



unobviousness 非显而易见性

utility certificate of addition 增补实用证书

utility certificate 实用证书

utility model application 实用新型申请

utility model infringement 实用新型侵权

utility model law 实用新型法

utility model protection 实用新型保护

auther of invention 发明人

utility model register 实用新型注册簿


validity of patent 专利的有效性

valuation of patent 专利的评价

vanishing of impediment 障碍的消除

vendee of patent 专利的买主


voluntary conveyance 自愿转让

voluntary license 自愿许可证

waiver of payment 支付款项的放弃

abstract of invention 发明摘要

author's certificate 作者证书

waiver of requirement 要求的放弃

watching and administering the process of patent examination and grant 专利审批流程的监视和管理

withdrawal of designation 撤回指定

world wide agent 国际代理人

written application 书面申请

written declaration 书面申明

written disclosure 书面公开

year of issue 发行年

year of publication 出版公布年

保护范围 extent of protection

auxiliary application 辅助申请

保护工业产权巴黎公约 Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property

保护权的转让 assignment of protective right

保密义务 duty of secrecy

保密专利 secret patent

被授予专利权人姓名 name of grantee

被异议人 person challanged

本国商标 national mark

本国申请项目 domestic filing data

本国注册 home registration


index of inventor and patentee 发明人与专利人索引

index of patent specification 专利说明书索引

indication of manufacture under license 特许制造标记

applicant 申请人

individual request for patent family 同族专利单项服务

individual survey for family 同族专利单项调查

industrial applicability of invention 发明的工业实用性

industrial design 工业品外观设计

industrial development patents 工业发展专利权

industrial monopoly 工业独占


informal application 非正式的申请

infringing use 侵权使用

initial down payment 入门费

abandonment of a patent application 放弃专利申请

application awaiting examination 待审查的申请

innocent infringement 非有意侵权

INPADOC Data Base 国际专利文献中心数据库

INPADOC Patent Gazette 国际专利文献中心的专利公报

inspection of the patent register 专利登记簿的查阅

institute of patent agents 专利代理人协会

institute of patentees and inventors 专利权人和发明人协会

institute of trademark agents 商标代理人协会

insufficient disclosure 不充分公开

intellectual property 知识产权

intention of clause 条款的意旨

application document 申请案文件

inter-dependence of patent 专利的互相依赖性

interdependent patents 相互依存的专利

interfering application 抵触的申请

interfering patent 抵触的专利

interfering patentee 抵触的专利权人

international application 国际申请

International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks


International Convention on Patents 国际专利权公约

International Patent Classification 国际专利分类

international registration of marks 商标的国际注册


invention and creation 发明创造

invention of employee 雇员发明


共同发明 joint invention

共同发明人 co-inventor

joint inventor

共同申请 joint application

共同申请人 co-applicant

共同使用权 right of joint use

共同使用人 co-user

brand name 商标名称

joint user

共同市场欧洲专利公约 Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market

共同所有人 co-proprietor

joint owner

共同体专利 community patent

共享专利协定 patent pool agreement

共有专利 joint patent

构思日期 conception date

雇员发明 employee invention

invention of employee

brief description of invention 发明的简要说明

国别专利目录 national catalog of patents

国际代理人 world wide agent

国际申请 international application

国际专利分类 International Patent Classification

国际专利权公约 International Convention on Patents

国际专利文献中心的专利公报 INPADOC Patent Gazette

国际专利文献中心数据库 INPADOC Data Base

国家申请 national application

国家收费 national fee

国家注册 national registration

British patent 英国专利

国家专利 national patent

国家专利馆藏 state patent collection

国内申请 domestic application

合同生效 entry into force of the contract

後来的申请 subsequent application

互惠许可证 reciprocal license

恢复申请 application for restoration

机械专利 mechanical patent

基本申请编号 basic requisition number

基本专利 basic patent


母专利 parent patent

欧洲专利公约 European Patent Convention

欧洲专利通报 European Patent Report

批准程序 granting procedure

批准专利的障碍 bar to patent grant

Canadian Patent 加拿大专利

批准专利国 patent country

欺骗性仿制 fraudulent imitation

企业中的专利管理 patent management in enterprises

企业专利工作 patent work in enterprises

前景发明 foreground invention

潜在技术 potential technology

潜在申请人 potential applicant

强行规定 cogent provision

侵犯商标权的诉讼 action for infringement of a mark

侵犯外观设计的诉讼 action for infringement of an industrial design

cancellation of trade mark 商标取消

侵犯专利权的诉讼 action for infringement of a patent

侵权的损害赔偿金 damages for infringement

侵权的通知 notice of infringement

侵权使用 infringing use

侵权诉讼案的被告 defendant in an infringement

请求复审 reqest for re-examination

请求国际申请初步审查 demand for international preliminary examination

请求审查 petition for examination

request for examination

请求书 petition

cancellation of utility models 实用新型的取消

请求书格式 form of request

全文专利文档 full text patent documents

权利辩护 defense of right

权利的剥夺 deprivation of a right

权利的前所有人 former proprietor of a right

权利的适当保护 appropriate protection of a right

权利丧失 loss of a right

权项 claim

缺乏发明单一性 lack unity of invention

缺乏新颖性 lack of novelty

carry out an invention 实施发明

确定发明人的身份 determining the identity of the inventor

确立要求保护的范围 define the limite of the protection claimed


delay in issue 延迟颁发

delay payment of the official 延期支付法定费用

delayed examination 推迟的审查

delayed filing 延迟申请

admissibility of trade mark 准许商标注册的条件

demand for international preliminary examination 请求国际申请初步审查

demand for renewal 要求续展

demand the assignment of a right 要求转让权利

department of patent administration 专利管理部

dependent invention 从属发明

dependent patent 从属专利

depreciation on franchises 专利折旧

deprivation of a right 权利的剥夺

description of invention 发明说明书

description of trademark 商标说明

advanced patent course 高级专利进修班

descriptive trademark 图形商标

design act 外观设计法

design application 外观设计申请

design law 外观设计法

design patent 设计专利


design register 外观设计注册簿

designated office 指定局


designation of agent 代理人的指派

affixation of a mark on goods 在商品上缀附商标

