



1. 你对他说的话不能为你这种行为辩护。(justify)

1) What you said to him can hardly justify such conduct of yours.

2. 你认为他会因为同主教的私人关系而免受宗教迫害吗 ? (immune from)

1) Do you think he would be immune from religious persecution by reason of his personal relation

with the Bishop?

3. 你对心理医生的忠告采取什么态度会影响到你是否会再做恶梦。(recur)

1) Your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist will affect whether or not your bad dream


2) Whether your nightmare recurs depends on your attitude towards the advice of the psychiatrist

4. 乐观主义者成功的秘诀在于他们是用积极的态度对待失望和失败。

1) The secret to the success of optimists is that they deal with disappointments and failures in a

positive way.

5. 悲观主义者往往容易失败,部分原因就是一个人对自己的看法常常是一种能够自我实现的预言。(in part)

1) The reason that a pessimist tends to fail is, in part, that a person's opinion about himself is often

a self-fulfilling prophecy.

2) Pessimists are likely to fail partly because one's perception of oneself is often a self-fulfilling


6. 在幼儿的性格特征没有来得及发展之前,他们的行为不如大多数成年人的行为那样保持一致 (consistent)。一个儿童行为的改变,可能表明他的注意力已因其活动特点的不同而转变。他的兴趣总是集中在手头的事情上。个性坚强、兴趣强烈的人能够坚持把自己正在做的事进行下去,只有重大的环境变化才能干扰其行为的方向和目的。

1) In very young children, before traits have had much chance to develop, behavior is less

consistent than it is in most adults. A child's changing behavior may show his changing concern

with different features of his activity. His interest always focuses on the business at hand. The

person with strong traits and interests is able to persist in what he is doing. Only a major

situational change can disturb the direction or purpose of his behavior.





残疾青年 王丽

My respected editor,

I am greatly delighted that CCTV and your TV GUIDE are inviting us readers to contribute

articles on the subject “Television and Me”. But I regret to tell you that I am a disabled girl. My

handwriting is bad you’ll know when reading my manuscript. This is because I’m unable to move

my hand, and I can write only with “my mouth”. For many years I grip the pen with my teeth and

write the way I do. Over the past years I have “mouth-written” one essay after another, and one

poem after another. At this very moment my heart is throbbing with great excitement while

answering your call for a report also from me.

Yours respectfully,

Wang Li

a disabled young girl



These young technicians have all the qualifications we can hope for.


I was more frightened than hurt.


They wondered what had happened to the girl.


Farmers in that area prefer to interplant peach trees among willows.


I resent those who treat animals badly.


Even while enjoying the results of technical progress, man must defend the primacy and autonomy

of pure knowledge. In addition, pure knowledge is the foundation for practical results that would

not have been reached if this knowledge had not been sought disinterestedly. The first men to

study the nature of electricity could not imagine that their experiments carried on because of mere

intellectual curiosity, would eventually lead to modern electrical technology, without which we

can scarcely conceive of contemporary life.



The copy of the author's paper was presented to the editorial staffs.


Although he is at the bottom of the class, it can't be concluded that he has no brain. Perhaps his

bad performance is only caused by his laziness.


It is worth noticing these unusual phenomena.

4.股东们在聘用新经理问题上发生了分歧。(at odds)

The shareholders are at odds with employing the new manager.


It makes us conclude that ignorance fosters blind faith.


When you have learnt that the waning of your memory is not caused by your old age, you may be

taken by surprise. A poor memory may result from a lazy mind rather than an old age. Like your

body, your memory can be improved with exercise. Scientists estimate that work efficiency can be

heightened by 75 percent at least if both sides of the brain are exercised.


1.我们面临的现实与其说是享受生命的报偿不如说是享受生命的进程。(not so much„ as)

The reality we are confronting is that we don't enjoy so much reward of our lives as the process

of our lives.

2.我慢慢地明白了爱、欢乐连同痛苦也都如此珍贵,因为这些标志生命的存在。(dawn on)

It slowly dawns on me that love, happy including pain are so valuable, because these indicate the

existence of life.


Don't be indifferent to the splendor of things in life.

