


Unit one

1. works one’s fingers to the bone 拼命干活

to work very hard

2. burn the midnight oil 学习或工作开夜车

to work or study very late in the night

3. fall down on the job 没有把工作做好

to fail to do well

4. hit the books 用功

to study your school assignment, prepare for classes

5. do back-breaking work 干苦力活,艰苦

to do very difficult physical work

6. work like a dog 勤奋工作,拼命工作

to work hard and seriously

Unit 2

1. have a green thumb 天才,有天赋

used to describe a person who is good at gardening and whose plants

grow very well

2. be a breeze 易做之事

refers to something that is easy to do

3. have two left feet 对某事不在行,非常笨拙

used to describe a person who dances badly

4. have a golden touch 点石成金, 很会赚钱

refers to someone who has ability to make a great deal of money in every

enterprise they try

5. have a nose for 探查、发现某物

to have an ability to detect or find sth.

6. be easy as pie 极容易

本文标签: 工作习语天赋探查天才