detailed description of invention 发明的详细说明

determination of patentability 专利性的确定

determining the identity of the inventor 确定发明人的身份

dicision of a patent application 专利申请的分类案

diminish the protection granted to the trademark 缩短对商标的保护

direct license 直接许可证

disclosure of invention 发明的公开

discretionary clause 自由处理条款

discretionary power 自由处理权力

discretionary provision 自由处理规定

aggregate value of invention 发明的总价值

discriminating conduct 辨别方法

dispense with royalties 免除使用费


distinctive feature 显着特点

distinctive mark 显着的商标

division of applications 申请的分案

document code 文件代码

domestic application 国内申请

domestic filing data 本国申请项目

dominant patent 主专利

double patent 重复授予专利

alienate a right 转让权利


duty of secrecy 保密义务

earlier application 较早的申请

earlier publication of a patent application 专利申请的早期公开

economic patent 经济专利

economic usefulness 经济实用性

effect of grant of patent 授予专利权的效力

effect of invalidation 宣告无效的效力

effect of patent 专利的效力

effect of trademark 商标效力

allegation of a patent 专利的主张

effective date 生效日期

effective filing date 实际申请日期

emblem in trade mark 商标中的标志

emblem of sovereignty 主权标志

employee invention 雇员发明

endorsement of patent 专利特许

enforce a rule 施行规则

entry into force of the contract 合同生效

entry year 登记年

essence of invention 发明的实质

alleged new invention 宣称的新发明

essential part of mark 商标主要部分

establishment procedure of the patent agencies 专利代理机构的审批权限

European Patent Convention 欧洲专利公约

European Patent Report 欧洲专利通报

eventual utility model application 最终的实用新型申请

ex rights 无权利

examination as to novelty 新颖性审查

examination as to substance 实质审查

examination board 审查委员会


patent of introduction 进口专利


patent of invention 发明专利

patent of revalidation 再效专利

patent of utility model 实用新型专利

patent office 专利局

patent owner 专利所有人

patent pending 专利未决

application refused 已被拒绝的申请

patent policy 专利政策

patent pool agreement 共享专利协定

patent pool 专利共享

patent pooling system 专利共享制度

patent property 专利产权

patent protection 专利保护

patent register 专利登记簿

patent regulation 专利实施细则

patent renewed 续展专利

patent report 专利报告

application regulation 申请规则

patent royalty 专利权使用费

patent rules 专利实施细则

patent search 专利调查

patent specification 专利说明书

patent system 专利制

patent watching search 专利的监视性检索

patent work in enterprises 企业专利工作

patent work system 专利工作体系

patent work 专利工作

patent working 专利实施

appointed date 指定日


patentability 专利性

patented article 专利物品

patented invention 专利发明

patented inventor 自称的发明人

patented method 专利方法

patented product 专利产品

patented technology 专利技术

patentee code 专利权人代码


false marking 虚假标志

field of application 申请的领域

figurative element of mark 商标的图形要素

figurative mark 图形商标

file wrapper 文档夹

files of the case in court 在审案的文档

an application filing 提出申请

filing date of application 申请提出日

filing office 受理处

filing patent applications in foreign countries 向外国申请专利

final date 最终日

final fee 最後年费

final registration 最後登记

final term 最终期限

find anticipation 发现占先

first application 第一次申请

first foreign application 第一次国外申请

announcement of invalidation of patent right 宣告专利权无效

first inventor 第一个发明人

first period of protection 第一个保护期

first to file system 先申请制

first to file 先申请

first to invent principle 先发明原则

first to invent system 先发明制

first to invent 先发明

first using right 先用权

foreground invention 前景发明

foreign application 外国申请

annual maintenance for a patent application 专利申请的每年维持费

foreign filing authorization 授权向国外申请

foreign patent 外国专利

foreign protection 外国保护

foreign protective right 外国的保护权

forfeited application 已丧失的申请

form of application 申请表

form of request 请求书格式

formal examination 形式审查

former proprietor of a right 权利的前所有人

former states 在先的状态

anticipate an invention 占先的发明


correspending report 相应的报告

转让申明 declaration of assignment

转让申请 assign an application

转让手续费 transfer fee

转让专利 assign a patent

转送费 transmittal fee

准许商标注册的条件 admissibility of trade mark

准许申请 allowing an application

资料交换协议 date exchange agreement

自称的发明人 patented inventor

自留本 本国副本nhome copy

additional application 增补申请

corresponding patent search 相应的专利检索

自然专利 natural monopoly

自由处理规定 discretionary provision

自由处理权力 discretionary power

自由处理条款 discretionary clause

自愿许可证 voluntary license

自愿转让 voluntary conveyance

综合专利索引 general patent index

总公约 巴黎公约ngeneral convertion

组合商标 combined trademark

最初的审查员 prime examiner

corroboration of invention 发明人的确证

最後登记 final registration

最後年费 final fee

最後位置规则 last place rule

最惠条款 most-favoured provision

最早日期 at the earliest date

最终的实用新型申请 eventual utility model application

最终期限 final term

最终日 final date

作者证书 author's certificate

country of priority 优先权国家

co-user 共同使用人

criterion of patentability 专利性的标准

damages for infringement 侵权的损害赔偿金

data of printing 印刷日

date exchange agreement 资料交换协议

date of application 申请日

date of commencement of the main patent 主专利的开始日


本国专利馆藏 national patent collection

auxiliary utility model 辅助性实用新型

辨别方法 discriminating conduct

伯尔尼公约 Berne Convention

不充分公开 insufficient disclosure

不道德的发明 immoral invention

不能转让的权利 non-transferable right

不完全公开 incomplete disclosure

不完整的申请 incomplete application

部分所有人 part owner

部分专利 partial monopoly

参与侵权 contributory infringement

background of invention 发明的背景

产品专利 product patent

撤回权 right of withdrawal

right to recall

撤回声明 declaration of withdrawal

撤回通知 notice of withdrawal

撤回指定 withdrawal of designation

陈列日 date of display

持有人 bearer


出版公布年 year of publication

bankruptcy of patentee 专利权人的破产

出版数据的管理查询 administering of publication data retrievaling

初步驳回 preliminary rejection

初步可行性研究 pre-feasibility study

初步审查 preliminary examination

初步审查费 preliminary examination fee

次要专利 minor patent

从属发明 dependent invention

从属专利 dependent patent

