





1. 增加、扩大(expand, enlarge):

- Studying abroad can broaden one's horizon and provide new

perspectives on the world.

- Traveling can broaden our understanding of different cultures

and traditions.

- The company plans to broaden its market share by targeting a

younger demographic.

2. 丰富、扩展(diversify, expand):

- Reading books helps to broaden our knowledge and deepen our

understanding of various subjects.

- Learning multiple languages can broaden our communication

skills and increase job opportunities.

- Taking up new hobbies or activities can broaden our interests

and make life more fulfilling.

3. 扩散、传播(spread, disseminate):

- Social media platforms have broadened the reach of

information and made it more accessible to a larger audience.

- The invention of the printing press in the 15th century greatly

broadened the dissemination of knowledge and ideas.

- The internet has broadened the availability of educational

resources and online courses.

4. 放宽、放松(relax, loosen):

- The school has decided to broaden its dress code policy to

allow students more freedom in their choice of attire.

- The government is considering broadening the eligibility

criteria for welfare benefits to assist more vulnerable individuals.

- The company is planning to broaden the work-from-home

policy to accommodate employees' different needs and preferences.

5. 多样化(diversify, expand):

- It is important for businesses to broaden their product offerings

to cater to a wider range of customer preferences.

- Universities are working to broaden their curriculum to include

more interdisciplinary courses that cater to students' diverse


- The entertainment industry is constantly striving to broaden the

representation of different social and cultural groups in films and

TV shows.







本文标签: 扩大传播描述用于放宽