


推荐书的英语作文_Recommendation 5篇




均为满分模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:RecommendationDear principals and teachers:

Recently, I found more and more garbage in the campus. Sometimes the garbage

on the roadside and the roadside is garbage. In addition, some students do not

pay attention to the whole campus looks very untidy when they throw

up waste and broken bags. Beside the garbage can, there are mountains of

garbage and swarms of flies buzzing around. It's really sad for our whole school

The overall image of the garden has caused a great ore, I suggest

that the roadside garbage provided by schools and other places have some shapes,

and it is better to classify the garbage, because I found that the garbage can be

divided into "recyclable" and "non recyclable". On the one hand, it can increase the

income of energy saving; on the other hand, students should establish the concept

of resource saving. Only in this way can we The number of students in the school,

the number of children in recess activities, a large number of carbon dioxide

emissions rebound, only trees can enter the oxygen, the amount of carbon dioxide

in the air can be purified, so we should plant more trees, so that we can have a

better campus principal, please take my advice, let the students

take action, let us (1) more beautiful earth.中文翻译:尊敬的校长和老师们:最近,我










正式建议Students, do you know why airplanes fly in the sky? Do you know how to

call a person who is far away from each other? You don't know why computers can

meet people all over the world through the Internet. If you want to know the

answer, just look at the book "100000 whys", which is very rich in content and

interesting in knowledge, including knowledge of science, geography, history, etc

It's not long to know it, but it's also equipped with a colorful image, that is, vivid

and vivid. Let me give you a brief introduction to "what's the principle of the

telephone".The first telephone was invented by American inventor bell in Edison.

In order to make it simpler, the basic principle of the telephone is to use

electromagnet to turn sound into electric current, Then, the sound is sent to the

receiver receiving the voice through the current transmitter. There is a thin

diaphragm microphone, which can be converted into pulse is transmitted

to the receiver through the wire. The receiver is also a piece of film. The electric

pulse from the other side can make the diaphragm vibrate and produce

vibration through the sound wave is almost the same as that of the

other side. This is what we hear The principle of the telephone is like this. It's not

easy to the invention of the telephone for many years, the

function and performance of the telephone have become more and more perfect.

It has a profound impact on people's life and brought a lot of convenience to

people. Students, if you want to know more about extra-curricular knowledge,

look at this 's not only There are scientific principles and the mysteries of

nature. I think the content of this book will be very attractive to you.中文翻译:学生













然的奥秘我想这本书的内容会很吸引你。满分英语范文3:推荐书There is a street near

my home where the traffic lights have been broken for more than half a year. The

local government did not send people to repair it. People are crossing the street in

their is very erous. I read about a child and wrote a letter to the government.

The official replied, "so I think maybe I can try it.I wrote a proposal asking the

officials to send someone to repair the traffic lights so as to ensure the safety of

the people. A week later, I was surprised to see the traffic lights work, and I'm glad

I don't know if my advice will work, but I'm proud of myself.中文翻译:我家附近有一





本文标签: 电话垃圾才能校园知识