答复时间 time for replying

代理权 power represent

bar of patentability 专利性的障碍

代理人的指定 appointment of representative

代理人的指派 designation of agent

代理人姓名 name of agent

待审查的申请 application awaiting examination

待审批的申请 pending application


license 许可证


licensed technology 许可转让的技术


list of prior art documents separating from descriptive text 说明书以外的先有技术文件目录

Locarno Agreement 洛加诺协定

lodging of application 提出异议

loss of a right 权利丧失

loss of right 优先权丧失

Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks 商标国际注册马德里协定

main application 主申请

main patent 主专利

application for petty patent 小专利申请

main title 主要名称

maintenance in force of the patent 维持专利权有效

manual for the handing of patent application 专利申请处理手册


master patent 主专利

mechanical patent 机械专利

minor patent 次要专利

mission of patent agency 专利代理的任务

mode of execution 实施方式

model utility 实用新型

application for registration 申请注册

monopoly power 独占权

most-favoured provision 最惠条款

multiple applicant 多个申请人

multiple deposit 多重保存

multiple priorities 多项优先权

name of agent 代理人姓名

name of applicant 申请人姓名

name of grantee 被授予专利权人姓名

name of inventor 发明人姓名

national application 国家申请


national catalog of patents 国别专利目录

national fee 国家收费

national mark 本国商标

national patent collection 本国专利馆藏

national patent 国家专利


发明的工业实用性 industrial applicability of invention

发明的公开 disclosure of invention

发明的简要说明 brief description of invention

发明的利益 benefit of invention

发明的利用 exploitation of invention

发明的实质 essence of invention

发明的特点 characteristic feature of invention

发明的详细说明 detailed description of invention

发明的新颖性 novely of invention

abuse of monopoly 独占权的滥用


发明的性质 nature of invention

发明的总价值 aggregate value of invention

发明构思 inventive concept

发明人 auther of invention


发明人的确证 corroboration of invention

发明人的声明 declaration of inventorship

发明人姓名 name of inventor

发明人与专利人索引 index of inventor and patentee

发明人证书 inventor certificate

belated opposition 延误的异议

发明说明书 description of invention

发明物 invention

发明项目 object of invention

发明摘要 abstract of invention

发明者 inventor


发明专利 patent of invention

发明专利权 patent for invention

发现占先 find anticipation

发行年 year of issue

benefit of invention 发明的利益

发证费 issuance fee

发证日 date of issue

法定权限 official competence

方法专利 process patent

防卫性公布程序 defensive publication program

放弃申请 abandend application

放弃专利权 abandonment of a patent


植物专利 plant patent

纸面专利 paper patent

指定国 designated state

指定局 designated office

指定日 appointed date

指定日期 appointed day

comptroller general of patent 专利局长

制造厂商标 manufacturer's brand

中国专利权 Chinese patent right

终止和期满的专利 patent ceased and expired

终止专利 lapsed patent

重复授予专利 double patent

主权标志 emblem of sovereignty

主任审查员 examiner in chief

主申请 main application

parent application

主要名称 main title

conception date 构思日期

主专利 dominant patent

main patent

master patent

principle patent

主专利的开始日 date of commencement of the main patent

注册簿 register

注册登记 register


注册登记号 number of registration

注册期间 period of registration

concurrent application 同时提出的申请

注册日 date of registration

注册申请 application for registration

注册所有人 owner of registration

专利权,证,品,件,证书,发明 patent

专利案件 patent case

专利保护 patent protection

专利保护范围 scope of patent protection

专利保护类别 categories of patent

专利报告 patent report

专利标记 patent marking

conditions of patentability 专利性的条件

专利表格 patents sheet


在本国申请 application in home country

在後的申请 later application

complete application 完整的申请

在後的选定 later election

在商品上缀附商标 affixation of a mark on goods

在审案的文档 files of the case in court

在先的发明人 prior inventor

在先的专利 prior patent

在先的状态 former states

在先申请人 prior applicant

在先要求 prior claiming

在专利局听证 hearing before the patent office

在专利中要求保护 claimed in a patent

complete description 完整的说明

暂时保护 temporary protection

增补申请 additional application

增补实用证书 utility certificate of addition

增补专利 additional patent

诈取发明人的奖金 defraud the inventor of his award

展览优先权 exibition priority

占先的发明 anticipate an invention

占先的专利 anticipatory patent

障碍的消除 vanishing of impediment

真正的所有人 true owner

complete patent specification 完整的专利说明书

真正的最先发明人 true and first inventor

正商标 original trademark

证明商标 certification mark

证明条款 attestation clause

证实的译文 attested translation

政府发明 government invention

政府所有的发明 government-owned inventions

政府所有的申请 government-owned application

政府专利 public monopoly

支付款项的放弃 waiver of payment

action for infringement of a patent 侵犯专利权的诉讼

complete spesification 完整的说明书

支付申请人的费用 defray the applicant's fees

支配专利 basic patent

知识产权 intellectual property

直接许可证 direct license


patent class 专利类目

patent commissioner 专利局长

patent cooperation treaty 专利合作条约


patent country 批准专利国

patent description 专利说明书

patent disputes 专利争议

patent document 专利文件

patent duties 专利义务

patent examiner 专利审查员

patent examining procedure 专利审查程序

patent expired 专利有效期满

patent families 同族专利

patent family 专利族

application in home country 在本国申请

patent fee 专利费

patent file 专利文档

patent for invention 发明专利权

Patent Gazette for Utility Models 实用新型专利公报

patent gazette 专利公报

patent holder 专利持有者



patent implementing regulations 专利实施法规

patent implementing rules 专利实施规章

application number 申请号

patent in force 生效的专利

patent licence 专利许可证

patent licence-agreement 专利特许协议

patent license-agreement 专利许可合同

patent list 专利目录

patent management in enterprises 企业中的专利管理

patent marking 专利标记

patent matters 专利事务

patent number index 专利号索引

patent number 专利号

abandonment of patent privileges 专利特权的放弃

application paper 申请文件

patent of importation 输入专利

patent of improvement 改进的专利


许可证接受人 grantee of license

许可转让的技术 licensed technology

续展费 renewal fee

续展期间 period of renewal

续展期限 renewal term

续展申请 renewal application

