issue you a bankbook.

initial deposit



利息Deposit/withdrawal slip

存款单/取款单Demand deposit

Part 3 Loans 贷款活期存款Time deposit


余额Report the loss


存折1. This is Credit Department, what can I do for you?

这是信贷部,能为您做点什么?2. Having a line of credit is very useful for small business owners.

拥有信用额度对小企业主来说非常有用。3. Unsecured loans for small business provided by Harbin Bank is exclusively designed to

finance privately- or individually-owned businesses, mainly used to support their production

and operation.

微小企业信用贷款是哈尔滨银行专为广大个体工商户、私营企业主设计的无需抵押担保的贷款品种,主要用于生产经营活动。4. According to the regulation, we must make an investigation of the credit standing, the

operating state of the enterprise, and the possibility of repayment and so on.

根据规定,我们必须调查企业的资信情况、运作情况、贷款偿还能力等其他情况。5. Anyway we have to check your recent Balance Sheet and Income Statement again.

不过我们的再核实一下贵公司近期的资产负债表及收入表。6. I’d like to apply for an auto loan, what’s the current interest rate?我想申请购车贷款,现在利率是多少?

7. As to Personal ResidentialMortgageLoans, the maximum amount of a single loan shall

not exceed 80% of the value of the house to be purchased, and the balance should be paid in

cash as down payment.

关于个人住房抵押贷款,单笔贷款最高额度不能超过所购住房价值的首付款用现金支付。Part 3 ReviewLine of credit

信用额度Unsecured loans

无担保贷款Credit standing

信用状况Repayment possibility

还款可能性Balance Sheet

资产负债表Part 4 Foreign Exchange Services外汇服务1. What kind of currency and how much do you want to change?

您想兑换什么货币?兑换多少?2. How much of the remittance do you want to convert into RMB?


3. Do you mean you want to exchange/change some Canadian dollars for Chinese money?

您是想把加元兑换成人民币?4. Do you mean you want to convert some US dollars into Chinese yuan?


5. For a foreign exchange transaction for individuals, the minimum amount is USD 100 or

equivalent in other currencies.

个人外汇买卖的最低金额为100美元或等值的其他货币。Income Statement

收入表Auto loan

汽车贷款Personal Residential Mortgage Loans

个人住房抵押贷款Down payment

首付款,定金80%,余额应作为6. The exchange rate for notes is RMB 1452.32 yuan per GBP 100 and the rate for cheques is

RMB 1456.48 yuan per GBP 100.

现钞汇率是100英镑兑1452.32元人民币,支票是100英镑兑1456.48元人民币。7. This is an exchange memo. Please fill in your name and the amount you intend to change.

这是兑换水单。请填写您的姓名和兑换金额。8. An exchange memo is a kind of confirmation note a bank gives to you, when you exchange


兑换水单就是您兑换人民币时银行给您的一张凭证。9. We need your signature as well.

您还需要签名。10. In what denominations?/How would you like it?

你想要多大面值的?11. By the way, keep your exchange memo safe. You may convert the unused RMB back into

foreign currency when you leave China.

顺便说一下,请妥善保管兑换水单。您可以在离开中国时将剩余的人民币换回外币。12. According to our Regulations on Foreign Exchange Administration, any amount of foreign

currency exceeding USD 5000 or equivalent is forbidden to be taken abroad.

根据我们的外汇管理条例,超过Part 4 conversationA: I want to exchange RMB 50,000 for US dollars.

B: That will be 6,255 dollars. How do you want them?

A: Most of them in fifties. And the rest in one dollar bill.

B: All right. Here you are. Please double check.

A: Thank you.

A: 我想把5万元人民币换成美金。B:换成美金是6,255美元,你要多大面额的?

A:大部分要50美元的,其他的给我1美元的。B: 好,这是您的钱,请点一下。A: 谢谢。Part 4 Review



n.当量Exchange rate

汇率Buying rate

买入价Selling rate


计值单位;面值Direct quotation

Part 5 Letter of Credit 信用证直接标价法Indirect quotation


n. 即期forward

n. 远期At par


n. 贴水Premium

n. 升水1. My purpose of coming here is to ask you to issue a letter of credit for my company.

我来此的目的是想请您为我公司开一份信用证。2. You should place some margin with us.

您应该向本行交纳一定的保证金。3. Please see that the contents in the application form are in conformance with those in the


请注意申请表的内容应与合同相符。4. I’d like to amend my L/C opened last month, because our contract has been changed.

我想修改上个月开立的那份信用证,因为我们的合同修改了。5. We’ll open an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of your company.

我们将开出以贵方为受益人的一份不可撤销信用证。6. We must ask you to open a L/C strictly in conformity with the original terms of the S/C.

我方要求贵方须按照销售合同原定条款开立信用证。7. When you find anything to the contrary in the L/C, please inform us so that we can make

amendment accordingly.

如贵方发现有任何内容与信用证不符,请通知我们以便作出相应的修改。Part 5 reviewIssue

v. 开立Letter of credit (L/C)


n. 保证金In conformance with


v. 修改S/C

销售合同Irrevocable credit

不可撤销信用证Documentary credit

跟单信用证Confirmed credit

保兑信用证Standby letter of credit

备用信用证To negotiate a credit

议付信用证Issuing bank

开证行Advising bank

通知行Part 6 Internet Banking and Telephone Banking Services

1. On-line banking services are those providing the ability to conduct bank transactions from

the comfort of home or office using a telephone, television, or personal computer.

网上银行服务使银行业务可以通过电话,电视或个人计算机在家里或办公室就能办理。2. Examples of on-line transactions include reviewing checking and savings account balances,

transferring funds amongaccounts, paying bills, ordering duplicatebank statements, opening

new accounts and so on.

网上银行业务包括核查支票帐户或储蓄帐户余额,转账,支付账单,申请银行对账单,开立新帐户等等。3. Customers can benefit from internet banking,because it is convenient, and avoids the time

wasted in branches.

顾客能从网上银行业务中受益,因为它很方便,节省了去银行办理所需的时间。4. Customers can manage their financial affairs anytime, anywhere and anyhow.

顾客能随时随地管理其金融事务。5. A problem of E-bank is security.

网上银行的一个问题就是安全性问题。6. Hello, this is Harbin Bank and this is Lin speaking.

你好。这里是哈尔滨银行。我姓林。7. Good morning. No. 12 is serving for you.

上午好,12号为您服务。8. You should maintain an account in our bank, and sign an agreement with our bank for

this service.

您先在我行开个账户,再和我行签个有关此项服务的协议。9. After dialing the specific numbers and inputting your account numbers together with your

secret codes, you’re indicated by our end.当您拨通电话银行之后,输入账号和密码,您就会得到银行方面的提示。10. whom do you want to speak to?

您找哪位?11. Who’s calling, please?/May I ask your name?请问您是哪位?

12. Please hold the line while I transfer the call.

请稍等,我将电话转过去。13. I'm sorry.Mr. Wang is out right now.

对不起,王先生现在不在。14. Is there any message?

May I take/leave a message for him/her?

要留话吗?15. You can reach him at this number.

您可以打这个电话找到他。Part 6 ReviewOn-line banking


Adj.复制的;n. 副本Bank statement


Head office




n. 安全;担保,担保品account numbers


密码Hold the line

稍等Take/leave a message


本文标签: 银行兑换信用证贷款金额