


New Zealand is an island country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising

two main landmasses (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller

islands, most notably Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands. The indigenous Mname for New Zealand is Aotearoa, commonly translated as land of the long white

cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes Tokelau; the Cook Islands and Niue

(self-governing but in free association); and the Ross Dependency, New Zealand's

territorial claim in Antarctica.

芃ā新西兰是由两个主要的自转(北岛和南岛)和许多较小的岛屿组成的西南太平洋岛屿国家最引人注目的是斯图尔特岛和查塔姆群岛。新西兰土著毛利人名称是教徒,通常译为长白云之乡。新西兰的领域还包括托克劳;库克群岛、纽埃(自由结盟的自治但);和罗斯属地,新西兰的南极的领土主张。芄腿New Zealand is geographically isolated, situated about 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi)

southeast of Australia across the Tasman Sea. Its closest neighbours to the north are

the Pacific islands of New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. The country's sharp mountain

peaks owe much to the earthquakes and volcanic activity caused by the clashing

Pacific and Indo-Australian Plates. The climate is mild and temperate and most of the

land was originally covered in forests of podocarp, kauri or southern beech. During its

long isolation New Zealand developed a distinctive fauna dominated by birds, a

number of which became extinct after the arrival of humans and introduced mammals.

膈莅新西兰是地理上的孤立,位于约2000 公里(1,200 mi) 东南的澳大利亚跨塔斯曼海。其斐济和汤加。该国的锋利的山峰,归功于地印度-澳大利亚板。气候是温和和温带和最接近的邻国向北太平洋岛屿新喀里多尼亚、震和火山活动引起的矛盾冲突的太平洋和podocarp、贝壳或南部的山毛榉林原本覆盖着的大部分土地。在其长期隔绝,新西兰开发独特的动物以鸟类为主,其中若干绝种了人类抵达后和介绍哺乳动物。莂Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 AD and Europeans first made

contact in 1642 AD. In 1840 a treaty was signed between the Māori and British,

making New Zealand a colony of Britain. The colony became self governing in 1852

and was made a Commonwealth realm in 1947. During liberal reforms in the 1890s

New Zealand became the first country to extend voting rights to women and to

develop a system of compulsory arbitration between unions and employers. Elizabeth

II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the country's head of state and is represented by a

Governor-General. The Queen's role is limited and executive political power is

exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister. New Zealand has close ties with

Britain, Australia, the United States and several Pacific Island nations.

袈原住民定居新西兰1250–1300 AD 和欧洲人第一次做的接触1642年广告。1840 年毛利人1852年和1947

工会与雇和英国,使新西兰的英国殖民地之间签署了一项条约。主之间强制仲裁制度发展的第一个国家。与英国、莆香港成为自我规管在年了英联邦的境界。在1890 年代自由化改革在新西兰成为了延长妇女的投票权,作为新西兰女王伊丽莎白二世,并由总督。女王的角色是有限和由内阁由总理行使行政的政治权力。澳大利亚、美国和几个太平洋岛国。是国家的国家元首,新西兰有着密切的联系,蒁New Zealanders enjoyed one of the highest standards of living in the world until the stagflation

of the 1970s. The county underwent major economic changes during the 1980s, transforming from

a protectionist economy to a liberalised free-trade economy. The economy is highly dependent on

trade, particularly in agricultural products. The majority of New Zealand's population is of

European descent; the indigenous Māori are the largest minority followed by Asians and

non-Māori Polynesians. English, te reo Māori and New Zealand Sign Language are the official

languages, with English the most prevalent. Much of New Zealand's culture is derived from the

Māori and early British settlers, although recently it has been broadened by globalisation and

immigration from the Pacific Islands and Asia.

芁新西兰享有世界最高标准的生活之一直到20 世纪70 年代的滞涨。县经历了八十年代,经济是高度依赖贸易,特;其次是亚洲人和非毛利人原住民最te 毛利人和新西兰手语为官方语言,学英语虽然最近它已扩大经济从贸易保护主义的经济开放的自由贸易经济转型的重大经济变化。别是在农业产品。新西兰人口的大多数是欧洲人后裔大的少数民族土著毛利人。英语,选举事务处全球化和移民来自亚洲和太平洋岛屿。蚈最普遍的。新西兰的文化的大部分来源于毛利人和早期英国定居者,膄New Zealand

袃蚁Island country, South Pacific Ocean. Area: 104,454 sq mi (270,534 sq km).

Population (2005 est.): 4,096,000. Capital: Wellington. Most of the people are of

European origin; about one-tenth are Maori, and some are Pacific Islanders and

Chinese. Languages: English, Maori (both official). Religions: Christianity (Protestant,

Roman Catholic); also Buddhism, Hinduism. Currency: New Zealand dollar. New

Zealand consists of the North Island and the South Island, which are separated by

Cook Strait, and several smaller islands. Both main islands are bisected by mountain

ranges. New Zealand has a developing market economy based largely on agriculture

(dominated by sheep raising), small-scale industries, and services. It is a constitutional

monarchy with one legislative house; its chief of state is the British monarch

represented by the governor-general, and the head of government is the prime

minister. Polynesian occupation dates to c. AD 1000. First sighted by Dutch explorer

Abel Janszoon Tasman in 1642, the main islands were charted by Capt. James Cook

in 1769. Named a British crown colony in 1840, the area was the scene of warfare

between colonists and native Maori through the 1860s. The capital was moved from

Auckland to Wellington in 1865, and in 1907 the colony became the Dominion of

New Zealand. It administered Western Samoa from 1919 to 1962 and participated in

both World Wars. When Britain joined the European Economic Community in the

early 1970s, its influence led New Zealand to expand its export markets and diversify

its economy. New Zealand also became more independent in its foreign relations and

took a strong stand against nuclear proliferation. The literacy rate is nearly 100%. The

cultural milieu is predominantly European, although there has been a revival of

traditional Maori culture and art, and Maori social and economic activism have been

central to political developments in New Zealand since the late 20th century.

荿岛屿国家,南太平洋。面积:104454平方米(270534平方公里)。人口(2005年峻工):4,096,000 。首都:惠灵顿。大部分的人都是欧洲血统;约十分之一是毛利,有的太平洋岛民和中文。语言:英语,毛利语(官方)。宗教:基督教(新教,罗马天主教);也是佛教,印度教。货币:新西兰元。新西兰分为北岛和南岛,而远隔库克海峡,和几个较小的岛屿。两个主要岛屿都是由行政院山脉。新西兰已发展市场经济主要基于农业(主要是养羊),小规模工业和服务业。这是一个君主立宪制的一个立法家;其主要国家是英国女王的代表总督府,政府首脑是总理。波利尼西亚入伙日期至c 。公元1000 。第一目光由荷兰探险janszoon阿贝尔塔斯曼在1642 ,主要岛屿共绘由上尉詹姆斯库克于1769 。命名了英国的直辖殖民地,1840年,该地区被现场战之间殖民者和土著毛利人通过1860 。首都迁移至奥克兰,惠灵顿于1865年,并在1907年殖民地成为统治纽西兰。它经管西萨摩亚从1919年至1962年,并参加了两次世界大战。当英国加入欧洲经济共同体在70年代初期,其影响力率领新西兰扩大其出口市场的多元化和经济的发展。新西兰也变得更加独立,其对外关系和采取了强硬立场,反对核扩散。识字率几乎是百分之一百。文化氛围是欧洲为主,虽然出现了复苏的毛利人的传统文化与艺术,而毛利人的社会和经济活动都被中央政治发展在新西兰自20世纪后期。

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本文标签: 新西兰经济岛屿英国太平洋