action for infringement of a mark 侵犯商标权的诉讼

co-inventor 共同发明人

续展专利 patent renewed

宣称的新发明 alleged new invention

宣告无效的理由 ground for invalidation

宣告无效的声明 declaration of nullity

宣告无效的效力 effect of invalidation

宣告专利权无效 announcement of invalidation of patent right

宣示性判决 declaration judgement

选择发明 selection invention

选择申请人检索服务 selected applicant service

延长保护期 extension of pretection


延长时间 period of extension

延迟颁发 delay in issue

延迟期间 period of delay

延迟申请 delayed filing

延迟审查 deferred examination

延付金额 deferred sum

延期支付法定费用 delay payment of the official

延误的异议 belated opposition

要求保护的发明 claimed invention

要求承认对发明的所有权 claiming ownership

combined trademark 组合商标

要求承认优先权 claim the right of priority

要求的放弃 waiver of requirement

要求续展 demand for renewal

要求转让权利 demand the assignment of a right

一般法 general law

已被拒绝的申请 application refused

已丧失的申请 forfeited application

已申请专利 patent applied for

已终止专利 lapsed patent

已转让的申请 assigned application

committee of experts on patents 专利事务专家委员会


patentee 专利登记人

appointed day 指定日期



patentor 授与专利的人



patents ceased through nonpayment of renewal fees 因未付续展费而终止的专利

patents registration 专利登记

patents sheet 专利表格

payment of fee 费用缴纳

pending application 待审批的申请

appointment of patent agent 专利代理人的指定


period of delay 延迟期间

period of extension 延长时间

period of priority 优先权期间

period of registration 注册期间

period of renewal 续展期间

person challanged 被异议人

petition for examination 请求审查

petition 请求书

petty patent 小专利

appointment of representative 代理人的指定

pioneer invention 开创性发明

pioneer patent 开创性专利

plant patent 植物专利

plea of nullity 无效抗辩

potential applicant 潜在申请人

potential technology 潜在技术

power represent 代理权

pre-feasibility study 初步可行性研究

preliminary examination fee 初步审查费

preliminary examination 初步审查

appropriate protection of a right 权利的适当保护


preliminary rejection 初步驳回

presumed inventor 推定发明人

previous application 以前的申请

previous right 先前的权利


确认专利 confirmation patent

日本专利分类法 Japan Patent Classification

入藏登记 accession

入藏登记号索引 Accession Number Index

入门费 initial down payment

瑞士专利 Swiss Patent 色码制 colour coding 善意使用 bona fide use

categories of patent 专利保护类别

商标注册申请 application for trademark

trademark application

商标保护 trademark protection

商标代理人协会 institute of trademark agents

商标的国际注册 international registration of marks

商标的图形要素 figurative element of mark

商标公报 trademark gazette

商标国际注册马德里协定 Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of


商标名称 brand name

商标侵权 trademark infringe ment

certificate of correction 更正证明书

商标取消 cancellation of trade mark

商标权 trademark right

商标申请权的获得 acquisition of the right to a mark

商标说明 description of trademark

商标诉讼 trademark litigation

商标所有权 ownership of trademark

商标所有人 owner of trademark

商标图形要素国际分类表 维也纳协定nInternational Classification of the Figurative Elements

of Marks

商标效力 effect of trademark

商标异议 trademark apposition

accomplishment of a search 完成检索

certificate of patent 专利证

商标中的标志 emblem in trade mark

商标主要部分 essential part of mark

商标注册 registration of trademark

商标注册簿 trademark register

商标注册人 trademark registrant

商标注册日 date of the registration of a mark

商标注册条约 Trademark Registration Treaty

商标注册用的商品和服务国际分类法 International Classification of Goods and Services for the

Purposes of the Registration of Marks

商标注册用的商品及服务国际分类尼斯协定 Nice Agreement Concerning the International

Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks


已转让的专利 assigned patent

以前的申请 previous application

以说明书为依据的权利要求 claim supported by the description

以未付款为理由 by reason of non-payment

异议程序 opposition procedure

异议费 opposition fee

异议期间 opposition period

异议人 opponent

异议通知 notice of opposition

异议文件 opposition document

community patent 共同体专利

异议一方 party in opposition

意图使用商标的声明 declaration of intent to use a mark

因分类而增加收费 increase in fees due to classification

因未付续展费而终止的专利 patents ceased through nonpayment of renewal fees

音响商标 sound mark

引进专利 patent of introduction

印刷日 data of printing

英国专利 British patent

优先权的利益 benefit of priority

优先权期间 period of priority

competence of the patent division 专利处的权限

priority interval

优先权国家 country of priority

优先权丧失 loss of right

优先权声明 prioity claim

有关的分案申请 related by divisions

有关的继续申请 related by continuations

有关的再公告专利 related by reissues

有关的增补申请 related by additions

有效期满专利 expired patent

lapsed patent

competing technology 竞争性技术

有优先权申请的号码 numbers assigned to priority applications

有优先权申请的申请日 dates of filing priority applications

与国际条约有关的识别项目 identification of data related international conventions

与文件有关的当事人事项 identification of parties concerned with the document

预先审查 preliminary examination

再公告 reissue

再公告专利 reissue patent

再效专利 patent of revalidation


national registration 国家注册


nature of invention 发明的性质

negate novelty 否定新颖性

network of patents 专利权网

abandonment of a patent 放弃专利权

application for restoration 恢复申请

new invention 新发明

new products monopoly 新产品专利

Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the

Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商标注册用的商品及服务国际分类尼斯协定

non-contest clause 无争议条款

non-convention application 非巴黎公约国家的申请

non-distinctive trademark 无显着性的商标

non-exclusive licence 非独占许可证

non-fulfilment 未履行

non-patent ability 无专利性

non-published technology 未公布技术

application for the grant of a patent 申请授予专利权

non-service invention 非职务发明

non-transferable right 不能转让的权利

non-voluntary licence 非自愿许可证


notice of delivery 送达通知

notice of infringement 侵权的通知

notice of opposition 异议通知

notice of withdrawal 撤回通知

notification on formal insufficiencies 形式不合格的通知

novel invention 新发明

application for the protection of an invention 申请保护发明

novelty report 新颖性报告

novely of invention 发明的新颖性

number of application 申请号

