



这些形容词指性质不过分的味道,气味和其它感觉。Bland是这些里面最特殊的,最合适指口味不重的食物:The doctor

recommended a bland, salt-free diet for the patient. 在其它用法中,bland可以指类似的性质均衡的事物,不极端或不强烈:the

bland domestic atmosphere in the house, free of argument and

bickering; a bland, hazy spring day, neither too warm nor too cool.

虽然这些用法都是正面含义,但当它表示缺乏得到的兴奋,韵味或兴趣的渴望时,bland也可以有负面的语气:the bland anonymous

cooking commonly attributed to the English; a bland novel that I

began but couldn't finish; the bland attitudes of many college

students during the 1980's.

Moderate在语气上比bland更加中性,被描述为两个极端的中间地带,并不必然表示正面或负面的评价:a moderate winter and

summer; a moderate conservative. 然而,当与坏的极端同时出现时,moderate可以表示积极的语气:a reign that was thought

moderate and tolerant after the bloodbaths of the previous ruller.

Gentle与mild都 表示不极端,但是语气上比moderate更加直接地接近褒义。Gentle表示稍微用力获得一个结果或温柔地为其它人考虑:a gentle breeze off the patio; a gentle way of reprimanding her

son. 与gentle 不同的是,mild并不指收敛力气或体贴的行为,而是指某事物的天性就是完全不极端:mild fall weather; mild suburban

faces. 但是,与bland一样,mild 可以表示某事物温和到无趣或不令人兴奋:a comedy that offers only mild amusement; disclosures

that were mild compared to those still forthcoming. 这里的负面含义远不及bland强烈和完全。

Soothing是这些形容词中最正面的。某事物可以是gentle或mild,但不一定是有益的。相反,soothing 表示具有正面的,通过消除愤怒或运用某物来克服愤怒而令人舒适,有帮助或有治愈效果的感

觉:listening to the soothing silence; soothing music; a

cloudless,sunny day that was soothing to the spirits; a soothing

ointment to relieve serious sunburn. Dull 与soothing 形成强烈 对比,表示完全没有任何的快乐。就其本身而言,它唯独更着力地强调bland或mild固有的可能性:a dull evening playing cards with the

neighbors; dull meals completely lacking in zest. 当然,像moderate一样,dull 可以更加叙述地表示低调的感觉:a dull gray

sky; an artist who tended to use a palette of dull, subtly shaded


反义词:exciting, harsh, keen, sour

翻译自《choose the right word》

本文标签: 表示极端事物性质