


總體經濟學 期中考 日期:95.11.24


1. In a simple model of the supply and demand for pizza, when aggregate income

increases, the price of pizza _____ and the quantity purchased ______.

A) increases; decreases

B) increases; increases

C) decreases; increases

D) decreases; decreases

2. All of the following statements about sticky prices are true except:

A) in the short run, some wages and prices are sticky.

B) the sticky-price model describes the equilibrium toward which the economy slowly


C) for studying year-to-year fluctuations, most macroeconomists believe that price

stickiness is a better assumption than is price flexibility.

D) magazine publishers tend to change their newsstand prices only every three or four


3. All of the following are measures of GDP except the total:

A) expenditures of all businesses in the economy.

B) income from all production in the economy.

C) expenditures on all final goods produced.

D) value of all final production.

4. Assume that a bakery hires more workers and pays them wages and that the workers

produce more bread. GDP increases in all of the following cases except when the


A) is sold to households.

B) is stored away for later sale.

C) grows stale and is thrown away.

D) is sold to other firms.

5. Assume that the market basket of goods and services purchased in 2002 by the

average family in the United States costs $14,000 in 2002 prices, whereas the same

basket costs $21,000 in 2004 prices. However, the basket of goods and services

actually purchased by the average family in 2004 costs $20,000 in 2004 prices,

whereas this same basket would have cost $15,000 in 2002 prices. Given these data,

a Paasche index of 2004 prices relative to 2002 prices would be:

A) 1.05.

B) approximately 1.07.

C) approximately 1.33.

D) 1.50.

6. To compute the value of GDP:

A) goods and services are valued at market prices.

B) the sale of used goods is included.

C) production for inventory is not included.

D) goods and services are valued by weight.

7. If the adult population equals 250 million, of which 145 million are employed and 5

million are unemployed, the labor force participation rate equals ______ percent.

A) 50

B) 58

C) 60

D) 67

8. A fixed-weight price index like the CPI ______ the change in the cost of living

because it ______ take into account that people can substitute less expensive goods

for ones that have become more expensive.

A) underestimates; does not

B) overestimates; does

C) accurately estimates; does

D) overestimates; does not

9. According to the neoclassical theory of distribution, if firms are competitive and

subject to constant returns to scale, total income in the economy is distributed:

A) only to the labor used in production.

B) partly between labor and capital used in production, with the surplus going to the

owners of the firm as profits.

C) equally between the labor and capital used in production.

D) between the labor and capital used in production, according to their marginal


10. In the classical model with fixed income, if the interest rate is too low, then

investment is too ______ and the demand for output ______ the supply.

A) high; exceeds

B) high; falls short of

C) low; exceeds

D) low; falls short of

11. If disposable income is 4,000, consumption is 3,500, government spending is 1,000,

and tax revenues are 800, national saving is equal to:

A) 300.

B) 500.

C) 700.

D) 1,000.

本文标签: 经济学總體总体經濟學