number of registration 注册登记号

number of the document 文件号

numbers assigned to priority applications 有优先权申请的号码

object of invention 发明项目

obligation of patent agent 专利代理人责任

obvious invention 显而易见的发明

office action 专利局审查决定书

application for the reissure of a patent 申请重新颁发专利


prime examiner 最初的审查员

principle patent 主专利

prioity claim 优先权声明

prior applicant 在先申请人

prior claiming 在先要求

assign a mark 转让商标

prior inventor 在先的发明人

prior patent 在先的专利

priority interval 优先权期间

process patent 方法专利

processing of application 申请案的处理

product patent 产品专利

proprietary article 专利品

proprietary technology 专有技术


publication fee 公布费

assign a patent 转让专利

reciprocal license 互惠许可证

recording of patent license contract 专利许可合同备案

regional centre for technology transfer 技术转让地区中心

regional patent 地区专利

register of patent 专利登记



registration certificate 登记证

registration number 登记号

registration of patent 专利登记

abridgement of patents 专利说明书摘要

assign a trade name 转让厂商名称

registration of trademark 商标注册



reissue patent 再公告专利

reissue 再公告

related by additions 有关的增补申请

related by continuations 有关的继续申请

related by divisions 有关的分案申请

related by reissues 有关的再公告专利

renewal application 续展申请

assign an application 转让申请


renewal fee 续展费

renewal term 续展期限

reqest for re-examination 请求复审

request for examination 请求审查

right of joint use 共同使用权

right of personal possession 个人占有权

right of preemption 先买权

right of withdrawal 撤回权

right to recall 撤回权


assign the registration of a mark 转让商标注册

scope of invention 发明的范围

scope of patent protection 专利保护范围

secret patent 保密专利

selected applicant service 选择申请人检索服务

selected classification service 专利选类服务

selection invention 选择发明

serial number of patent 专利证书序号

sole license 独家许可证

sound mark 音响商标

special medicine patent 特种医药专利

assigned application 已转让的申请

special power of attorney 特别授权书

specification of patent 专利说明书

state patent collection 国家专利馆藏

sub-application 分申请

sub-filling 分申请

sub-license 分许可证

subsequent application 後来的申请

subsidiary patent 附属专利

substance patent 物质专利

substance protection 物质保护

assigned patent 已转让的专利

substantive examination 实质审查

substitute application 替换申请

substitute attorney 副代理人

sunstsantive patent law 专利实体法

surrender of patent 专有权的放弃

Swiss Patent 瑞士专利

system for checking on patent agents 专利代理人的考核


单一专利 unitary patent

当然许可证 license of right

登记号 registration number

登记年 entry year

登记日 date of entry

bar to patent grant 批准专利的障碍

登记证 registration

registration certificate

抵触的申请 conflicing application

interfering application

抵触的专利 conflicting patent

interfering patent

抵触的专利权人 interfering patentee

地区专利 regional patent

第一次国外申请 first foreign application

第一次申请 first application

basic patent 基本专利

第一个保护期 first period of protection

第一个发明人 first inventor

电子文件申请 patent application by electronic carrier

独家许可证 sole license

独立发明 independent invention

独立发明人 independent inventor

独立申请 independent application

独立专利 independent patent

独占权 exclusive right

monopoly power


独占权的滥用 abuse of monopoly

独占专利 exclusive patent

多个申请人 multiple applicant

多项优先权 multiple priorities

多重保存 multiple deposit

发明 invention

发明创造 invention and creation

发明的 inventive

发明的背景 background of invention

发明的单一性 unity of invention

basic requisition number 基本申请编号

发明的范围 scope of invention


Accession Number Index 入藏登记号索引


broadening of the scope protection 扩大保护范围

技术持有人 holder of technology

技术公开 technical disclosure

技术接受人 technology recipient

技术诀窍 technical know-how

技术特征 technical feature

技术提供人 technical supplier

技术转让 technology transfer

transfer of skill

transfer of technology

技术转让地区中心 regional centre for technology transfer

business scope of the patent agencies 专利代理机构的业务范围

技术转让合同 contract of transfer of technology

技术组合法 technique combination

继续申请 continuing application

加拿大专利 Canadian Patent

较早的申请 earlier application

截止日 deadline date

进口专利 patent of introduction

经济实用性 economic usefulness

经济专利 economic patent

经认证的副本 certified copy

buyer's monopoly 买方专利

竞争性技术 competing technology

拒绝保护的声明 declaration of refusal of protection

决定理由 decisive reasons

开创性发明 pioneer invention

开创性专利 pioneer patent

口头公开 oral disclosure

扩大保护范围 broadening of the scope protection

劳力垄断 labour monopoly

联续的申请 continuation applications

临时保护 temporary protection

by reason of non-payment 以未付款为理由

洛加诺协定 Locarno Agreement

买方专利 buyer's monopoly

美国专利 American Patent

美国专利局公报 Official Gazette of the United State's Patent Office

免除使用费 dispense with royalties


放弃专利申请 abandonment of a patent application

非巴黎公约国家的申请 non-convention application

非独占许可证 non-exclusive licence

benefit of priority 优先权的利益

非侵权申明 declaration of non-infringement

非显而易见性 unobviousness

非有意侵权 innocent infringement

非正式的申请 informal application

非职务发明 non-service invention

非自愿许可证 non-voluntary licence

费用缴纳 payment of fee

分申请 sub-application


分许可证 sub-license

Berne Convention 伯尔尼公约

否定新颖性 negate novelty

辅助申请 auxiliary application

辅助性实用新型 auxiliary utility model

附加情报 additional information

附属专利 subsidiary patent

复本 duplicate

副代理人 substitute attorney

改进的专利 improvement patent

patent of improvement

改进性发明 invention of improvement

biological patent 生物专利

高级专利进修班 advanced patent course

个人占有权 right of personal possession

更正证明书 certificate of correction

工业独占 industrial monopoly

工业发展专利权 industrial development patents

工业品外观设计 industrial design

工业专利 industrial monopoly

公布费 publication fee

公布状况单项调查 专利的nindividual survey for status of publication

公开日期项目 date of making available to the public

bona fide use 善意使用

公约日 convention date

公约优先权项目 convention priority data

功能性发明 function-oriented invention


专利性 patentability

专利性的标准 criterion of patentability

