



27-2In the binary system of representation the base is 2, and only two numerals 0 and 1 are

required to represent a number. The numerals 0 and 1 have the same meaning as in the decimal

system, but a different interpretation is placed on the position occupied by a digit. In the binary

system the individual digits represent the coefficients of powers of two rather than ten as in the

decimal system. For example, the decimal number 19 is written in the binary representation as

10011 since


A short list of equivalent numbers in decimal and binary notation is given in Table 3.2.






27-3A general method for converting from a decimal to a binary number is indicated in Table

3.3. The procedure is the following. Place the decimal number (in this illustration, 19) on the

extreme right. Next divide by 2 and place the quotient (9) to the left and indicate the remainder (1)

directly below it. Repeat this process (for the next column 9÷2 =4 and a remainder of 1) until a

quotient of 0 is obtained. The array of 1’s and 0’s in the second row is the binary representation

of the origin decimal number. In this example, decimal 19=10011 binary.





28-1A binary digit (a 1 or a 0) is called a bit. A group of bits that has the same significance is

called a byte, word, or code. For example, to represent the 10 numerals (0, 1, 2, …, 9) and the 26

letters of the English alphabet would require 36 different combinations of 1’s and 0’s. Since

25<36<26, then a minimum of 6 bits per bite are required in order to accommodate all the

alphanumeric characters. In this sense a bite is sometimes referred to as a character and a group

of one or more characters as a word.





29-1The parameters of a physical device (for example, VCE·sat of a transistor) are not identical

from sample to sample, and they also vary with temperature. Furthermore, ripple or voltage spikes

may exist in the power supply or ground leads, and other sources of unwanted signals, called

noise, may be present in the circuit. For these reasons the digital levels are not specified precisely,

but as indicated by the shaded region in Figure 3.6, each state is defined by a voltage range about

a designated level, such as 4±1 V and 0.2±0.2 V.

每个实体器件样本的参数(如晶体管的VCE·sat )是不完全相同的,它们还会随温度变化。



指定电平的电压范围,例如4±1 V 和 0.2±0.2 V。


37-1The materials that make up our universe are composed of over one hundred basic and

individual types of matter called elements. Ninety-two of these elements occur naturally and the

remainders are man-made. Each element has a separate identify of its own, that is, no two

elements have the same physical and chemical properties, nor can an element be subdivided by

ordinary physical and chemical means into simple elements.[1] Examples of elements are gold,

mercury and oxygen.





37-3Electrons whirl around nuclei in much the same manner that the planets of our solar system

travel around the sun. The difference between an atom of one element and that of another is in the

number of protons and neutrons contained in the nucleus.[2] All the elements in the universe,

and therefore all matter, is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.




37-4There must be force of attraction between a nucleus and the electrons surrounding it,

otherwise the electrons would fly off into space, in order to understand its nature, we find it

helpful to call this force a charge. The charge of the nucleus is defined as positive, and the

opposite charge of the electron, negative. In view of the fact that opposites attract, the force

between the nucleus and the rotating electron around it prevents the electron from flying off into





38-last para Impurities may be added to pure semiconductors. This results in semiconductor

materials, which may either have an excess of free electrons or a deficiency of orbital electrons.

When an excess of electrons is present we call the material N-type; when lack of orbital electrons

occurs, we call the material P-type. Both N-type and P-type semiconductors are made by treated

materials. such as germanium and silicon with impurities ,such as arsenic and indium. The

addition of impurities to semiconductors is called doping.





50-2At first, these disk drives used 14 inch disks, but now they use 5 1/4 inch, 3 1/2 inch,2 1/2

inch, and 1 4/5 inch diameters. In contrast to the floppy disk drive, hard disk drives hold from 80

megabytes to gigabytes and terabytes of information. When purchasing a hard disk, consider

storage capacity and seek time, a measure of a hard disk’s access speed. The smaller the numbers,

the faster the disk. In the past, 65 milliseconds was the standard access time, but today the

standard is less than 7 milliseconds.

起初,这些磁盘驱动采用14英寸磁盘,但现在采用的是5 1/4英寸,2 1/2英寸和1 4/5直径




50-3Storing data on hard disks is similar to storing data on diskettes. In order to read or write data

on the surface of the spinning disk platter, the disk drives are designed with access arms, or

actuators.[1] The access arms, or actuators, contain one or more read/write heads per disk surface.

