




worry的第三人称单数: worries worry的词

组短语: worry oneself 担心,发愁 worry about 焦

虑…;担心… don’t worry 不要紧;不用担心 no

worry 一无挂虑;无需烦恼 worry over 为……担心,

为……担忧 worry第三人称单数例句: 1. his wife

cheryl said she had no worries about his health. 他

的妻子谢里尔说她并不担心他的健康。 2. share prices

and trading have been dulled by worries over the war.

股票价格和交易因人们对战争的忧虑而走低。 3. our

therapists will show you how to clear your mind of

worries. 我们的治疗师会教你如何消除心中的忧虑。

4. why couldn’t he ever rid himself of those thoughts,

those worries? 为什么他总是无法摆脱那些想法和担忧?

5. privately, she worries about whether she’s really

good enough. 她暗自担心自己是不是真的有那么好。

6. the enclosed leaflet shows how service care can ease

all your worries. 随信寄上的宣传页将说明“服保”

如何能为您解除所有烦忧。 7. britain’s unsettled

political scene also worries some investors. 英国

动荡不安的政治局面也让一些投资者担心不已。 8. the


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president’s impulsiveness often worries his advisers.

总统爱冲动的脾气经常让他的顾问们担心。 9. she hid

her worries behind an air of insouciance. 她掩饰

着自己的烦恼,表现得无忧无虑。 10. she wanted to

enjoy her retirement without being beset by financial

worries. 她想享受退休生活而不必为金钱担忧. 11.

the bank manager has ironed out all my worries about

money. 银行经理消除了我对钱款的忧虑. 12. he

conceals his worries behind a mask of nonchalance.

他装作若无其事,借以掩饰内心的不安. 13. the man of

qi worries in case the sky should fall. 杞人忧天.

14. the child has a bad cough and it rather worries her.

她的孩子咳得很厉害,这使得她很着急. 15. she danced

away her worries.



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本文标签: 担心忧虑说明消除生活