专利性的确定 determination of patentability

专利性的条件 conditions of patentability

专利性的障碍 bar of patentability

专利许可合同 patent license-agreement

专利许可合同备案 recording of patent license contract

专利许可证 patent licence

copending application 同时待审的申请

专利选类服务 selected classification service

专利义务 patent duties

专利有效期满 patent expired

专利折旧 depreciation on franchises

专利争议 patent disputes

专利争议的管辖权 jurisdiction in patent disputes

专利证 certificate of patent

专利证书 letters patent

patent certificate

专利证书颁发日 date of issue of the patent

co-proprietor 共同所有人

专利证书序号 serial number of patent

专利政策 patent policy

专利执照 exclusive licence

专利制 patent system

专利族 patent family

专有持有人 holder of the patent

专有技术 proprietary technology

专有技术合同 know-how contract

专有利用权 exclusive rights of exploitation

专有权 exclusive right

correspending application 相应的申请

专有权持有人 patent holder

专有权的辩护 defense of patent

专有权的放弃 surrender of patent

专有特权 exclusive priviliges

转让厂商名称 assign a trade name

转让费 transfer fee

转让权利 alienate a right


转让商标 assign a mark

转让商标注册 assign the registration of a mark


授予人 grantor

授予日期 date of grant

授予许可证 grant of license

授予专利的机关 patentor

授予专利权 grant of patent

授予专利权的效力 effect of grant of patent

授与专利的人 patentor

claimed in a patent 在专利中要求保护

书面公开 written disclosure

书面申明 written declaration

书面申请 written application

输入专利 importation patent

patent of importation

说明书以外的先有技术文件目录 list of prior art documents separating from descriptive text

送达通知 notice of delivery

缩短对商标的保护 diminish the protection granted to the trademark

特别授权书 special power of attorney

特许制造标记 indication of manufacture under license

acquisition of the right to a mark 商标申请权的获得

claimed invention 要求保护的发明

特种医药专利 special medicine patent

提成费 royalty

提出权利要求的人 claiment

提出申请 an application filing

提出申请的宽限期 grace period for the filing of an application

提出异议 lodging of application

替换申请 substitute application

条款的意旨 intention of clause

同时提出的申请 concurrent application

同时待审的申请 copending application

claiment 提出权利要求的人

同族专利单项调查 individual survey for family

同族专利的申请 cognate application

同族发明 cognate invention

同族专利 patent families

同族专利单项服务 individual request for patent family

图形商标 descriptive trademark

figurative mark

推迟的审查 delayed examination

推迟审查 deferred examination

推定发明人 presumed inventor


claiming ownership 要求承认对发明的所有权

外观设计法 design act

design law

外观设计申请 design application

外观设计注册簿 design register

外观设计专利 design patent

外国保护 foreign protection

外国的保护权 foreign protective right

外国申请 foreign application

外国专利 foreign patent

完成检索 accomplishment of a search

clark of the patent office 专利局办事员

完整的申请 complete application

完整的说明 complete description

完整的说明书 complete spesification

完整的专利说明书 complete patent specification

为执行委托或由雇员作出的发明 inventions made in execution of commission or by employees

违法的发明 illegal invention

违反道德的发明 inventions contrary to morality

违反法律的发明 violation of law

维持专利权有效 maintenance in force of the patent

未公布技术 non-published technology

classification of applications 申请的分类

未经审查的专利 unexamined patent

未决申请 pending application

未履行 non-fulfilment

未满期专利 unexpired patent

未实施 failure to work

未实施工业品外观设计 failure to work industrial design

未实施取得专利的发明 failure to work patented invention

未使用商标 failure to use mark

未完成的发明 unaccomplished invention

未指出的缺陷 deficiencies not censured

classification of patents 专利的分类

文档夹 file wrapper

文件代码 document code

number of the document

文件种类 kind of document

无权利 ex rights

无显着性的商标 non-distinctive trademark

无效抗辩 plea of nullity


专利产品 patented product

专利产权 patent property

专利持有者 patent holder

专利处的权限 competence of the patent division

专利代理处 patent agency

专利代理的任务 mission of patent agency

专利代理机构的审批权限 establishment procedure of the patent agencies

专利代理机构的业务范围 business scope of the patent agencies

专利代理人 patent agent

confirmation patent 确认专利

专利代理人的考核 system for checking on patent agents

专利代理人的指定 appointment of patent agent

专利代理人协会 institute of patent agents

专利代理人责任 obligation of patent agent

专利的独立性 independence of patent

专利的分类 classification of patents

专利的互相依赖性 inter-dependence of patent

专利的监视性检索 patent watching search

专利的买主 vendee of patent

专利的评价 valuation of patent

conflicing application 抵触的申请

专利的效力 effect of patent

专利的有效性 validity of patent

专利的主张 allegation of a patent

专利的专有权 exclusive rights in a patent

专利登记 patents registration

register of patent

registration of patent

专利登记簿 patent register

专利登记簿的查阅 inspection of the patent register

专利登记人 patentee

conflict of applications 申请的抵触

专利抵触审查员 examiner of interference

专利调查 patent search

专利发明 patented invention

专利方法 patented method

专利放弃权 patent abandonment right

专利费 patent fee

专利工作 patent work

专利工作体系 patent work system

专利公报 patent gazette


商标注销 trademark concellation


商标专用权 exclusive right to use trademark

商标专有权 exclusive right in a mark

设计专利 design patent

申请案的处理 processing of application

申请案文件 application document

申请保护发明 application for the protection of an invention

申请表 application form

form of application

申请程序用表格 forms used in the application procedure

申请的抵触 conflict of applications


申请的分案 division of applications

申请的分类 classification of applications

申请的领域 field of application

申请的缺陷 defect of application

申请的审查 examination of application

申请费 application fee

申请规则 application regulation

申请国 applicant state

申请号 application number

number of application

cessionary 受让人

申请人 applicant

申请人姓名 name of applicant

申请日 date of application

申请授予专利权 application for the grant of a patent

申请提出日 filing date of application

申请文件 application document

application paper

申请续展专利 application for the renewal of a patent

申请用语 term for filing

申请再公告专利 application for the reissure of a patent