As the disk rotates at a high rate of speed, usually 3,600 revolution per minute, the read/write

heads move across its surface. These read/write heads float on a cushion of air and do not actually

touch the surface of the disk.[2] The distance between the head and the surface varies from

approximately ten to twenty millionths of an inch. If some form of contamination is introduced or

if the alignment of the read/write heads is altered by something accidentally jarring the computer,

the disk head can collide and damage the disk surface, causing a loss of data. This event is known

as a head crash. Because of the time needed to repair the disk and to reconstruct the data that was

lost, head crashes can be extremely costly to users in terms of both time and money.








50-5The sector method for physically organizing data on disks divides each track on the disk

surface into individual storage areas called sectors. Each sectors can contain a specified number of

bytes. Data is referenced by indicating the surface, track, and sector where the data is stored.



51-6Most optical disks are prerecorded and cannot be modified by the user. These disks are used

for applications such as an auto parts catalog where the information is changed only occasionally,

such as once a year, and a new updated optical disk is created.[3] Optical disk devices that provide

for one-time recording are called WORM devices, an acronym for write once, read many. Erasable

optical disk drives are just starting to be used. The most common erasable optical drives use

magneto-optical technology, in which a magnetic field changes the polarity of a spot on the disk

that has been heated by a laser.[4]




是write once, read many的缩写。可擦写光盘设备刚开始被使用。最常见的可擦写光盘驱动




PCM is dependent on three separate operations: sampling, quantizing, and coding. Many

different schemes for performing these three functions have evolved during recent years, and we

shall describe the main ones.[1] In these descriptions we shall see how a speech channel of

telephone quality maybe conveyed as a series of amplitude values, each value being represented,

that is, coded, as a sequence of 8 binary digits.[2] Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum

theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8 kilohertz (kHz) is required to convey a voice channel

occupying the range 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz.[3] Practical equipments, however, normally use a

sampling rate of 8 kHz, and if 8-digits per sample value are used, the voice channel becomes

represented by a stream of pulses with a repetition rate of 64 kHz. Figure 6.2 illustrates the

sampling, quantizing, and coding processes.





最小采样频率为6.8khz。但实际的设备通常采用8 kHz的采样速度,而如果采用8位每样本

的值,则会出现重复速率为64 kHz的脉冲流。采样,量化和编码过程如图6.2所示。

67-2Digital transmission provides a powerful method for overcoming noisy environments. Noise

can be introduced into transmission path in many different ways; perhaps via a nearby lightning

strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low-level noise within the

communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known

as the signal-to-noise ratio, which is of most interest to the communication engineer. Basically, if

the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then a perfect message can take place;

however, this is not always the case. For example, the signal received from a satellite, located in

far outer space, is very weak and is at a level only slightly above that of the noise.[4]

Alternative examples may be found within terrestrial systems where, although the message signal

is strong, so is the noise power.







67-3If we consider binary transmission, the complete information about a particular message will

always be obtained by simply detecting the presence or absence of the pulse. By comparison, most

other forms of transmission systems convey the message information using the shape, or level

of the transmitted signal; parameters that are most easily affected by the noise and attenuation

introduced by the transmission path.[5] Consequently there is an inherent advantage for

overcoming noisy environments by choosing digita1 transmission.




67-4So far in this discussion we have assumed that each voice channel has a separate coder, the

unit that converts sampled amplitude values to a set of pulses; and decoder, the unit that performs

the reverse operation. This need not be so, and systems are in operation where a single codec (i.e.,

coder and its associated decoder) is shared between 24, 30, or even 120 separate channels. A

high-speed electronic switch is used to present the analog information signal of each channel,

taken in turn, to the codec. The codec is then arranged to sequentially sample the amplitude

value, and code this value into the 8-digit sequence. Thus the output to the codec may be seen as a

sequence of 8 pulses relating to channel 1, then channel 2, and so on. This unit is called a time

division multiplexer (TDM), and 15 illustrated in Figure 6.3. The multiplexing principle that is

used is known as word interleaving. Since the words, or 8-digit sequences, are interleaved in time.









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