Don't be callous to the things that are so wonderful and subtle in life.


He won't be happy when he buries his head in his personal things.

5. 理想具有长存的价值,值得追求。

Ideals are worth pursuing, for they are of enduring worth.

Ideality has long-lasting value .It deserves pursuing.


He has a good perspective on things.


The enemy will never be reconciled to their defeat.

8.无论60岁,还是16岁,新奇事物对每个人都有吸引力;只要童心(childlike appetite)不泯,就会对未来有好奇心和享受人生的乐趣。在你的心中和我的心中都有一座电台;只要它总在接受人类和上帝发出的美、希望、鼓励、勇气和力量的信息,你就永远不老。

New and strange things are attractive to everyone, whether he is 60 or 16. One will be full of

curiosity to life and enjoy the delight of life, if only he has childlike appetite. if only it always

receives the information of beauty, hope, encouragement, courage and strength from mankind and

God, you will be young forever.



At present, there rises an unhealthy trend that a lot of people spend too much money in keeping

up with the Joneses.


Since he gives you no chance to choose, you may as well turn down his offer.


Imagine how others will think about the things you have bought, you will pay more attention to

taste when you buy things next time.


All the products we put on the market sell well because people have great confidence in the

quality of the products of our company.


If you acquiesce like this, you'll never be better off.



In old times, the design of furniture was not based on real life. The unnecessary ornaments

made us forget the true function of furniture. Modern design pursues simplicity and efficiency,

which abandons anything unnecessary and supplies people with pleasant and practical things. We

shouldn't regard a piece of furniture as an isolated thing, but as part of a setting. Only in this way

can we judge its form, color and utility, and see whether it is in good taste or not.



Look to it that you don’t violate the regulations.


I don’t know how to get my ideas across.


He would not like to be at the mercy of others, and he was determined to take his own road.


They waited for their turn to go through the entry formalities.


Recently in China a campaign for cultivating the civic virtues has been launched, and people

throughout the country are required to mind their manners.


William Foster was born in 1881 in a small town in Massachusetts. At seven he was selling

newspapers to help support his family. Three years later, he had to leave school. He worked in

many different trades: lumber, agriculture, building, transport, etc. In 1921, he became one of the

first members of the Communist Party of the United States. He not only took an active part in the

struggle of the American working class for peace, democracy and socialism, but also devoted

much of his time to the study of American politics, economy and history. He was chairman of the

Party for many years until his illness prevented him from carrying on his work. He died a

prominent figure at the age of 80.



I wish I could think up some method to make them aware of their mistakes.


John said that since Tom had come, nothing could bar them from meeting each other.


What became of the children since their parents were dead?


Although they made the expedition ostensibly for discovering new lands, their real interest is to

find new markets for their products.


The mother warned her son that he should tell her the truth without any embroidery.


The trouble of television lies in its discouragement of concentration. Almost anything

interesting and rewarding in life requires constructive and consistent effort. To those who never

concentrate on anything, what the dullest and the least gifted people achieved are miraculous.

However, television does not encourage us to apply any effort. It sells us instant gratification and

makes our concentration more diverted, so that time pass unknowingly.



The most important thing to students who love literature is approaching the critics.


She, a pathetic girl, often cannot help sympathizing with every small and weak creature, and

even a wounded bird can cause her grief.


He lived in the eastern countries for so long a time that he forgot the customs of England.


If the transport were frequent, the railway would make it cheaper, let alone its regularity,

comfort and speed.


The promising young man betrayed his words to himself and other people, what's more, his

behaviors have broken his father's heart.


More than seventy years ago, the Rules for Automobiles in England limited the highest driving

speed to 2 m.p.h. in town. This had lasted until 1903 when it became necessary to lift the speed

limits to 20 m.p.h. as a result of the industrial development. The motorists were free to drive at

any speed in the following five years. Today speeding is the commonest violation of the rules in

England. The core of the argument surrounding speed limit law is to what extent it can ensure

safety. The traffic departments insist that the speed limits can reduce the number of accidents. To

our surprise, however, some Americans even suggest that the present speed limits be cancelled


本文标签: 可能行为东西生活