characteristic feature of invention 发明的特点

申请重新颁发专利 application for the reissure of a patent

申请注册 application for registration

申请专利 application for patent

审查 examination

审查报告 examination report

审查部 examination department


审查长 examiner in chief

examination procedure

审查处 examining division

审查费 examination fee

Chinese patent right 中国专利权

审查国 examination country

审查委员会 examination board

审查员 examiner

审查员报告 examiner's report

审查制国家 examination countries

审查组 examining group

生物专利 biological patent

生效的专利 patent in force

生效日期 effective date

施行规则 enforce a rule

claim supported by the description 以说明书为依据的权利要求

实际申请日期 effective filing date

实施发明 carry out an invention

实施方式 mode of execution

实施日 date of execution

实施细则 executive regulation

实用新型 model utility

utility model

实用新型保护 utility model protection

实用新型的取消 cancellation of utility models

实用新型法 utility model law

claim the right of priority 要求承认优先权

实用新型侵权 utility model infringement

实用新型申请 utility model application

实用新型注册簿 utility model register

实用新型专利 patent of utility model

实用证书 utility certificate

实质审查 examination as to substance

substantive examination

受理处 filing office

受理的通知 notice of acceptance



授权向国外申请 foreign filing authorization

授予 grant

授予的决定 decision of grant


无争议条款 non-contest clause

无专利性 non-patent ability

物质保护 substance protection

co-applicant 共同申请人

物质专利 substance patent

先发明 first to invent

先发明原则 first to invent principle

先发明制 first to invent system

先买权 right of preemption

先前的权利 previous right

先申请 first to file

先申请制 first to file system

先用权 first using right

显而易见的发明 obvious invention

cogent provision 强行规定

显着的商标 distinctive mark

显着特点 distinctive feature

相互依存的专利 interdependent patents

相应的报告 correspending report

相应的申请 correspending application

相应的专利检索 corresponding patent search

向外国申请专利 filing patent applications in foreign countries

象征性使用 token use

小专利 petty patent

小专利申请 application for petty patent

cognate application 同族专利的申请

协议申明 declaration of agreement

新产品专利 new products monopoly

新发明 new invention

novel invention

新颖性报告 novelty report

新颖性审查 examination as to novelty

形式不合格的通知 notification on formal insufficiencies

形式审查 formal examination

修改後的专利说明书 amended patent specification

虚假标志 false marking

cognate invention 同族发明

许可方 licensor

许可使用商标 license mark

许可使用专利 license patent

许可证 license


invention of improvement 改进性发明



inventions contrary to morality 违反道德的发明

inventions made in execution of commission or by employees 为执行委托或由雇员作出的发明

inventive concept 发明构思

inventive 发明的

inventor certificate 发明人证书

application fee 申请费



issuance fee 发证费

Japan Patent Classification 日本专利分类法

joint application 共同申请

joint invention 共同发明

joint inventor 共同发明人

joint owner 共同所有人

joint patent 共有专利

joint user 共同使用人

application for patent 申请专利

judicial assignment of patent application 专利申请的判决转让

jurisdiction in patent disputes 专利争议的管辖权

kind of document 文件种类

know-how contract 专有技术合同


lack of novelty 缺乏新颖性

lack unity of invention 缺乏发明单一性

lapse of a patent 专利权终止

lapsed patent 已终止专利




last place rule 最後位置规则

later application 在後的申请

later election 在後的选定

letters patent 专利证书

licencing agreement 专利使用权协议

license mark 许可使用商标

license of right 当然许可证

license patent 许可使用专利


additional information 附加情报

date of display 陈列日

date of entry 登记日

date of execution 实施日

date of grant 授予日期

date of issue of the patent 专利证书颁发日

date of issue 发证日

date of making available to the public 公开日期项目

date of patent 专利权授日


date of registration 注册日

additional patent 增补专利

date of the registration of a mark 商标注册日

dates of filing priority applications 有优先权申请的申请日

deadline date 截止日

decision of grant 授予的决定

decisive reasons 决定理由

declaration judgement 宣示性判决

declaration of agreement 协议申明

declaration of assignment 转让申明

declaration of intent to use a mark 意图使用商标的声明

declaration of inventorship 发明人的声明

administering of publication data retrievaling 出版数据的管理查询

declaration of non-infringement 非侵权申明

declaration of nullity 宣告无效的声明

declaration of refusal of protection 拒绝保护的声明

declaration of withdrawal 撤回声明

defect of application 申请的缺陷

defendant in an infringement 侵权诉讼案的被告

defense of patent 专有权的辩护

defense of right 权利辩护

defensive publication program 防卫性公布程序

deferred examination 推迟审查

实用新型专利公报 Patent Gazette for Utility Models

administrative authorities for patent affairs 专利管理机关


deferred sum 延付金额

deficiencies not censured 未指出的缺陷

define the limite of the protection claimed 确立要求保护的范围

defraud the inventor of his award 诈取发明人的奖金

defray the applicant's fees 支付申请人的费用


examination countries 审查制国家

allowing an application 准许申请

examination country 审查国

examination department 审查部

examination fee 审查费

examination of a patent application 专利申请的审查

examination of application 申请的审查

examination procedure 审查程序

examination report 审查报告


examiner in chief 审查长


amended of a patent application 专利申请的修改

examiner of interference 专利抵触审查员


examiner's report 审查员报告

examining division 审查处

examining group 审查组

exclusive licence 专利执照

exclusive patent 独占专利

exclusive priviliges 专有特权

exclusive right in a mark 商标专有权

exclusive right to use trademark 商标专用权

abandend application 放弃申请

amended patent specification 修改後的专利说明书

exclusive right 独占权


exclusive rights in a patent 专利的专有权

exclusive rights of exploitation 专有利用权

executive regulation 实施细则

exibition priority 展览优先权

expired patent 有效期满专利

exploitation of invention 发明的利用

extension of pretection 延长保护期

extent of protection 保护范围

American Patent 美国专利

failure to use mark 未使用商标

failure to work industrial design 未实施工业品外观设计

failure to work patented invention 未实施取得专利的发明

failure to work 未实施


专利申请的每年维持费 annual maintenance for a patent application

专利申请的判决转让 judicial assignment of patent application

专利申请的审查 examination of a patent application

专利申请的所有人 owner of patent application

专利申请的修改 amended of a patent application

contributory infringement 参与侵权

专利申请的早期公开 earlier publication of a patent application

专利申请人 applicant for a patent

patent applicant

专利申请人检索服务 patent applicant service

专利申请书 application for patent

专利审查程序 patent examining procedure

专利审查员 patent examiner

专利审批流程的监视和管理 watching and administering the process of patent examination and


专利实施 patent working

专利实施法规 patent implementing regulations

convention date 公约日

专利实施规章 patent implementing rules

专利实施细则 patent regulation

patent rules

专利实体法 sunstsantive patent law

专利使用权协议 licencing agreement

专利事务 patent matters

专利事务专家委员会 committee of experts on patents

专利说明书 patent description

patent specification

specification of patent

Convention for the European Patent for the Common Market 共同市场欧洲专利公约

专利说明书索引 index of patent specification

专利说明书摘要 abridgement of patents

patent abridgements

专利所有人 owner of patent

patent owner

专利特权的放弃 abandonment of patent privileges

专利特许 endorsement of patent

专利特许协议 patent licence-agreement

专利未决 patent pending

专利文档 patent file

convention priority data 公约优先权项目

专利文件 patent document

专利物品 patented article


专利共享 patent pool

conflicting patent 抵触的专利

专利共享制度 patent pooling system

专利管理 patent administration

专利管理部 department of patent administration

专利管理机关 administrative authorities for patent affairs

专利号 patent number

专利号索引 patent number index

专利合作条约 patent cooperation treaty

专利合作条约专利 国际专利ninternational patent

专利技术 patented technology

专利局 patent office

continuation applications 联续的申请

专利局办事员 clark of the patent office

专利局长 patent commissioner

comptroller general of patent

专利局审查决定书 office action

专利类目 patent class

专利目录 patent list

专利年费 patent annuity

专利品 proprietary article

专利取得人 patentee

专利权人 patent holder

action for infringement of an industrial design 侵犯外观设计的诉讼

continuing application 继续申请


专利权人代码 patentee code

专利权人的破产 bankruptcy of patentee

专利权人和发明人协会 institute of patentees and inventors

专利权使用费 patent royalty

专利权授日 date of patent

专利权授与者 patentor

专利权所有人 owner of patent

专利权网 network of patents

专利权终止 lapse of a patent

contract of transfer of technology 技术转让合同

专利日期 date of patent

专利申请 application for patent

patent application

专利申请处理手册 manual for the handing of patent application

专利申请的分类案 dicision of a patent application


forms used in the application procedure 申请程序用表格

fraudulent imitation 欺骗性仿制

full text patent documents 全文专利文档

function-oriented invention 功能性发明


general patent index 综合专利索引

German Patent GPn德国专利

government invention 政府发明

government-owned application 政府所有的申请

government-owned inventions 政府所有的发明

anticipatory patent 占先的专利

grace period for the filing of an application 提出申请的宽限期

grant of license 授予许可证

grant of patent 授予专利权


grantee of license 许可证接受人

granting procedure 批准程序


ground for invalidation 宣告无效的理由

hearing before the patent office 在专利局听证

holder of technology 技术持有人

applicant for a patent 专利申请人

holder of the patent 专有持有人


home registration 本国注册

identification of data related international conventions 与国际条约有关的识别项目

identification of parties concerned with the document 与文件有关的当事人事项

illegal invention 违法的发明

immoral invention 不道德的发明

importation patent 输入专利

improvement patent 改进的专利

incomplete application 不完整的申请

applicant state 申请国

incomplete disclosure 不完全公开

increase in fees due to classification 因分类而增加收费

independence of patent 专利的独立性

independent application 独立申请

independent invention 独立发明

independent inventor 独立发明人

independent patent 独立专利


technical disclosure 技术公开

technical feature 技术特征

technical know-how 技术诀窍

assignment of protective right 保护权的转让

technical supplier 技术提供人

technique combination 技术组合法

technology recipient 技术接受人

technology transfer 技术转让

temporary protection 临时保护


term for filing 申请用语

time for replying 答复时间

token use 象征性使用

trademark application 商标注册申请

at the earliest date 最早日期

trademark apposition 商标异议

trademark concellation 商标注销

trademark gazette 商标公报

trademark infringe ment 商标侵权

trademark litigation 商标诉讼

trademark protection 商标保护

trademark register 商标注册簿

trademark registrant 商标注册人

Trademark Registration Treaty 商标注册条约

trademark right 商标权

attestation clause 证明条款



transfer of skill 技术转让

transfer of technology 技术转让


transmittal fee 转送费

true and first inventor 真正的最先发明人

true owner 真正的所有人

unaccomplished invention 未完成的发明

unexamined patent 未经审查的专利

attested translation 证实的译文

unexpired patent 未满期专利

unitary patent 单一专利

unity of invention 发明的单一性


official competence 法定权限

Official Gazette of the United State's Patent Office 美国专利局公报

opponent 异议人

opposition document 异议文件

opposition fee 异议费

opposition period 异议期间

opposition procedure 异议程序

oral disclosure 口头公开

original trademark 正商标



owner of patent application 专利申请的所有人

owner of patent 专利权所有人


owner of registration 注册所有人

owner of trademark 商标所有人

ownership of trademark 商标所有权

paper patent 纸面专利

parent application 主申请

parent patent 母专利

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property 保护工业产权巴黎公约

application for the renewal of a patent 申请续展专利

part owner 部分所有人


party in opposition 异议一方

patent abandonment right 专利放弃权

patent abridgements 专利说明书摘要

patent administration 专利管理

patent agency 专利代理处

patent agent 专利代理人

patent annuity 专利年费

patent applicant service 专利申请人检索服务

application for trademark 商标注册申请

patent applicant 专利申请人

patent application by electronic carrier 电子文件申请

patent application 专利申请

patent applied for 已申请专利

patent case 专利案件

patent ceased and expired 终止和期满的专利

patent certificate 专利证书


本文标签: 专利申请发明商标